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13 Tips to Create Great Content That Ranks



Over the past few years, we’ve grown the Ahrefs blog from ~5,000 to ~317,000 monthly search visits.

Ahrefs blog traffic, via Google Search Console

How did we do it?

Essentially, we’ve found a content creation method that blends good SEO fundamentals with sound copywriting principles. So not only does our content rank high on Google, but it also encourages our readers to read, link to, share and, later on, purchase our product. 

Of course, we cannot solely attribute the traffic growth to our process. But we think it’s a part of the explanation. 

In this post, I’ll share the SEO copywriting tips we’ve implemented in our content writing process.

But first, let’s define exactly what SEO copywriting is.


SEO copywriting is the process of writing content for search engines and users. It’s where you craft content to rank on Google that searchers want to read, link to, and share. 

After all, content that gets tons of traffic from Google but never gets read is useless. The same goes for content that is incredibly compelling but never gets any traffic. 

Now that we’ve understood what SEO copywriting is, let’s get into the actionable tips that you can implement. 

At 388,000 monthly searches in the U.S., the term “basketball shoes” looks like a good keyword to write a blog post about—if you own a basketball blog.

Search volume for the keyword, "basketball shoes"

But you’d be mistaken. 

If we look at the SERPs for “basketball shoes,” we’ll see the results are mostly e-commerce category pages from online retailers:

SERP for "basketball shoes"

Google understands that searchers are in buying mode, not learning mode. So it ranks category pages over blog posts. 

And this is the first tip: create the right kind of content for the keyword you’re targeting. Fail to do that, and ranking will be an uphill battle. 


In the SEO world, this concept is known as search intent, i.e., the why behind a search query. To analyze search intent, we can simply look at the top-ranking pages to figure out the three Cs of search intent. 

Content type

What type of content is Google mostly ranking? Typically, the types are blog posts, product pages, category pages, landing pages, or videos. 

For example, the search results for “wireless headphones” are all e-commerce category pages. And for “best wireless headphones,” they’re mostly blog posts.

SERP for "wireless headphones"
SERP for “wireless headphones.”
SERP for "best wireless headphones"
SERP for “best wireless headphones.”

Content format

Content format applies mostly to informational content. Example formats include how-tos, listicles, news articles, opinion pieces, and reviews.

For example, when you Google “date ideas,” you’ll see that they’re all lists:

SERP for "date ideas"

Content angle

This is the main selling point of the content. Typically, you’ll be able to see a dominant angle on the SERPs. 

For example, the top results for “how to make egg fried rice” want the process to be easy:

SERP for "how to make egg fried rice"

Recommended reading: What Is Search Intent? A Complete Guide for Beginners 


2. Cover the topic in full

Google wants to rank the most relevant, useful result on the first page. So your post should show that it deserves a place there.

How do you do this?

By covering all the things searchers want to know and expect to see.

Search intent is one aspect of this process. But analyzing the three Cs only gives you a high-level overview of the intent. To better understand what your content should cover, you need to dig deeper by further analyzing relevant top-ranking pages, i.e., pages that are similar to what you’re going to create. 

For example, if you’re creating a listicle about the best wireless headphones, then you shouldn’t take reference from e-commerce category pages or landing pages. 


With that said, let’s look at how to fully cover a topic. 

Look for common subheadings

Subheadings offer quick insights into what searchers are looking for, especially if there are the same or similar ones across the top-ranking pages.

For example, if you look at the top results for “best wireless earbuds,” you’ll see that—as expected—they all mention Apple’s AirPods Pro.

Mention of AirPods Pro
Mention of AirPods Pro
Mention of AirPods Pro

That probably means the AirPods should be on your shortlist for consideration. Other products that should be on your shortlist include these:

  • Sony WF-1000XM4
  • Bose QuietComfort Earbuds
  • One of the Jabra Elites (3, 75t, 85t)

A quick way to view all the subheadings in a post is to install Ahrefs’ SEO Toolbar and use the free content report:

Content report, via Ahrefs' SEO Toolbar

Of course, if you disagree vehemently with any of the picks in the top-ranking pages, don’t include them. Treat this as inspiration—you should, at the very least, check out and test these products and see if they’re worthy of inclusion. 

