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How to Connect to API of eCommerce Platform



connect to api

Since the world has become more digital, it is crucial for eCommerce software vendors to guarantee that their solutions can interoperate with the different eCommerce platforms and marketplaces. These integrations help ensure the flow of continuity of the user experience, data exchange and synchronization, and good business management. The application programming interface (API) is very useful for achieving these integrations. The article is devoted to the specifics of how software vendors can connect to API of eCommerce platforms and marketplaces and how this process can be made easier.

Understanding APIs

APIs enable two or more software applications to exchange data and information. For eCommerce software vendors, APIs are the way to get and manage data from eCommerce platforms and marketplaces. The eCommerce API gives users access to various store information. It often enables GET, ADD, UPDATE, and DELETE data from stores, such as orders, products, customers, categories, etc.

eCommerce API integration refers to the process that enables an app or software to connect to API of an eCommerce platform. Therefore, software providers can provide various valuable features for online store owners. Some are order management, inventory synchronization, product management, and others.


API of eCommerce Platforms

Every eCommerce API is unique and has its own features and way of functioning. Here are some examples of popular eCommerce APIs:

Magento API

This API allows the developers to get and modify the store data on the Magento platform including customers, orders, products, etc. It supports both REST and SOAP communication protocols.

WooCommerce API

When software developers connect to API of WooCommerce, they can get, add, modify, and delete data in WooCommerce stores, such as products, prices, orders, customers, and shipping statuses.

Shopify API

This API allows you to retrieve, create, update, and delete object data in WooCommerce stores: products, prices, orders, customers, and shipping statuses. The API is XML and JSON compliant and uses HTTP requests, including GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.

BigCommerce API

BigCommerce RESTful API enables you to integrate your eCommerce applications with BigCommerce and use any code language of your choice. It allows the user to view and manipulate store data, which includes orders, products, customers, categories, shipments, etc. All CRUD operations are allowed via HTTP methods, such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.

Squarespace API

Squarespace API has different endpoints, such as the Inventory API, Orders API, Products API, Profiles API, Transactions API, and Webhook Subscriptions API. These allow developers to get stock data, order history, manage products, and much more.

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Key Considerations Before Connecting to an API

  1. API Documentation

  2. API documentation is the starting point for learning how to communicate with a specific platform’s API. It contains information on the endpoints, the formats of requests and responses, authentication, the rate at which requests are allowed, and how errors are handled. It is imperative to go through the documentation of the target eCommerce platform or marketplace carefully before moving on to the integration part.

  3. Authentication

  4. Various platforms employ different forms of authentication, including API keys, OAuth, and basic authentication. Make sure that you are familiar with the expected authentication method and have the credentials needed to make the API calls.

  5. Rate Limits

  6. APIs usually have rate limits to prevent overuse and misuse of the API. These are the limits that you should observe so that you don’t get throttled or blocked. This information is usually available in the API documentation.

  7. Error Handling

  8. Good error handling is vital for a successful integration since errors are bound to occur at some point. It is also important to know the various error codes and their meanings and how to manage them in your integration to address matters like rate limits, timeouts, and authentication.


Methods to Connect to API of eCommerce Platform

There are two ways of connecting to eCommerce API: in-house integration development or via integration solution like API2Cart.

In-house integration development

in-house integrationin-house integration

Creating eCommerce API integrations from the ground up takes a lot of time and effort and includes stages such as planning, development, testing, and support. This can slow down the time it takes to market your solutions.

In-house development allows more control, but it requires a team of qualified developers, which may prove expensive. Moreover, the costs of maintenance and updates, which are continuous processes, are also included in the resource requirements.

All the eCommerce platforms are different in terms of API, documentation, and prerequisites that need to be met. Managing all these for several platforms can be rather cumbersome and also comes with some mistakes.

Integration with eCommerce platforms via API2Cart


API2Cart decreases integration development time. Data can be easily accessed, and developers can connect to eCommerce platform APIs with minimal effort.

The service helps to decrease the need for a large internal development team, which reduces costs. It also includes maintenance and updates, so you don’t need to waste your time and effort on them.

