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Daily Search Forum Recap: February 17, 2022



Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web.

It has been weirdly calm with the Google search rankings over the past few weeks but we are now seeing possible signs of an upcoming Google update. Google is testing placing the site name twice in the search result snippet, well – kind of. Google launched a new business calls API for you to integrate into your CRM. Google is processing those manual actions for Google Discover and Google News pretty quickly. Google has a few weird user interface bugs, although they are not all Google’s fault. Google said again that 15% of all its queries are new.

Search Engine Roundtable Stories:

  • Is Google Search Ranking Algorithm Update Coming Soon?

    Over the past couple of weeks, the Google search rankings have been pretty stable and calm. It actually has been unusually calm that some SEOs are getting nervous. I recently saw some super early signs of an update brewing. Is this the calm before the storm?

  • Google Quickly Processing Discover & Google News Manual Actions

    A couple of weeks ago we reported that Google was sending out its first batch of manual actions (Google penalties) to news publications for Google News and Google Discover policy violations. Well, I am happy to report that Google is processing and even removing some of those manual actions already.
  • Google Business Profiles New Business Calls API

    Google has launched a new API to retrieve call history data from your Google Business Profiles, you know, when people click call this business from Google Search and Google Maps. They named it the “My Business Business Calls API” – shouldn’t it be named the “Google Business Profiles Business Calls API” instead?

  • Not New: 15% Of Search Queries On Google Are Still New

    Here is a not new piece of data, 15% of the searches Google sees each day are new. Google shared this stat, again, on Twitter the other day saying “Fun fact: 15% of all Google searches have never been searched before.”
  • Some Recent Weird Google Search Interface Bugs

    Over the past couple of days, I’ve seen a few recent complaints about weird interface bugs in Google Search. To be honest, I know some of these are browser extension related and thus not a Google bug, but an extension changing the Google Search interface. But I found them interesting and wanted to share them – in case you see them yourself.
  • Google Tests Double Site Name & URL In Search Snippets

    Google is testing showing the site name and URL twice in the search result snippets in Google mobile search. So not only do you see the name of the site or the URL with the favcion from the site, but you are also seeing it doubled up with the site name on top of it, with the URL and the favicon.

  • Dooglers First Day At Google

    Here is a photo I found on Instagram taken from the main Google headquarters in Mountain View, California – the GooglePlex. It is of a dog, a Doogler, its first day at the Google office.

Other Great Search Threads:

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Have feedback on this daily recap; let me know on Twitter @rustybrick or @seroundtable, you can follow us on Facebook and make sure to subscribe to the YouTube channel, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts or just contact us the old fashion way.


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