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Google Merchant Center Product Data Specification Updates For 2023



Man Taking Inventory Google Logo

Google has done its yearly update for its Merchant Center product data specification. Some of the changes listed below went into effect yesterday, some go into effect July 18, 2023 and some don’t go into effect until September 1, 2023.

The last time Google updated the Merchant Center product data specification was in April 2022 and then before that in April 2021, so it seems like this update happening in July is a bit behind schedule.

Here is a copy and paste of the changes listed here:

Changes beginning immediately (June 15, 2023)

Expanding the list of countries where shipping cost is required: Shipping cost is the cost charged by a shipping carrier or other costs directly related to shipping. It’s provided using the shipping [shipping] attribute or through account shipping settings. Shipping cost is one of the most common reasons for customers to abandon their shopping choices, so offering accurate information can help the performance of your ads and free listings. Shipping cost is recommended in all countries, but only required for certain countries.

We’re expanding the list of countries where shipping cost is required and enforced to additional countries in the EEA (European Economic Area). Offers without shipping cost will now be disapproved in these countries:

  • Denmark
  • Portugal
  • Sweden
  • Finland
  • Norway
  • Slovakia
  • Greece
  • Hungary
  • Romania

We’re also expanding the list to include the following countries:

You’ll start receiving warnings if you’re missing a required shipping cost in these 3 countries. Learn more about the shipping [shipping] attribute.

New certification attribute: The certification [certification] attribute is used to describe certifications like energy efficiency ratings, and will allow for compliance with updated EU energy efficiency labeling regulation for products covered by rescaled EU energy labels.

For products registered in the EU EPREL database, you may be required to show the EU energy efficiency class in graphic form on your Shopping ads and free listings. Provide the certification [certification] attribute in your product data for these products. Google will look up your product in the EPREL database and render the appropriate energy efficiency class in graphic form on your Shopping ads and free listings.

The certification [certification] attribute supports 3 required sub-attributes:

  • Authority [certification_authority]: This represents the authority or certification body responsible for issuing the certification. We currently only support the values “EC” or “European_Commission”.
  • Name [certification_name]: Currently, we only support the value “EPREL”, which represents energy efficiency certifications in the EU European Registry for Energy Labeling (EPREL) database.
  • Code [certification_code]: This is the code for the certification. For example, the code for the EPREL certificate with the link “” is “123456”.

Learn more about the certification certification [certification].

To render the energy efficiency attribute in textual form (for non-rescaled products) keep providing the existing energy efficiency class [energy_efficiency_class] attributes.

Availability required instead of the quantity for local inventory ads and free local listings: Previously, the quantity [quantity] attribute was required and the availability [availability] attribute was optional for local inventory feeds. To simplify setup, we’re making the availability [availability] attribute required and quantity [quantity] optional. Google will begin warning merchants who don’t use the availability [availability] attribute in their local inventory feeds.

Updated guidance regarding multiple prices on your product pages: If your landing page has multiple prices, such as price for other variants, original currency, or promotional prices, we require the additional prices to be clearly differentiable from the advertised base price. For example, if you show the base price and a members-only price on your landing page, then it should be clear to the user which price is the advertised base price and which price is for members-only.

Changes beginning July 18, 2023

Extend the expiration of offers based on website crawls: Google routinely crawls your mobile and desktop product pages to check for quality issues. We’ll begin to automatically extend the expiration date of products that are about to expire if we detect them as still valid on your landing pages based on website crawls.

If you do not want us to automatically extend the expiration date of your product then you need to supply the expiration date [expiration date] attribute to provide the date you want your product to expire.

Changes beginning September 1, 2023

Products that misuse out_of_stock availability will be disapproved: The availability [availability] attribute tells users whether or not a product you’ve listed is in stock, and should accurately represent the state of your product. Previously, the availability [availability] attribute could be used to pause and unpause ads from showing on Google. Instead, you should now use the pause [pause] attribute, which was introduced last year, to temporarily stop products from showing.

Google will disapprove products on ads that use the value out_of_stock for products that are in stock on your landing page. Learn more about the pause [pause] attribute

Forum discussion at Twitter.

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Daily Search Forum Recap: July 17, 2024



Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web.

Google has finally ended its labs experiment for Search Notes. Google Knowledge Panels tests showing store rating reviews. Google tests renaming short videos to quick takes. Google Ads in Japan changed the term brand match to intent match. Google is testing query refinements under the ad carousel.

Search Engine Roundtable Stories:

  • Google Search Notes Finally To End

    There was a lot of speculation that Google would remove the Search Notes feature from the Google Search labs results last May after living past its official end date of December 2023. Well, Google told 9to5Google that Notes on Search and Discover is finally going away.

