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Best Practices to Make It SEO-Friendly



Best Practices to Make It SEO-Friendly

The increasing prevalence of React in modern web development cannot be ignored.

React and other similar libraries (like Vue.js) are becoming the de facto choice for larger businesses that require complex development where a more simplistic approach (like using a WordPress theme) won’t satisfy the requirements.

Despite that, SEOs did not initially embrace libraries like React due to search engines struggling to effectively render JavaScript, with content available within the HTML source being the preference.

However, developments in both how Google and React can render JavaScript have simplified these complexities, resulting in SEO no longer being the blocker for using React.

Still, some complexities remain, which I’ll run through in this guide.

On that note, here’s what we’ll cover:


But first, what is React?

React is an open-source JavaScript library developed by Meta (formerly Facebook) for building web and mobile applications. The main features of React are that it is declarative, is component-based, and allows easier manipulation of the DOM.

The simplest way to understand the components is by thinking of them as plugins, like for WordPress. They allow developers to quickly build a design and add functionality to a page using component libraries like MUI or Tailwind UI.

If you want the full lowdown on why developers love React, start here:


Rendering with React, a short history

React implements an App Shell Model, meaning the vast majority of content, if not all, will be Client-side Rendered (CSR) by default.

CSR means the HTML primarily contains the React JS library rather than the server sending the entire page’s contents within the initial HTTP response from the server (the HTML source).

It will also include miscellaneous JavaScript containing JSON data or links to JS files that contain React components. You can quickly tell a site is client-side rendered by checking the HTML source. To do that, right-click and select “View Page Source” (or CTRL + U/CMD + U).

Netflix's homepage source HTML

A screenshot of the homepage source HTML.

If you don’t see many lines of HTML there, the application is likely client-side rendering.


However, when you inspect the element by right-clicking and selecting “Inspect element” (or F12/CMD + ⌥ + I), you’ll see the DOM generated by the browser (where the browser has rendered JavaScript).

The result is you’ll then see the site has a lot of HTML:

Lots of HTML

Note the appMountPoint ID on the first <div>. You’ll commonly see an element like that on a single-page application (SPA), so a library like React knows where it should inject HTML. Technology detection tools, e.g., Wappalyzer, are also great at detecting the library.

Editor’s Note

Ahrefs’ Site Audit saves both the Raw HTML sent from the server and the Rendered HTML in the browser, making it easier to spot whether a site has client-side rendered content.

Gif showing Site Audit saves both Raw HTML and Rendered HTML

Even better, you can search both the Raw and Rendered HTML to know what content is specifically being rendered client-side. In the below example, you can see this site is client-side rendering key page content, such as the <h1> tag.


Gif showing site is client-side rendering key page content

Joshua Hardwick

Websites created using React differ from the more traditional approach of leaving the heavy-lifting of rendering content on the server using languages like PHP—called Server-side Rendering (SSR).

Flowchart showing the SSR process

The above shows the server rendering JavaScript into HTML with React (more on that shortly). The concept is the same for sites built with PHP (like WordPress). It’s just PHP being turned into HTML rather than JavaScript.

Before SSR, developers kept it even simpler.

They would create static HTML documents that didn’t change, host them on a server, and then send them immediately. The server didn’t need to render anything, and the browser often had very little to render.

SPAs (including those using React) are now coming full circle back to this static approach. They’re now pre-rendering JavaScript into HTML before a browser requests the URL. This approach is called Static Site Generation (SSG), also known as Static Rendering.

Two flowcharts showing the SSG process

In practice, SSR and SSG are similar.

The key difference is that rendering happens with SSR when a browser requests a URL versus a framework pre-rendering content at build time with SSG (when developers deploy new code or a web admin changes the site’s content).


SSR can be more dynamic but slower due to additional latency while the server renders the content before sending it to the user’s browser.

SSG is faster, as the content has already been rendered, meaning it can be served to the user immediately (meaning a quicker TTFB).

How Google processes pages

To understand why React’s default client-side rendering approach causes SEO issues, you first need to know how Google crawls, processes, and indexes pages.

