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Yes, It Exists & Here’s How to Do It



Yes, It Exists & Here's How to Do It

Let’s get something straight—homepage SEO exists.

A homepage can rank for relevant non-branded keywords and help other pages on your site to rank too. You can find proof of that all over the web. Here’s one from Squarespace’s homepage:

List of keywords with corresponding data; notably, Traffic and Position

But SEO is not the only or primary aspect of a homepage. So in this article, you’ll learn how to optimize your homepage for search engines in four steps without undermining your homepage’s primary purpose.

How to optimize a homepage for search engines  four steps

Homepage SEO resembles the general flow of optimizing a page for search engines. We have keyword research, creating SEO content, and building links. However, there are some caveats and special considerations. Let’s dig in.

1. Choose the target keyword

Your homepage should clearly “tell” Google and your readers what your product/service is about. Both parties need to understand the context.

In SEO, this is done mainly by focusing the content of a page on a target keyword. This keyword defines what the page is about. This doesn’t mean that your page will only rank for this keyword alone. It will most certainly rank for tens and even hundreds of related keywords. But first, you need to choose that one.


Start by making a list of keywords that best define your product or service. For the sake of our example, let’s assume you’re competing with Intercom in the space of communication tools. Here’s how you can populate your list:

  • Brainstorm – You can do this on your own or in a group. Just create a list of words or phrases that come to your mind. Since you probably already know a great deal about your niche, these words should come quite naturally.
  • Analyze competitors – Make a list of your competitors and read through their websites to find words that they use to describe their offerings.

So let’s say we came up with the following keywords: CRM, communications platform, customer communications platform, customer communications tool, conversational marketing platform, conversational marketing tool, customer messaging tool, conversational relationship platform, and customer service software.

Next, we’ll plug those keywords into an SEO tool. We will need to get the traffic potential of each keyword and understand the search intent behind all of them. You can use any SEO tool you like, but it’s best if you use a tool that doesn’t group keywords.

If we use Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer, here’s what we will see:

List of keywords with corresponding data like KD, Volume, GV, TP, etc

To get a clearer picture of our Traffic Potential here, I’ve ordered our keywords based on this metric (TP).

Ahrefs shows data for 6 out of 9 keywords. The remaining three are most likely very low search volume keywords. Because of their low popularity, we won’t bother with them in this article.

Next, we need to analyze the search intent for these keywords.


Search intent stands for the reason behind the search query. Basically, we want to see in the search engine results pages (SERPs) for these keywords the same kind of pages that you want to optimize: homepages. 

Additionally, since we can assume our homepage will be describing a product, we can expand our search for landing pages with the same intent. If you want to dive deeper and understand the reasoning behind that, see our guide on search intent.

Moving on. Look at the top 10 pages ranking for those keywords and see if you can spot a homepage or a product page (if your competitors are offering a suite of various tools). In Ahrefs, you can just click on the SERP icon.

SERP icon in the results

Below are two instances where we can see such pages for the keywords “CRM” and “customer communications platform.”

SERP overview for "crm"

Here, we can see two product pages dedicated to CRMs—both by companies delivering entire product suites.

SERP overview for "customer communications platform"

For the keyword “customer communications platform,” we can see Intercom’s homepage and product pages from Freshdesk and MHC.

At this stage, you may find yourself in one of these scenarios:

  • You’ve found just one matching keyword – You can use that keyword as a target keyword.
  • You’ve found multiple matching keywords – You still need to choose one primary keyword. You can look at the GV column (Global Volume) to gauge the popularity of the keyword (i.e., the language your target audience uses the most).
  • You’ve found none – In this case, you should stick to the keyword that best describes your offering. There are two reasons for that: First, your homepage likely serves more purposes than SEO; second, search intent for that keyword may change direction and start showing particular businesses (like yours).

What to do with other relevant keywords from this stage? Keep them. You may still need to use them in the copy of your homepage to show its context. Other than that, you may want to use them for other content formats (blog posts, landing pages, free tools, etc.).

2. Create content for your homepage

In this section, we’ll cover crafting the title tag, meta description, main content of your homepage, and addition of schema markup.


The title is one of the things Google will take into account when understanding and ranking your homepage. (Yes, it is a tiny ranking factor.)

That said, the title is not only meant for Google. You still need to make the title attractive enough to make people click.

Here are some good practices for crafting your homepage’s title:

  • Make it eye-catching and accurate – Write a line that piques users’ interest and accurately describes what’s unique about your offer.
  • Insert the target keyword in your title – But remember to make it sound natural.
  • Insert your brand name – How and where you put it won’t impact rankings (but may impact the user’s choice). 
  • Fit within 60 characters – Otherwise, your description may get truncated, and you’ll increase the chances of Google rewriting your title.

