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5 Steps To Succeed With Full Funnel Marketing



As a business-to-business (B2B) marketer, you need a well-structured B2B multichannel funnel strategy.

This will help you attract new customers, generate leads, and land sales.

Without a full-funnel marketing approach, you can kiss your efficacy at brand awareness, lead generation, and sales revenue goodbye.

The B2B marketing funnel involves a multichannel funnel strategy in four stages.

The first three focus on acquiring a new customer, and the final retention stage focuses on customer loyalty.

  • Top of the funnel (TOFU): This is mostly focused on brand awareness and prospect generation.
  • Middle of the funnel (MOFU): This consideration phase is primarily focused on lead generation.
  • Bottom of the funnel (BOFU): This is where the deal is closed and moves on to the sales team.
  • Customer retention: This phase focuses on keeping existing customers happy, generating repeat business, and working with referrals.

What’s Unique About The B2B Funnel?

The sales funnel is not new information to you, nor is it unique to your marketing team.

Most digital marketing professionals use some version of full-funnel marketing as part of their sales and marketing efforts.

However, unlike most B2C companies, the B2B sales cycle is often much longer than your consumer-facing counterpart and typically requires a more refined approach.

B2B companies often have to nurture their prospects for many more months than B2C companies before they become paying customers.

They also have a different decision-making process for B2C consumers.

Unlike B2C customers, the B2B buyer is searching for a solution that solves an organizational problem, such as profit, productivity, and competitiveness.

After passing through several internal processes and sign-offs, a group usually makes the final purchase decision or approval process.

B2B buyers tend to use greater logic, fact-based reasoning, and in-depth research than B2C buyers before landing on a purchase decision.

For this reason, a well-devised marketing funnel that guides the buyer along the sales journey is of massive importance for B2B marketers who want to succeed.

So, what’s the problem?

Tunnel (Not Funnel) Vision

Growth marketers are under tremendous pressure to meet deadlines, sweat budgets, hit targets, and make isolated campaigns work.

Performance marketing, after all, demands performance.

The pressure for conversion ROI for each siloed campaign means marketers may lose sight of how their potential prospects move through the “invisible” B2B marketing funnel (awareness, consideration, and acquisition).

Blind Spots

Additionally, I often find there’s a lack of effort in understanding who the ideal customer is and keeping them uppermost in mind in all marketing activities.

Perhaps it is an oversight or assumption that everyone knows.

However, in the mad rush to sell and generate leads, not enough thought is given to creating content, messaging, and UX focused on the unique buying motivation and decision-making process of potential customers.

As a result, there are missed opportunities in the digital marketing strategy.

Firstly, there are gaps in creating awareness and consideration (top of the funnel) via focused and informative content marketing.

Also, you may be forgetting that marketing qualified leads could be targeted by remarketing.

Remarketing or retargeting audiences can create greater brand awareness and intent-based marketing efforts that support the sales funnel stages.


Despite a marketing and sales team’s activity, expense, and well-meaning effort, there is often a total absence of a strategic, optimized B2B marketing funnel.

Rather, only expensive campaigns are in place to drive acquisition towards lead conversion.

Consequently, minimal to no data indicates how customers found the product or services on offer.

Neither are there insights into how the company can focus on replicating this desired outcome through the best-performing channels, and how to decrease budget and effort on channels that don’t.

The Challenges Of Modern B2B Marketers

It’s not because we don’t know about the marketing funnel.

In fact, most B2B marketers are aware that they should be active on as many digital channels as possible, as often as possible.

They also know that messaging needs to be wonderfully personalized based on each buyer’s unique persona and stage of the funnel.

Messaging should also be consistent across all channels without being too invasive. Plus, the pressure is on to do all this while still remaining competitive, brilliant, and within budget.

So how do you do this? It is not possible unless you have a game plan.

Here’s How To Succeed With A Full-funnel B2B Marketing Strategy

If you do the marketing in a B2B business, you need a fully-integrated marketing funnel.

If you hope to attract new leads, nurture these over the lengthy sales cycle, and ultimately convert them into paying customers.

B2B marketers can “unleash” the full potential of demand generation initiatives by implementing a solid B2B marketing and multi-channel funnel strategy.

This is because full-funnel marketing aims to give prospects a seamless experience at each stage of the customer journey.

This makes it easier to guide them toward the desired positive outcome at every stage of the funnel, and eventually convert them into paying customers.

Where do you start?

1. Focus On Identifying And Championing Your Ideal Customer

When I ask a company who their target market is, they say “everyone” or “all businesses in America.”

To which I say, “not possible,” unless you have an infinite budget and unlimited resources. No, you need to be specific.

What Unique Problem Do You Solve?

You might provide several products and services, but knowing what you are best at – and why your customers choose you – will help signify your position in the marketplace.

Look In Your CRM System

Identify the customer that brings in the most value, has the least amount of support queries, and is the most loyal. Now, find a few more like that and try to identify any similarities they share.

