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Daily Search Forum Recap: December 29, 2022



Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web.

We are seeing renewed volatility in the Google Search results today – is this the end of the helpful content and link spam update? Google said using “here” for your anchor text links is bad. Google said don’t links to your own social media profiles. Google is testing a more detailed things to do carousel. And SEOs and PPCers are worried about budget cuts in 2023 with the recession looming.

Search Engine Roundtable Stories:

  • New Google Search Algorithm Ranking Fluctuations On December 26th

    While it has been calm for the past several days, today is a new day and I am seeing some signs of more volatility and ranking fluctuations as of the past 24 hours or less. Some of the automated tracking tools are picking it up, and I am seeing some renewed chatter in the SEO industry.

  • Many Marketers Worried About SEO & PPC Budgets Being Cut In 2023 Due To Recession

    I conducted a very unscientific poll on Twitter asking marketers who do SEO and PPC if they are worried about their budgets being cut in 2023 due to the recession (or looming recession). 23% of marketers said they are very worried, 37% said they are somewhat worried and 40% said they are not worried.
  • Google: Do Not Nofollow Links To Your Own Social Media Profiles

    Google’s John Mueller said on Reddit that when it comes to linking from your site to your social medial profiles you should not nofollow those links. He added that you should add the rel=me attribute to them because it is an open standard to help others validate that this profile is yours.
  • Google: “Here” Is Bad Link Text

    Lizzi Sassman from Google said in this morning’s Google SEO office hours that using the anchor text “here,” the text for your hyperlink, is simply “bad link text.” Instead, you should use more descriptive text for the page you are linking to.

  • Google Search Things To Do Carousel Gains More Details In Scroll Window

    For the past couple of weeks, Google has expanded the Things To Do overlay carousel to allow searchers to scroll through the carousel vertically instead of clicking to a new page to gain more details.

  • NBA and Google Water Bottle

    Check out this awesome NBA and Google branded water bottle. This was posted by Max Weinbach, a contributor editor at 9to5Google. He said, “Google really does give the best swag and merch.”

Other Great Search Threads:

Search Engine Land Stories:

Other Great Search Stories:

Industry & Business

Links & Content Marketing

Local & Maps

Mobile & Voice




Other Search


Have feedback on this daily recap; let me know on Twitter @rustybrick or @seroundtable, you can follow us on Facebook and make sure to subscribe to the YouTube channel, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts or just contact us the old fashion way.


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