We can summarize the basics of how this works in the below steps:

  1. Crawling – Googlebot sends GET requests to a server for the URLs in the crawl queue and saves the response contents. Googlebot does this for HTML, JS, CSS, image files, and more.
  2. Processing – This includes adding URLs to the crawl queue found within <a href> links within the HTML. It also includes queuing resource URLs (CSS/JS) found within <link> tags or images within <img src> tags. If Googlebot finds a noindex tag at this stage, the process stops, Googlebot won’t render the content, and Caffeine (Google’s indexer) won’t index it.
  3. Rendering – Googlebot executes JavaScript code with a headless Chromium browser to find additional content within the DOM, but not the HTML source. It does this for all HTML URLs.
  4. Indexing – Caffeine takes the information from Googlebot, normalizes it (fixes broken HTML), and then tries to make sense of it all, precomputing some ranking signals ready for serving within a search result.
Flowchart showing how Google crawls, processes, and indexes pages

Historically, issues with React and other JS libraries have been due to Google not handling the rendering step well.

Some examples include:

  • Not rendering JavaScript – It’s an older issue, but Google only started rendering JavaScript in a limited way in 2008. However, it was still reliant on a crawling scheme for JavaScript sites created in 2009. (Google has since deprecated the scheme.)
  • The rendering engine (Chromium) being out of date – This resulted in a lack of support for the latest browser and JavaScript features. If you used a JavaScript feature that Googlebot didn’t support, your page might not render correctly, which could negatively impact your content’s indexing.
  • Google had a rendering delay – In some cases, this could mean a delay of up to a few weeks, slowing down the time for changes to the content to reach the indexing stage. This would have ruled out relying on Google to render content for most sites.

Thankfully, Google has now resolved most of these issues. Googlebot is now evergreen, meaning it always supports the latest features of Chromium.

In addition, the rendering delay is now five seconds, as announced by Martin Splitt at the Chrome Developer Summit in November 2019:

Last year Tom Greenaway and I were on this stage and telling you, ‘Well, you know, it can take up to a week, we are very sorry for this.’ Forget this, okay? Because the new numbers look a lot better. So we actually went over the numbers and found that, it turns out that at median, the time we spent between crawling and actually having rendered these results is – on median – it’s five seconds!”

This all sounds positive. But is client-side rendering and leaving Googlebot to render content the right strategy?

The answer is most likely still no.

Common SEO issues with React


In the past five years, Google has innovated its handling of JavaScript content, but entirely client-side rendered sites introduce other issues that you need to consider.

It’s important to note that you can overcome all issues with React and SEO.

React JS is a development tool. React is no different from any other tool within a development stack, whether that’s a WordPress plugin or the CDN you choose. How you configure it will decide whether it detracts or enhances SEO.

Ultimately, React is good for SEO, as it improves user experience. You just need to make sure you consider the following common issues.

1. Pick the right rendering strategy

The most significant issue you’ll need to tackle with React is how it renders content.

As mentioned, Google is great at rendering JavaScript nowadays. But unfortunately, that isn’t the case with other search engines. Bing has some support for JavaScript rendering, although its efficiency is unknown. Other search engines like Baidu, Yandex, and others offer limited support.



This limitation doesn’t only impact search engines. Apart from site auditors, SEO tools that crawl the web and provide critical data on elements like a site’s backlinks do not render JavaScript. This can have a significant impact on the quality of data they provide. The only exception is Ahrefs, which has been rendering JavaScript across the web since 2017 and currently renders over 200 million pages per day.

Introducing this unknown builds a good case for opting for a server-side rendered solution to ensure that all crawlers can see the site’s content.

In addition, rendering content on the server has another crucial benefit: load times.

Load times

Rendering JavaScript is intensive on the CPU; this makes large libraries like React slower to load and become interactive for users. You’ll generally see Core Web Vitals, such as Time to Interactive (TTI), being much higher for SPAs—especially on mobile, the primary way users consume web content.