  • Are they in the same industry?
  • How many employees do they have?
  • Where are they geographically located?
  • Through which channel did they become prospects and customers, etc.?

Identify what makes them an ideal customer and you will know how to attract more like them.

Outline Their Pain Points And Champion How Your Product Can Solve Their Challenges

If you can highlight how your solutions can help them do what they do better, you will have the apex of your messaging.

2. X Marks The Spot

Answer this: What do you want your ideal customer to do at the end of their journey?

Alright, now work your way backward from that action.

From start to finish, there is a clearly mapped out journey.

There are also clearly defined “if-then” scenarios and catch nets at drop-off points.

This will ensure you get the most return on B2B marketing. It is very seldom that a cold lead turns into a hot sale right away.

  • While you map out your B2B marketing funnel from awareness to consideration to conversion – consider all touchpoints, channels, email nurturing, and conversion criteria.
  • Consider the brand values and what the experience should feel like for your customer. Most marketers sell a product or service. The best marketers guide their customers through bespoke experiences.
  • Use digital measurement tools such as Google Analytics to know which channel is your best current acquisition channel.
  • Review your social analytics to know which channel is your ideal prospects’ preferred watering hole.
  • Analyze this data and your CRM insights to understand better how your customer prefers to engage with you online.

3. Compare Like For Like

Do competitor analysis on those brands that share your ideal customer niche. Find out what they are doing well, what opportunities and gaps exist, and how you can compete.

Use the Facebook Ads library to see what they are doing.

Use Google search to see what ads they are using, what keywords they are targeting, and what their landing pages look like.

While this is only a glimpse into their own unique customer journey – as we have no clarity into what happens after lead generation – this will help you generate ideas and stay relevant. Inspiration is often the fruit of imitation!

4. Create B2B Sales Funnel Catch-net Content

Now that you know your target customer, what your competitors are doing, and have mapped out a unique B2B marketing journey, it’s time to create content focusing on multi-channel tactics that encourage the desired action in each stage.


Content that brings you onto the radar of your B2B prospect needs to be available on multiple digital channels.

For example, an SEO-optimized blog on your website that answers a common challenge in their industry.

Gated whitepapers, research pieces, or long-form articles.

Paid search targeting awareness TOFU keywords, and custom-intent Google Display that follows them around online for a few weeks.

Facebook and Instagram ads drive traffic to the website, and organic social posts drive engagement on these channels.

Anything that introduces your brand or solutions to the audience and just lets them know you exist.


Create consideration content for those who want to know more about your service or product and what it can do to help them solve their challenges.

These are more educational and feature-oriented pieces, such as case studies and product information.

Use pricing and USP keywords in your Google search campaigns and remarketing for Google Display.

Create short-funnel lead gen ads on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.

Post consideration pieces, prices, and feature-rich posts for organic sharing.

Send personalized drip campaigns over the next few weeks that validate why they can trust you as the guide to solve their problem and help them reach their objective.


Finally, create relevant acquisition content for those further down the marketing funnel.

This would include targeting keywords with commercial intent on Google Ads.

You could deploy remarketing campaigns to your consideration audiences on Google Display and social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.

This could also include sending promotional emails to your database.

Remember to use your channels to build long-lasting relationships that could potentially foster further opportunities.

5. Measure What Matters

Great! You’ve come this far. Now let’s consider how you can keep improving.

The best way to do this is to put measures in place that allow you to measure.

By measuring each phase of the funnel, you will see what works and what doesn’t.

This is not a time for “gut feeling” and instinct in your marketing team and sales team.

Rather, the inbuilt analytics in digital marketing channels and campaigns should enable you to try out simple experiments in your B2B marketing channel mix.

This way, you will learn why your audience engages with certain types of content or campaigns along the marketing funnel, why potential customers convert or abandon the journey, and in which marketing campaign it happened.

Iterate, be brave, be bold, and be agile.


The landscape of B2B marketing has changed.

This is because the B2B buyer is evolving.

Research-based, info-laden, and regulation-driven, the only way to reach this tech-savvy target audience is through deploying full-funnel B2B marketing strategies and tactics.

Kick off your game plan with a keen understanding of your target audience.

Delve into your existing customers and replicate their characteristics.

Then carefully map out each stage of the marketing funnel, which channels to use, and what content to create to gain the desired outcome.

Finally, start setting the pace and refining your strategy through diligent measurements and analytics.

Here’s to great success with your B2B marketing funnel and outstanding B2B multi-channel funnel strategies that work!

Feature Image: eamesBot/Shutterstock

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Executive Director Of WordPress Resigns




WordPress Executive Director Josepha Haden Chomphosy resigns,

Josepha Haden Chomphosy, Executive Director of the WordPress Project, officially announced her resignation, ending a nine-year tenure. This comes just two weeks after Matt Mullenweg launched a controversial campaign against a managed WordPress host, which responded by filing a federal lawsuit against him and Automattic.

