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Which is The Best Sales Strategy in 2024?



Which is The Best Sales Strategy in 2024?

What’s the difference between upselling vs cross-selling, and which sales strategy is best for your business?

As a business owner, you can serve your customers in various ways, including upselling and cross-selling. 

Many times, people think they are one and the same.

But they aren’t, and in this post, I’ll explain why.

In this article, you will dive into upselling vs cross-selling to uncover:

  • The differences between upselling vs cross-selling
  • How upselling works and how cross-selling works
  • Examples of upselling and cross-selling opportunities, and
  • What you should and should not upsell or cross-sell.

Let’s look closer at upselling vs cross-selling so you understand how each sales technique works.

What Is The Difference Between Upselling vs Cross-Selling?

Which is The Best Sales Strategy in 2024

Both upselling and cross-selling are sales strategies that can be used in the customer’s buying journey. 

Did you know that most sales reps use upselling and cross-selling in their selling strategy?

According to Hubspot , 88% upsell and 79% cross-sell.

Opportunities to upsell and cross-sell are plentiful in many buying scenarios.

For example, if a customer visits McDonald’s and wants a cheeseburger, there’s an opportunity to upsell them from a medium cheeseburger combo meal to a large cheeseburger combo meal (which includes a large fries and large drink).

Another example is when you visit Best Buy and purchase a laptop.

At the checkout counter, you might be asked if you want to buy the 2-year laptop warranty.

This is cross-selling.

Which selling technique is best, and how are you supposed to use them to provide the best customer satisfaction while reaping the most benefits as a business?

Let’s explore – but before I get into it, here’s a solid breakdown of what upselling and cross-selling are and how they work in a sales setting.

What is Upselling?

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Upselling is about persuading a customer to buy a more expensive version of the product they are already considering. 

In the above example, the customer asks for a McDonald’s cheeseburger, and they are upsold to get a more expensive version of their original purchase. In this case, they’re offered a large cheeseburger meal combo from their original medium cheeseburger combo meal. This includes more items and costs more.

Customers are encouraged to spend more money in exchange for more features, an upgrade, or a premium option.

Another example is a customer interested in buying a new cell phone. The salesperson might suggest upgrading to a more expensive phone with advanced features and better performance.

Instead of buying smartphone A for $200, they’re offered smartphone B for $400 but with more upgraded premium features.  

Upselling is a sales strategy that businesses use to maximize their revenue. It allows them to squeeze as many dollars out of a single transaction as they possibly can.

In advertising, it costs more money to acquire a new customer than it does to retain an existing one. 

The cost of acquiring new customers is five times higher than the cost of retaining existing customers.


Upselling is a cost-effective approach for increasing the customer’s lifetime value.

Using the right tools is an essential part of this process.

For businesses, I really like CartFlows sales funnel builder, which includes a very handy one-click upsell feature.

What is Cross-Selling?

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Cross-selling is about offering complementary products or services to the customer in addition to what they are already purchasing. 

This sales technique encourages customers to buy extra items that complement their original purchase, enhancing their overall experience.

For example, if a customer buys a computer, they may be offered a warranty or a mouse and mouse pad as additional options to accompany their purchase.  

The warranty, mouse, and mouse pad are complementary to the original purchase. 

This can increase customer satisfaction, and it’s aimed at building long-term relationships with customers, which can also increase customer lifetime value.

How Are Upselling And Cross-selling Different?

First, let’s talk about what they have in common.

They both aim at increasing customer spend, and they’re both ways to increase customer lifetime value.

Upselling grows the original transaction by offering an upgrade. Cross-selling grows the original transaction by offering a complementary product to the original purchase.

How to Upsell?

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Effectively upselling takes you through a multi-step process to understand the customer’s needs so you can appropriately upsell them while providing an excellent customer experience.

Understand The Customer’s Needs

First, you need to understand the customer’s needs and preferences. This will help you tailor your upselling approach to address their needs and overall goals. 

Highlight Benefits

Talk about the benefits of the upgrade option you’re presenting. Explain the differences between the original version and the upgraded version. 

