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Microsoft Bing Hiding Logo On Search Results Page




Microsoft Bing is now tucking away its logo, hiding it from searchers, after you conduct a search using your mobile device. Bing will anchor you down to the top of the search box, moving the Microsoft Bing logo out of view, and focusing just on the search results page.

Former Microsoft Bing employee, Duane Forrester, spotted this, he posted this on Twitter. I can replicate this on my iPhone, so let me describe what happens.

You search for something on on mobile and the page looks like this:

Bing Mobile Search Anchors Below Logo

If you scroll up the page a bit, you can then see the Microsoft Bing logo at the top:

Bing Mobile Search Anchors Below Logo Go Up

Microsoft is anchoring you down the page, to not distract you with their logo and branding.


Here is a GIF of it in action:

Bing Mobile Search Anchors Below Logo

Duane said, “Anchoring the SERP page with the logo out of site. Forces me to focus on the results, not the engine. This is Bing, and at a glance, you cannot tell. Clever way of getting searchers focused and breaking an old habit once they engage.”

I guess Microsoft doesn’t want people to see the Bing logo and decide to go to Google.
The blind taste test for search?

Forum discussion at Twitter.

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