Tell WordPress How To Make It Better For You
The opportunity to tell WordPress what you need out of the CMS only comes around once a year. This year, WordPress wants to hear from SEO professionals, affiliates, recipe bloggers, small business owners, advertisers and others who depend on WordPress.
What Is The 2023 WordPress Survey?
The people who build WordPress conduct an annual survey to obtain feedback from those who use it.
But it’s not really about the people who build it.
It’s actually about your experience with WordPress and all of the ways you know it can work better for you.
It may sound odd but this is the first year that WordPress has actively tried to reach the people like you, the ones who actually who use WordPress.
They even want to hear from marketers who advertise on WordPress websites.
Answers provided in the survey can directly influence what the WordPress leadership will focus on next.
What Is On Your Wishlist For WordPress?
- Do you ever stop and say to yourself that WordPress would be so much better if it did something in a specific way?
- Are you concerned about best-practices for site speed?
- If you had a say about WordPress, what would be at the top of your to-do list?
The annual survey is your chance to influence changes to WordPress that will make your job easier.
Dan Soschin, a WordPress sponsored contributor, shared why it can help your business to offer your insights:
“This survey will help WordPress project leadership note any trends from year to year, identify potential areas of the project that require more focus in the future, and evaluate the success of current initiatives.
Like the WordPress project itself, whereby any WordPress user can log feedback about the software to influence its direction (a bug, enhancement, or general comment), everyone is invited to share feedback by taking the survey – regardless of how you use WordPress.
This would include advertisers who place ads on WordPress websites, SEO consultants who optimize WordPress websites, developers who build sites on WordPress, and anyone else who uses WordPress in any shape or flavor.
How does the survey make an impact? A recent survey showed that performance was listed among the things respondents felt were not the best elements of WordPress.
Around that time, a new team was created to work on performance and has since produced impressive results.”
Dan is right, WordPress made significant performance improvements to the core, including a 25% performance improvement for block themes and a 10% performance jump for classic themes.
If you’re an affiliate, an SEO, an advertiser, a small business or recipe blogger and want to make WordPress better for you, then take a moment to fill out the survey.
After you do that, here’s how to amplify your voice: Ask others on your favorite social media groups to also fill out the survey.
It’s important that WordPress hears your opinion because in the end it’s you who wins when they listen to your needs.
Here’s a link to the survey, fill it out right now while it is still open for feedback.
Featured Image by Shutterstock/TrifonenkoIvan