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How To Use IndexNow API With Python For Bulk Indexing



How To Use IndexNow API With Python For Bulk Indexing

IndexNow is a protocol developed by Microsoft Bing and adopted by Yandex that enables webmasters and SEO pros to easily notify search engines when a webpage has been updated via an API.

And today, Microsoft announced that it is making the protocol easier to implement by ensuring that submitted URLs are shared between search engines.

Given its positive implications and the promise of a faster indexing experience for publishers, the IndexNow API should be on every SEO professional’s radar.

Using Python for automating URL submission to the IndexNow API or making an API request to the IndexNow API for bulk URL indexing can make managing IndexNow more efficient for you.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to do just that, with step-by-step instructions for using the IndexNow API to submit URLs to Microsoft Bing in bulk with Python.


Note: The IndexNow API is similar to Google’s Indexing API with only one difference: the Google Indexing API is only for job advertisements or broadcasting web pages that contain a video object within it.

Google announced that they will test the IndexNow API but hasn’t updated us since.

Bulk Indexing Using IndexNow API with Python: Getting Started

Below are the necessities to understand and implement the IndexNow API tutorial.

Below are the Python packages and libraries that will be used for the Python IndexNow API tutorial.

  • Advertools (must).
  • Pandas (must).
  • Requests (must).
  • Time (optional).
  • JSON (optional).

Before getting started, reading the basics can help you to understand this IndexNow API and Python tutorial better. We will be using an API Key and a .txt file to provide authentication along with specific HTTP Headers.

IndexNow API Usage Steps with Python.

1. Import The Python Libraries

To use the necessary Python libraries, we will use the “import” command.

  • Advertools will be used for sitemap URL extraction.
  • Requests will be used for making the GET and POST requests.
  • Pandas will be used for taking the URLs in the sitemap into a list object.
  • The “time” module is to prevent a “Too much request” error with the “sleep()” method.
  • JSON is for possibly modifying the POST JSON object if needed.

Below, you will find all of the necessary import lines for the IndexNow API tutorial.

import advertools as adv
import pandas as pd
import requests
import json
import time

2. Extracting The Sitemap URLs With Python

To extract the URLs from a sitemap file, different web scraping methods and libraries can be used such as Requests or Scrapy.

But to keep things simple and efficient, I will use my favorite Python SEO package – Advertools.


With only a single line of code, all of the URLs within a sitemap can be extracted.

sitemap_urls = adv.sitemap_to_df("")

The “sitemap_to_df” method of the Advertools can extract all the URLs and other sitemap-related tags such as “lastmod” or “priority.”

Below, you can see the output of the “adv.sitemap_to_df” command.

Sitemap URL Extraction for IndexNow API UsageSitemap URL Extraction can be done via Advertools’ “sitemap_to_df” method.

All of the URLs and dates are specified within the “sitemap_urls” variable.

Since sitemaps are useful sources for search engines and SEOs, Advertools’ sitemap_to_df method can be used for many different tasks including a Sitemap Python Audit.

But that’s a topic for another time.

3. Take The URLs Into A List Object With “to_list()”

Python’s Pandas library has a method for taking a data frame column (data series) into a list object, to_list().


Below is an example usage:


Below, you can see the result:

Sitemap URL ListingPandas’ “to_list” method can be used with Advertools for listing the URLs.

All URLs within the sitemap are in a Python list object.

4. Understand The URL Syntax Of IndexNow API Of Microsoft Bing

Let’s take a look at the URL syntax of the IndexNow API.

Here’s an example:


The URL syntax represents the variables and their relations to each other within the RFC 3986 standards.

  • The <searchengine> represents the search engine name that you will use the IndexNow API for.
  • “?url=” parameter is to determine the URL that will be submitted to the search engine via IndexNow API.
  • “&key=” is the API Key that will be used within the IndexNow API.
  • “&keyLocation=” is to provide an authenticity that shows that you are the owner of the website that IndexNow API will be used for.

The “&keyLocation” will bring us to the API Key and its “.txt” version.

5. Gather The API Key For IndexNow And Upload It To The Root

You’ll need a valid key to use the IndexNow API.


Use this link to generate the Microsoft Bing IndexNow API Key.

IndexNow API Key Taking There is no limit for generating the IndexNow API Key.

Clicking the “Generate” button creates an IndexNow API Key.

When you click on the download button, it will download the “.txt” version of the IndexNow API Key.

IndexNow API Key GenerationIndexNow API Key can be generated by Microsoft Bing’s stated address.
txt version of IndexNow API KeyDownloaded IndexNow API Key as txt file.

The TXT version of the API key will be the file name and as well as within the text file.

IndexNow API Key in TXT FileIndexNow API Key in TXT File should be the same with the name of the file, and the actual API Key value.

The next step is uploading this TXT file to the root of the website’s server.

Since I use FileZilla for my FTP, I have uploaded it easily to my web server’s root.

Root Server and IndexNow API Set upBy putting the .txt file into the web server’s root folder, the IndexNow API setup can be completed.

The next step is performing a simple for a loop example for submitting all of the URLs within the sitemap.

6. Submit The URLs Within The Sitemap With Python To IndexNow API

To submit a single URL to the IndexNow, you can use a single “requests.get()” instance. But to make it more useful, we will use a for a loop.

To submit URLs in bulk to the IndexNow API with Python, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a key variable with the IndexNow API Key value.
  2. Replace the <searchengine> section with the search engine that you want to submit URLs (Microsoft Bing, or Yandex, for now).
  3. Assign all of the URLs from the sitemap within a list to a variable.
  4. Use the “txt” file within the root of the web server with its URL value.
  5. Place the URL, key, and key location URL within the string manipulation value.
  6. Start your for a loop, and use the “requests.get()” for all of the URLs within the sitemap.

