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Google Says Linking To Multiple Providers In Product Reviews Might Give A Small Ranking Boost



Google Shoes Boost

In Google’s fifth release of the product reviews update, Google added that linking to multiple sellers is part of the overall algorithm. Alan Kent from Google said yesterday on Twitter that when all else is equal, “linking to multiple providers might get a small boost.”

Reminder, Google wrote on this product reviews update, “include links to multiple sellers to give the reader the option to purchase from their merchant of choice.”

Lily Ray, an SEO, asked Alan Kent, a Googler, “Given that Google recommends linking to multiple sellers, what does this mean for informational affiliate sites that only link back to one company (e.g. travel affiliate programs)?”

Alan Kent from Google replied, “Yes. If there were two great sites with similarly great content, the one with reviews linking to multiple providers might get a small boost. But more often is the content quality will be different and dominate.”

Here are those tweets:

Glenn Gabe noted that last March Alan said this was not the case, by the way:

Update: See:

But again, when is it ever that all things are equal? It sounds to me that this linking to multiple sellers aspect is a tiny factor in this overall product reviews algorithm.

Forum discussion at Twitter.



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