Overview of metrics' performance, including FCP, LCP, etc

An example React application that utilizes client-side rendering.

However, after the initial render by the browser, subsequent load times tend to be quicker due to the following:


Depending on the number of pages viewed per visit, this can result in field data being positive overall.

Four bar graphs showing positive field data of FCP, LCP, FID, and CLS

However, if your site has a low number of pages viewed per visit, you’ll struggle to get positive field data for all Core Web Vitals.


The best option is to opt for SSR or SSG mainly due to:

  • Faster initial renders.
  • Not having to rely on search engine crawlers to render content.
  • Improvements in TTI due to less JavaScript code for the browser to parse and render before becoming interactive.

Implementing SSR within React is possible via ReactDOMServer. However, I recommend using a React framework called Next.js and using its SSG and SSR options. You can also implement CSR with Next.js, but the framework nudges users toward SSR/SSG due to speed.

Next.js supports what it calls “Automatic Static Optimization.” In practice, this means you can have some pages on a site that use SSR (such as an account page) and other pages using SSG (such as your blog).

The result: SSG and fast TTFB for non-dynamic pages, and SSR as a backup rendering strategy for dynamic content.



You may have heard about React Hydration with ReactDOM.hydrate(). This is where content is delivered via SSG/SSR and then turns into a client-side rendered application during the initial render. This may be the obvious choice for dynamic applications in the future rather than SSR. However, hydration currently works by loading the entire React library and then attaching event handlers to HTML that will change. React then keeps HTML between the browser and server in sync. Currently, I can’t recommend this approach because it still has negative implications for web vitals like TTI for the initial render. Partial Hydration may resolve this in the future by only hydrating critical parts of the page (like ones within the browser viewport) rather than the entire page; until then, SSR/SSG is the better option.

Since we’re talking about speed, I’ll be doing you a disservice by not mentioning other ways Next.js optimizes the critical rendering path for React applications with features like:

  • Image optimization – This adds width and height <img> attributes and srcset, lazy loading, and image resizing.
  • Font optimization – This inlines critical font CSS and adds controls for font-display.
  • Script optimization – This lets you pick when a script should be loaded: before/after the page is interactive or lazily.
  • Dynamic imports – If you implement best practices for code splitting, this feature makes it easier to import JS code when required rather than leaving it to load on the initial render and slowing it down.

Speed and positive Core Web Vitals are a ranking factor, albeit a minor one. Next.js features make it easier to create great web experiences that will give you a competitive advantage.


Many developers deploy their Next.js web applications using Vercel (the creators of Next.js), which has a global edge network of servers; this results in fast load times.

Vercel provides data on the Core Web Vitals of all sites deployed on the platform, but you can also get detailed web vital data for each URL using Ahrefs’ Site Audit.

Simply add an API key within the crawl settings of your projects.

Text field to add API key

After you’ve run your audit, have a look at the performance area. There, Ahrefs’ Site Audit will show you charts displaying data from the Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX) and Lighthouse.

Pie charts and bar graphs showing data from CrUX and Lighthouse

2. Use status codes correctly

A common issue with most SPAs is they don’t correctly report status codes. This is as the server isn’t loading the page—the browser is. You’ll commonly see issues with:

  • No 3xx redirects, with JavaScript redirects being used instead.
  • 4xx status codes not reporting for “not found” URLs.

You can see below I ran a test on a React site with This page should obviously be a 404 but, instead, returns a 200 status code. This is called a soft 404.

Table showing URL on left. On right, under "Status codes," it shows "200"

The risk here is that Google may decide to index that page (depending on its content). Google could then serve this to users, or it’ll be used when evaluating a site.

In addition, reporting 404s helps SEOs audit a site. If you accidentally internally link to a 404 page and it’s returning a 200 status code, quickly spotting the area with an auditing tool may become much more challenging.