Look for subtopics among keyword rankings

A page doesn’t just rank for the main keyword; it also ranks for other keywords that fall under the main topic (i.e., subtopics).

If we can find out what these subtopics are, we can also cover them on our page. Here’s how to find them:

  1. Paste a few top-ranking URLs for your main topic into Ahrefs’ Content Gap tool
  2. Leave the bottom section blank
  3. Hit Show keywords
  4. Set the Intersection filter to 3 and 4 targets
Content Gap analysis, via Ahrefs' Site Explorer

We can see that these pages also rank for subtopics like these:

  • Best wireless earbuds for android
  • Best earbuds for iphone
  • Best earbuds for phone calls
  • Most comfortable earbuds
  • Wireless earbuds with longest battery life

These are good subtopics to cover for the article you’re creating. 

Look at People Also Ask boxes

If you search for something in Google, you’ll see a SERP feature known as a People Also Ask (PAA) box:

People Also Ask box for "best wireless earbuds"

These questions offer insights into other things searchers may want to know. For example, you may want to consider adding a section in your article about why it is/isn’t worth it to buy true wireless earbuds. 

You can use tools like AlsoAsked to pull all the PAA questions related to the keyword you’re targeting:

Results from AlsoAsked

Look at the pages manually

Finally, nothing beats simply analyzing each page manually. Click the top-ranking pages on the SERPs and go through each one by one. You’ll learn a lot that way. 

3. Add “link triggers”

Google says links are one of its top three ranking factors. Our own study of 1 billion pages also found a strong, positive correlation between the number of websites linking to a page and how much search traffic it gets from Google:

Chart showing correlation between search traffic and referring domains

So you’ll want your content to be able to earn links. We can do this by understanding why people are linking to the pages you wish to beat—and then apply those insights to your post.

We call these “link triggers.”

Let’s take the keyword “seo copywriting” as an example. If we look at the SERPs for the topic, we see competing pages with tons of backlinks:

SERP overview for "seo copywriting"

But why are so many people linking to these pages anyway?

To find out, let’s take one of these URLs, paste it into Ahrefs’ Site Explorer, and check the Anchors report. This shows the most common words people use when linking to the page.

Here, we can see that lots of people are linking to this post because of two concepts it introduces: “bucket brigades” and the “APP method.”

Anchors report for Backlinko's SEO copywriting post, via Ahrefs' Site Explorer

The goal isn’t to simply copy-paste these ideas into your post. It’s to analyze why. So in this example, Brian is the first person to introduce these copywriting ideas to the SEO niche. 

Therefore, to apply this insight to our own post, we’ll have to share unique tips of our own too. (Which is what we’ve done!) If you see that people are linking to a page because of a unique statistic, then you may want to consider running a study or doing a survey.

4. Make reading easy with the ASMR formula

Reading is a transaction. Your readers are basically trading their time for your words. If there’s any point where they feel like the content is too burdensome to read, they’ll hit the “back” button.


So make sure your content is designed and written in a way that’s comfortable for reading. Do this by following the ASMR formula:

  • Annotations – Adding notes, sidenotes, and other elements like blockquotes and call-out boxes helps break up the monotony of the post.
  • Short sentences and paragraphs – Long sentences are hard to follow. Find instances where you used transitional words like “and,” “because,” and “that.” Break them up into shorter statements.
  • Multimedia like videos, images, and GIFs – Including these can help illustrate your points without having to add extra words.
  • Read your copy out loud – Doing so lets you pinpoint areas where your content doesn’t flow smoothly.

5. Speak your audience’s language

The main goal of copywriting is to persuade. But nothing can be more unpersuasive than reading something that’s obviously written by someone who’s an “outsider.” 

For example, dancers dislike the term “breakdance” and “breakdancers.” It’s even classified as an insult in the community. The proper term is “breaking” or “b-boying”/“b-girling.” 

If you’re not using those terms, it’ll be apparent to the reader you’re not in tune with the niche—which will turn them off.

Most people think copywriting is about writing, but nothing can be further from the truth. The core of the copywriting process is deep research. 


