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Twitter Making ‘Branded Likes’ Available to All Advertisers in the App



Twitter Making 'Branded Likes' Available to All Advertisers in the App

Twitter has announced that it will launch its Branded Likes ad option to all advertisers from next week, which will enable brands to create custom Like animations for their tweets to help improve engagement in the app.

As displayed in this example in a promotion for the recent ‘Scream’ movie, Branded Likes are stylized Like enhancements for specific tweets.

Though I’m not sure about Twitter’s point here, that people ‘unlike and re-like’ these custom animations just to see them again and again. That’s not untrue, but I don’t think there’s any metric for this – so while it might enhance engagement, you’ll have no way of tracking such activity within your campaign stats.

Still, it could be an interesting option – a higher end one, for sure, given the additional technical requirements at play. But it could provide another interactive option for your tweet promotions, which may help to improve recall and resonance for your messaging.


But yes, it could be pricey. Twitter was once charging $1 million for branded emoji hashtags around the Super Bowl, which is at the high, high end, but does provide some perspective on a similarly themed content option in the app.

Branded Like campaigns won’t be that much, but depending on your promotion, they could be costly, even if they do look cool.

Twitter says that it’ll make Branded Likes available as an ad option to all advertisers in the US, UK and Japan from next week.

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