Below, you can see the implementation:

key = "22bc7c564b334f38b0b1ed90eec8f2c5"
url = sitemap_urls["loc"].to_list()
for i in url:
          endpoint = f"{i}&key={key}&keyLocation={location}"
          response = requests.get(endpoint)
          print(response.status_code, response.content)

If you’re concerned about sending too many requests to the IndexNow API, you can use the Python time module to make the script wait between every request.


Here you can see the output of the script:

IndexNow API Automation ScriptThe empty string as the request’s response body represents the success of the IndexNow API request according to Microsoft Bing’s IndexNow documentation.

The 200 Status Code means that the request was successful.

With the for a loop, I have submitted 194 URLs to Microsoft Bing.

According to the IndexNow Documentation, the HTTP 200 Response Code signals that the search engine is aware of the change in the content or the new content. But it doesn’t necessarily guarantee indexing.

For instance, I have used the same script for another website. After 120 seconds, Microsoft Bing says that 31 results are found. And conveniently, it shows four pages.

The only problem is that on the first page there are only two results, and it says that the URLs are blocked by Robots.txt even if the blocking was removed before submission.

This can happen if the robots.txt was changed to remove some URLs before using the IndexNow API because it seems that Bing does not check the Robots.txt again.


Thus, if you previously blocked them, they try to index your website but still use the previous version of the robots.txt file.

Bing IndexNow API ResultsIt shows what will happen if you use IndexNow API by blocking Bingbot via Robots.txt.

On the second page, there is only one result:

IndexNow Bing Paginated ResultMicrosoft Bing might use a different indexation and pagination method than Google. The second page shows only one among the 31 results.

On the third page, there is no result, and it shows the Microsoft Bing Translate for translating the string within the search bar.

Microsoft Bing TranslateIt shows sometimes, Microsoft Bing infers the “site” search operator as a part of the query.

When I checked Google Analytics, it shows that Bing still hadn’t crawled the website or indexed it. I know this is true as I also checked the log files.

Google and Bing Indexing ProcessesBelow, you will see the Bing Webmaster Tool’s report for the example website:

Bing Webmaster Tools Report

It says that I submitted 38 URLs.

The next step will involve the bulk request with the POST Method and a JSON object.

7. Perform An HTTP Post Request To The IndexNow API

To perform an HTTP post request to the IndexNow API for a set of URLs, a JSON object should be used with specific properties.

  • Host property represents the search engine hostname.
  • Key represents the API Key.
  • Key represents the location of the API Key’s txt file within the web server.
  • urlList represents the URL set that will be submitted to the IndexNow API.
  • Headers represent the POST Request Headers that will be used which are “Content-type” and “charset.”

Since this is a POST request, the “” will be used instead of the “requests.get().”

Below, you will find an example of a set of URLs submitted to Microsoft Bing’s IndexNow API.

data = {
  "host": "",
  "key": "22bc7c564b334f38b0b1ed90eec8f2c5",
  "keyLocation": "",
  "urlList": [
headers = {"Content-type":"application/json", "charset":"utf-8"}
r ="", data=data, headers=headers)
r.status_code, r.content

In the example above, we have performed a POST Request to index a set of URLs.


We have used the “data” object for the “data parameter of,” and the headers object for the “headers” parameter.

Since we POST a JSON object, the request should have the “content-type: application/json” key and value with the “charset:utf-8.”

After I make the POST request, 135 seconds later, my live logfile analysis dashboard started to show the immediate hits from the Bingbot.

Bingbot Log File Analysis

8. Create Custom Function For IndexNow API To Make Time

Creating a custom function for IndexNow API is useful to decrease the time that will be spent on the code preparation.

Thus, I have created two different custom Python functions to use the IndexNow API for bulk requests and individual requests.

Below, you will find an example for only the bulk requests to the IndexNow API.


The custom function for bulk requests is called “submit_url_set.”

Even if you just fill in the parameters, still you will be able to use it properly.

def submit_url_set(set_:list, key, location, host="", headers={"Content-type":"application/json", "charset":"utf-8"}):
     key = "22bc7c564b334f38b0b1ed90eec8f2c5"
     set_ = sitemap_urls["loc"].to_list()
     data = {
     "host": "",
     "key": key,
     "keyLocation": "",
     "urlList": set_
     r =, data=data, headers=headers)
     return r.status_code

An explanation of this custom function:

  • The “Set_” parameter is to provide a list of URLs.
  • “Key” parameter is to provide an IndexNow API Key.
  • “Location” parameter is to provide the location of the IndexNow API Key’s txt file within the web server.
  • “Host” is to provide the search engine host address.
  • “Headers” is to provide the headers that are necessary for the IndexNow API.

I have defined some of the parameters with default values such as “host” for Microsoft Bing. If you want to use it for Yandex, you will need to state it while calling the function.

Below is an example usage:

submit_url_set(set_=sitemap_urls["loc"].to_list(), key="22bc7c564b334f38b0b1ed90eec8f2c5", location="")

If you want to extract sitemap URLs with a different method, or if you want to use the IndexNow API for a different URL set, you will need to change “set_” parameter value.

Below, you will see an example of the Custom Python function for the IndexNow API for only individual requests.

def submit_url(url, location, key = "22bc7c564b334f38b0b1ed90eec8f2c5"):
     key = "22bc7c564b334f38b0b1ed90eec8f2c5"
     url = sitemap_urls["loc"].to_list()
     for i in url:
          endpoint = f"{i}&key={key}&keyLocation={location}"
          response = requests.get(endpoint)
          print(response.status_code, response.content)

Since this is for a loop, you can submit more URLs one by one. The search engine can prioritize these types of requests differently.