If you’re unfamiliar with the jargon, terms, pains, problems, desires, and wants of your audience, then you’ll have to find out. Browse the communities where your target audience hangs out.  These can be places like:

For example, if I were to start a b-boying blog, I’d head over to r/bboy. With just a couple of minutes of scrolling, I’d learn new terms like invert, cypher, power moves, air tracks, windmills, and more. 

Post on r/bboy

6. Write like how you talk

There’s something about business that makes people all stiff, uptight, and overly formal. People may overlook it at an event, but they won’t overlook it in your copy. 

After all, nothing screams “stop reading now” more than a piece of content written like an academic report filled with meaningless jargon. 

Don’t make this mistake. Good web copy is casual. It’s like you conversing with a friend—except that your “friend” is a reader on the internet. 

If you’re worried that your copy sounds too business-like, you can paste it into Hemingway: 

Hemingway App

It’ll keep your content simple, clear, and casual. 

7. Give your content a unique spin

It’s important to match search intent. It’s also important to cover the topic in full—at least as much as possible. But don’t mistake this as a call to create copycat content. 

You still have to give your content a unique spin. 

Why? A few reasons:

  1. If your content is like everyone else’s, then the reader has no reason to read yours over the others. They can easily choose another and be done with it.
  2. We’ve established that links are important. But people usually link because of something unique and original. If your article is the same as others, then there’s no reason to link to it. 
  3. If your content doesn’t stand out on the SERPs, the searcher has no reason to click it either. 

You get the point. 

SEO copywriting is a balance between giving searchers what they want and saying something unique and original. This can be in the form of a unique angle, unique tips that only you know, unique resources like checklists and templates, or something from your personal experience. 


That’s what we tried to do in this post. We’ve given both tips based on our experience and tips not seen anywhere else (e.g., ASMR formula, link triggers).

How do you create something unique? Here are a few tips:

  1. Actually experience something – There’s no substitute for personal experience. If you want to write about intermittent fasting, actually fast then write about it. See our post about email outreach
  2. Talk to experts – Sometimes, it’s impossible to actually do or experience something. But someone else probably has. Talk to them and get their advice and perspective. We did that with our post on Google penalties.
  3. Analyze data Do research and study something—get actual numbers behind popular claims in your niche. Check out our Google Search Console study.
  4. Crowdsource – Get the opinions of multiple experts, like what we did with our post on SEO managers
  5. Consider the opposite – Is the opposite side always false? What if it was true? Think about it and, if possible, find evidence to justify your position. 

8. Use the “inverted pyramid” method

Most pages seem to bury important information.

For example, take a look at this list of the best non-stick pans:

Introduction in a post about best non-stick pans

There are 241 words of “nice to know” background information before the post gets to what everyone came for: the answer to the question.

Compare that to Wirecutter’s post about the same thing:

Wirecutter's introduction in its post on the best non-stick pans

This time, the answer is right there in the first paragraph.

For the impatient reader, this is perfect. They get what they want right away. For the rest who prefer context or more details, there’s plenty more to read.

This format is known as the inverted pyramid. It’s a journalism technique where you give people the essential information before the non-essential.

Introduction in Tim Ferriss' post

From an SEO perspective, giving readers the information they’re looking for without them having to work for it may help to reduce pogo-sticking—bouncing back and forth between pages on the SERPs—and improve dwell time.

Applying this idea is simple. In your introduction, answer the main question you’re targeting. For example, our post on what SERPs are goes directly into the definition of a SERP:

Ahrefs blog post on "what are SERPs"

Then in the rest of the article, you can fill in the details while also answering related questions.

9. Use a table of contents

Consciously or not, the reader is always checking if your content fulfills what they’re looking for.  If it says it has the answer to their question, then they’ll keep an eye out to see if it’s true. If it’s not, they’ll leave. 


This is why you should add a table of contents.

Example of a table of contents

This allows your readers to immediately understand if your post is likely to answer the question they have. If it does, they can easily navigate to that section.

Once they’ve started reading, they may be sucked into your copy and start reading the rest naturally.

An additional benefit of a table of contents is that it creates sitelinks on the page, which Google sometimes shows on the SERPs:

An example of sitelinks

This can potentially lead to more clicks.