Once you rank in the top 10 for that keyword, it’s the perfect time to start optimizing your title for the click-through rate.

Recommended reading: How to Craft the Perfect SEO Title Tag (Our 4‑Step Process) 

Meta description

Unlike the title tag, the meta description is not a ranking factor.


Interestingly enough, Google is known for rewriting meta description tags. (According to our study, this happens 62.78% of the time.)

At any rate, a good meta description can interest the searcher enough to enter your homepage. So:

  • Make it compelling enough to make the user click.
  • Refrain from any “clickbaity” practices. If your page doesn’t pass the “sniff test,” the user will simply return to the SERPs and will avoid your page in the future. Or simply, they won’t click in the first place.
  • Don’t make your description longer than 920 px. Use a tool like SERPSim to make sure your description will fit.
  • It’s a good idea to treat the title and description as two parts of the same message. The description can be an extension of or support what you claim in the title.
Excerpt of a Google SERP
Excerpt of a Google SERP

Recommended reading: How to Write the Perfect Meta Description 

Main content

First and foremost, think about your brand and your business when creating the main content of the homepage. What do your visitors need to know about your business right off the bat? What makes you unique? What path should the user take on your website? SEO should come second in those considerations.

When it comes to SEO, you need to remember two things when designing your main content:

  1. Matching search intent
  2. Inserting (naturally) your target keyword into the H1 tag

For the first point (matching search intent), you need to look at the top pages on the SERP for a given keyword and analyze what these pages are talking about and what they offer.

For example, for the keyword “CRM,” a lot of pages offer basic information on CRMs: what is a CRM, benefits, how does a CRM work, features of a CRM, etc.

Google SERP for "crm"

This is an indication that Google “promotes” pages that offer some kind of education on the topic of CRMs. So it’s probably a good idea to include similar points inside your main content so that Google can “see” your page as something that helps searchers understand the product and learn how they can benefit from it. 

You can go a level deeper in picking related terms with the help of Ahrefs’ Also rank for and Also talk about reports. Just plug in a keyword into Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer and use the said reports to find out:

  • Which keywords the top 10 ranking pages for your target keyword also rank for.
  • Which other keywords and phrases the top-ranking pages for your target keyword frequently mention.
List of keywords with corresponding data like KD, Volume, etc

Some of the results of the Also talk about report for the keyword “CRM.”

Lastly, however obvious this may sound, you don’t want to forget to mention your brand in the copy. This is still part of search intent, as a lot of searchers will likely land on your homepage through branded keywords.

As for the second point (inserting your target keyword into the H1 tag), it’s another situation when SEO comes last. Inserting the primary keyword into this tag will help Google understand the context. But the H1 tag is also about improving the user experience and accessibility of a page.

On top of that, there’s nothing wrong with making your H1 copy more persuasive than the competition. 

H1 on Hubspot's webpage about its CRM software

Recommended reading: On-Page SEO: The Beginner’s Guide 

Add schema markup

Schema markup is code that helps search engines to understand your content and better represent it in the search results.

Adding schema markup can help you gain more visibility on the SERPs by displaying rich snippets which, in turn, can lead to more traffic.


In practice, adding schema markup to a homepage is comparable to filling out meta tags. You’re filling out some predefined categories with information about your organization, your product, etc.

You can write schema “by hand,” but it’s probably best to generate it using tools like Schema Builder extension.

Here’s an example schema markup from Intercom’s homepage. Here, it’s using the “organization” type with two properties (URL and logo):

Example schema markup on Intercom's page

And below, we have an interesting case of multiple schema markup types found on ZOHO’s CRM product page:

Multiple schema markup types found on ZOHO’s CRM product page

And thanks to having this information inside the schema…

  "aggregateRating": {

    "@type": "AggregateRating",

    "ratingValue": "4.3",


    "reviewCount": "5148"


… Google can display the review snippet:

Review snippet on a Google SERP

Another interesting example is how HubSpot uses schema markup to show FAQs fitting the informational character of the search intent for the keyword “CRM”:

Excerpt of a Google SERP
Schema markup on Hubspot's page

The type of schema property that you may want to include on your homepage is the organization. It will help Google understand that your page is about an organization (and not, for example, a type of fruit). This markup can also help you earn a knowledge panel.

Another often-used feature is the sitelinks search box. Google can display this feature whether you like it or not (based on the utility for the user), but you can have some control of it using schema.

Sitelinks search box on Google SERP

It’s worth experimenting with other types of properties too: reviews, FAQ, local business, etc. Having multiple schemas on your homepage is OK, as long as you match that with actual content on your homepage and don’t provide conflicting information.