There are a couple of ways to solve this issue. If you’re client-side rendering:

  1. Use the React Router framework.
  2. Create a 404 component that shows when a route isn’t recognized.
  3. Add a noindex tag to “not found” pages.
  4. Add a <h1> with a message like “404: Page Not Found.” This isn’t ideal, as we don’t report a 404 status code. But it will prevent Google from indexing the page and help it recognize the page as a soft 404.
  5. Use JavaScript redirects when you need to change a URL. Again, not ideal, but Google does follow JavaScript redirects and pass ranking signals.

If you’re using SSR, Next.js makes this simple with response helpers, which let you set whatever status code you want, including 3xx redirects or a 4xx status code. The approach I outlined using React Router can also be put into practice while using Next.js. However, if you’re using Next.js, you’re likely also implementing SSR/SSG.

3. Avoid hashed URLs

This issue isn’t as common for React, but it’s essential to avoid hash URLs like the following:


Generally, Google isn’t going to see anything after the hash. All of these pages will be seen as


SPAs with client-side routing should implement the History API to change pages.

You can do this relatively easily with both React Router and Next.js.


4. Use <a href> links where relevant

A common mistake with SPAs is using a <div> or a <button> to change the URL. This isn’t an issue with React itself, but how the library is used.

Doing this presents an issue with search engines. As mentioned earlier, when Google processes a URL, it looks for additional URLs to crawl within <a href> elements.

If the <a href> element is missing, Google won’t crawl the URLs and pass PageRank.


The solution is to include <a href> links to URLs that you want Google to discover.

Checking whether you’re linking to a URL correctly is easy. Inspect the element that internally links and check the HTML to ensure you’ve included <a href> links.

As in the above example, you may have an issue if they aren’t.


However, it’s essential to understand that missing <a href> links aren’t always an issue. One benefit of CSR is that when content is helpful to users but not search engines, you can change the content client-side and not include the <a href> link.

In the above example, the site uses faceted navigation that links to potentially millions of combinations of filters that aren’t useful for a search engine to crawl or index.

List of genres

Loading these filters client-side makes sense here, as the site will conserve crawl budget by not adding <a href> links for Google to crawl.

Next.js makes this easy with its link component, which you can configure to allow client-side navigation.

If you’ve decided to implement a fully CSR application, you can change URLs with React Router using onClick and the History API.

5. Avoid lazy loading essential HTML

It’s common for sites developed with React to inject content into the DOM when a user clicks or hovers over an element—simply because the library makes that easy to do.


This isn’t inherently bad, but content added to the DOM this way will not be seen by search engines. If the content injected includes important textual content or internal links, this may negatively impact:

  • How well the page performs (as Google won’t see the content).
  • The discoverability of other URLs (as Google won’t find the internal links).

Here’s an example on a React JS site I recently audited. Here, I’ll show a well-known e‑commerce brand with important internal links within its faceted navigation.

However, a modal showing the navigation on mobile was injected into the DOM when you clicked a “Filter” button. Watch the second <!—-> within the HTML below to see this in practice:

Gif of modal showing the navigation on mobile was injected into DOM


Spotting these issues isn’t easy. And as far as I know, no tool will directly tell you about them.

Instead, you should check for common elements such as:

  • Accordions
  • Modals
  • Tabs
  • Mega menus
  • Hamburger menus

You’ll then need to inspect the element on them and watch what happens with the HTML as you open/close them by clicking or hovering (as I have done in the above GIF).

Suppose you notice JavaScript is adding HTML to the page. In that case, you’ll need to work with the developers. This is so that rather than injecting the content into the DOM, it’s included within the HTML by default and is hidden and shown via CSS using properties like visibility: hidden; or display: none;.

6. Don’t forget the fundamentals

While there are additional SEO considerations with React applications, that doesn’t mean other fundamentals don’t apply.

You’ll still need to make sure your React applications follow best practices for:


Final thoughts

Unfortunately, working with React applications does add to the already long list of issues a technical SEO needs to check. But thanks to frameworks like Next.js, it makes the work of an SEO much more straightforward than what it was historically.

Hopefully, this guide has helped you better understand the additional considerations you need to make as an SEO when working with React applications.

Have any questions on working with React? Tweet me.