A quality introduction keeps the reader sliding down your page’s “slippery slope,” whereas a poor intro sends them back to the SERPs. 

If you want a simple way to write a kick-ass intro, consider using the Problem-Agitate-Solve (PAS) formula. 

The PAS formula

Here’s what it looks like in the wild:

An example of the PAS formula in action

At this point, you may have a question. We now have both the inverted pyramid and the PAS formula as potential intros. Which one should you use? 

The answer lies in the topic you’re targeting. 


If there’s a direct answer—“What are SERPs?” — then use the inverted pyramid. If the topic is targeting a problem or pain point—“How to build links”—then you can consider using the PAS formula. 

11. Don’t sleep on title tags

Your title tag is the headline of your article. It determines whether your content gets clicked on the SERPs. Don’t neglect them. 

A good exercise to practice is to write out at least 10 different variations of your title tag before deciding on one. That’s what the best writers do: For an extreme example, bestselling author James Clear even went the extra mile and brainstormed 400 titles for his book:

You don’t have to do 400—around 10 will do. Beyond that, here are three tips to improve your title tags:

  1. Use “power words” – Power words like “remarkable,” “captivating,” and “noteworthy” are words that trigger a positive or negative emotional response. Sprinkling one or two of these into your title tags can make them more compelling, e.g., 7 Benefits of Running -> 7 Life-changing Benefits of Running.
  2. Add parentheses – Parentheses strengthen your title tag by adding “icing on the cake.” Here’s an example: 7 Benefits of Running (Backed by Science)
  3. Include the year in your title – Some queries want fresh results. For example, if you’re targeting a keyword like “best wireless earbuds,” searchers will want to see results that are updated this year. To communicate freshness, add the current year in your title. 

Recommended reading: How to Craft the Perfect SEO Title Tag (Our 4-Step Process)

12. Add “open loops”

Why did the scene cut away? Is Oh Ill-nam dead? What happened?” you think to yourself, sobbing. The next thing you know, it’s 5 a.m. and you’ve just binge-watched the entire “Squid Game” series. 

For years now, TV producers and script writers have used a method to get you hooked on their shows. This technique is known as “open loops.”

Essentially, they’ll set up a plot element in an earlier episode to make you curious. Then they’ll intentionally not resolve it until some episodes later. 


This leaves you wanting. You’ll crave the sweet release—the closure to the loop. You’ll wait desperately for the new episodes, and you’ll watch them immediately when they’re released. 

This technique isn’t just limited to TV shows. You can apply it to your own content too. Here’s an example: In Tim Ferriss’ post on how to cut weight, he says he’s done it multiple times:

Introduction in Tim Ferriss' post

But he doesn’t go into the “how to” right away. Instead, he segues into a story:

Introduction in Tim Ferriss' post

You have to keep reading to find out. Eventually, he resolves it:

Introduction in Tim Ferriss' post

Remember: You must always close the loop. Otherwise, this destroys the trust your readers place in you.

13. Establish proof and credibility

Scott Adams, most famous for his work “Dilbert,” writes in “Win Bigly”:

Persuasion is strongest when the messenger is credible.

People want to learn how to b-boy from a Red Bull BC One finalist. They want to learn how to finish obstacle courses from a Toughest Mudder competitor. And they want to learn how to lift from an actual Strength & Conditioning coach. 


One way to ensure your copy persuades, inspires trust, or gets someone to engage is to establish proof that you know what you’re saying. That you’re an authority and an expert. Because when you’re trustworthy and reputable, people will give credence to your words and believe what you say. 

There’s an SEO benefit too, specifically for E-A-T. E-A-T stands for expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. It’s what Google’s human quality raters use to assess the quality of search results. While it’s not a direct ranking factor, improving E-A-T is important for many queries. 

What does that mean for your content? It means whenever possible, make sure to show the reader your authority, expertise, and credibility. (Notice what I did in the beginning?) It can be these:

  • Proof of accomplishments
  • Certifications
  • Awards
  • Social proof

And more.

Final thoughts

SEO isn’t only about ranking on Google. It’s also about getting your readers to read, share, and link to you. 

