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Franchising Is Not For Everyone. Explore These Lucrative Alternatives to Expand Your Business.



Franchising Is Not For Everyone. Explore These Lucrative Alternatives to Expand Your Business.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Not every business can be franchised, nor should it. As the founder and operator of an exciting, new concept, it’s hard not to envision opening a unit on every corner and becoming the next franchise millionaire. It’s a common dream. At one time, numerous concepts were claiming to be the next “McDonald’s” of their industry.

And while franchising can be the right growth vehicle for someone with an established brand and proven concept that’s ripe for growth, there are other options available for business owners who want to expand their concept into prime locations before their competition does but who don’t want to go it alone for a number of reasons. For instance, they may not have the resources or cash reserves to finance a franchise program (it is important to note that while franchising a business does leverage the time and capital of others to open additional units, establishing a franchise system is certainly not a no-cost endeavor). Or they don’t want the responsibilities and relationship of being a franchisor and would rather concentrate on running their core business, not a franchise system.

Related: The Pros and Cons of Franchising Your Business

But when you have eager customers asking to open a branded location just like yours in their neighborhood, it’s hard to resist. You might think: What if I don’t jump on the deal, and I miss out on an opportunity that might not come around again?

Licensing your intellectual property, such as your name, trademarks and trade dress, in exchange for a set fee or percentage of sales is one way to accomplish this without having to go the somewhat more laborious and legally controlled franchise route. Types of licensing agreements range from granting a license to allow another entity to manufacture or make your products to allowing someone to use your logo and name for their own business. Unlike in a franchise, your partner in a licensing situation will only be allowed certain predetermined rights to sell your products and services, not an all-in agreement to give them a turnkey business, accompanied by training and support, in exchange for set fees. A licensing agreement spells out each party’s rights, responsibilities, and what they can and cannot do under the terms of the agreement. Having a lawyer draw up the paperwork is vital, as well as consulting with a trusted business advisor who has helped others along this path and can shorten your learning curve while protecting your rights. License agreements are governed by contract law as opposed to franchise laws. However, care must be taken: To ensure that you’re staying in your lane and not crossing over into franchisor territory, you’ll want your advisers to detail what you can and can’t do as a licensor.

For instance, a license agreement excludes you from being involved in the day-to-day operations of the licensee’s business. While having no oversight may sound like a relief, it can be a double-edged sword, especially for people who are used to controlling all aspects of their products or services. You won’t have to provide licensees with ongoing services, such as marketing materials and continuous training, but it also means you have no control over how they run their business, their product mix or even how they decorate their space. If you’re a type-A, this may be hard for you.

Most people are more familiar with trademark licensing with a third party because these agreements are big in the sports and entertainment industries, where a celebrity lends their name to endorse a product, whether it’s branded athletic wear or trendy foodservice menu items such as pizza, chicken, or even gelato.

Using a celebrity’s cache garners media attention you might otherwise never get. But not everyone who comes up with a great concept or product has the recognition that would allow them to attract famous business partners or endorsements, and rabid fans that follow.

There are other methods of getting your products in front of more consumers. Some coffee concepts, including Caribou for example, have created market saturation by both franchising traditional stores and granting licenses for nontraditional locations, such as airports, big-box stores, and college campuses. Others, on the other hand, like Starbucks, employ a combination of company-owned stores and licensees in high-traffic locations where a small kiosk can service a high-density population of shoppers. And, of course, bags and pods of these brands’ coffee blends are also sold in retail locations such as grocery stores.

Related: Startups Must Protect Their Trademark. Here’s How and Why

But again, here’s that cautionary note: If you go the licensing route for your products or services, be careful not to cross over into trying to direct the way that licensees do their business, from selecting locations to training employees.

While licensing or franchising may be valid business growth vehicles for many brands, additional business structures that can be considered include:

  1. Company-owned stores: Opening corporate locations using bank loans and/or the profits from already opened units.
  2. Dealerships or distributorships: In a distributor relationship, products are purchased from a manufacturer and then sold through local dealers.
  3. Agency relationships: These are similar to the relationships you’d have with dealers, but in this case, an agent or representative of your company sells your services to a third party. The important distinction to remember so that the relationship doesn’t cross over into franchise territory is that you, as the provider of the services, pay the agent (as an independent sales rep) rather than the agent collecting the money and paying you.
  4. Joint ventures: In this case, you, as the concept owner, would take on an operating partner who also invests his own funds in the business. The two of you would then share in the equity and profits at the percentage rate of your investment.