  • Google Ads Changed Broad Match To Intent Match In Japan

    Google Ads has changed what they call broad match to intent match in Japan. So now it is called (Intent Match), it was called (Partial Match).

  • Google Knowledge Panels Tests Store Ratings Reviews

    Google is testing showing store ratings review stars in the knowledge panels for some retail stores. Clicking on the stars will take you into the Google Store Rating panel.

  • Google Tests Renaming Short Videos To Quick Takes

    Google is testing renaming the short videos carousel to quick takes in the Google Search results. Short videos are quick videos Google surfaces in its search results from YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and other sources and now Google is testing naming them “Quick Takes.”

  • Google Ads Query Refinements Under Ad Carousel

    Google seems to be testing a query refinement ad option. Where Google is showing other search queries related to the ads it is showing under a sponsored ad carousel in the search results.

  • Google Paris France Olympics Signage Adapted

    In April, we covered the prep the Google Paris, France office put together for the upcoming Olympics events by dressing up its lobby signage in Olympic sports. Well, the sign changed a bit. Here is a more recent photo I found on Instagram.

Other Great Search Threads:

Search Engine Land Stories:

Other Great Search Stories:


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Have feedback on this daily recap; let me know on Twitter @rustybrick or @seroundtable, on Threads, Mastodon and Bluesky and you can follow us on Facebook and on Google News and make sure to subscribe to the YouTube channel, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts or just contact us the old fashion way.

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Google Core Update Expected In Coming Weeks



Google Core Fire Balls

Danny Sullivan, the Google Search Liaison, said that he expects the next core update will be rolling out in the coming weeks. He said it is hard to predict because these updates are not scheduled to a particular day but rather tested and then once approved are launched.

Sullivan said this on a comment on this site, over here, he wrote, “I would expect we’ll see one in the coming weeks, because that fits in with our general cycle.” “But precisely when, that’s just not known yet,” he added.

In fact, he added that these updates are simple not scheduled, he said, “the ranking team makes changes, tests those, evaluates those and eventually we get a launch date.” But that, I guess, has not happened yet and thus we don’t have a date yet. When it is ready, I assume Google will roll it out and let us know and that seems to happen pretty quickly after the testing and evaluations are all approved.

He wrote:

We’d tell you when the next core update will be if we knew. But we don’t know exactly yet, that’s all. These aren’t scheduled to a particular day. The ranking team makes changes, tests those, evaluates those and eventually we get a launch date. There have been many times I could have said “Core update next week!” because everything was on track for that to happen, but then there’s a need to do a bit more work or other things that might cause a pushback. I would expect we’ll see one in the coming weeks, because that fits in with our general cycle. But precisely when, that’s just not known yet.

As to seeing changes? Well, Sullivan did also say in the comments, “I do hope we can improve in some of these cases where creators with their hearts in the right places, and who are doing the real content effort behind that, are rewarded as we should be doing.” This echoes a lot of what Google said before.

He also added something I did not know, that he interviewed folks at HouseFresh and RetroDodo in front of about 50 Google Search Quality team members, so the Google team “could hear first-hand directly some of the things that they’ve had relayed from me, John or which they’ve read about,” he wrote. “It was incredibly useful, impactful, and I’m deeply grateful for both of those for agreeing to do it,” he added.

So maybe we will have a July 2024 core update or maybe it will be an August 2024 core update – or maybe later. It all depends on how the testing and evaluations go… For all we know, that might happen later today, so buckle up.

Forum discussion at us and X.

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How To Remove Thumbtack Book Links In Google Business Profiles



Google Appointment Book

There are new reports that a booking/appointment system run by Thumbtack, a local search service, is automatically adding its booking links and service to Google Business Profiles. Well, you can opt out, if you don’t want it. But I am sure most businesses will have no clue this was added to their local listings in Google Search and Google Maps.

To opt out, you need to fill out this form. This is from the Thumbtack help page – so check there if the form no longer works, maybe there will be an updated link.

The book now button looks like this:

Google Business Profile Book Button

As reported to me by Colan Nielsen on X and posted in the Local Search Forum, this business does not want the book link to go to Thumbtack, but it does – at least when I wrote this.

Colan wrote, “Looks like Thumbtack is automatically adding booking links to Google Business Profiles.”

We saw this happen a lot over the years, we even called it hijacking appointment links in Google – including with Postmates.

The Thumbtack help document says, “we’ve automatically added a Thumbtack booking option through your Google Business Profile. No further action is needed from you.” So this is not an opt in thing, rather an opt out thing – which is not good.

So please be aware of this and be on the look out for changes to your booking link.

Forum discussion at Local Search Forum.

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