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Street Fighter Returns to Xbox in 2023 with Street Fighter 6



Street Fighter Returns to Xbox in 2023 with Street Fighter 6

One of the most iconic and storied fighting games series returns to Xbox in 2023 when Street Fighter 6 launches for Xbox Series X|S.

Powered by RE Engine, the same tech that has given us gorgeous photorealistic visuals to Capcom franchises like Resident Evil and Devil May Cry, Street Fighter 6 is shaping up to be the best-looking entry in the series.

While we eagerly await the full cast of fighters to be revealed, we were stoked to see the return of some fan-favorite legendary warriors like Ryu and Chun-Li, as well as recent stars like Luke from Street Fighter V and the newest reveal, Jamie, who not only looks to be a master break-dancer, but also comes equipped with a wide range of fighting styles.

With its stunning visuals tailor made for Xbox Series X|S, we’re looking forward to exploring the expansive universe that Street Fighter is set in and learning more about the three new foundational modes: Fighting Ground, Battle Hub, and World Tour, the immersive story mode where players can create and leave their own legacy.

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We’ll have more to share about Street Fighter 6 throughout the year, so keep it tuned here to Xbox Wire for the latest news on your favorite Xbox and PC games.

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