Some of the bulk requests will include non-important URLs, the individual requests might be seen as more reasonable.

If you want to include the sitemap URL extraction within the function, you should include Advertools naturally into the functions themselves.

Tips For Using The IndexNow API With Python

An Overview of How The IndexNow API Works, Capabilities & Uses

  • The IndexNow API doesn’t guarantee that your website or the URLs that you submitted will be indexed.
  • You should only submit URLs that are new or for which the content has changed.
  • The IndexNow API impacts the crawl budget.
  • Microsoft Bing has a threshold for the URL Content Quality and Calculation of the Crawl Need for a URL. If the submitted URL is not good enough, they may not crawl it.
  • You can submit up to 10,000 URLs.
  • The IndexNow API suggests submitting URLs even if the website is small.
  • Submitting the same pages many times within a day can block the IndexNow API from crawling the redundant URLs or the source.
  • The IndexNow API is useful for sites where the content changes frequently, like every 10 minutes.
  • IndexNow API is useful for pages that are gone and are returning a 404 response code. It lets the search engine know that the URLs are gone.
  • IndexNow API can be used for notifying of new 301 or 302 redirects.
  • The 200 Status Response Code means that the search engine is aware of the submitted URL.
  • The 429 Status Code means that you made too many requests to the IndexNow API.
  • If you put a “txt” file that contains the IndexNow API Key into a subfolder, the IndexNow API can be used only for that subfolder.
  • If you have two different CMS, you can use two different IndexNow API Keys for two different site sections
  • Subdomains need to use a different IndexNow API key.
  • Even if you already use a sitemap, using IndexNow API is useful because it efficiently tells the search engines of website changes and reduces unnecessary bot crawling.
  • All search engines that adopt the IndexNow API (Microsoft Bing and Yandex) share the URLs that are submitted between each other.
IndexNow API Infographic SEOIndexNow API Documentation and usage tips can be found above.

In this IndexNow API tutorial and guideline with Python, we have examined a new search engine technology.

Instead of waiting to be crawled, publishers can notify the search engines to crawl when there is a need.

IndexNow reduces the use of search engine data center resources, and now you know how to use Python to make the process more efficient, too.

More resources:


An Introduction To Python & Machine Learning For Technical SEO

How to Use Python to Monitor & Measure Website Performance

Advanced Technical SEO: A Complete Guide

Featured Image: metamorworks/Shutterstock

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15 Reasons Why Your Business Absolutely Needs SEO




15 Reasons Why Your Business Absolutely Needs SEO

The need for quality SEO keeps increasing.

Brands that execute an organic strategy the right way are standing out early and often – and it’s more important now than ever, thanks to the emergence of AI and other technological innovations.

Blend those emerging technologies with the tumultuous few years that made up the COVID pandemic – where millions of consumers were pushed online to do their business, make purchases, and stay entertained – and you can begin to scratch the surface of SEO’s importance in marketing’s modern-day ecosystem.

SEO is the most viable, sustainable, and cost-effective way to both understand and reach your customers in key moments that matter.

Doing so not only helps build trust while educating the masses – it also establishes an organic footprint that transcends multiple marketing channels with measurable impact.


But while it will certainly improve a website’s overall searchability and visibility, what other real value does SEO offer for brands willing to commit to legitimate recurring or project-based SEO engagements?

And why does SEO continue to grow into a necessity rather than a luxury?

Here are 15 reasons why businesses need SEO to take their brand to the next level – regardless of the industry or business size.

1. Organic Search Is Most Often The Primary Source Of Website Traffic

Organic search is a massive part of most businesses’ website performance and a critical component of the buyer funnel, ultimately getting users to complete a conversion or engagement.

Google owns a significantly larger portion of the search market than competitors like Yahoo, Bing, Baidu, Yandex, DuckDuckGo, and many others.

Screenshot from, February 2024

That’s not to say that all search engines don’t contribute to a brand’s visibility – they do. It’s just that Google owns a considerable portion of the overall search market. Thus, its guidelines are important to follow.


But the remaining part of the market owned by other engines is valuable to brands, too. This is especially true for brands in niche verticals where voice, visual, and vertical search engines play an essential role.

Google, being the most visited website in the world (and specifically in the United States), also happens to be one of the most popular email providers in the world.

YouTube is the second most-used search engine, with at least 2.5 billion people accessing it at least once a month, or 122 million people daily.

We know that a clear majority of the world with access to the internet is visiting Google at least once a day to get information.

Being highly visible as a trusted resource by Google and other search engines will always work in a brand’s favor. Quality SEO and a high-quality website take brands there.

2. SEO Builds Trust & Credibility

The problem for many brands is that building trust and credibility overnight is impossible – just like in real life. Authority is earned and built over time.


And, with the AI revolution we’ve experienced over the last year showing no signs of slowing down, building real credibility has become even harder to achieve – and even more critical.

Following Google’s E-E-A-T guidelines is vital to ensure successful results when creating content for your audience.

The goal of any experienced SEO professional is to establish a strong foundation of trust and credibility for a client. It helps to have a beautiful website with a clean, effective user experience that represents a quality brand with a loyal customer base – or at least the potential for one.

A brand of this nature would be easily discoverable in search with the right SEO strategy. The more channels you’re comfortable publishing on and partnering with, the more discoverable you will be.

This can also be attributed to being a respected brand offering quality goods or services to customers, being honest and forthcoming with the public, and earning the trust and credibility among peers, competitors, and other stakeholders.