API2Cart has detailed documentation and code samples, which makes it more convenient to connect to the APIs. This support can help minimize the time taken in the integration process.

API2Cart can process large numbers of API calls, which is why it works for any business, regardless of its size. It’s flexible and can accommodate your business’s growth without compromising performance and reliability.

This API integration solution provides its clients with detailed technical support in case of any questions or problems connected with integration. This support can be very helpful when trying to figure out issues and/or fine-tune your integrations.

API2Cart helps you to integrate with the shopping platforms faster, save time on development, allowing you to concentrate more on other business operations.

Depending on various factors such as business requirements, time and money constraints, and other factors, it is possible to choose between the in-house integration development and the use of API2Cart. If you want to have full control and high flexibility and have the capabilities, developing your own may be more suitable. But if you are in search of a cheap, efficient and easily customizable approach, API2Cart is a viable competitor with its API-based integration.

How to Get Started to Connect to eCommerce APIs via API2Cart

API2Cart provides a simple way to connect to API of multiple eCommerce platforms and marketplaces. To start using the service, you need to follow these simple steps:

  1. Sign Up and Get the API Key

  2. The first one is to get an API2Cart account with the help of experts. Once you sign up, you will be given an API key that will be used for the authentication process.

  3. Connect a Store

  4. To add a store to your API2Cart account, you need to enter the basic details of the store such as the store URL, the platform, and the authentication details. API2Cart employs various forms of authentication with regard to the platform used.

  5. Explore API Methods

  6. API2Cart contains many API methods, including products, orders, customers, categories, etc. The documentation explains how to use them appropriately.

  7. Test and Optimize

Check that the integration is functioning correctly. Monitor the API calls and responses and modify your integration.



Integrating with the API of eCommerce platforms and marketplaces is one of the most important tasks for eCommerce software vendors. By knowing the critical factors, adhering to the integration steps, and using tools like API2Cart, vendors can make the process easier, shorten the development time, and have reliable connections. API2Cart is a unified API approach that offers a reliable and flexible solution to help vendors concentrate on value-added services. With a single API software, vendors can integrate with over 40 eCommerce platforms and marketplaces. The list of supported integrations includes Magento, WooCommerce, Shopify, Squarespace, Amazon, etc. You can get more information about API2Cart by scheduling a call with our manager.

Following the guidelines and best practices mentioned in this article, eCommerce software vendors can easily connect to the APIs, improve their products, and provide the best user experience.

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WordPress 6.6 Is Here – News




WordPress 6.6 Is Here – News

A few times a year, the WordPress open source software gets a major update, providing users with new capabilities, regular refinements, and important bug fixes. With hundreds of fixes and enhancements, WordPress 6.6 brings a new level of creativity, usability, and efficiency to your WordPressing.  

Here’s a quick tour of what this latest update offers folks on, starting with some of the basics about WordPress 6.6. 

Table of Contents

  1. The basics 
  2. More efficient views and navigation in the Site Editor 
  3. Unified and updated publishing flow 
  4. Override synced patterns with custom content 
  5. Automatic plugin rollbacks 
  6. New design elements
    1. Site background image 
    2. Negative margins 
    3. All-new grid support 
    4. Custom default shadow styles 
  7. Section-specific styles
  8. Block Bindings API upgrades 
  9. And more! 

The basics 

WordPress 6.6 is available right now and has likely already landed on your site. You may notice that many of these new features have been available on your site(s) for a few weeks or even months; we often roll out updates in waves on to allow for early access, testing, and iteration before these major updates are more widely released. 

Sites on are updated automatically. If you run into issues or bugs, always feel free to reach out to our expert Happiness Engineers at  

More efficient views and navigation in the Site Editor 

The last couple major WordPress releases have dramatically reimagined the Site Editor experience. With 6.6 you’ll see a new side-by-side default layout when viewing and editing pages. 

Pattern management has also been better integrated, ensuring more efficient navigation and fewer clicks to get where you want to be. 

Amidst these bigger changes are a number of small enhancements to keyboard navigation, bulk editing actions, and the overall design and functionality of the Site Editor. 

