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The Optimizely Podcast – episode 27: Turn your website into a conversion machine



The Optimizely Podcast - episode 27: Turn your website into a conversion machine


Laura Dolan:

Welcome listeners to the Optimizely podcast. I am Laura Dolan, your host, and today we are joined by Stephanie Nivinskus. She is the CEO of SizzleForce Marketing. Welcome, Stephanie. Thank you so much for coming on the podcast.


Stephanie Nivinskus:

Aw, thank you. I am delighted to be here.

Laura Dolan:

I just want to mention really quick, I see you live in San Diego, which is where I grew up. Is that where you grew up as well?

Stephanie Nivinskus:

Actually, I grew up in the Bay Area, but like most people that live in Northern California, we all migrate south, so.


Laura Dolan:

That’s awesome. Well, cool. Glad to talk to a fellow San Diegan. It’s been years since I’ve lived there, but it is just nice to talk to a little piece of home, so that’s really cool. I’ve been really excited to talk to you for a while now, because I know what we’re going to discuss today is really invaluable for marketers, and that is essentially how to improve and increase your website conversions. But first I just wanted you to tell us a little bit about your background and your history with SizzleForce. How long has the company been around and how did you get it started?

Stephanie Nivinskus:

Yeah, SizzleForce started in 2009, and I have been in marketing since 1995.

Laura Dolan:



Stephanie Nivinskus:

So I started the company really because I saw a hole in the marketplace where there were a lot of companies out there that were spending massive amounts of money and doing all kinds of great stuff. And then there were a lot of small businesses that wanted to do great stuff, but didn’t know how to do so with the staffing and budget that they had available. And so I just, I’ve always had a heart kind of, if you want to say, for the underdog, and wanting to bring the big powerful things that I know can work and make them work for the smaller business owners.

Laura Dolan:

Awesome. And how big is your company now?

Stephanie Nivinskus:

So now we have seven people on staff, and we are working with lots and lots of clients. It’s growing.


Laura Dolan:

That’s awesome. I was also reading through your website ahead of our conversation today, and I noticed you used the term fractional CMO in a few places. And I would just like to know what is a fractional CMO?

Stephanie Nivinskus:

Yeah. It is a term that has become more trendy lately, even though it’s not a new position. It actually is an executive level marketing expert who works with companies on a part-time basis, and usually the responsibilities of a fractional CMO are fourfold. The first thing is we’re responsible for creating the overall marketing strategy. We’re also responsible for identifying the tactics that need to be implemented to bring the strategy to life, and then optimizing performance of the tactics along the way, as well as coordinating and overseeing the day-to-day activities of the implementation team.

Laura Dolan:

Nice. So it’s basically being a one-person show.


Stephanie Nivinskus:

It’s being the head of the one-person show and making sure that the team that’s implementing the day-to-day activities has all of the strategy, all of the support and every opportunity possible to be successful with what they’re implementing, whether it be social media or email marketing or website stuff, or whatever it is. That they have a captain of this ship, if you want to say.

Laura Dolan:

Exactly. That’s awesome. Would you consider yourself a fractional CMO at this point?

Stephanie Nivinskus:

I am a fractional CMO, yes.


Laura Dolan:

Awesome. Cool. Well, let’s dive right in by identifying what you think marketers are doing wrong on their websites right now. What is preventing customers from converting?

Stephanie Nivinskus:

I think there are several things. One of the most important things that I see every single day is unclear messaging. People are so close to their businesses, they’re so close to what they do every day that it’s very, very difficult for them to see things from a consumer standpoint. So they use marketing messages that are full of industry jargon and things that they think are clever and cute, but they’re not clear, and it really is a problem. The messaging isn’t clear, and so they’re not getting the conversions that they want. Another thing that I see all the time is that there isn’t a clear process of guiding website visitors toward making deliberate decisions, right? People are visiting websites and they might click here or there, but it’s kind of random. There’s no real strategy or plan to get them to click on what we really want them to click on so that they take the options we really want them to take.

Laura Dolan:

Right. So it’s they’re not providing that clear navigational path for them.


Stephanie Nivinskus:

Right. They just throw up a bunch of random things and they’re like, “Well, hopefully they find what they’re looking for.” And instead of really guiding them through a step-by-step journey. Another thing I see all the time is companies are not acknowledging the pain points that their prospects have, and that’s a huge thing. Sometimes I hear people say, “Gosh, we don’t want to be negative. We don’t want to talk about all the bad stuff.” But I stand on the other side of that coin because really people take action when they have pain. When you break your arm, you take action and get it in a cast.