This becomes a lot easier to succeed with when the brand already has trust signals tied to it and its digital properties.


So many varying elements contribute to establishing that authority with search engines like Google. It starts with building that credibility with humans.

In addition to the factors mentioned above, authority is accrued over time as a result of aspects like:

But now, in the age of AI, establishing that authority continues to become even more complicated and difficult to do.

Yet still, doing so the right way will do more for a brand than most other digital campaigns or optimizations.

Establishing a brand as an authority takes patience, effort, and commitment that relies on offering a valuable, quality product or service that allows customers to trust a brand.

3. It’s An AI Battlefield Out There & It’s Getting Even Harder

Since what seemed like the overnight emergence of AI going mainstream and becoming available at every person’s fingertips, search engine results pages (SERPs) are now more competitive than ever.


Organic real estate keeps shrinking.

Bots, scrapers, and other AI-led technologies are stealing content and regurgitating things they learn along the way, which are often inaccurate or confusing, all while clouding the competitive market with duplicated or plain awful content.

Real SEO – including thorough keyword research, industry analysis, and competitive benchmarking to create high-value content for your customers and loyalists – allows brands to stand apart from the lowly regurgitated spam that floods our SERPs daily.

The challenge of optimizing websites and content for search engines that are relying more on their own AI technologies to enhance the user experience within their platforms than they ever have before is just another layer of complication exemplified by the emergence of AI.

It’s no secret Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) hasn’t exactly been the magic touch to take search to the next level. And, in some instances – up to this point – SGE has even taken Google backward in terms of user experience and information retrieval on a boatload of varying topics and queries.

SEO will undoubtedly help brands navigate and distill – and stand out among – the search engine noise that is littered with D-list content and AI-generated mediocrity.


4. Good SEO Also Means A Better User Experience

User experience has become every marketer’s number one priority.

Everyone wants better organic rankings and maximum visibility. However, few realize that optimal user experience is a big part of getting there.

Google has learned how to interpret a good or unfavorable user experience, and a positive user experience has become a pivotal element to a website’s success.

Google’s Page Experience Update is something that marketers in all industries will need to adhere to and is part of their longstanding focus on the customer experience.

Customers know what they want. If they can’t find it, there will be a problem with that website holding up against the competition, which will inevitably surpass it by offering the same, or better, content with a better user experience.

We know how much Google values user experience. We see the search engine getting closer to delivering answers to search queries directly on the SERP every day, and it’s been doing it – and expanding its integration – for years.


The intention is to quickly and easily offer users the information they are looking for in fewer clicks.

Quality SEO incorporates a positive user experience, leveraging it to work in a brand’s favor.

It also understands the importance of leveraging Google’s updated on-the-SERP-delivery tactics for high-value content that has garnered significant traffic and engagement for sites in the past, but is now losing significant portions of it to the SERPs themselves.

5. Local SEO Means Increased Engagement, Traffic & Conversions

The mobile-first mindset of humans and search engines has shaped local search into a critical fundamental for most small- and medium-sized businesses.

Local SEO aims to optimize digital properties for a specific vicinity so people can find a business quickly and easily, putting them one step closer to a transaction.

Local optimizations focus on specific neighborhoods, towns, cities, regions, and even states to establish a meaningful medium for a brand’s messaging on a local level.


SEO pros do this by optimizing the brand’s website and its content, including local citations and backlinks, in addition to regional listings relevant to the location and business sector to which a brand belongs.

To promote engagement locally, SEO pros should optimize a brand’s Knowledge Graph panel, its Google Business Profile, and its social media profiles as a start.

There should also be a strong emphasis on user reviews on Google and other third-party sites like Yelp, Home Advisor, and Angie’s List (among others), depending on the industry.

I recommend following the local SEO tips on SEJ here.

6. SEO Impacts The Buying Cycle

Research is becoming a critical element of SEO, and the importance of real-time research is growing.

Using SEO tactics to relay your messaging for good deals, ground-breaking products and services, and the importance and dependability of what you offer customers will be a game-changer.


It will also undoubtedly positively impact the buying cycle when done right.

Brands must be visible where people need them for a worthy connection to be made. Local SEO enhances that visibility and lets potential customers find the answers and the businesses providing those answers.

7. SEO Is Constantly Improving & Best Practices Are Always Being Updated

It’s great to have SEO tactics implemented on a brand’s website and across its digital properties.

Still, if it’s a short-term engagement (budget constraints, etc.) and the site isn’t re-evaluated consistently over time, it will reach a threshold where it can no longer improve because of other hindrances.

Or, it will require such lift that brands will end up spending far more than expected to reach a place they could have otherwise obtained naturally over time through marketing efforts that included SEO.

How the search world evolves (basically at the discretion of Google) requires constant monitoring for changes to stay ahead of the competition and, hopefully, on Page 1.


Being proactive and monitoring for significant algorithm changes will always benefit the brands doing so.

We know Google makes thousands of algorithm changes a year. Fall too far behind, and it will be tough to come back. SEO pros help to ensure this is avoided.

8. Understanding SEO Helps You Understand The Environment Of The Web

With the always-changing environment that is the World Wide Web, it can be challenging to stay on top of the changes as they occur.

But staying on top of SEO includes being in the loop for the major changes taking place for search.

The AI renaissance has been a clear indication of that.

Knowing the environment of the web, including tactics being used by other local, comparable businesses and competitors, will always be beneficial for those brands.


Observing and measuring what works and what doesn’t only strengthens your brand further as well.

Knowing the search ecosystem will be beneficial 10 out of 10 times.