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Measuring Content Impact Across The Customer Journey




Measuring Content Impact Across The Customer Journey

Understanding the impact of your content at every touchpoint of the customer journey is essential – but that’s easier said than done. From attracting potential leads to nurturing them into loyal customers, there are many touchpoints to look into.

So how do you identify and take advantage of these opportunities for growth?

Watch this on-demand webinar and learn a comprehensive approach for measuring the value of your content initiatives, so you can optimize resource allocation for maximum impact.

You’ll learn:

  • Fresh methods for measuring your content’s impact.
  • Fascinating insights using first-touch attribution, and how it differs from the usual last-touch perspective.
  • Ways to persuade decision-makers to invest in more content by showcasing its value convincingly.

With Bill Franklin and Oliver Tani of DAC Group, we unravel the nuances of attribution modeling, emphasizing the significance of layering first-touch and last-touch attribution within your measurement strategy. 

Check out these insights to help you craft compelling content tailored to each stage, using an approach rooted in first-hand experience to ensure your content resonates.


Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or new to content measurement, this webinar promises valuable insights and actionable tactics to elevate your SEO game and optimize your content initiatives for success. 

View the slides below or check out the full webinar for all the details.

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How to Find and Use Competitor Keywords



How to Find and Use Competitor Keywords

Competitor keywords are the keywords your rivals rank for in Google’s search results. They may rank organically or pay for Google Ads to rank in the paid results.

Knowing your competitors’ keywords is the easiest form of keyword research. If your competitors rank for or target particular keywords, it might be worth it for you to target them, too.

There is no way to see your competitors’ keywords without a tool like Ahrefs, which has a database of keywords and the sites that rank for them. As far as we know, Ahrefs has the biggest database of these keywords.

How to find all the keywords your competitor ranks for

  1. Go to Ahrefs’ Site Explorer
  2. Enter your competitor’s domain
  3. Go to the Organic keywords report

The report is sorted by traffic to show you the keywords sending your competitor the most visits. For example, Mailchimp gets most of its organic traffic from the keyword “mailchimp.”

Mailchimp gets most of its organic traffic from the keyword, “mailchimp”.Mailchimp gets most of its organic traffic from the keyword, “mailchimp”.

Since you’re unlikely to rank for your competitor’s brand, you might want to exclude branded keywords from the report. You can do this by adding a Keyword > Doesn’t contain filter. In this example, we’ll filter out keywords containing “mailchimp” or any potential misspellings:

Filtering out branded keywords in Organic keywords reportFiltering out branded keywords in Organic keywords report

If you’re a new brand competing with one that’s established, you might also want to look for popular low-difficulty keywords. You can do this by setting the Volume filter to a minimum of 500 and the KD filter to a maximum of 10.

Finding popular, low-difficulty keywords in Organic keywordsFinding popular, low-difficulty keywords in Organic keywords

How to find keywords your competitor ranks for, but you don’t

  1. Go to Competitive Analysis
  2. Enter your domain in the This target doesn’t rank for section
  3. Enter your competitor’s domain in the But these competitors do section
Competitive analysis reportCompetitive analysis report

Hit “Show keyword opportunities,” and you’ll see all the keywords your competitor ranks for, but you don’t.

Content gap reportContent gap report

You can also add a Volume and KD filter to find popular, low-difficulty keywords in this report.

Volume and KD filter in Content gapVolume and KD filter in Content gap

How to find keywords multiple competitors rank for, but you don’t

  1. Go to Competitive Analysis
  2. Enter your domain in the This target doesn’t rank for section
  3. Enter the domains of multiple competitors in the But these competitors do section
Competitive analysis report with multiple competitorsCompetitive analysis report with multiple competitors

You’ll see all the keywords that at least one of these competitors ranks for, but you don’t.

Content gap report with multiple competitorsContent gap report with multiple competitors

You can also narrow the list down to keywords that all competitors rank for. Click on the Competitors’ positions filter and choose All 3 competitors:

Selecting all 3 competitors to see keywords all 3 competitors rank forSelecting all 3 competitors to see keywords all 3 competitors rank for
  1. Go to Ahrefs’ Site Explorer
  2. Enter your competitor’s domain
  3. Go to the Paid keywords report
Paid keywords reportPaid keywords report

This report shows you the keywords your competitors are targeting via Google Ads.