Share why you think it will benefit the customer, including how it will solve their problem and improve their situation.  

Provide Relevant Recommendations

Recommend products appropriately based on the customer’s needs and the original purchase. 

Identify related products that upgrade the customer’s experience with value in exchange for the increased price. 

Offer Personalized Suggestions

Personalize your recommendations based on the information you know about the customer.

Look at factors like:

  • Purchase history
  • Needs
  • Preferences
  • Goals
  • Restraints.

Using this information in a tailored, personalized recommendation will help make your offer more enticing.

Create Value Propositions

Clearly express the value proposition of the upsell to the customer. 

Highlight all the benefits, including savings, convenience, time savings, etc. And talk about what the customer will gain from the upgrade.  

Bundle Products or Services

Bundle complementary products or services together. Talk about the value of the bundle and highlight the discounted price.

Use Social Proof

Social proof sells!

Share testimonials, reviews, or success stories from other customers. Social proof is excellent for building trust and helping the customer feel more confident about their purchase decision. 

Offer Limited-Time Deals

Create a sense of urgency by offering limited-time offers on your upsells.

Share limited-time deals with customers and encourage them to take advantage of the offer before it ends.

How to Cross-Sell?

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Cross-selling is a sales technique that can improve sales performance by encouraging customers to buy complementary products to their original purchase.

The value of a customer’s purchase increases, maximizing the revenue a seller earns from that single transaction. 

It can also play a major role in customer success and enhance a customer’s overall experience.

Here’s how cross-selling typically works:

  1. Understand the customer’s needs
  2. Identify relevant products or services
  3. Recommend complementary products
  4. Share the value and benefits.

Understand Customer Needs

The first step in the process is to understand the customer’s needs. Listen to the customer and identify their needs. 

This is one of the most important parts of the process.

By understanding the customer’s situation, you can cross-sell appropriately, ensuring that your recommendations are relevant to the customer. 

Identify Relevant Products or Services

Next, identify the right products that are complementary to the customer’s original purchase.

These products should be:

  • Relevant
  • Valuable
  • Problem-solving.

Recommend Complementary Products or Services

Then, after you’ve identified the right products to offer, recommend those complementary products to the customer during the sales process.

Share The Value and Benefits

Clearly express the value of the cross-sell products to the customer.

Explain how they will enhance the customer’s original purchase and fulfill their needs. 

Bundles and packages are great examples of cross-selling. You can offer extra value to the customer, incentivizing them to make multiple purchases at once.

Cross-Selling Tips To Win Over Customers

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There are many ways you can successfully cross-sell customers to win their business. Creating a cross-selling strategy is an excellent way to improve the odds of increasing your company’s sales performance.

Provide Social Proof

Social proof works for cross-selling, just as it does for upselling.

This includes:

  • Testimonials
  • Reviews, or
  • Success stories from other customers.

Social proof can build trust and confidence in customers. It increases the perceived value and is incredibly effective in cross-selling.

Create Incentives

Offer incentives like discounts, promotions, or loyalty rewards to encourage customers to add cross-selling items to their purchases. Limited-time offers or exclusive deals can create a sense of urgency and motivate customers to take action.

After the sale happens, don’t forget to follow up with the customer.

Follow-up is part of what makes a great customer experience. You want to ensure they are satisfied with their purchase and take the opportunity to offer assistance or support if needed. 

What Is The Best Example: Upselling and Cross-Selling?

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Cross-selling and upselling examples can paint a picture and illustrate the process of each sales strategy.

Cross-Selling Examples

Here are some cross-selling examples:

  • A customer buys car insurance, and the representative cross-sells them roadside assistance or rental car reimbursement.
  • When booking a hotel room, the reservation agent may offer the customer additional services like airport shuttle service.
  • A customer opens a new checking account, and the bank representative may suggest adding a savings account, credit card, or overdraft protection service.

You can see that in each of these examples, the customer is offered complementary products to their original purchase. They upgrade their purchase and spend more, but they get more value, too.

Upselling Examples

Let’s look at upselling examples next.