9. SEO Is Relatively Cheap & Extremely Cost-Effective

Sure, it costs money. But all the best things do, right?

SEO is relatively inexpensive in the grand scheme of things, and the payoff will most likely be considerable in terms of a brand’s benefit to the bottom line.

This isn’t a marketing cost; this is an actual business investment.

Exemplary SEO implementation will hold its own for years to come. And, like most things in life, it will only be better with the more attention (and investment) it gets.


Not only is it cost-effective, but it’s scaleable, measurable, and rarely loses value over time.

10. It’s A Long-Term Strategy

SEO can (and hopefully does) have a noticeable impact within the first year of taking action – and many of those actions will have a lasting effet.

As the market evolves, it’s best to follow the trends and changes closely.

But even a site that hasn’t had a boatload of intense SEO recommendations implemented will improve from basic SEO best practices being employed on an honest website with a decent user experience.

And the more SEO time, effort, and budget committed to it, the better and longer a website stands to be a worthy contender in its market.

The grass is green where you water it.


11. It’s Quantifiable

While SEO doesn’t offer the same easy-to-calculate return on investment (ROI) as paid search, you can measure almost anything with proper tracking and analytics.

The big problem is connecting the dots on the back end since there is no definitive way to understand the correlation between all actions.

Tracking and attribution technology will continue to improve, which will only help SEO pros and their efforts.

Still, it is worth understanding how specific actions are supposed to affect performance and growth – and hopefully, they do.

Any good SEO pro will aim at those improvements, so connecting the dots should not be a challenge.

Brands also want to know and understand where they were, where they are, and where they’re going in terms of digital performance – especially for SEO when they have a person/company being paid to execute on its behalf.


There’s no better way to show the success of SEO, either.

And we all know the data never lies.

12. SEO Is PR

SEO helps build long-term equity for your brand. A good ranking and a favorable placement help elevate your brand’s profile.

People search for news and related items, and having a good SEO and PR strategy means your brand will be seen and likely remembered for something positive.

Providing a good user experience on your website means your messages will be heard, and your products or services will sell.

SEO is no longer a siloed channel, so integrating with content and PR helps with brand reach and awareness alongside other worthwhile results.


13. SEO Brings New Opportunities To Light

High-quality SEO will always find a means of discovering and leveraging new opportunities for brands not just to be discovered but to shine.

And that becomes a lot easier when experienced SEO pros can help distill the millions and millions of websites competing – and flooding – the SERPs daily.

This goes beyond keyword research and website audits.

SEO is also extremely helpful for understanding the voice of your consumers.

From understanding macro market shifts to understanding consumer intent in granular detail, SEO tells us what customers want and need through the data it generates.

SEO data and formats – spoken or word – give us clear signals of intent and user behavior.


It does this in many ways:

Hiring an SEO professional is not always an easy task either. It requires money, time, vision, communication, more time, and some other things that will undoubtedly need to be fixed over the course of time.

Executive SEO on behalf of brands means immersing an SEO team in everything that makes that brand what it is. It’s the only way to truly market something with the passion and understanding that its stakeholders have for it: becoming a stakeholder.

The better a brand is understood, the more opportunities will arise to help it thrive. The same can be said about SEO.

New opportunities with SEO today can come in many ways – from content, digital, and social opportunities to helping with sales, product, and customer service strategies.

14. If You’re Not On Page One, You’re Not Winning The Click – Especially With Zero-Click Results

SEO is becoming a zero-sum game as zero-click SERPs show the answer directly at the top of a Google search result.


This has only intensified with AI, SGE, Gemini, and more sure-to-come technologies that continue to shape our industry.

Early data showed about 56% of queries in a testing sample triggered SGE automatically directly on the SERP as part of an answer to a specific query in 2023, largely based on the semantics and intent of the query.

SGE results are also still incredibly volatile; sometimes they show up automatically, other times not at all, and other times there’s even an option to use SGE for results or not.

Regardless of that or any speculation on the future, there’s one thing for sure: Zero-click results in searches are winning.

If you’re not on Page 1, you need to be.

There are still too many instances when a user types a search query and can’t find exactly what it’s looking for. And sadly, SGE hasn’t been great at changing that until now.


15. SEO Is Always Going To Be Here

Consumers will always want products and services online, and brands will always look for the most cost-effective way to connect them with each other.

While the role of SEO may shift and strategies will surely change, new avenues are constantly opening up through different entry points such as voice, apps, wearables, and the Internet of Things (IoT) AI is another prime example, and we can already see its impact greatly.

Outdated SEO tactics aren’t going to work much longer. New organic search opportunities will always arise. SEO helps find the best ways to capitalize on them.


The role of SEO has expanded significantly over the last few years, and it’s only becoming more challenging and expansive in the face of AI.

New technologies are constantly creating new processes and even shortcuts and workarounds that are changing the game, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse.

One thing is certain, though: Without giving SEO efforts some significant attention through a brand’s fiscal year, you are doing your business a disservice. Try it and see. Analyze the results. Test some more. Try new things.


Stay up to date with changes and guidelines, and make sure you’re offering unique content that is valuable. And if it’s not originally yours, include proper citation and linking.

SEO will continue to help consumers when in need.

Implementing robust, quality SEO updates on a brand’s website and digital properties will benefit them and their marketing efforts in measurable ways, and the impact will be felt.

There will be challenges, but when done right, there can also be success.

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What Is Programmatic Advertising? How Does It Work?




What Is Programmatic Advertising? How Does It Work?

Programmatic advertising has been a buzzword in the marketing industry for quite some time. But what does programmatic actually do? And how does it differ from traditional display marketing?