Recommended reading: What Is Schema Markup? How to Use It for SEO 


3. Build high-quality external links

A homepage, just like any other page, needs backlinks to effectively compete for non-branded keywords in search engines. The more good quality backlinks you have, the higher the chances of ranking in the top 10.

Keyword Explorer overview for "crm"

The competition for this keyword is really tough…

There are multiple sources where you can get backlinks for your homepage. But not all of them will pass the same link authority. So before you go chasing those links, keep in mind what makes a good (high-quality) backlink:

  • Relevance – You should aim to get backlinks from websites related to your niche.
  • Authority – Backlinks from strong webpages usually transfer more “authority” than those from weak ones. In addition, links from pages with fewer outbound links will pass more authority.
  • Traffic – There’s a small but clear correlation between rankings and backlinks from pages with organic search traffic (source).
  • Placement – Prominently placed links may pass more authority than others. The general rule of thumb is that the more likely the user is to click a link, the more PageRank the link will pass. So for example, links within the main copy of the text placed high on the page will pass more authority than links inside the footer placed among many other links.
  • Anchor – Google reads the surrounding content of a link as a signal for the context of the page. However, according to our study, the correlation between anchor text and search rankings is weak.
  • Followed vs. nofollowed – Nofollowed backlinks usually don’t influence the linked page’s rankings.

Keep in mind, though, that high-quality links are hard to get. More often than not, you will really need to build a strong case to get a site to mention your brand, product, etc.

With that out of the way, let’s take a look at some places where you can get quality backlinks to your homepage.


Positive reviews can greatly increase demand for your product or service. But if your reviews can also get you a high-quality backlink, those reviews can help you rank higher on the SERPs and generate additional traffic.

To look for review opportunities, you can analyze your competitors’ backlinks and reach out to the same websites.

Backlinks report results

You can look for review opportunities by filtering competitors’ backlinks with words often used in reviews. Examples: best, compare, comparison, alternative, etc.

Another way to source those opportunities is to use Google to find out who writes reviews in your product category. But if you want to do it more efficiently, you can use Ahrefs’ Content Explorer to find these sites and easily filter them based on page traffic, domain authority, etc.

Content Explorer results for this search: "crm review" OR "best crm"

Digital PR

Digital PR is a great opportunity for building links because links from the media will usually be some of the most authoritative backlinks you can get.

Typically there are two ways to do this. You can:

  • Answer journalist requests on sites like HARO, ProfNet, or SourceBottle. You can also scan Twitter for hashtags like #journorequest.
  • Write and pitch press releases to reputable and relevant media outlets.

If you can provide unique insight on a problem related to your niche or if you’re doing something newsworthy, there is a chance a journalist will use you as a source for their story. As a result, your brand will get exposure and your homepage will get a link.

List of referring pages with corresponding data like DR, Domain Traffic, etc

Just like reviews, PR can happen “organically” without your input. Will those stories link to you as well? You can find out by looking for unlinked mentions and then trying to turn them into links.  We have a full guide on tackling unlinked brand mentions here.

Guest posts

Guest posting is quite a popular phenomenon on the internet. It probably doesn’t need any kind of introduction.

Like reviews, guest posts can benefit a brand and its product or service in many ways: brand awareness, product demand, etc. This tactic is worth pursuing just for the sake of those benefits.

But when SEOs talk about guest posts or guest blogging, there is only one goal on the table: getting a high-quality backlink. One is all you need.


You can look for guest blogging opportunities manually using Google:

Google SERP for this search: saas "write for us"

Or you can do it at scale with an SEO tool that lets you quickly filter through the results. Here’s a video showing the process using Ahrefs’ Content Explorer.

Other tactics

Link building is a broad topic with many tactics and techniques. Some of the other ideas for getting backlinks are:

  • Getting featured in directories and listings, which is especially effective with homepages for local businesses.
  • Studying your competitors’ backlinks to replicate their links (e.g., from review sites) and spot patterns in the types of backlinks.
  • Reclaiming lost links.
  • Adding links to community sites.

We cover those and more in our resources on the topic:

4. Add internal links

From an SEO perspective, three things happen when you link internally:

  1. You help new pages get discovered by search engines – Internal links provide a crawl path to target pages.
  2. You pass link authority between your pages – This way, you can boost other pages you own.
  3. You help search engines understand what a page is about – You need Google to understand the meaning of your content if you want to rank for relevant keywords.

Because of the reasons above, you should seek opportunities to link both from your homepage and to your homepage.

Add links from your homepage (to your most important content)

Homepages are usually pages with the highest number of backlinks. They amass link authority that can be passed to other pages to help them rank.