Laura Dolan:


Stephanie Nivinskus:

And everybody has pain. Pain is what motivates us to change something. And so if we pretend the pain isn’t there and we don’t acknowledge it, and we don’t agitate it at all, then people don’t really feel the pain, and they don’t really take the steps to change anything.


Laura Dolan:

There’s no initiative, and they don’t feel the need to be proactive at that point.

Stephanie Nivinskus:

Right. Right. And then another thing that really impacts conversions that is not done frequently is people are not identifying really how they’re different or better than the competition that’s out there. They look like everybody else. A lot of people play it real safe.

Laura Dolan:

It’s true. Yeah.


Stephanie Nivinskus:

Yeah. And I get it. I why they want to play it safe. They don’t want to rattle things, they don’t want to offend anybody. They don’t, none of that stuff. But the bottom line is your prospects have a lot of choices in who they can give their money to. And if you want them to give their money to you, you need to tell them why they should.

Laura Dolan:

Do you think it’s also an issue of budgeting? Maybe companies can’t afford a website wire frame that sticks out, so they just basically invest in something that looks exactly the same as everyone else’s.

Stephanie Nivinskus:

I think that happens a lot, but I’m going to call the bluff on can’t afford it as much as won’t afford it or don’t understand why they need to afford it.


Laura Dolan:

Sure. Yep. Big difference.

Stephanie Nivinskus:

Yeah, I think the money is probably there. It just needs to be reallocated. And when people understand, look, if you make this small investment in the grand scheme of things, if you invest $8,000, $10,000 in making your website rock, and as a result you’re making seven plus figures from it, well, that’s a pretty dang good ROI.

Laura Dolan:

Right. Definitely. So what do you think is the solution to those issues? So when it comes to content, what should marketers be putting out there right now to not just capture their attention, but make sure that the layout is conducive to what customers are looking for to meet those pain points?


Stephanie Nivinskus:

One thing that’s super important, I call it the big bold promise at the top of the website. When somebody goes to your website within just a couple of seconds, they need to know exactly what you sell, why they need to have it, and how to move forward if they want it. Right? It’s a very simple three-step process of creating a statement like that. But when you do that right from the beginning, you hook the website visitor in and they know immediately that they’re in the right place, which is going to lend to them spending more time on the site and scrolling and going to the next place. As opposed to landing there, seeing something that doesn’t really stick, doesn’t really hook them, doesn’t show them that you can immediately solve their problem, so they click away.

Laura Dolan:

So just don’t bury the lede. Right?

Stephanie Nivinskus:

Don’t bury it. Let people know they’re in the right place right away from the top.


Laura Dolan:

So then as far as leveraging content, how do you ensure that you stand apart? What channels should marketers be using right now in lieu of, let’s say, a wall of text with blogs that just has a CTA to the same place on the site? Do you have any recommendations in mind on how marketers can go a different direction or be more innovative in that space?

Stephanie Nivinskus:

Sure, sure. I’m still a massive fan of blogging. It works great still. You just don’t want to regurgitate the same content that’s already been shared thousands of times by everyone else, right?

Laura Dolan:



Stephanie Nivinskus:

You need to be different. In addition to that, however, huge fan of podcasts. When you host one, I love slicing and dicing podcast content and repurposing it in 10 different ways, into a blog, into a video, into social media posts, into LinkedIn newsletters, into lead magnets, even possibly writing a book from it, developing a course from it. There’s so many different things that can come just from podcasting. I wrote the content of my own book four years ago, and I have sliced and diced that baby and reused it in just about every way possible, and it has created incredible revenue growth for me as a result of the slicing and dicing.

Laura Dolan:

I love it. That’s a great idea.

Stephanie Nivinskus:

Of course, another thing, short-form video is hot, has been for a while now, but when you’re doing reels, you’re doing TikTok, YouTube shorts, etc. That’s a place that you just need to be, and you need to be taking advantage of that right now, because that’s getting all the visibility.


Laura Dolan:

It is. Videos are hot right now.

Stephanie Nivinskus:

People have such short attention spans, so especially if video as a whole is wonderful, I feel like, because when somebody watches a video, it is possible for them to hear the tone in your voice, see the body language that you’re putting out there, listen to the wisdom that’s coming from your mouth, but it’s a more holistic experience of engaging with a brand as opposed to just reading text for a blog. Right?

