LinkedIn Shares Insights into Platform Usage and Audience in New Guide for Wealth Planning Marketers

Looking to get a better handle on the marketing opportunities on LinkedIn, and how many business decision-makers you can potentially reach with your LinkedIn ads and posts?
This week, LinkedIn has published a new, 25-page guide to LinkedIn marketing for wealth marketing firm marketers.
Which, of course, is fairly niche, but it does provide some great tips for brands in the wealth management space, while also highlighting the potential for connection among the broader LinkedIn audience.
In addition to this, however, the guide also includes some more universally valuable notes on LinkedIn usage, including this graphic:

This is the first time I’ve seen these insights from LinkedIn, showing total members reached by company posts, increases in usage and paid media, total impressions, connections and more.
LinkedIn engagement data is fairly difficult to come by, especially since LinkedIn was acquired by Microsoft back in 2016, which eliminated the need for LinkedIn to keep publishing platform performance stats. Now, LinkedIn’s usage data has been reduced to a few dot points in Microsoft’s quarterly updates, and while we do have access to the platform’s overall member numbers, ‘members’ and ‘users’, and usage, are very different things.

Which is why these notes are interesting, while LinkedIn has also shared insights on how its members value insights from business leaders.

And other demographic information, comparing LinkedIn’s audience to other social platforms.

Those are some potentially valuable notes, which could help in your strategic planning, and mapping out a process for connecting with the right audience for your brand and products.
In addition, there’s also this note on cryptocurrencies which may also relate to evolving trends:

The data provides additional perspective on the broader LinkedIn audience, and the potential value in targeting and connecting with these users through the app’s various tools.
Of course, the main focus of LinkedIn’s new guide is financial services firms and wealth planners, and if you’re marketing for these sectors, it’s definitely worth a look. But even beyond this niche, the notes here do provide some value for LinkedIn planning.
You can download LinkedIn’s wealth management planning guide here.
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