Here’s how Salesforce uses this technique to boost its page explaining what CRM is:

Salesforce's homepage showing link to article on "What is CRM"; on right, list of other resources (video, webinar, etc)

And it seems to work. That page ranks #1 for the keyword “CRM”:

SERP overview for "crm"

Another popular way to link to your important content is through the footer of the page. However, based on our knowledge of how links pass authority, this technique will pass less authority compared to Salesforce’s technique.

Links to blog articles in page footer

Intercom links from the homepage to selected blog posts through the footer of the page.

Add links to your homepage

If your resource pages (blog, ebooks, case studies, etc.) link to your homepage through site navigation or even through a logo, those links already pass page authority to your homepage.

However, if you remember from our section about what makes a link high-quality, the placement of the link and its anchor matter as well. The links that a user is more likely to click are likely to pass more authority. And the anchor used in that link helps Google grasp the context of your homepage.

For these reasons, you should also link to your homepage within the main content where it is relevant. So for example, instead of just mentioning your brand or product inside a blog post, include a link to it as well (one per article is probably enough).

Internal Backlinks report results

Links from HubSpot’s blog pointing to its homepage are quite common.


Here, we’ll answer some frequently asked questions about optimizing a homepage for search engines.

Is the homepage most important for SEO?

Your homepage will likely have the most backlinks and will be the landing page for most branded keywords. However, this doesn’t mean that your SEO efforts should be limited to this page only or that you should be prioritizing this page at all times. 

How long does it take Google to display changes on your homepage?

Google states that crawling can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Make sure your page is crawlable and indexable to Google in the first place.

How much text should there be on a homepage?

There is no definitive answer for this from an SEO perspective. Focus on matching search intent instead and making your copy appealing to the reader.

Final thoughts

Homepages tend to be neglected in SEO strategies. They shouldn’t be. As you can see, they can rank for important keywords and help other pages rank at the same time.


That said, you shouldn’t try to rank a homepage for a given keyword at all costs. There are some scenarios where it’s probably better to target keywords with blog posts or dedicated landing pages. This is true when:

  1. The content of your homepage won’t be able to match search intent. This shouldn’t dissuade you from using other words or phrases that, in your opinion, best describe your business.
  2. Your offering is so complex that trying to make it all about one topic will hurt your business. See how Twilio’s site architecture matches the complexity of its business. Expecting its homepage to rank for one non-branded keyword just doesn’t make sense.

One thing we need to make clear here is that a homepage is just a page. From an SEO perspective, the same rules apply. And in this game, search intent is still king.

For example, when you Google “speed test,” you expect to see a free tool for testing internet connection. And this is what the top-ranking websites provide on their homepages right off the bat.

It doesn’t matter what “tricks” you use to rank here; if you don’t provide a tool for that, then game over.

And you can’t wish for a better confirmation of search intent than this:

Google SERP for "speed test"

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Google Performance Max For Marketplaces: Advertise Without A Website




Google Performance Max advertising campaigns is seen on the webpage of Google for Retail on a smartphone.

Google has launched a new advertising program called Performance Max for Marketplaces, making it easier for sellers on major e-commerce platforms to promote their products across Google’s advertising channels.

The key draw? Sellers no longer need a website or a Google Merchant Center account to start.

The official Google Ads Help documentation states:

“Performance Max for Marketplaces helps you reach more customers and drive more sales of your products using a marketplace. After you connect your Google Ads account to the marketplace, you can create Performance Max campaigns that send shoppers to your products there.”

The move acknowledges the growing importance of online marketplaces like Amazon in product discovery.

For sellers already listing products on marketplaces, Google is providing a way to tap into its advertising ecosystem, including Search, Shopping, YouTube, Gmail, and more.


As ecommerce marketer Mike Ryan pointed out on LinkedIn:

“Polls vary, but a recent single-choice survey showed that 50% of consumers start product searches on Amazon, while a multiple-choice survey showed that 66% of consumers start on Amazon.”

The source for his data is a 2023 report by PowerReviews.

Getting Started

To use Performance Max for Marketplaces, sellers need an active account on a participating marketplace platform and a Google Ads account.

Google has yet to disclose which marketplaces are included. We contacted Google to request a list and will update this article when we receive it.

Once the accounts are linked, sellers can launch Performance Max campaigns, drawing product data directly from the marketplace’s catalog.


Google’s documentation states:

“You don’t need to have your own website or Google Merchant Center account.


“You can use your existing marketplace product data to create ads with product information, prices, and images.”

Conversion tracking for sales is handled by the marketplace, with sales of the advertiser’s products being attributed to their Google campaigns.

While details on Performance Max For Marketplaces are still emerging, Google is providing information when asked directly.