That’s why copywriting is important. Nobody is going to read a garbage piece of content—no matter how high it ranks.

Got any questions? Holla at me on Twitter.


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Google’s Search Engine Market Share Drops As Competitors’ Grows




Assorted search engine apps including Google, and Bing are seen on an iPhone. Microsoft plans to use ChatGPT in Bing, and has launched an AI chatbot.

According to data from GS Statcounter, Google’s search engine market share has fallen to 86.99%, the lowest point since the firm began tracking search engine share in 2009.

The drop represents a more than 4% decrease from the previous month, marking the largest single-month decline on record.

Screenshot from:, May 2024.

U.S. Market Impact

The decline is most significant in Google’s key market, the United States, where its share of searches across all devices fell by nearly 10%, reaching 77.52%.

1714669058 226 Googles Search Engine Market Share Drops As Competitors GrowsScreenshot from:, May 2024.

Concurrently, competitors Microsoft Bing and Yahoo Search have seen gains. Bing reached a 13% market share in the U.S. and 5.8% globally, its highest since launching in 2009.

Yahoo Search’s worldwide share nearly tripled to 3.06%, a level not seen since July 2015.

1714669058 375 Googles Search Engine Market Share Drops As Competitors GrowsScreenshot from:, May 2024.

Search Quality Concerns

Many industry experts have recently expressed concerns about the declining quality of Google’s search results.

A portion of the SEO community believes that the search giant’s results have worsened following the latest update.


These concerns have begun to extend to average internet users, who are increasingly voicing complaints about the state of their search results.

Alternative Perspectives

Web analytics platform SimilarWeb provided additional context on X (formerly Twitter), stating that its data for the US for March 2024 suggests Google’s decline may not be as severe as initially reported.

SimilarWeb also highlighted Yahoo’s strong performance, categorizing it as a News and Media platform rather than a direct competitor to Google in the Search Engine category.

Why It Matters

The shifting search engine market trends can impact businesses, marketers, and regular users.

Google has been on top for a long time, shaping how we find things online and how users behave.

However, as its market share drops and other search engines gain popularity, publishers may need to rethink their online strategies and optimize for multiple search platforms besides Google.

Users are becoming vocal about Google’s declining search quality over time. As people start trying alternate search engines, the various platforms must prioritize keeping users satisfied if they want to maintain or grow their market position.

It will be interesting to see how they respond to this boost in market share.

What It Means for SEO Pros

As Google’s competitors gain ground, SEO strategies may need to adapt by accounting for how each search engine’s algorithms and ranking factors work.


This could involve diversifying SEO efforts across multiple platforms and staying up-to-date on best practices for each one.

The increased focus on high-quality search results emphasizes the need to create valuable, user-focused content that meets the needs of the target audience.

SEO pros must prioritize informative, engaging, trustworthy content that meets search engine algorithms and user expectations.

Remain flexible, adaptable, and proactive to navigate these shifts. Keeping a pulse on industry trends, user behaviors, and competing search engine strategies will be key for successful SEO campaigns.

Featured Image: Tada Images/Shutterstock

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How To Drive Pipeline With A Silo-Free Strategy




How To Drive Pipeline With A Silo-Free Strategy

When it comes to B2B strategy, a holistic approach is the only approach. 

Revenue organizations usually operate with siloed teams, and often expect a one-size-fits-all solution (usually buying clicks with paid media). 

However, without cohesive brand, infrastructure, and pipeline generation efforts, they’re pretty much doomed to fail. 

It’s just like rowing crew, where each member of the team must synchronize their movements to propel the boat forward – successful B2B marketing requires an integrated strategy. 

So if you’re ready to ditch your disjointed marketing efforts and try a holistic approach, we’ve got you covered.


Join us on May 15, for an insightful live session with Digital Reach Agency on how to craft a compelling brand and PMF. 

We’ll walk through the critical infrastructure you need, and the reliances and dependences of the core digital marketing disciplines.