Programmatic advertising is a perfect realm where precision meets automation, and where your ads reach their perfect audience – almost as if by magic.

Gone are the days of casting wide audience nets and hoping for the best returns. In a digitally dynamic world, programmatic stands out as a blend of efficiency and effectiveness.

Ready to learn more? Read on to learn everything you need to know to be successful and harness the power of programmatic advertising.

What Is Programmatic Advertising?

Programmatic advertising uses automated technology and algorithmic tools for media buying. The term programmatic relates to the process of how ads are bought and sold in the advertising space.


Programmatic advertising differs from more traditional media buying methods in its use of automation.

It analyzes many user signals to ensure that ads serve the right person, in the right place, at the right time.

Essentially, it automates the decision-making process of ad placement – without having to manually negotiate prices or placements like other platforms.

This means your ads aren’t just thrown out into the digital void of the internet, hoping your audience will notice.

Instead, they’re strategically positioned when and where they’ll make the most impact.

Think of programmatic as the umbrella in this category, where different types of programmatic buying are categorized beneath it.


Read more: 7 Power Benefits Of Using PPC Advertising

What’s The Difference Between Programmatic And Display Ads?

It’s easy to confuse display and programmatic ads, especially with the strides that Google has made in its automated and real-time bidding capabilities.

The largest difference between programmatic and display is:

  • Programmatic refers to how ads are bought.
  • Display refers to the format in which ads appear.

Display ads are typically colorful banners, videos, or other interactive media that catch your attention on websites and apps.

Programmatic advertising, on the other hand, is considered the “behind-the-scenes” expert. It’s the technology-driven process behind the ads that decides which display ads you see, based on a whole host of factors such as:

  • Interests.
  • Behaviors.
  • Demographics.
  • Time of day.
  • And more.

The second biggest difference between display and programmatic is the ability to buy ads across platforms.

Display ads are more commonly referred to when placing ads within one specific ad network, such as the Google Display Network. Programmatic advertising, on the other hand, takes display media to the next level.

Multiple platforms exist for programmatic, such as sell-side platforms (SSPs) and demand-side platforms (DSPs), allowing advertisers to buy ad inventory across an open network of platforms.


With both programmatic and display, advertisers typically have control over the following:

  • Audience.
  • Bidding strategy.
  • Budget.
  • Creative and assets.
  • Placements.

Read more: How To Develop Your PPC Strategy

Programmatic Advertising Platforms

Automated technology has made significant strides throughout the years.

In the early days, programmatic platforms offered basic automation and targeting capabilities using simple data points.

As the digital landscape grew, so did the complexity and capabilities of these platforms.

These days, programmatic platforms are mostly powered by advanced algorithms, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.

To go even further, there are many types of programmatic platforms available today.


The three main types of platforms are:

  • Sell-side platform. Also known as a “supply-side platform,” this platform allows publishers to sell their ad impressions to advertisers in real-time. This platform encompasses both DSPs and ad exchanges. They’re equipped with technology that allows publishers to set minimum prices for their inventory, choose which ads appear on their site, and block ads from certain advertisers – if needed.
  • Demand-side platform. This platform allows advertisers to purchase ad inventory across multiple platforms at once. This is where most advertisers fit into this landscape. DSPs enable advertisers to manage their ad inventory bidding and target specific audiences using sophisticated data sources.
  • Ad exchanges. This is how SSPs flow their ad inventory to DSPs. DSPs connect to an ad exchanger, where ad prices fluctuate based on the competitiveness of that inventory. Think of the ad exchange as the neutral ground where transactions between SSPs and DSPs occur.

Understanding the key differences between SSPs, DSPs, and ad exchanges is crucial for navigating the programmatic landscape.

To familiarize yourself with the different platform types, let’s take a look at some of the major players in each category.

Sell-Side Platforms

A comprehensive list of SSPs for publishers includes:

  • Google Ad Manager.
  • Amazon Publisher Services.
  • OpenX.
  • SpotX.
  • Sovrn.
  • TripleLift.
  • PubMatic.
  • Adform.
  • Xandr (Microsoft).
  • Index Exchange.
  • Magnite.
  • Sharethrough.
  • StackAdapt.

If you’re looking for a video SSP, some of the leading companies include:

  • SpotX.
  • Teads.
  • SpringServe.
  • Verizon Media.

While there are many more available to publishers, these are companies you may have heard of but might not have associated with programmatic technology.

Demand-Side Platforms

If you’re a media buyer, this list is for you.

Like SSPs, these company names may ring a bell and offer DSPs.

Some of the top DSPs include:

  • Display & Video 360 (Google).
  • The Trade Desk.
  • Amazon Advertising.
  • MediaMath.
  • Xandr.
  • LiveRamp.
  • Adobe Advertising Cloud.
  • StackAdapt.
  • PubMatic.
  • Quantcast.
  • AdRoll.
  • RhythmOne.
  • Criteo.
  • DemandBase.

Some of the larger DSPs for Connected TV and video include:

  • Display & Video 360 (Google)
  • OneView (Roku).
  • MediaMath.

Again, there are many more DSPs available to advertisers. It’s important to choose a DSP with the features and inventory you are looking for.

Some DSPs offer self-serve advertising, while others offer both self-serve and full-managed service (likely to larger advertisers or agencies).

Ad Exchanges

Some of the more well-known ad exchanges available to publishers include:

  • Xandr (Microsoft).
  • Verizon Media.
  • OpenX.
  • PubMatic.
  • Google Ad Exchange.
  • Index Exchange.
  • Magnite.
  • Smaato.
  • AdRoll.
  • InMobi.
  • Amazon.