Unified and updated publishing flow 

If you’ve spent time in the Site Editor, you’ll have noticed that it used to offer a fairly different experience from the page/post editor. WordPress 6.6 now offers a shared workflow for publishing, leading to smoother interactions when navigating between various elements of your site. 

As part of this unification, there’s also an update to the layout and design of the publish flow with more prominent displays for the title, publishing status, and featured image.

For all the plugin and theme developers out there, this particular update also makes it easier to extend the editor. Both the post/page editor and Site Editor now use the same slots and extensibility APIs

For users, this means a lot more plugins will be able to bring exciting features into the editor. For plugin developers, it means that it’s easier to implement your code to extend the editor’s capabilities.

Override synced patterns with custom content 

This new feature allows for editing specific blocks even when you’re utilizing synced patterns and styles. For example, if you have a pattern for a stylized button CTA, you can use this override feature to use different copy or even colors for different pages and button locations, while maintaining common elements. 

You can “Enable Overrides” from the “Advanced” section of the Paragraph, Heading, Buttons, and Image blocks, with more block support planned for the future.

Automatic plugin rollbacks 

When it comes to plugin management, offers unparalleled reliability and redundancy. In addition to the scheduled plugin updates that we recently introduced, WordPress core now offers automatic rollbacks when a plugin update fails. 

If you don’t utilize scheduled updates, your plugins will update automatically when new versions become available. 

In the past, if a plugin update failed, WordPress would leave the plugin inactive, which might render some parts of your website unusable or broken. In WordPress 6.6, the plugin is rolled back to the previous version, ensuring continuity with your site until you can diagnose and fix the issue. 

New design elements

WordPress 6.6 offers a handful of new customization options for designing and stylizing your site. Let’s explore the most impactful new features. 

Site background image 

WordPress 66 Is Here – WordPresscom News

Make an immediate visual splash with the new site-wide background image option in the Site Editor. Whether it’s a striking full-bleed photo or a whimsical graphic pattern, you have the freedom to choose size, position, and repetition. 

Negative margins 

You can now set negative margins for any block, allowing for more granular margin control. This enables users to more easily create overlapping design elements. Note that negative values must be entered manually rather than with the slider. 

All-new grid support 

With the Grid and Grid Layout blocks, you can quickly create professional-looking grids for your images, testimonials, videos, and more. The “Auto” option automatically generates mobile-responsive rows and columns while the “Manual” option provides more granular control. 

Custom default shadow styles 

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From the Styles menu, you can now edit shadow effects, including changing the default shadow style for images, buttons, and more. You can also add your own shadow styles, giving your total control over this subtle and powerful design element. 

Section-specific styles

Here’s one for the theme builders out there. With WordPress 6.6, you have the option to define style variations for specific sections of a site, not just the theme as a whole. To enable this, you’ll have to edit your theme’s theme.json file and declare the style variation (click here for instructions). Once that’s set up, you will be able to quickly modify the styles of several blocks for areas like headers, footers, content sections, and more. 

As a bonus, section styles also work flawlessly with content imported from our public pattern collection.

Block Bindings API upgrades 

This release makes Block Bindings easier to use and more powerful. Originally available since WordPress 6.5, this feature allows users to connect (or “bind”) the content of a block to the data of a custom field. Here’s how to create that in a post. WordPress 6.6 takes it one step further by enabling the option to edit custom field data by just updating the block in the editor.

And more! 

There are hundreds of updates to WordPress in the 6.6 release. What we’ve highlighted above is a just taste of the most notable and visible features. If you’re a developer and want to look under the hood a bit more, you can find the full slate of goodies in this WordPress 6.6 Field Guide.  

Click below if you’re a developer and want to leverage the benefits of hosting your sites with

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10 Steps for Profitable Home Based Clothing Businesses in 2024




10 Steps for Profitable Home Based Clothing Businesses in 2024

For the past five years, I’ve successfully run an online clothing and decor shop from home. No initial investment, inventory, or advertising dollars were needed – just smart strategies and determination. Many believe home based clothing businesses require high startup costs, but with the right approach, anyone can build a thriving online store from their living room.