The appropriate method to grow your business depends on several factors, including your type of concept, service, or products; your risk aversion factor; your access to capital; where you’re located; and current market conditions. So, if you choose another option to franchising, be cognizant of not slipping into becoming a franchise. The Federal Trade Commission’s regulations define a franchise as meeting at least three standards: a shared name, fees and royalty payments paid to the company by the franchisee, and ongoing support and control of the day-to-day operations by the franchisor.

Keep in mind that if you start with one expansion method, you can consider changing that structure with legal and professional guidance should your business needs merit a shift in strategy. Case in point: some licensors will eventually convert licensees to franchises under a newly crafted agreement and program if they see the need to change the fee structure and maintain additional control over operations.

Slow growth can be detrimental to a business, but not picking the right vehicle for that growth can be worse than standing still. That’s why doing your homework — consulting with professionals, such as attorneys, accounting and franchising advisors, and talking to others in the same boat as you will save you from drifting too far from shore.

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5 Effective Strategies for Building a High-Performing Global Team



5 Effective Strategies for Building a High-Performing Global Team

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Global expansion is a huge move for your business that can complicate matters when you want to increase the size of your team. Hiring qualified employees from abroad can be complicated. Many things have to be considered, including new rules or regulations in different countries that need to be followed and cultural differences that may also arise.

In the ever-changing global business environment, the use of appropriate technologies and strategies can set apart successful firms from average or struggling ones.

In light of this, how do you then put together an amazing global team? Through my own experience, I’ve discovered 5 key strategies that can set you and your team up for success.

1. Support workplace diversity and Inclusivity

If you establish an inclusive and efficient system culture across your globally expanding enterprise, then performance will increase immediately. However, one should also bear in mind that cultural disparities exist among team members from diverse backgrounds. You will need to create a workplace that respects and recognizes each person’s culture while also fostering an understanding of various traditions and opinions.

There’s a need for companies to consider various holidays people celebrate in different countries so as not to be seen as ignorant or insensitive by their own employees who come from other places. Common concerns revolve around non-verbal communication like gestures at work, dress codes in offices and how we relate with one another socially . One way out is by employing experts who specialize in diversity issues across cultures, such as customs or traditions, to ensure a safe and respectful work culture.

Related: Life’s Too Short to Work With Incompatible People — Follow These 3 Secrets To Building High-Performing Teams

2. Leverage EOR Service

If you are expanding your business globally, it may really help to hire an Employment of Record (EOR) service provider. An Employment of Record legally employs your team members in their local country on your behalf. It enables you to access the best skills from anywhere around the world without necessarily having to go through the lengthy procedure of first establishing foreign legal entities yourself.

When you partner with a good EOR, you get a bunch of sweet benefits:

  • Faster access to global talent: You can start building your team abroad as soon as possible instead of waiting months for all the legal paperwork to go through.
  • Less worry about compliance: EORs take care of handling all those local employment laws and HR requirements that give you headaches.
  • Cost savings: EORs have the expertise to help minimize your operational costs when hiring globally.
  • Flexibility: You can easily scale your global team up or down as your business needs change.
  • Specialized expertise: EORs have tons of experience helping companies expand globally the right way.

Lean on EOR specialists so you can focus less on annoying HR logistics and more on finding superstar talent around the world.

3. Invest in management training

To succeed globally, you need awesome managers across the board. That’s why strategy number three is to invest heavily in management training.

Make sure your managers are pros at leading global teams. A quality manager in a distributed team excels at nurturing career growth, making the most of their unique talents, ensuring smooth conflict resolution, and guiding through change and uncertainty. They build adaptability and psychological safety, encouraging open communication.

Additionally, the ability to encourage and inspire individuals as a manager will create an environment in which every team member feels welcomed and encouraged. Each one’s unique strengths can be recognized and leveraged for the success and cohesion of the team.

In fact, managers account for 70% of the variability in team engagement. Well-trained managers unite your global workforce and amplify your culture anywhere.

4. Focus on building trust

When your team is distributed worldwide, success depends a ton on trusting relationships. That’s why strategy number four is to focus on building trust and connections, even from afar.