Remember: not all ad exchanges are equal.

It’s important for publishers to research options carefully and choose platforms that align with their goals.

Read more: The 8 Best PPC Ad Networks

How Much Does Programmatic Advertising Cost?

Simply put, programmatic advertising can cost as little or as much as your budget allows.

It’s a common misconception that small businesses can’t benefit from programmatic technologies – but we’re here to correct that.


Programmatic ads are typically bought on a cost-per-thousand-impressions (CPM) basis. This means advertisers pay a set amount for every 1,000 impressions their ad receives.

CPMs typically range between $0.50 and $2.00; however, premium inventory can be upwards of $50 and more.

These prices are based on factors such as:

  • Which DSP you chose.
  • Your target audience and specificity.
  • Ad inventory quality.
  • Ad format.
  • Bidding strategy.
  • The level of competitiveness and demand.

A good rule of thumb for programmatic ad cost: the more niche your audience, the higher CPM you will pay.

So, whether you’re a multi-million dollar advertiser or a small business just getting started, you can likely fit programmatic into your advertising budget.

What Are The Benefits Of Programmatic Advertising?

There are many benefits to incorporating programmatic advertising into your marketing strategy.

Some of the top benefits include:

  • Large-scale audience reach.
  • Efficient and low-cost awareness.
  • Real-time data and analysis.
  • Ability to utilize first-party data.
  • Opportunities for cross-device campaign strategies.

Large-Scale Audience Reach

Arguably the biggest benefit of programmatic advertising is the ability to grow and scale.

Programmatic is the best way to buy ad inventory to reach the masses due to the abundance of cross-platform inventory.

Advertisers can also quickly adjust their audience strategies to capitalize on what is or isn’t working, ensuring their ads are always optimized.

Not only is it easier to scale your audience, but you can do so much more efficiently thanks to more precise factors like weather or time of day, coupled with real-time bidding.

Efficient And Low-Cost Awareness

Related to the above benefit of scaling reach, programmatic is one of the most cost-effective types of advertising that exists today.

Earlier, we discussed average CPMs for programmatic averaging between $0.50-$2.00.

Even with a small budget, your marketing dollars can go a long way toward reaching your target audience and increasing awareness of your product or service.


You can then take that audience further by setting up retargeting campaigns to guide users down their purchase journey, increasing incremental purchases and leads.

Real-Time Data And Analysis

Because programmatic platforms rely on real-time bidding, advertisers reap the benefit of receiving near real-time data.

Why does this matter?

Real-time data allows for faster decisions and pivots. It also puts you in a proactive rather than reactive mode.

Bids and strategies can be adjusted in real time based on immediate performance or even market conditions, which maximizes the chances of their ads being seen at the right time.

Utilizing First-Party Data

Another benefit of programmatic advertising is the type of data segments available to advertisers.


For example, advertisers can upload owned first-party data in a secure way and target those people directly using real-time bidding signals.

This avenue opens the door to finding new customers similar to current ones.

Cross-Device Campaign Strategy

It’s important to note that programmatic advertising is typically seen as an awareness tactic.

Because of this, companies that look solely at last-click success often overlook the true potential of programmatic advertising.

So, how does programmatic fit into a cross-device campaign?

The key is to capture that initial awareness to users through programmatic ads.


That initial awareness touchpoint can be run across multiple channels and formats like:

  • Display.
  • Video.
  • Mobile.
  • Social media.
  • Out-of-home.

Likely, a user won’t purchase a product or service after the first interaction with a brand.

Once a user’s interest is peaked, you have the ability to remarket to them on other platforms based on their interaction or engagement with that initial ad.

Marrying that data together from the first interaction to the eventual purchase is key to determining the success of your programmatic strategy.

Types Of Programmatic Advertising

There are different types of programmatic advertising.

These should not be confused with the programmatic platforms themselves.

The types of programmatic advertising are simply how an advertiser purchases ad inventory.


The four most common types are:

  • Real-time bidding. This type of bidding is open to all advertisers and most common form, where ad auctions happen in real time. This is also known as the “open marketplace.” Because it’s an open marketplace, it is naturally a highly competitive and dynamic space.
  • Private marketplace. Also known as PMPs, this bidding happens when publishers have invite-only agreements with a limited number of advertisers. These websites typically offer premium pricing because of the coveted ad space. There’s usually limited scale compared to RTB since inventory is restricted to that particular marketplace.
  • Preferred deals. Also known as “Spot Buying” or “Non-Guaranteed Premium,” this is a lesser-known type of programmatic advertising. Advertisers choose ad spots before they go on the private or open market. If the advertiser chooses not to buy the inventory, it can then be offered in a PMP or via RTB.
  • Programmatic guaranteed. Similar to a preferred deal, but there is no auction bidding. The publisher and advertiser have a direct agreement on a fixed price for ad inventory. It guarantees the advertiser a certain amount of inventory and guarantees the publisher revenue for that inventory.

Read more: What’s The Best PPC Bidding Strategy?

Programmatic Advertising Examples

Programmatic ads come in all shapes and sizes.

The beauty of using programmatic ads is tailoring the content to your chosen target audience.

A few well-executed programmatic campaigns include:

Amanda Foundation

The Amanda Foundation is a non-profit animal hospital and shelter rescue in the Los Angeles area.

It created a campaign to help at-risk shelter animals find a home during their final days.


Specifically, it leveraged programmatic signals like location, demographics, and browsing behavior to tailor specific animal images to its audience.

If users were interested in large dogs, they would be served a banner ad with large dogs instead of smaller dogs.

