Meet Jas Singh: Founder of The Tech Route AI Newsletter

Jas Singh is an up-and-coming creator in the world of AI. He recently launched his newsletter The Tech Route, which gained an astonishing 4k Subs in just under a month. Jas provides step-by-step AI tutorials and plugin and AI tool reviews. At the age of 22, Jas recently quit his 9-5 to work in the AI world full time. So how did he get to that point?
His journey starts back in his early teens. At 14 years old, Jas started following Gary Vee learning insights on how to manage and profit from social media. His first dive into the digital marketing world was on Instagram, flipping accounts. He would grow them to around 50K followers then sold them to buyers online.
Since his initial success, the entrepreneurial mindset took hold. Jas flipped accounts all through High School and continued to learn how to manage and market online. After graduating in 2018, he wanted to jump right into business as a focus for college. Coming from an Indian household, his mother was adamantly against it. The idea of emerging from college and needing funding to start a business was not her idea of a path. She gave him a solid no. They settled on Architecture, since he could still pursue his creative side. He took 4 years to finish a 6-year degree.
All the while, Jas continued to build his side hustles online. Alex Hormozi and Gary Vee were his digital mentors through school and he never saw a real future in his course of study. Since he already experienced success in social media marketing, he pursued some certifications in marketing and landed a job as an ecommerce website lead. Jas eventually turned that into a local SEO web design company, and the project did reasonably well.
What he learned from the venture was more important. The skills of cold calling, developing websites, handling rejection, and everything that comes from running a business made his mind drift toward the world outside the 9-5 once more.
When ChatGPT landed on the market he had an entirely new vision. Jas saw the immense opportunity for growth in the world of AI and he picked a new set of mentors to follow. He discovered Rowan Cheung, founder of The AI Rundown newsletter. Seeking mentorship, Jas cold pitched Rowan, but at the time, Rowan didn’t need any interns or help and told him to come back later.
Rather than pivot, Jas dug deep and decided he would impress Rowan. Jas started a twitter account, and here is where the learning moment comes. Not only has Jas successfully grown a following in the AI world in a short amount of time, he has a solid strategy on how to do it.
With notifications turned on, Jas became Rowan’s most devoted reply guy. Continually studying the fast-moving world of AI, Jas had something to say on every topic and tool that was introduced. So, he provided valuable comments on each tweet, in order to get noticed. Over the next 20 days he went from about 20-2000 followers. But more importantly, Rowan noticed him.
Jas then received the offer to help with The AI Rundown’s Instagram for about a month. In exchange, he received valuable advice from the mentor he was looking for. Jas grew his account to 10,000 followers by that time and moved focus back to his own ventures.
With AI quickly becoming inundated with pseudo influencers, Jas found ways to differentiate himself amongst the crowd. He started creating videos for twitter, and was even able to hire an editor with his twitter sponsorships. Jas got to the point where he was making about 2x his 9-5 salary working in this new booming world of AI.
His next move is to grow on platforms outside of twitter, using his proven methods of providing extremely valuable information combined with how to get noticed. Jas will be growing his YouTube and TikTok and also growing his newsletter, The Tech Route.
Right now, Jas is doing the 75-day challenge on TikTok. In brief, he’ll be working on creating content for 75 days, with 75 pieces a week. He hopes this leads him to massive growth similar to his twitter efforts. The idea is an extension of his previous online mentor Alex Hormozi, who said to do something hard for 100 minutes a day for 100 days and see what happens.
Learning that Jas was such an excellent student of many famous online mentors, we asked him for his top tips on social media growth and here is what he gave us:
During early stages, “content is important, but what’s more important is you engaging with other accounts and growing a community with your followers.” To do this, people need to leave valuable engagements under bigger accounts. Identify accounts that are in your niche, specifically ones that are at the next level you want to be at. Not accounts that are 5 levels above you, but at a level you can attain in a short period of time and turn on notifications to be the first to reply. Never reply with something lame like “Oh, nice thread.” Only reply if you can add something of value to the conversation.
Followers will come once you are noticed in the replies of larger accounts. This means you need to be also putting out a decent amount of content. You have to prove to these new followers that you know what you’re talking about. The focus does not have to be on your content in the early stages, but something has to be available to entice new followers to stay.
Whether it’s a group chat or a discord channel, develop a group of like-minded creators that can grow together. These creators will be going through the same growing pains as you and will share their own struggles and how they overcame them. The group thrives because of this shared journey, and everyone grows faster. “Building kind of like a brotherhood, I would say, is of real importance,” Jas said.
You can follow Jas and his journey on twitter at @thejassingh or subscribe to his newsletter to keep up on the latest in AI.
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