A clothing business has a lot of moving pieces – you’ll have to manage color choices, sizes, styles, shipping, and inventory management. To stay on track, here’s a 10-step guide and checklist to ensure you’re set up for success.

10 Steps to Success With Home Based Clothing Businesses

When I began my own clothing business, I didn’t have access to any major upfront capital. Therefore, I had to learn how to minimize almost every cost while outsourcing as much of the fulfillment process as possible.

This guide will show you how to replicate this “print-on-demand” method so you can be at home (or anywhere else) while semi-passively fulfilling your orders.

This business model frees you from worrying about:

  • Inventory management
  • Manufacturing costs
  • Shipping and handling
  • Customer returns

Remember, the steps below can be adapted to any type of product – clothing or otherwise. For this guide’s sake, we’ll focus on apparel.

1. Decide What Products You Want to Sell

10 Steps for Profitable Home Based Clothing Businesses in 2024

It may seem obvious to know what you want to sell, but you would be surprised by how many aspiring online business owners skip this crucial step.

For example, while you may be clear on your niche, such as yoga clothing, you might not have decided on what types of products to sell. Racerback tanks? Performance leggings? What types of designs will you use, and what major theme will tie it all together?

Here are a few action steps that can help clarify your product selection process:

  • Create a Mood Board: Use Pinterest to gather ideas from other home-based clothing businesses that inspire you.
  • Study Competitors: Look at what successful competitors in your niche are selling to see what’s working and what you like.
  • Leverage Unique Skills: Think of any unique skills you have, like graphic design or hand illustration, to differentiate your products.
  • Identify Trends: Use tools like Google Trends and social media to spot current market trends.
  • Define Your Audience: Work out who your ideal customers are by age, gender, and fashion preferences.

Once you’ve decided on your products, develop your graphics and designs. If you’re creative, use Adobe or Canva. Alternatively, hire professional designers on platforms like 99Designs to ensure your products stand out with unique, high-quality designs that resonate with your audience.

2. Make Financial Projections and Boundaries

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Next, you’ll want to know your financial goals, expenses, and boundaries. You’ll want to have an idea of how much you want to make and what resources you’re able to leverage in order to get there.

Some key questions to ask yourself include:

  • How much money will I need to spend? If you’re planning on hosting your online shop on a platform like Etsy, you won’t have to pay for a website, but you may have to pay for listing and transaction fees. On the other hand, if you host your own store, you’ll have to pay host fees and possibly transaction fees as well.
  • How much time will I be dedicating? Don’t forget about sweat equity. Your time and effort are valuable, and should be taken into account when setting your financial goals.
  • What are my monthly operating expenses? This includes things like software subscriptions, shipping costs, packaging materials, etc.
  • How much money do I want to make? Set a realistic income goal for yourself based on the amount of time you’ll be dedicating and your operating expenses.

Exploring the potential answers to these questions will help you to stay on track and manage expectations as you grow your home-based clothing business.

3. Define Your Target Audience

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Start by stepping into your customer’s shoes. Picture their daily lives, what excites them, and how they interact with fashion. If you sell yoga clothing, what would your ideal buyer be doing when they wear your products? What types of activities would they be participating in?

Next, identify the demographics of your ideal customers—think about their age, gender, and lifestyle. What kind of fashion do they prefer? What are their shopping habits? You’ll have to connect with your audience and utilize market research tools like social media insights and industry reports to get a clearer picture.

Use all this information to create detailed customer personas to guide your marketing strategy. The better you visualize your ideal buyers, the more effective and targeted your marketing efforts will be.

4. Choose Fulfilment and Shipping Providers

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Print-On-Demand companies are affordable and convenient options for a home-based clothing business. This is where a third party handles printing, packaging, and shipping your products to customers. You don’t carry inventory, pay for products upfront, or handle any of the fulfillment logistics after you set everything up.

There are many POD options available, but some popular ones include Printful and Printify. I personally use Printful because they have a great selection of products, as well as offering excellent customer service, and seamless integration with platforms like Etsy and Shopify. Their customer service team is fantastic, and they are available 24/7 through email and chat.

To compare the two POD programs, check out my Printify vs. Printful breakdown to dig deeper into their features.

