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ChatGPT provides improved responses when you act as if you are tipping it



A robot sat on a desk with a computer throwing money in the air

Here is some information you need to know:

A new study has shown that when you act like you are going to tip ChatGPT, it provides better and more detailed answers to queries. The programmer running the experiment believes that the lengthy responses are a result of the chatbot’s ability to incorporate the extra information from the questions into its answers.

During the experiment, the chatbot refused to accept the tip, saying that providing accurate and detailed responses is its primary job and that user satisfaction is its reward. The programmer also noted that the chatbot did not mention the tip at any point until it was brought up.

The study indicates that the quality and length of the responses improve when there is an incentive. However, it remains unclear how this affects AI-powered chatbots in general. The experiment provides insight into the impact of incentives on the reasoning and responses of AI models, such as ChatGPT.

There is also discussion on the impact of the tip illusion on chatbot responses and how this influences the AI’s performance. The programmer joked about owing ChatGPT $3000 in tips and even asked for the chatbot’s platform’s Venmo account details. If you have any thoughts on this, please share them with us in the comments.

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