Building trust in a global team requires participation in a variety of activities that promote bonding and camaraderie. Icebreaker games during meetings and setting up Slack channels for casual talk all help team members bond. Hosting virtual coffee talks or happy hours provides for socialization outside of work, whereas annual in-person offsite gatherings provide valuable face-to-face interactions.

Furthermore, it is critical to tailor communication techniques to each direct report, publicly acknowledge wins and progress, and listen deeply to understand different perspectives. These actions make team members feel appreciated, heard, and connected, ultimately building trust within the team.

When managers invest in relationships, their teams perform better. Trust accelerates team cohesion, collaboration and results.

Related: 10 Simple Steps to Build an Exceptional and Efficient Team

5. Set up clear communication channels

When organizing a clear communication protocol, time zone differences could become a major, even impactful, issue. Face-to-face meetings between team members may be nearly impossible when they work from different areas of the world. That’s where video conferences can ensure fast and efficient dialogue.

A number of video conferencing tools recently achieved global use as remote work grew in popularity. Tools like Zoom and Google Meet help businesses hold on-the-spot presentations, webinars, and team meetings with accurate, real-time visuals. They also give team managers the ability to arrange one-on-one check-in sessions with employees, allowing them to discuss workload and other relevant concerns.

Expanding your business globally does not always mean success. However, you can achieve this goal through careful planning, effective communication, and an all-inclusive corporate culture. Above all, using local collaborators in the form of an Employer of Record exponentially increases the chances of building a winning team.

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Apple: iPhone X, HomePod, AirPods ‘Vintage,’ Soon ‘Obsolete’



Apple: iPhone X, HomePod, AirPods 'Vintage,' Soon 'Obsolete'

Three groundbreaking Apple devices — the iPhone X, HomePod, and original AirPods — are now considered vintage. And the clock is ticking on how long they will be eligible for repairs.

Apple added the three to its vintage product list on Monday, meaning that it stopped selling the products more than five, and less than seven, years ago.

Apple customers who use these devices are now facing a limited window when it comes to repairs. Apple Stores and authorized repair shops will only offer service for the iPhone X, HomePod, and original AirPods for up to two more years max, depending on the parts available.

Related: Will Apple AI Convince You to Upgrade Your Old iPhone?

The three products are all instantly recognizable as a major shift or addition to Apple’s product lineup.

The $999 iPhone X was the first Apple phone to switch from TouchID to FaceID, allowing users to unlock the iPhone X with a glance and swapping out a home button for an entirely touch-activated screen. Apple assured customers that it kept its facial scans out of the cloud to make the feature more secure.

Apple now has the majority of smartphone market share in the U.S., with about 53% of the market.

Apple CEO Tim Cook speaks during the launch of the iPhone X on September 17, 2017. (Photo by Qi Heng/Visual China Group via Getty Images)

The $349 HomePod was Apple’s first smart speaker; some users have called it a “significant and risky investment.” Apple sold an estimated three million HomePods in the U.S. by 2018, according to a Consumer Intelligence Research Partners report.

Since the original HomePod’s release, Apple has expanded the product line with the 2020 HomePod mini and the 2023 HomePod 2nd Generation.

Related: What’s Next for Apple After Vision Pro? Home Robots: Report

The $159 original AirPods were Apple’s way of “reinventing” wireless headphones, per the company’s 2016 press release.

Apple introduced an “innovative” charging case and a double-tap feature that allowed users to tap their AirPods to access Siri.

Devices on the vintage list end up in Apple’s “obsolete” category after they pass the seven-year mark. At that point, Apple withdraws hardware service and service stores can no longer order replacement parts.

Related: Apple iPhone 7 Settlement: How to Make a Claim By Deadline

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5 Pervasive Myths About Email Marketing That (If Believed) Could Derail Your Business



5 Pervasive Myths About Email Marketing That (If Believed) Could Derail Your Business

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

With new social platforms emerging every year, many entrepreneurs wonder if they should leave email behind and look ahead to new avenues. Did you know that email is still the second biggest marketing channel for startups, right behind social media? That’s right! It’s all thanks to its low cost and incredible return on investment (ROI). According to the study by Litmus, it remains one of the best ROIs out there; companies can expect to make a whopping $38 in return for every dollar they spend on email marketing.

As the CEO of Builderall, an all-in-one digital marketing platform that has supported over 2,000,000 small businesses, I often get asked if email marketing is still an effective strategy in this new phase of our digital age. Is it dead in 2024?