Navah Hopkins states on LinkedIn she received these additional details:

“I finally got a straight answer from Google that we DO need a Merchant Center for this, we just don’t need one to start with.”

Differences From Standard Performance Max

These are the key differences from regular Performance Max campaigns:

  • No URL expansion, automatically-created assets, or video assets
  • No cross-account conversion tracking or new customer acquisition modeling
  • No audience segmentation reporting

Why SEJ Cares

Performance Max for Marketplaces represents a new way to use Google advertising while operating on third-party platforms.

Getting products displayed across Google’s ecosystem without the overhead of a standalone ecommerce presence is a significant opportunity.

How This Can Help You

Through Google’s ecosystem, merchants have new ways to connect with customers.

Performance Max for Marketplaces is a potential difference maker for smaller retailers that have struggled to gain traction through Google’s standard shopping campaigns.

Established merchants invested in Google Ads may find the program opens new merchandising opportunities. By making an entire marketplace catalog available for ad serving, sellers could uncover previously undiscovered pockets of demand.

The success of Performance Max for Marketplaces will depend on its execution and adoption by major players like Amazon and Walmart.

Featured Image: Tada Images/Shutterstock


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The 9 Best Landing Page Builders For 2024




The 9 Best Landing Page Builders For 2024

Generating leads is crucial to boosting your sales – but if your landing pages aren’t effective, you’re going to struggle to turn visitors into customers.

Landing pages play a key role in elevating the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and differentiating, refining, and enhancing the user experience.

In this article, we’ll explore how to choose the right landing page builder for your business before highlighting the nine top landing page builders and what makes them stand out.

Let’s get into it.

Choosing The Right Landing Page Builder For Your Business

With so many options to choose from, how can you decide which landing page builder is right for you?


Here are a few things to consider when making your decision.

  • Marketing objectives: Start by deciding what you want to achieve with your landing pages. Are you looking to collect email subscribers, drive sales, generate leads, or promote an event? Each platform caters to different use cases, so leading with your goals can help you refine your search.
  • Ease of use: Different builders have different learning curves. If you’re a novice, you should probably opt for a tool that caters to beginners. If you have more technical experience, like coding knowledge, you might want to look to more advanced builders to get the most power.
  • Integration needs: Do you want your landing pages to integrate with other software or tools you’re already using?
  • Mobile optimization: It’s essential that your landing pages cater to mobile users, so make sure your builder considers that with features like responsive design.
  • Budget constraints: Unfortunately, budget matters. Landing page builders come with various price tags depending on their capabilities and features. Make sure you’re working within the boundaries of what you can afford.

While this is, by no means, an exhaustive list of considerations, it’s a starting point to help you choose a landing page builder that makes sense for your business needs.

Now, let’s look at nine of the best landing page builders to choose from.

1. Carrd

Screenshot from, April 2024
  • Best for: Simple projects, personal use, and small budgets.

Looking for a great landing page builder that won’t break the bank? Look no further than Carrd.

Carrd is a streamlined landing page builder that focuses on creating single-page websites quickly and easily. It’s designed for simplicity, making it ideal for anyone who wants to quickly create a webpage without needing to build a multi-page site.

Think portfolios, personal profiles, project presentations, and small business showcases.

Carrd’s user-friendly interface and selection of themes allow users to create sleek pages in the blink of an eye without even needing an account – you can just visit the website, pick a theme, and get started. However, you will need to sign up to save or publish your site.

It balances simplicity and functionality to help you craft that pages are clean, focused, and responsive across all devices. If you’re just testing the waters or working with slim budgets, this is the right tool for you.



  • Extremely affordable, with a free tier available.
  • Intuitive and user-friendly interface.
  • Responsive design.
  • Fast and lightweight, making it ideal for quick and simple sites.


  • Limited to single-page websites.
  • Restrictive layouts/themes, which limit creative freedom.
  • Lacks advanced features and integrations found in more comprehensive builders.


  • Carrd’s free basic plan allows you to launch three sites with Carrd branding to domains.
  • Paid plans range from $9 to $49 per year, and offer additional features like no Carrd branding, custom domains, and Google Analytics support (depending on your membership tier).

2. ConvertKit 

1714739165 738 The 9 Best Landing Page Builders For 2024Screenshot from, April 2024
  • Best for: Content creators, bloggers, and marketers focused on growing their audience through email.

Billing itself as “the creator marketing platform,” ConvertKit’s landing page builder is targeted at creators, bloggers, and marketers who want to expand their email subscriber base.

If your goal is to create a landing page to help you build an email list, ConvertKit might be the right option for you.

ConvertKit’s landing page builder offers a range of high-quality, customizable templates and integrates with third-party tools to help you get the most out of your site.