She posted an upbeat notice on her personal blog, reaffirming her belief in the open source community as  positive economic force as well as the importance of strong opinions that are “loosely  held.”

She wrote:

“This week marks my last as the Executive Director of the WordPress project. My time with WordPress has transformed me, both as a leader and an advocate. There’s still more to do in our shared quest to secure a self-sustaining future of the open source project that we all love, and my belief in our global community of contributors remains unchanged.

…I still believe that open source is an idea that can transform generations. I believe in the power of a good-hearted group of people. I believe in the importance of strong opinions, loosely held. And I believe the world will always need the more equitable opportunities that well-maintained open source can provide: access to knowledge and learning, easy-to-join peer and business networks, the amplification of unheard voices, and a chance to tap into economic opportunity for those who weren’t born into it.”

Turmoil At WordPress

The resignation comes amidst the backdrop of a conflict between WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg and the managed WordPress web host WP Engine, which has brought unprecedented turmoil within the WordPress community, including a federal lawsuit filed by WP Engine accusing Mullenweg of attempted extortion.

Resignation News Was Leaked

The news about the resignation was leaked on October 2nd by the founder of the WordPress news site WP Tavern (now owned by Matt Mullenweg), who tweeted that he had spoken with Josepha that evening, who announced her resignation.

He posted:

“I spoke with Josepha tonight. I can confirm that she’s no longer at Automattic.

She’s working on a statement for the community. She’s in good spirits despite the turmoil.”

Screenshot Of Deleted Tweet

Josepha tweeted the following response the next day:

“Ok, this is not how I expected that news to come to y’all. I apologize that this is the first many of you heard of it. Please don’t speculate about anything.”

Rocky Period For WordPress

While her resignation was somewhat of an open secret it’s still a significant event because of recent events at WordPress, including the resignations of 8.4% of Automattic employees as a result of an offer of a generous severance package to all employees who no longer wished to work  there.

Read the official announcement:

Thank you, WordPress

Featured Image by Shutterstock/Wirestock Creators

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8% Of Automattic Employees Choose To Resign




8% Of Automattic Employees Choose To Resign

WordPress co-founder and Automattic CEO announced today that he offered Automattic employees the chance to resign with a severance pay and a total of 8.4 percent. Mullenweg offered $30,000 or six months of salary, whichever one is higher, with a total of 159 people taking his offer.

Reactions Of Automattic Employees

Given the recent controversies created by Mullenweg, one might be tempted to view the walkout as a vote of no-confidence in Mullenweg. But that would be a mistake because some of the employees announcing their resignations either praised Mullenweg or simply announced their resignation while many others tweeted how happy they are to stay at Automattic.

One former employee tweeted that he was sad about recent developments but also praised Mullenweg and Automattic as an employer.

He shared:

“Today was my last day at Automattic. I spent the last 2 years building large scale ML and generative AI infra and products, and a lot of time on robotics at night and on weekends.

I’m going to spend the next month taking a break, getting married, and visiting family in Australia.

I have some really fun ideas of things to build that I’ve been storing up for a while. Now I get to build them. Get in touch if you’d like to build AI products together.”

Another former employee, Naoko Takano, is a 14 year employee, an organizer of WordCamp conferences in Asia, a full-time WordPress contributor and Open Source Project Manager at Automattic announced on X (formerly Twitter) that today was her last day at Automattic with no additional comment.

She tweeted:

“Today was my last day at Automattic.

I’m actively exploring new career opportunities. If you know of any positions that align with my skills and experience!”

Naoko’s role at at WordPress was working with the global WordPress community to improve contributor experiences through the Five for the Future and Mentorship programs. Five for the Future is an important WordPress program that encourages organizations to donate 5% of their resources back into WordPress. Five for the Future is one of the issues Mullenweg had against WP Engine, asserting that they didn’t donate enough back into the community.

Mullenweg himself was bittersweet to see those employees go, writing in a blog post:

“It was an emotional roller coaster of a week. The day you hire someone you aren’t expecting them to resign or be fired, you’re hoping for a long and mutually beneficial relationship. Every resignation stings a bit.

However now, I feel much lighter. I’m grateful and thankful for all the people who took the offer, and even more excited to work with those who turned down $126M to stay. As the kids say, LFG!”

Read the entire announcement on Mullenweg’s blog:

Automattic Alignment

Featured Image by Shutterstock/sdx15

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YouTube Extends Shorts To 3 Minutes, Adds New Features




YouTube Extends Shorts To 3 Minutes, Adds New Features

YouTube expands Shorts to 3 minutes, adds templates, AI tools, and the option to show fewer Shorts on the homepage.

  • YouTube Shorts will allow 3-minute videos.
  • New features include templates, enhanced remixing, and AI-generated video backgrounds.
  • YouTube is adding a Shorts trends page and comment previews.

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