Satyajeet Salgar from Google shared a photo on Twitter of some recent (the past year) of Google pillow swag he accumulated. This looks like a Google...
Joe Hall posted a Twitter poll asking the SEO community how the pandemic impacted their SEO business. The poll had 614 responses and most said that...
We’ve seen Google legitimately test two ads in the local pack but what Iampk spotted on Twitter and some were able to replicate seems like Google...
Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the...
Microsoft Bing has moved the Bing News PubHub to within Bing Webmaster Tools. Bing News PubHub is a way for publishers to submit their site for...
John Mueller of Google has to say on Twitter that just because a link has UTM parameters on them, it doesn’t make it a paid link....
Back in October 2021 we reported that Google was testing in Chrome something called Journeys. Journeys will cluster all the pages you’ve visited related to your...
Here is a photo of the new Google Atlanta office building tower when it is almost done. This is in mid-town Atlanta. There are drone videos...
There is a new SEO myth floating around that says CTAs, call to action buttons, placed above the fold is bad for Google search ranking and...
Google Ads is testing a new feature for the global site tag that can be configured to automatically collect user data. Dario Zannoni spotted this and...