Make sure to compare pricing and profit margins among different POD services. High clothing and shipping costs can quickly eat up a lot of profit. I aim for a 30% profit margin on all of my clothing items.

While many POD providers are free, a few cost money, and others have both free and paid plans. Free plans are perfectly fine for getting started, and as you grow, you may want to consider upgrading your plan for more features and customization options.

Finally, remember that you can work with many different PODs. For example, I use Printful for printing my sweatshirts, shirts, and tank tops, while I use Gooten for home decor items.

5. Purchase Samples for Quality Assurance

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You never know how good a product really is unless you test it yourself. Printful and Printify both offer sample products at discounted rates for business owners.

Here’s how to assess clothing quality for home-based clothing businesses:

  • Shipping Times: Order a sample of your products to see how long it takes for them to arrive. Consider where your target audience is located and if this shipping time will be acceptable for them.
  • Quality Control: Check the print quality, stitching, and overall construction of the product.
  • Placement and Quality of Print: If you’re using print-on-demand, make sure the design is accurately placed and high-quality.
  • Fit and Sizing: Make sure to order a variety of sizes in both men’s and women’s clothing to ensure they fit as expected.

When creating or purchasing samples, it’s important to keep in mind that they are an investment in the success of your business. Take the time and effort to thoroughly test and evaluate your products. And having other people try them on and provide feedback can be invaluable in the long run.

6. Take High-Quality Images of Your Clothing Line

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A clothing business is highly visual, so having high-quality images of your products is essential. Good product photography make all the difference between making a sale or not.

Here are some tips for taking professional-looking product photos:

  • Using natural lighting helps showcase the true colors and features of your products.
  • Invest in a decent quality camera or hire a professional photographer if possible.
  • Style your clothing on models or mannequins to give customers an idea of how it will look on them.
  • Take multiple angles and close-up shots for each item.

If you don’t have access to models, you can also use flat lays or styled product images. Websites like or Smartmockups allow you to easily create mockup images of your products on different backgrounds and settings.

7. Create Your Storefront

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At this point, you have your products, financial targets, ideal audience, and high-quality images. What’s missing? A storefront, of course. You’ll need online real estate for your clothing business so customers can browse, learn about your brand, and make purchases.

Here are three popular options for creating home-based clothing businesses:

  • Shopify: User-friendly interface with customizable themes and built-in SEO tools, but higher subscription fees and extra costs for third-party apps; also limited customization compared to open-source platforms.
  • Etsy: Built-in audience for unique products with easy setup and low initial costs, but transaction fees add up, and there’s less control over branding plus fierce competition.
  • WordPress (WooCommerce): Full control over design and no subscription fees, but a steeper learning curve, responsibility for hosting and security, and potential costs for premium plugins.

In a nutshell, entrepreneurs who need a user-friendly, all-in-one solution should choose Shopify. Sellers of unique, niche products will benefit most from Etsy’s easy setup and built-in audience. Those with technical skills wanting full control over their store’s design should opt for WordPress with the WooCommerce plugin.

8. Develop and Fine Tune Branding Elements

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Now that you know where you’re hosting your online clothing business, it’s time to design it to fit your brand. Your branding elements should reflect your target audience and differentiate you from competitors.

Here are print-on-demand business name ideas to help you come up with a name if you haven’t already. Think of a name that clearly connects to your clothing brand and is easy to remember.

You should also consider:

  • Logo
  • Color scheme
  • Typography and fonts
  • Voice and tone
  • Brand images

You’ll have variying levels of control over these elements depending on your chosen platform. For example, Shopify offers customization options for logos, colors, and typography, while WordPress allows full control of every aspect.

If you have a lot of time, talent, or a well-staffed team to build a website, opt for WordPress and hire a design team to build your branding elements. Otherwise, consider using pre-made templates on Shopify or Etsy to save time and hit the ground running.

9. Write Engaging SEO-Optimized Product Descriptions

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With your storefront structured and your products ready to go, it’s time to craft compelling product descriptions that will sell them.

