Google Ads Policy Updates For Malicious Software, Compromised Sites & Unwanted Software

Google Ads is updating its Malicious or unwanted software policy on May 9, 2023. The policy will be split into three policies, Malicious software, Compromised sites, and Unwanted software.
Here is what Google said is changing:
- Malicious software: The scope of the Malicious software policy is narrowed to prohibit the intentional distribution of malicious software or “malware” that may harm or gain unauthorized access to a computer, device, or network. This prohibition applies to your ads and any software that your site or app either hosts or links to, regardless of whether the software is promoted through the Google advertising network. A violation of the Malicious software policy will now be considered an egregious violation.
- Compromised sites: A compromised site refers to a site or destination whose code has been manipulated or hacked to act in ways that benefit a third party without the knowledge of the site or destination’s owner or operator, and often in a way that harms the site’s users. Your ads are not allowed to use destinations which are compromised or hacked. Violations of this policy will not lead to immediate account suspension without prior warning. A warning will be issued, at least 7 days, prior to any suspension of your account.
- Unwanted software: Ads and destinations that violate Google’s Unwanted Software Policy are not allowed. Violations of this policy will not lead to immediate account suspension without prior warning. A warning will be issued, at least 7 days, prior to any suspension of your account.
Google also is making changes to its financial ads policies. In April 2023, Google will update the Financial products and services policy to clarify the scope and requirements for the advertisement of cryptocurrency related business and services.
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