I’m here to debunk the biggest myths and set the record straight. Today, I’ll share my insider knowledge to help you see the light.

Defining email marketing

Before we debunk these myths, let’s make sure we’re all on the same page about what email marketing actually is. Many people have misconceptions about this form of digital marketing, which can turn them off — and that leads to missed opportunities.

Email marketing is a direct marketing strategy that sends promotional or informational messages to a targeted audience via email. It goes far beyond blasting promotions or cold outreach. Done right, it builds meaningful relationships between your brand and subscribers. It’s a way to keep them engaged, and ultimately, it’s another way to drive sales.

Some examples include

  • Newsletters
  • Promotional offers
  • Product updates
  • Even personalized content based on a subscriber’s interests.

Related: 8 Simple Email Marketing Tips to Improve Your Open and Click-Through Rates

Myth #1: Email marketing is dead

Let’s tackle the elephant in the room first. No — email is not dead! In fact, it’s far from it and still going strong.

According to data provided by Oberlo, 80% of businesses rely on email as their primary customer retention channel. That means they’re using email to keep their existing customers engaged and coming back for more.

But that’s not all. HubSpot found that 60% of consumers made a purchase thanks to a marketing email they received. That’s a huge testament to the power of email marketing in driving revenue for businesses.

Myth #2: People don’t read emails

I can’t tell you how often I hear this myth. Sure, our inboxes have gotten pretty crowded over the years, and many of us receive dozens or even hundreds of emails daily. It’s also true that a good chunk of those emails might get sent straight to the trash or spam folder.

However, according to HubSpot, 46% of smartphone users still prefer to hear from brands via email over other channels.

If you establish trust and send relevant content, subscribers will welcome your emails with open arms.

This stat also highlights the importance of putting care in your campaigns by using compelling subject lines and other email elements to stand out in a crowded inbox.

Myth #3: Younger audiences don’t use email

Gen Z and millennials are the next generation that will have some serious purchasing power. It’s only logical for businesses to look for new and innovative ways to approach them, as they’re often portrayed as being glued to their screens and obsessed with social media platforms.

These stereotypes lead many people to assume Gen Z and millennials are too obsessed with TikTok and Instagram for old-school strategies like email. Let me prove them wrong again. According to the Attest U.S. Consumer Trend Report, 53% of Gen-Z enjoy weekly emails from their favorite brands. For millennials, it’s 66%.

Of course, you’ll want to cater your approach to each audience (throw in some slang or a meme here and there,) but don’t count email out. These generation segments still use and prefer it.

Myth #4: Email has low open rates

The next myth I wanted to touch on is more tangible. Some say email performs poorly compared to social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram. For that, we’ll have to look at the open rate.

Open rate is an essential key performance indicator (KPI) in digital marketing because it tells you how many people are actually opening and reading your emails. MailChimp benchmarks tell us the average email open rate across all industries is 34.23%. While that might not sound amazing, it’s definitely not bad either.

With optimization, that number can grow much higher and bring benefits. As reported earlier, that’s why so many businesses still rely on email as their primary customer retention channel.

Related: This One Thing Is the Secret to Higher Email Open Rates

Myth #5: Email marketing equals spam

Finally, allow me to go full circle and return to the definition of email marketing. Too many people confuse general email marketing with a somewhat shady practice: cold outreach.

Cold emails are unsolicited messages sent to people who have not expressed interest in your brand or products. You essentially buy or scrape a list of email addresses (unbeknownst to the recipients) and blast bulk emails, hoping to catch a few leads. They’re often used for prospecting and can come across as intrusive if not done right. That’s because nobody gave you permission to contact them.

On the other hand, email marketing is about building relationships with people who have already shown interest in what you offer. They might have signed up for your newsletter through a lead magnet or opted in to receive your updates. That’s a big difference!

It is this latter form of communication that 81% of businesses use email as their primary customer acquisition channel. It drives results without spam tactics.

Final thoughts

While many entrepreneurs may feel attracted to the latest shiny object or technology, these myths cause many entrepreneurs to overlook email in 2024.

When executed correctly, email marketing remains an indispensable growth lever for startups and established businesses alike. Now that you know the truth, utilize email marketing to boost conversions and retention. With a strategic approach, you may see even higher open rates and ROI than the studies show.

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