I am deeply sad to report that Mark Irvine passed away unexpectedly last night. Mark was deeply involved in the search marketing community, known as being...
Google’s John Mueller was asked if there is a way to prevent search traffic loss while launching a new website revamp. This specific case has URL...
As of 7:13 am ET this morning, Google has confirmed an issue with Google Ads where advertisers “may not have access to the most recent data,”...
Apple’s ATT update, which has seen many people block social media apps from tracking their activity, has caused major disruption in the digital ads sector, with...
As it works to weather the impacts of Apple’s ATT update, which now prompts iOS users to opt-in to data sharing in apps, Meta continues to...
This is an interesting case study in how smaller changes and policy tweaks, in relative terms, can have a big impact on user behavior online. Last...
It pains me to write this – Bill Slawski, a man who has literally helped transform the SEO industry into what it is today, has passed...
In a world of online dating, it seems the options (and ads) are endless. If you’ve grown tired of seeing countless ads for personal events in...
A Twitter poll by Natalie Mott showed that almost 80% of SEOs do expect to see some traffic lost when managing a site migration. There were...
The Google algorithm ranking tracking tools seems to be having fun, or maybe they are off, I am seeing mixed signals of Google ranking updates. Google...