Since your competitor is paying for traffic from these keywords, it may indicate that they’re profitable for them—and could be for you, too.


You know what keywords your competitors are ranking for or bidding on. But what do you do with them? There are basically three options.

1. Create pages to target these keywords

You can only rank for keywords if you have content about them. So, the most straightforward thing you can do for competitors’ keywords you want to rank for is to create pages to target them.

However, before you do this, it’s worth clustering your competitor’s keywords by Parent Topic. This will group keywords that mean the same or similar things so you can target them all with one page.

Here’s how to do that:

  1. Export your competitor’s keywords, either from the Organic Keywords or Content Gap report
  2. Paste them into Keywords Explorer
  3. Click the “Clusters by Parent Topic” tab
Clustering keywords by Parent TopicClustering keywords by Parent Topic

For example, MailChimp ranks for keywords like “what is digital marketing” and “digital marketing definition.” These and many others get clustered under the Parent Topic of “digital marketing” because people searching for them are all looking for the same thing: a definition of digital marketing. You only need to create one page to potentially rank for all these keywords.

Keywords under the cluster of "digital marketing"Keywords under the cluster of "digital marketing"

2. Optimize existing content by filling subtopics

You don’t always need to create new content to rank for competitors’ keywords. Sometimes, you can optimize the content you already have to rank for them.

How do you know which keywords you can do this for? Try this:

  1. Export your competitor’s keywords
  2. Paste them into Keywords Explorer
  3. Click the “Clusters by Parent Topic” tab
  4. Look for Parent Topics you already have content about

For example, if we analyze our competitor, we can see that seven keywords they rank for fall under the Parent Topic of “press release template.”

Our competitor ranks for seven keywords that fall under the "press release template" clusterOur competitor ranks for seven keywords that fall under the "press release template" cluster

If we search our site, we see that we already have a page about this topic.

Site search finds that we already have a blog post on press release templatesSite search finds that we already have a blog post on press release templates

If we click the caret and check the keywords in the cluster, we see keywords like “press release example” and “press release format.”

Keywords under the cluster of "press release template"Keywords under the cluster of "press release template"

To rank for the keywords in the cluster, we can probably optimize the page we already have by adding sections about the subtopics of “press release examples” and “press release format.”

3. Target these keywords with Google Ads

Paid keywords are the simplest—look through the report and see if there are any relevant keywords you might want to target, too.

For example, Mailchimp is bidding for the keyword “how to create a newsletter.”

Mailchimp is bidding for the keyword “how to create a newsletter”Mailchimp is bidding for the keyword “how to create a newsletter”

If you’re ConvertKit, you may also want to target this keyword since it’s relevant.

If you decide to target the same keyword via Google Ads, you can hover over the magnifying glass to see the ads your competitor is using.

Mailchimp's Google Ad for the keyword “how to create a newsletter”Mailchimp's Google Ad for the keyword “how to create a newsletter”

You can also see the landing page your competitor directs ad traffic to under the URL column.

The landing page Mailchimp is directing traffic to for “how to create a newsletter”The landing page Mailchimp is directing traffic to for “how to create a newsletter”

Learn more

Check out more tutorials on how to do competitor keyword analysis:

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Google Confirms Links Are Not That Important




Google confirms that links are not that important anymore

Google’s Gary Illyes confirmed at a recent search marketing conference that Google needs very few links, adding to the growing body of evidence that publishers need to focus on other factors. Gary tweeted confirmation that he indeed say those words.

Background Of Links For Ranking

Links were discovered in the late 1990’s to be a good signal for search engines to use for validating how authoritative a website is and then Google discovered soon after that anchor text could be used to provide semantic signals about what a webpage was about.