It also integrates with the stock photo platform Unsplash to offer access to 100,000+ free images for your landing page.

While ConvertKit’s analytics and customization options might not be as extensive as those of some of its competitors, its ease of use and focused approach make it a standout for email-driven campaigns.


  • No cost for starting (up to 1,000 subscribers).
  • Access to thousands of free images.
  • Robust third-party integration capabilities.


  • Limited template customization and flexibility.
  • A/B testing and analytics features are less advanced.
  • Priced higher than some basic landing page builders.


  • Free plan for up to 10,000 subscribers.
  • The Creator plan starts at $25/month and includes benefits like automation features and app integrations. Pricing scales are based on subscriber count.

3. Unbounce

1714739165 787 The 9 Best Landing Page Builders For 2024Screenshot from, April 2024

Unbounce is a leading landing page builder renowned for its focus on conversion rate optimization (CRO). Its website promises to help you “build high-converting landing pages with ease.”

It offers a suite of advanced tools, such as A/B testing, dynamic text replacement, and the Smart Traffic system, which uses AI to optimize visitor flow to the highest-converting page variant based on user behavior and characteristics.

It also focuses on features that can help you boost your lead gen efforts, such as opt-in email popups and sticky banners.

With 100+ responsive templates, Unbound makes it easy to create landing pages that are both engaging and effective.

Compared to some other options on this list, Unbounce is a particularly robust platform with tons of customization and integrations – and the price point reflects that.

As a premium offering with a steeper learning curve, it might not be the best for beginners – but its AI-powered features and conversion-focused tools make it a formidable tool for achieving your goals.


  • Advanced A/B testing and AI-driven optimization.
  • Large selection of responsive templates.
  • Integrated features for enhancing lead capture.


  • Higher price point than some other builders, which might not work for those with limited budgets.
  • Complex setup and steeper learning curve for new users.
  • Some customization limitations.


  • The Build plan starts at $74/month and covers unlimited conversions, one root domain, and up to 20,000 monthly unique visitors.
  • Other paid plans range from $112/month up to $649/month.

4. Leadpages

1714739166 24 The 9 Best Landing Page Builders For 2024Screenshot from, April 2024
  • Best for: Small businesses and entrepreneurs looking to generate sales.

Need a landing page that will help you generate sales? Consider taking a look at Leadpages.

Its strength lies in its user-friendly, drag-and-drop editor and an extensive collection of templates that streamline the page-building process. Plus, according to the Leadpages website, it’s a platform that converts five times better than the industry average.

Leadages offers CRO tools, real-time analytics, and A/B testing capabilities, enabling users to enhance their page performance effectively.

Its various widgets allow you to add videos, images, forms, and even payment integrations directly onto your landing pages, making it a versatile tool for businesses that want to combine content with sales functionality.

On top of all this, Leadpages now includes an AI Engine for creating headlines and images and an AI writing assistant at some membership tiers, which can help you write better content.


  • Intuitive no-code editor and easy payment integration.
  • Comprehensive A/B testing and real-time analytics.
  • Extensive template library with over 250 options.


  • Higher cost compared to some alternatives.
  • Limited ecommerce features and potential mobile responsiveness issues.
  • Some users report mobile responsiveness issues.


  • The standard plan starts at $37/month for one custom domain, unlimited traffic and leads, and 10,000 monthly AI Engine credits.
  • More advanced features are available in higher-tier plans, which start at $74/month.

5. Landingi

1714739166 311 The 9 Best Landing Page Builders For 2024Screenshot from, April 2024
  • Best for: Businesses seeking a versatile landing page solution with a wide range of features.

If you’re in the market for versatility, Landingi is worth investigating.

Landingi offers a flexible, comprehensive landing page builder with a robust set of features, including an advanced editor, popups, A/B testing, and a substantial library of 300+ templates.


Its unique Smart Sections feature allows you to reuse and easily update specific page elements across multiple designs, saving time and headaches.

Designed to serve businesses of all sizes, Landingi’s simple, drag-and-drop builder can help you create and optimize various types of landing pages – and if you have any HTML and CSS knowledge, it can be a pretty impressive editor.

Landingi is a particularly strong choice for small businesses looking to target different customer segments with unique landing pages. The integration capabilities with numerous apps, including payment gateways like Stripe, make it a great choice for companies looking to sell products.

While its rich feature set can be overwhelming for newcomers, and creating pages might take a bit longer compared to other platforms, the level of customization and control it offers makes Landingi one of the best landing page builders out there.


  • Extensive template library with 300+ customizable options.
  • Powerful editing capabilities with Smart Sections for efficient design.
  • Broad integration with various apps, including payment systems.