Here are a few tips for writing effective product descriptions:

  • Know your target audience and use language that resonates with them with the support of AI tools like Jasper. Use sensory words and descriptive language to bring your products to life.
  • Highlight the unique features and benefits of your products so customers understand what sets them apart.
  • Use SEO keywords to optimize your product descriptions for search engines with programs like Semrush and EtsyRank.

You may also want to include key policy information such as shipping times, return policies, and any special offers or discounts. The clearer and more informative your descriptions are, the more likely customers will buy from you.

10. Market Your New Home Based Clothing Business

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With your products and storefront ready to go, it’s time to get the word out about your new clothing business. Here are some marketing ideas to consider:

  • Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest are great places to showcase your products and connect with potential customers.
  • Collaborate with influencers or bloggers in your niche to reach a wider audience.
  • Consider running promotions or offering discounts for first-time buyers.
  • Attend local events or markets to promote your brand and make connections.

Even online clothing store owners need to connect to a community to get the word out and receive feedback. Take at least one small step every day to promote your business and track the results. Over time, you’ll find certain channels work better than others. Focus on these and continue to refine your marketing strategy.

Final Thoughts: 10 Steps to Success With Home Based Clothing Businesses

Clothing is one of those ecommerce niches that will never go away. Year round, millions of people are searching for unique clothing pieces, making it a lucrative market to tap into. Building a customer base takes time and hard work, but with new tech tools and the right mindset, you can successfully run home-based clothing businesses, no matter your budget or experience level.

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How to Connect Two APIs Together in an eCommerce Landscape?




connect two apis together

In the world of eCommerce, it is common to connect two APIs together to enable smooth business operations and a quality customer experience. APIs, short for Application Programming Interfaces, are ways by which two or more software systems can interact to exchange data.

For eCommerce software vendors, this means integrating APIs of various eCommerce platforms such as Shopify, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, etc. Connecting two APIs together can unlock significant operational efficiencies, reduce manual tasks, and provide a unified platform for managing diverse eCommerce functions.

This article will illuminate the significance of APIs in eCommerce, the difficulties of integrating with them, and the important guidelines for effectively connecting two APIs to get the most out of your eCommerce solutions.

The Importance of APIs in eCommerce

While APIs are used in many spheres outside the e-market, their employment in eCommerce is on the rise. They may shorten the time to market for a new product or service and incorporate new market channels.

APIs and the opportunities that come with them are highly sought after as they have never been before. An API is a technique that SaaS applications use to integrate with other applications and through which most SaaS applications obtain and modify their data.

There are many reasons why SaaS vendors should provide APIs, as well as why their consumers need them. APIs are a way for channel partners and integrators to be able to link a set of applications and deliver a solution to their clients. Thus, APIs help channel partners with their tasks and, at the same time, reduce the cost of customer acquisition for SaaS providers. APIs also allow clients to export data if they wish to shift from one provider to the next.

SaaS that has applications built on API has many benefits, among others. It allows users to interact with the applications through the UI, and other applications can communicate with the underlying one through the API.

api ecommerce

Common Pitfalls of eCommerce API Connection

Connecting with APIs may become the cornerstone of a system’s functioning or an additional enhancement that expands the product and attracts customers.

To the B2B software providers targeting e-retailers, it is imperative to create integration between their system’s API and shopping cart API. Their clients are involved with e-retailers and require data from their stores to be extracted and analyzed using their software. It is impossible to get the essential data on orders, customers, products, shipments, etc., without linking to the shopping cart applications that e-sellers use to run their stores.

challenges apischallenges apis

When developing a shopping cart API integration on your own, consider the following issues:

  • Cost. The integration with each of the eCommerce platforms can take weeks and cost thousands of dollars. Every integration costs a lot, and the numbers can quickly accumulate if several integrations are necessary.

  • Time: One integration usually takes a month to finish. When several integrations are needed, it means that they all have to be developed and tested properly, and this may take some time. Potential clients may be lost since they cannot afford to wait.

  • Version Updates: Other challenges include shopping platforms’ APIs always updating to new versions, and this may lead to wrong information or data retrieval problems. There will be a need to update the code frequently to be compatible with the new and latest versions.