  • When booking a flight, the airline may offer the chance to upgrade to a higher class of flight service with extra legroom or priority boarding for an extra fee.
  • A customer is purchasing a laptop online, and the website offers the option to upgrade to a higher-end model with more memory and a faster processor.
  • When buying a high-definition TV, the sales rep suggests getting a 3D high-definition TV instead for more of a professional, theater-like viewing experience.

Upselling involves persuading the customer to buy a more expensive version of what they’re already buying, like going for the more expensive cell phone with more features or upgrading from coach to first class for an airline flight because of more amenities.

What Should You Not Upsell or Cross-Sell?

So, upselling and cross-selling work in many different selling situations.

When they are not appropriate?

It’s very important to know when not to upsell or cross-sell because it can save you from problems like:

  • Ruining the relationship between you and the customer
  • Negatively impacting your reputation because of offering unethical or misleading products

You also don’t want to offer products that are irrelevant and inflate the price to make more money. 

Here are some examples of when you should not upsell or cross-sell:

  • Offering unnecessary items that aren’t fit with the customer’s original purchase
  • Suggesting low-quality or overpriced items
  • Suggesting products that are incompatible with a customer’s original purchase
  • Promoting unethical or misleading offers
  • Offering products outside the customer’s budget.

Which sales strategy wins? Upselling or cross-selling?

Final Verdict: Upselling vs Cross Selling

So, which one is better – upselling or cross-selling?

The real answer is – Both!

Upselling and cross-selling are both effective sales approaches for business if you use them correctly.

Cross-selling shines in retail settings along with industries like e-commerce, healthcare, SAAS, financial services, and automotive, to name a few.

Upselling is great for consumer electronics, travel and tourism, financial services, retail, beauty, and automotive.

Yet, you can see that there’s some crossover there. That’s because the two sales approaches work well for many similar industries.

So, if you’ve been struggling to understand the difference between upselling vs cross-selling, I hope this post and the examples help make it clearer.

Which sales strategy are you using in your business?

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Red Lobster Speaks Out on ‘Misunderstood’ Bankruptcy Filing



Red Lobster Speaks Out on 'Misunderstood' Bankruptcy Filing

It may be the end of an era for beloved seafood chain Red Lobster, which officially declared bankruptcy on Monday after months of speculation and dozens of abrupt restaurant closures.

Now, the company is speaking out to loyal customers — and investigating the role that its shrimp supplier may have played in its demise.

Related: Red Lobster Suddenly Shutters Dozens of Locations Without Warning Employees, Begins Auctioning Off Equipment

In a letter posted to social media, Red Lobster thanked customers for their nearly five decades of loyalty and assured the masses that the chain wasn’t going anywhere.

“Bankruptcy is a word that is often misunderstood. Filing for bankruptcy does not mean we are going out of business,” Red Lobster wrote. “In fact, it means just the opposite. It is a legal process that allows us to make changes to our business and our cost structure so that Red Lobster can continue as a stronger company going forward.”

Red Lobster noted that companies including Delta Airlines and Hertz “emerged stronger” after filing for Chapter 11 (Delta in September 2005, Hertz in May 2020) and found ways to bounce back.

“Birthdays, graduations, anniversaries, and yes, weddings. We’ve been here for them all,” the chain penned. “Red Lobster is determined to be there for these moments for generations to come.”

Red Lobster’s downfall was a slow burn, primarily blamed on an $11 million loss in November 2023 due to the chain rollout of an “Endless Shrimp” promotion. The deal offered customers all the shrimp they could eat for $20, and it proved to be a bit too popular.

Last week, it was reported that stores had begun shuttering without warning around the country, with dozens auctioning off all of their furniture and equipment online and some employees claiming they were given no notice ahead of time.

In a filing on Sunday, Red Lobster CEO Jonathan Tibus called out former CEO Paul Kenny and Red Lobster’s seafood supplier and owner, Thai Union, regarding decisions made surrounding the “Endless Shrimp” promotion and that Red Lobster is “currently investigating the circumstances” around the decision to make the promotion permanent instead of limited-time.