  • Steeper learning curve for beginners.
  • Potentially longer time to create landing pages compared to simpler platforms.


  • The Lite plan starts at $35/month and gives you 10 digital assets, unlimited conversions, 5,000 visits per month, and one custom domain.
  • Landingi also offers Professional and Unlimited tiers with more advanced features and capabilities.

6. Instapage

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  • Best for: Large businesses, marketing teams, or agencies that require collaboration and advanced optimization features.

If you’re seeking a more high-end landing page platform, Instapage might be the one for you. It offers advanced features tailored for professional marketing teams and agencies with a need to create optimized landing pages at scale.

In addition to a drag-and-drop builder and plenty of high-quality templates, Instapage offers a bevy of features, including advanced cloud-based team collaboration tools, heatmaps for user engagement analysis, robust A/B testing capabilities, AI-generated content creation, and more.


One of its standout features is Instablocks, which allows users to create custom page components that can be easily reused across different projects.

Instapage supports advanced marketing goals with features like AdMap to align ads with page content. Plus, its mobile-friendly design ensures a fast, seamless user experience.

While Instapage offers a premium experience with its comprehensive set of tools and features, its higher price point and complex functionalities may be a barrier for smaller businesses or those new to landing page optimization.


  • Extensive customization with a library of professional templates.
  • Instablocks for efficient design and asset reuse.
  • Effective team collaboration features.


  • Premium pricing will be a barrier for many businesses.
  • Steep learning curve for utilizing advanced features.
  • Limitations in reporting and visitor tracking for lower-tier plans.


  • The Build plan starts at $199/month, with a 14-day free trial.
  • Customers will need to upgrade to a customized Convert plan to access some of the more complex features, such as AdMap, heatmaps, and more.

7. Wix 

1714739166 903 The 9 Best Landing Page Builders For 2024Screenshot from, April 2024
  • Best for: Individuals and small businesses seeking creative control without advanced coding.

Now for something much more accessible: Wix is renowned for its user-friendly platform, which is ideal for creating attractive landing pages with minimal effort.

Like other options on this list, Wix offers an accessible drag-and-drop editor and a range of existing templates to help users craft aesthetically pleasing and functional landing pages.

Wix’s platform has a reputation for being particularly beginner-friendly, with a low learning curve and a free plan to help new users get started without any upfront investment.


For those focused on ecommerce, Wix provides specific features to build landing pages that showcase products and promotions, supported by over 50 payment solutions and tools like heatmaps to enhance user engagement and conversion rates.

While it offers a free starter plan, accessing more advanced functionalities and removing Wix ads requires upgrading to a paid subscription.

Wix’s balance of user-friendly design tools, ecommerce support, and cost-effective pricing makes it a favorable option for those new to web design or businesses needing straightforward, visually appealing landing pages.


  • User-friendly with an intuitive drag-and-drop interface.
  • Free plan available, making it accessible for beginners.
  • Ecommerce capabilities with extensive payment integration.


  • Advanced features and ad-free experience require a paid plan.
  • Potential limitations in customization for complex requirements.
  • Site speed may decrease with more intricate designs.


  • A free plan is available, but it includes Wix branding and lacks more advanced features like payments.
  • Paid plans start at $17/month, offering additional features.

8. Elementor

1714739166 573 The 9 Best Landing Page Builders For 2024Screenshot from, April 2024
  • Best for: WordPress users looking for a powerful and intuitive landing page builder.

If you’re a WordPress user, you’ll want to know about Elementor.

It’s a WordPress page builder that has gained popularity for its flexibility, comprehensive customization capabilities, and user-friendly interface.

Elementor allows users to design dynamic and detailed landing pages within WordPress. This feature makes it the perfect choice for WordPress users who want to extend the functionality of their website with sleek landing pages that maintain a consistent look and feel with their existing content.


Its real-time editing features allow for immediate feedback on design changes without any coding.

It also offers dozens of designer-made templates to choose from. You can add custom forms and popups to your landing page, save page components for reuse, and seamlessly integrate with your customer relationship management (CRM) tools to create a powerful customer experience.

While Elementor offers a ton in terms of design flexibility and integration, it’s important to note that it’s exclusively for WordPress users and can be resource-intensive – so it might impact site performance, especially on more complex websites.


  • Advanced customization and design flexibility.
  • Real-time editing and instant feedback.
  • Seamless WordPress integration.


  • Exclusively for WordPress users.
  • Potentially impacts site performance due to resource intensity.


  • Free version with limited functionality.
  • Paid versions start at $59/year, providing advanced features and support.