As you can see, messages and images were tailored to the individual’s behavior and interests.

Image from Amanda Foundation, August 2022

Geico Insurance

You’ve most likely seen or heard some version of a Geico ad.

Have you ever thought about the different ads Geico targets for you, though?

Geico uses such ad formats as TV commercials, website banner ads, social media ads, and more to create a true cross-platform awareness campaign.


The brand carefully chooses its content based on the platform it serves on, the target audience and demographics, and more.

Its commercials are so popular, in fact, that Geico has dedicated a resource page on its website where users can view their favorite commercials.

Progressive Insurance

While we’re on the topic of insurance, it would be remiss not to talk about Progressive’s use of programmatic ad targeting.

If you’re considered a Millennial or Gen Xer, you probably know what I mean.

Progressive created a series of commercials around the portrayal of young homeowners becoming like their parents.

As a homeowner myself, I’ve caught these commercials in the wild on my smart TV and within streaming services like Hulu.


Even further, their advanced targeting capabilities have caught my attention as I’m watching home shows like HGTV’s “Fixer Upper.”

Like Geico, Progressive hosts a dedicated page on its website of the famous character, Dr. Rick, and his videos on how to “un-become your parents.”

Brilliant Earth

Brilliant Earth is a leader in the fine jewelry space, with both physical locations and a strong online presence.

They’ve done a great job targeting different messages based on who was viewing items on their site.

In the example below, I visited their website and browsed different products.

A while later, I was served a subtle ad with an accompanying subtle message of “Drop a Hint.”


The brand had identified that I had been browsing rings but understands, based on user signals, that I may not be the one purchasing this item.

Its messaging based on these advanced signals is a great example of sending the right message to the right user at the right time.

Brilliant Earth programmatic ad example.Screenshot taken by author, March 2024

Programmatic Can Ensure That Advertising Budget Is Spent Wisely

The basics and benefits of programmatic advertising can help guide your existing programmatic strategy, or if you’re just getting started, create a new strategy that incorporates programmatic.

The evolution of programmatic platforms, with their sophisticated algorithms and data-driven strategies, has empowered advertisers to deliver their messages to the right people, in the right context, and with precision that was once only dreamed of.

The precision of programmatic advertising, married with efficiency and scalability, ensures that advertising dollars are being spent wisely, maximizing return on investment and driving meaningful engagement.

Understanding the functionality and features of each platform will be a critical component of your programmatic success.

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Featured Image: ArtemisDiana/Shutterstock

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YouTube’s ‘Affiliate Hub’ Offers A New Way For Channels To Make Money




YouTube's 'Affiliate Hub' Offers A New Way For Channels To Make Money

As YouTube continues its push into ecommerce, it’s launching an ‘Affiliate Hub’ to make it easier for channels to earn affiliate marketing income.

The Affiliate Hub, integrated into the YouTube app, is a central place to browse top affiliate partners, commission rates, promotional offers, and even request product samples.

It’s one of several new shopping features YouTube has launched, targeting the lucrative creator economy.

Other updates include:

  • Shopping Collections that allow creators to curate their own product galleries.
  • The ability for all creators (not just affiliates) to bulk tag products across their video libraries.
  • Integration with e-commerce platform Fourthwall to manage storefronts within YouTube Studio.

The updates come amid a growth period for YouTube Shopping.

In 2023, viewers reportedly watched over 30 billion hours of shopping-related videos, representing a 25% increase in watch time year over year.


Here’s more about YouTube’s new shopping updates.

YouTube Affiliate Hub

For affiliate marketers considering YouTube, today’s update makes it more appealing and creator-friendly.

“Who doesn’t love a good deal?” said Aditya Dhanrajani, YouTube’s Director of Product Management for Shopping. “The Affiliate Hub is making it easier for Shopping creators to find the information to start planning their next shoppable video.”

For YouTube creators building an affiliate marketing business, the Hub streamlines a fragmented process of dealing with different brands across separate platforms and sources.

Now, creators can view all the latest affiliate brand opportunities, exclusive promo codes to share with their audience, and commission payouts in one place.

“Our creators understand the incredible opportunity for affiliate earnings on YouTube,” said Dhanrajani. “With an integrated Affiliate Hub providing partnership opportunities, promo deals, and seamless product tagging, there’s never been a better time to build an affiliate business on our platform.”


Other New Shopping Features

Shopping Collections

YouTube highlights another key feature in this update: Shopping Collections, which allows channels to curate products from their favorite brands or their own merchandise lines.

Creators can now group products into themed collections, making it easier for viewers to discover and purchase related items.

Collections will appear in a channel’s product list, Store tab, and video descriptions. The feature is initially launching on the Studio app for mobile, with plans to expand to desktop soon.

Expanded Product Tagging

Last year, YouTube introduced the ability for affiliate shopping creators to tag products across multiple videos simultaneously based on items listed in the video descriptions.

This feature is now being expanded to all Shopping creators, allowing them to tag their products and merchandise across their entire video library. This update could help creators earn more revenue from older, high-traffic content.

Integration With Fourthwall

YouTube is integrating Fourthwall, an e-commerce platform, into its list of supported shopping platforms.


This integration will enable creators to create and manage their storefronts directly within YouTube Studio, streamlining the process of setting up and maintaining an online store.

“We know that people come to YouTube every day to connect with the things and creators they love,” Dhanrajani stated. “We hope these new YouTube Shopping features make that journey even easier for creators and viewers.”

In Summary

As the spring shopping season kicks off, these updates enhance YouTube’s ecommerce capabilities and provide creators with more opportunities to monetize their content.

View YouTube’s announcement below:

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