Key takeaways from this webinar:

  • Thinking Beyond Traditional Silos: Learn why traditional marketing silos are no longer viable and how they spell doom for modern revenue organizations.
  • How To Identify and Fix Silos: Discover actionable strategies for pinpointing and sealing the gaps in your marketing silos. 
  • The Power of Integration: Uncover the secrets to successfully integrating brand strategy, digital infrastructure, and pipeline generation efforts.

Ben Childs, President and Founder of Digital Reach Agency, and Jordan Gibson, Head of Growth at Digital Reach Agency, will show you how to seamlessly integrate various elements of your marketing strategy for optimal results.

Don’t make the common mistake of using traditional marketing silos – sign up now and learn what it takes to transform your B2B go-to-market.

You’ll also get the opportunity to ask Ben and Jordan your most pressing questions, following the presentation.

And if you can’t make it to the live event, register anyway and we’ll send you a recording shortly after the webinar. 


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Why Big Companies Make Bad Content



Why Big Companies Make Bad Content

It’s like death and taxes: inevitable. The bigger a company gets, the worse its content marketing becomes.

HubSpot teaching you how to type the shrug emoji or buy bitcoin stock. Salesforce sharing inspiring business quotes. GoDaddy helping you use Bing AI, or Zendesk sharing catchy sales slogans.

Judged by content marketing best practice, these articles are bad.

They won’t resonate with decision-makers. Nobody will buy a HubSpot license after Googling “how to buy bitcoin stock.” It’s the very definition of vanity traffic: tons of visits with no obvious impact on the business.

So why does this happen?

I did a double-take the first time I discovered this article on the HubSpot blog.

There’s an obvious (but flawed) answer to this question: big companies are inefficient.

As companies grow, they become more complicated, and writing good, relevant content becomes harder. I’ve experienced this firsthand:

  • extra rounds of legal review and stakeholder approval creeping into processes.
  • content watered down to serve an ever-more generic “brand voice”.
  • growing misalignment between search and content teams.
  • a lack of content leadership within the company as early employees leave.
Why Big Companies Make Bad ContentWhy Big Companies Make Bad Content
As companies grow, content workflows can get kinda… complicated.

Similarly, funded companies have to grow, even when they’re already huge. Content has to feed the machine, continually increasing traffic… even if that traffic never contributes to the bottom line.

There’s an element of truth here, but I’ve come to think that both these arguments are naive, and certainly not the whole story.

It is wrong to assume that the same people that grew the company suddenly forgot everything they once knew about content, and wrong to assume that companies willfully target useless keywords just to game their OKRs.

Instead, let’s assume that this strategy is deliberate, and not oversight. I think bad content—and the vanity traffic it generates—is actually good for business.


There are benefits to driving tons of traffic, even if that traffic never directly converts. Or put in meme format:

Why Big Companies Make Bad ContentWhy Big Companies Make Bad Content

Programmatic SEO is a good example. Why does Dialpad create landing pages for local phone numbers?

1714584366 91 Why Big Companies Make Bad Content1714584366 91 Why Big Companies Make Bad Content

Why does Wise target exchange rate keywords?

1714584366 253 Why Big Companies Make Bad Content1714584366 253 Why Big Companies Make Bad Content

Why do we have a list of most popular websites pages?

1714584367 988 Why Big Companies Make Bad Content1714584367 988 Why Big Companies Make Bad Content

As this Twitter user points out, these articles will never convert…

…but they don’t need to.

Every published URL and targeted keyword is a new doorway from the backwaters of the internet into your website. It’s a chance to acquire backlinks that wouldn’t otherwise exist, and an opportunity to get your brand in front of thousands of new, otherwise unfamiliar people.

These benefits might not directly translate into revenue, but over time, in aggregate, they can have a huge indirect impact on revenue. They can:

  • Strengthen domain authority and the search performance of every other page on the website.
  • Boost brand awareness, and encourage serendipitous interactions that land your brand in front of the right person at the right time.
  • Deny your competitors traffic and dilute their share of voice.

These small benefits become more worthwhile when multiplied across many hundreds or thousands of pages. If you can minimize the cost of the content, there is relatively little downside.

What about topical authority?

“But what about topical authority?!” I hear you cry. “If you stray too far from your area of expertise, won’t rankings suffer for it?”