9. Taplink

1714739166 136 The 9 Best Landing Page Builders For 2024Screenshot from, April 2024
  • Best for: Social media influencers and businesses looking to direct traffic from social platforms to other content or actions.

This one’s a little different than some of the other examples here, but it deserves highlighting.

Taplink is a specialized micro-landing page builder optimized for social media profiles. It’s perfect for businesses and influencers that want to drive traffic from social media to other content or actions. You just use Taplink to create landing pages and share them on your social profiles.

Taplink stands out for its simplicity and mobile optimization, which is crucial when targeting social media audiences.


The focus on quick, effective page creation allows users to engage with their audience without the complexities of traditional website development.

For those aiming to convert social media interest into tangible outcomes – such as lead generation, sales, or content promotion – Taplink is a winner.

While its feature set is more limited than some of the more comprehensive builders featured here, its affordability and user-friendly design make it a great tool for those looking to maximize their social engagement with minimal effort and investment.


  • Simple and quick setup.
  • Mobile-optimized for social media engagement.
  • Cost-effective for targeted campaigns.


  • Designed primarily for micro-landing pages, limiting the scope.
  • Fewer features and customization options than extensive landing page builders.


  • Taplink offers a free basic plan, with premium features available on paid plans starting from $3/month. The most expensive tier, the Business tier, is $6/month.

There’s A Landing Page Platform To Help You Convert Visitors

Choosing the right landing page builder for your business can significantly impact your marketing success – but the decision will depend on your specific goals and needs.

As we’ve explored, each tool has unique strengths and caters to different aspects of the landing page creation and optimization process.

Whether you’re looking for advanced design capabilities, a user-friendly interface, or specific functionalities like CRO, there’s a platform that can help you not just streamline your landing page design process, but start converting visitors into loyal customers.


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Featured Image: Griboedov/Shutterstock

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Google’s Search Engine Market Share Drops As Competitors’ Grows




Assorted search engine apps including Google, and Bing are seen on an iPhone. Microsoft plans to use ChatGPT in Bing, and has launched an AI chatbot.

According to data from GS Statcounter, Google’s search engine market share has fallen to 86.99%, the lowest point since the firm began tracking search engine share in 2009.

The drop represents a more than 4% decrease from the previous month, marking the largest single-month decline on record.

Screenshot from:, May 2024.

U.S. Market Impact

The decline is most significant in Google’s key market, the United States, where its share of searches across all devices fell by nearly 10%, reaching 77.52%.

1714669058 226 Googles Search Engine Market Share Drops As Competitors GrowsScreenshot from:, May 2024.

Concurrently, competitors Microsoft Bing and Yahoo Search have seen gains. Bing reached a 13% market share in the U.S. and 5.8% globally, its highest since launching in 2009.

Yahoo Search’s worldwide share nearly tripled to 3.06%, a level not seen since July 2015.

1714669058 375 Googles Search Engine Market Share Drops As Competitors GrowsScreenshot from:, May 2024.

Search Quality Concerns

Many industry experts have recently expressed concerns about the declining quality of Google’s search results.

A portion of the SEO community believes that the search giant’s results have worsened following the latest update.


These concerns have begun to extend to average internet users, who are increasingly voicing complaints about the state of their search results.

Alternative Perspectives

Web analytics platform SimilarWeb provided additional context on X (formerly Twitter), stating that its data for the US for March 2024 suggests Google’s decline may not be as severe as initially reported.

SimilarWeb also highlighted Yahoo’s strong performance, categorizing it as a News and Media platform rather than a direct competitor to Google in the Search Engine category.

Why It Matters

The shifting search engine market trends can impact businesses, marketers, and regular users.

Google has been on top for a long time, shaping how we find things online and how users behave.

However, as its market share drops and other search engines gain popularity, publishers may need to rethink their online strategies and optimize for multiple search platforms besides Google.

Users are becoming vocal about Google’s declining search quality over time. As people start trying alternate search engines, the various platforms must prioritize keeping users satisfied if they want to maintain or grow their market position.

It will be interesting to see how they respond to this boost in market share.

What It Means for SEO Pros

As Google’s competitors gain ground, SEO strategies may need to adapt by accounting for how each search engine’s algorithms and ranking factors work.


This could involve diversifying SEO efforts across multiple platforms and staying up-to-date on best practices for each one.

The increased focus on high-quality search results emphasizes the need to create valuable, user-focused content that meets the needs of the target audience.

SEO pros must prioritize informative, engaging, trustworthy content that meets search engine algorithms and user expectations.

Remain flexible, adaptable, and proactive to navigate these shifts. Keeping a pulse on industry trends, user behaviors, and competing search engine strategies will be key for successful SEO campaigns.

Featured Image: Tada Images/Shutterstock

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