One of the most important research papers was Authoritative Sources in a Hyperlinked Environment by Jon M. Kleinberg, published around 1998 (link to research paper at the end of the article). The main discovery of this research paper is that there is too many web pages and there was no objective way to filter search results for quality in order to rank web pages for a subjective idea of relevance.

The author of the research paper discovered that links could be used as an objective filter for authoritativeness.

Kleinberg wrote:


“To provide effective search methods under these conditions, one needs a way to filter, from among a huge collection of relevant pages, a small set of the most “authoritative” or ‘definitive’ ones.”

This is the most influential research paper on links because it kick-started more research on ways to use links beyond as an authority metric but as a subjective metric for relevance.

Objective is something factual. Subjective is something that’s closer to an opinion. The founders of Google discovered how to use the subjective opinions of the Internet as a relevance metric for what to rank in the search results.

What Larry Page and Sergey Brin discovered and shared in their research paper (The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine – link at end of this article) was that it was possible to harness the power of anchor text to determine the subjective opinion of relevance from actual humans. It was essentially crowdsourcing the opinions of millions of website expressed through the link structure between each webpage.

What Did Gary Illyes Say About Links In 2024?

At a recent search conference in Bulgaria, Google’s Gary Illyes made a comment about how Google doesn’t really need that many links and how Google has made links less important.

Patrick Stox tweeted about what he heard at the search conference:

” ‘We need very few links to rank pages… Over the years we’ve made links less important.’ @methode #serpconf2024″

Google’s Gary Illyes tweeted a confirmation of that statement:


“I shouldn’t have said that… I definitely shouldn’t have said that”

Why Links Matter Less

The initial state of anchor text when Google first used links for ranking purposes was absolutely non-spammy, which is why it was so useful. Hyperlinks were primarily used as a way to send traffic from one website to another website.

But by 2004 or 2005 Google was using statistical analysis to detect manipulated links, then around 2004 “powered-by” links in website footers stopped passing anchor text value, and by 2006 links close to the words “advertising” stopped passing link value, links from directories stopped passing ranking value and by 2012 Google deployed a massive link algorithm called Penguin that destroyed the rankings of likely millions of websites, many of which were using guest posting.

The link signal eventually became so bad that Google decided in 2019 to selectively use nofollow links for ranking purposes. Google’s Gary Illyes confirmed that the change to nofollow was made because of the link signal.

Google Explicitly Confirms That Links Matter Less

In 2023 Google’s Gary Illyes shared at a PubCon Austin that links were not even in the top 3 of ranking factors. Then in March 2024, coinciding with the March 2024 Core Algorithm Update, Google updated their spam policies documentation to downplay the importance of links for ranking purposes.

Google March 2024 Core Update: 4 Changes To Link Signal

The documentation previously said:


“Google uses links as an important factor in determining the relevancy of web pages.”

The update to the documentation that mentioned links was updated to remove the word important.

Links are not just listed as just another factor:

“Google uses links as a factor in determining the relevancy of web pages.”

At the beginning of April Google’s John Mueller advised that there are more useful SEO activities to engage on than links.

Mueller explained:

“There are more important things for websites nowadays, and over-focusing on links will often result in you wasting your time doing things that don’t make your website better overall”

Finally, Gary Illyes explicitly said that Google needs very few links to rank webpages and confirmed it.

Why Google Doesn’t Need Links

The reason why Google doesn’t need many links is likely because of the extent of AI and natural language undertanding that Google uses in their algorithms. Google must be highly confident in its algorithm to be able to explicitly say that they don’t need it.

Way back when Google implemented the nofollow into the algorithm there were many link builders who sold comment spam links who continued to lie that comment spam still worked. As someone who started link building at the very beginning of modern SEO (I was the moderator of the link building forum at the #1 SEO forum of that time), I can say with confidence that links have stopped playing much of a role in rankings beginning several years ago, which is why I stopped about five or six years ago.

Read the research papers

Authoritative Sources in a Hyperlinked Environment – Jon M. Kleinberg (PDF)

The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine

Featured Image by Shutterstock/RYO Alexandre


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