  • API Documentation Challenges: Most of the eCommerce platforms as well as marketplaces, have poor APIs. For instance, the API of Amazon is rather old and does not have very clear documentation that may miss critical data. The integration with Magento’s API is difficult because the documentation is inaccurate; the documentation of Etsy’s API is also problematic as it is difficult to locate, which takes additional time and effort to search for.

  • Developer Expertise: This means that developing a connection with the shopping cart API requires the services of very experienced developers who have done a similar integration before. These developers are rather scarce because the integration process itself is rather complicated from a technical standpoint.

  • Security Risks: Manual integration development is a threatening process that can damage your software. Poor integration can leave your system open to attack from criminals who intend to acquire data. It is important that you take all the necessary precautions to protect your system and data.

Examples of Connecting Two APIs Together in eCommerce

The eCommerce business is highly interconnected and interdependent, particularly for B2B services that heavily rely on shopping carts. Running such businesses in isolation is rarely effective, as they require access to customer, order, product, and other actionable data to operate their core processes. To seamlessly retrieve and manipulate this data, applications must connect their API with shopping cart APIs where the information is stored. The optimal way to establish a continuous data interchange between two different systems is through integration.

B2B software solutions that need API integration with eCommerce platforms are numerous. Here are some types of businesses that have proven to benefit from connection with multiple shopping platforms APIs:

software ecommercesoftware ecommerce

Marketing Automation Software

Marketing automation tools are dependent on shopping platforms since their key activities involve using product and order information, customer details, coupons, and any other data held in the store’s database.

Repricing Software

Such types of software need price and product data from online stores to provide their functionality. This is only possible if they connect two APIs together efficiently (their systems API and shopping cart API).

Inventory, Order, and Warehouse Management Systems

Such systems need to have access to the e-store databases to get the information on the products, categories, customers, orders, as well as tracking numbers.

Dropshipping Automation Software

All these solutions rely on the API integration with the shopping platforms to get and synchronize the order, customer, and product data collected from the different online stores.

Shipping Management Software

Shipping software need to connect their API with eCommerce APIs together in order to efficiently import orders from different sales channels, update transport info and order statuses, create shipping labels, and compile data into detailed reports.

Cart Abandonment Solutions

These tools need to be connected with eCommerce APIs which provide information on the abandoned cart; this allows the tool to immediately send out a reminder or offer to the customer in a bid to recover the sale. As a result of integration with shopping carts these solutions can track user actions, collect information about the abandoned carts and initiate automated marketing actions to address the customers and complete the purchase.

Therefore, B2B software providers need to connect with shopping carts APIs to gain the necessary data that is vital in the performance of their tasks. From marketing automation, mobile application development, repricing, inventory management, chatbots, dropshipping automation, and shipping management, shopping carts ensure that these solutions work to their optimum, thus offering immense value to the users.

That is why, from the very developing stage, vendors create API strategies and plan on the platforms they need to integrate their systems with. The more connections a vendor establishes, the more opportunities to expand his market share he gets.

api strategyapi strategy

Solution to Connect Two APIs Together Efficiently

As you know now about the significance of connecting together your software API with the shopping cart API, it is time to introduce the best solution for your B2B SaaS business. Considering the difficulties and the need to integrate with all your clients’ eCommerce stores, you need a unified solution to connect your eCommerce software with different shopping platforms.

API2Cart is what you need. It is a unified shopping cart integration API which enables your software to connect with over 40 eCommerce platforms at a go. This all-inclusive solution enables your eCommerce software to integrate with all the shopping carts and marketplaces at once.


API2Cart allows adding, deleting, updating, and modifying data for all the client stores without any difficulty. We offer over 100 API methods to manage store data, such as orders, products, customers, shipments, and categories.

API2Cart makes it easy for your software to decrease TCO, minimize time and money input, and decrease the time and resources spent on integration support. Above all, you can take advantage of our trial offer and use our service for 30 days for free.


An ability to effectively connect two APIs together in an eCommerce landscape can greatly improve the performance of various business systems and processes. Thus, it is crucial to understand the purpose of the integration, prepare for it, take the next steps, and maintain the connection using a third-party integration solution to achieve the best results and get the maximum value.

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