Instagram Increases Response Options in Stories Polls, Facilitating Expanded Engagement

Have you noticed this alert in your Instagram Stories sticker tray yet?
As shared by social media advisor Meg Coffey, Instagram has quietly updated its Poll sticker for Instagram Stories, which now enables you to add up to four response options for your poll, doubling your response choices.

That could great for social media managers who are looking to generate more engagement with their Stories, with the simple, one-tap response process of polls providing a great lure for interaction, which can then help to maximize both response and reach.
But it can be hard to narrow polls down to just two responses. There’s always the gray area in between, the ‘both’ responses, and with four reply panels, that makes it much easier to get more in-depth, integrated replies on each topic, which again could be valuable as both a research and engagement option.
In addition to this, user Hammod Oh has also reported that users can now change the color of the poll sticker question text.
Both are small updates within the broader scheme, but each could provide value and utility in different ways.
If you don’t see the new alert in your Stories sticker tray just yet, update to the latest version of the app – and hope that it gets rolled out to you sometime soon.
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