Related: Endless Shrimp Deal Is Too Popular, Red Lobster Loses $11M

“I understand that Thai Union exercised an outsized influence on the Company’s shrimp purchasing,” Tibus wrote. “[Red Lobster is] exploring the impact of the control Thai Union exerted, in concert with Mr. Kenny and other Thai Union-affiliated entities and individuals, and whether actions taken in light of these parties’ varying interests were appropriate and consistent with applicable duties and obligations to Red Lobster.”

Thai Union completed its purchase of Red Lobster in 2020.

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UMass Dartmouth Commencement Speaker Gives Grads $1000 Each



UMass Dartmouth Commencement Speaker Gives Grads $1000 Each

The best commencement speeches are often motivational and thought-provoking, leaving new graduates optimistic as they head into the “real world.”

But for the Class of 2024 at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, new grads walked away with more than just a wealth of knowledge — they left their ceremony with an extra $1,000 in their pockets.

Related: ‘There Is More To Life Than Work’: Bill Gates Delivers Emotional Message To Graduates About Learning To Take A Break

Last week, the founder and CEO of Granite Telecommunications, Robert Hale Jr., spoke to grads at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth about their futures and shared a story about a time when his business suffered a $1 billion loss in just one day to explain the importance of perseverance through failure.

“It’s okay to fail,” Hale told graduates. “Life will give you challenges and if you take those challenges you’ll fail from time to time — don’t worry about it … don’t fear failure, understand that it’s just part of the process, and if you use that fear of failure to motivate yourself, you’ll be better for it.”

Then, as he wrapped up, he shocked the audience by announcing he was giving each graduate graduate $1,000 — but there was a catch.

“These trying times have heightened the need for sharing, caring, and giving,” Hale told students. “Our community needs you and your generosity more than ever.”

The students were given two envelopes with $500 each — one was intended for the students to keep for themselves while the other was for them to give to someone else in need.

Related: Sheryl Sandberg’s Advice to Grads: Banish Self-Doubt, Dream Bigger and Lean In, Always

“As the degree conferral was about to begin, Hale came forward and let the graduates know he had one more bit of advice for them. He told the eager crowd that for him and his wife Karen, ‘the greatest joys we’ve had in our life have been the gift of giving,'” UMass Dartmouth said in a release. “Hale let the Class of 2024 know that the two large duffle bags being brought up on stage by security were packed with envelopes full of cash.”

There were roughly 1,200 students in UMass Dartmouth’s 2024 graduating class.

Hale’s current net worth is an estimated $5.4 billion.

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Stay Prepared on the Road with This $80 Tire Inflator



Disclosure: Our goal is to feature products and services that we think you’ll find interesting and useful. If you purchase them, Entrepreneur may get a small share of the revenue from the sale from our commerce partners.

Business travel is inherently risky because driving poses certain innate hazards. If you’re a business leader sending yourself, team members, or employees out on the road, the least you can do is equip them with the tools they need to operate as safely as possible and get out of a jam if they happen to run into one.

A great tool that’s designed to help fix flat tires, this HOTO Air Pump Pro Portable Air Compressor and Tire Inflator, is on sale for just $79.99 (reg. $119). Promised to be 85% faster than competitors, this four-preset air pump is made to be able to fill a tire in at most five minutes.

Running on a 12V pump motor, this fast-working pump features a powerful battery life that can charge as many as 15 under-inflated tires within a single charge. When you’re filling up, the pump also prevents you from overdoing things with its worry-free automatic stop that ceases operations when the proper inflation is met.

This fantastic tire pump can serve as a great safety tool for business travelers. It can also promote exercise and recreation when used to pump up sports balls and bike tires.

The versatility and quality of this small, compact device have added up to make it a hit amongst users and critics alike. It’s even earned a coveted nomination from MoMa Design.

Don’t forget that for a limited time only, this HOTO Air Pump Pro Portable Air Compressor and Tire Inflator is on sale for just $79.99 (reg. $119).

StackSocial prices subject to change.

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