I reply simply with this screenshot of Forbes’ “health” subfolder, generating almost 4 million estimated monthly organic pageviews:

1714584367 695 Why Big Companies Make Bad Content1714584367 695 Why Big Companies Make Bad Content

And big companies can minimize cost. For large, established brands, the marginal cost of content creation is relatively low.

Many companies scale their output through networks of freelancer writers, avoiding the cost of fully loaded employees. They have established, efficient processes for research, briefing, editorial review, publication and maintenance. The cost of an additional “unit” of content—or ten, or a hundred—is not that great, especially relative to other marketing channels.

There is also relatively little opportunity cost to consider: the fact that energy spent on “vanity” traffic could be better spent elsewhere, on more business-relevant topics.


In reality, many of the companies engaging in this strategy have already plucked the low-hanging fruit and written almost every product-relevant topic. There are a finite number of high traffic, high relevance topics; blog consistently for a decade and you too will reach these limits.

On top of that, the HubSpots and Salesforces of the world have very established, very efficient sales processes. Content gating, lead capture and scoring, and retargeting allow them to put very small conversion rates to relatively good use.

1714584367 376 Why Big Companies Make Bad Content1714584367 376 Why Big Companies Make Bad Content

Even HubSpot’s article on Bitcoin stock has its own relevant call-to-action—and for HubSpot, building a database of aspiring investors is more valuable than it sounds, because…

The bigger a company grows, the bigger its audience needs to be to continue sustaining that growth rate.

Companies generally expand their total addressable market (TAM) as they grow, like HubSpot broadening from marketing to sales and customer success, launching new product lines for new—much bigger—audiences. This means the target audience for their content marketing grows alongside.

As Peep Laja put its:


But for the biggest companies, this principle is taken to an extreme. When a company gears up to IPO, its target audience expands to… pretty much everyone.

This was something Janessa Lantz (ex-HubSpot and dbt Labs) helped me understand: the target audience for a post-IPO company is not just end users, but institutional investors, market analysts, journalists, even regular Jane investors.

These are people who can influence the company’s worth in ways beyond simply buying a subscription: they can invest or encourage others to invest and dramatically influence the share price. These people are influenced by billboards, OOH advertising and, you guessed it, seemingly “bad” content showing up whenever they Google something.


You can think of this as a second, additional marketing funnel for post-IPO companies:

Illustration: When companies IPO, the traditional marketing funnel is accompanied by a second funnel. Website visitors contribute value through stock appreciation, not just revenue.Illustration: When companies IPO, the traditional marketing funnel is accompanied by a second funnel. Website visitors contribute value through stock appreciation, not just revenue.

These visitors might not purchase a software subscription when they see your article in the SERP, but they will notice your brand, and maybe listen more attentively the next time your stock ticker appears on the news.

They won’t become power users, but they might download your eBook and add an extra unit to the email subscribers reported in your S1.

They might not contribute revenue now, but they will in the future: in the form of stock appreciation, or becoming the target audience for a future product line.

Vanity traffic does create value, but in a form most content marketers are not used to measuring.

If any of these benefits apply, then it makes sense to acquire them for your company—but also to deny them to your competitors.


SEO is an arms race: there are a finite number of keywords and topics, and leaving a rival to claim hundreds, even thousands of SERPs uncontested could very quickly create a headache for your company.

SEO can quickly create a moat of backlinks and brand awareness that can be virtually impossible to challenge; left unchecked, the gap between your company and your rival can accelerate at an accelerating pace.

Pumping out “bad” content and chasing vanity traffic is a chance to deny your rivals unchallenged share of voice, and make sure your brand always has a seat at the table.

Final thoughts

These types of articles are miscategorized—instead of thinking of them as bad content, it’s better to think of them as cheap digital billboards with surprisingly great attribution.

Big companies chasing “vanity traffic” isn’t an accident or oversight—there are good reasons to invest energy into content that will never convert. There is benefit, just not in the format most content marketers are used to.

This is not an argument to suggest that every company should invest in hyper-broad, high-traffic keywords. But if you’ve been blogging for a decade, or you’re gearing up for an IPO, then “bad content” and the vanity traffic it creates might not be so bad.


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