Laura Dolan:



Stephanie Nivinskus:

And because their attention spans are so, so short, whenever we’re doing stuff like a 15 or even a seven-second reel, or a real short TikTok or YouTube shorts or whatnot, we’re feeding that desire for information, for education, for entertainment, but we’re doing it in these tiny bite size pieces that are making it super easy for people to digest and to digest on the go wherever they’re at. Right?

Laura Dolan:

Exactly. Yes, exactly. They don’t have to worry about having access. I mean, obviously, everybody’s on their phones now and everybody is making websites with responsive design. That is absolutely essential. ‘Cause people, they want to read on the go. If you want them to look at your website, make sure it’s conducive for mobile, because they’re looking at your videos, they’re reading your blogs, they’re listening to your podcasts, and like you said, making it digestible and more accessible that way, I’m sure makes a huge difference in your conversions.

Stephanie Nivinskus:

It sure does. Absolutely. Yeah. You want to meet people where they’re at, and we have to be very aware of the fact that everyone is being pulled in 10,000 different directions. Most people that own businesses have some form of ADD, I think, right?


Laura Dolan:


Stephanie Nivinskus:

And whether diagnosed or undiagnosed, just our attentions spans are shot. So what can we do to provide them with the content that’s really going to hook them in and intrigue them and showcase our authority and our credibility, but also do it in bite size pieces so that people don’t have to spend a half an hour or an hour doing something, they can do it, literally, they can get some value from something in 15 seconds.

Laura Dolan:

Absolutely. And I also want to circle back to repurposing content. I’m such a huge advocate of working smarter, not harder. So if you have, like you said, a podcast you can repurpose as clips on social media or a book that you could splice into something smaller like an ebook or a white paper or a blog series on your site and already have that content there and just kind of building up from there. That’s such a smart way to market right now, especially if you are working on a budget or you are working with a smaller team. The possibilities are endless when you can be that innovative and just look at what you already have.


Stephanie Nivinskus:

And the thing that’s funny is that I think most companies already have a ton of content. They just haven’t compiled it all in one place and thought about how to slice and dice it properly.

Laura Dolan:

I went to Content Marketing World last week, and a few of the speakers gave us the same stats, that right now there’s about 4.6 billion blogs that exist online that were published just this year.

Stephanie Nivinskus:



Laura Dolan:

So there is so much information out there, and we just keep piling on and piling on and adding to it, and everybody’s having the same issue. Nobody’s converting, nobody’s clicking on this stuff. So what can we do differently? And I think this is something that more companies do need to explore. So as far as getting into the nitty gritty of conversions, what do you recommend as far as robust CTAs go? Are there any particular action verbs industries should be using right now in lieu of what’s already out there?

Stephanie Nivinskus:

I think there’s a couple of ways that we can look at this. One way is what we need to avoid and what we need to do more of. So when we think about what we need to avoid anything in a call to action that sounds like work, for example, download this or subscribe to this. Even though download, I mean, realistically it’s clicking a button. It’s not work, right?

Laura Dolan:



Stephanie Nivinskus:

However, the way the human brain works, it feels like you’re telling me I have to do something and now my to-do list that’s already 10 miles long, just got 10 miles longer. And so we want to avoid using words like “download” or “subscribe”. Instead, we want to use words that bring it back to what always matters in marketing, which is what’s in it for me as the prospect, right? What do your people really want? The CTA should give it to them. So for example, let’s say I owned a tax firm. A good CTA to test could be something along the lines of “Save thousands of dollars with these commonly overlooked deductions”. It tells me the benefit. I’m going to save thousands of dollars. It also peaks my curiosity because I mentioned that these are commonly overlooked deductions. So I’m like, “Huh, am I overlooking something? Am I actually giving more money to Uncle Sam than I need to? I should check this out and see.” Right?

Laura Dolan:

Exactly. It’s just, again, getting that pain point in there.

Stephanie Nivinskus:

Yeah. I think it’s also really important to test adding verbiage that creates a sense of urgency. So, for example, adding the word “now”, adding the word “today”, adding the word “immediately” to a call to action can be really powerful. Get the surprising deductions list now. Save thousands of dollars today. Do you see how just adding that one word gives it a sense of urgency? And I’m like, “Oh, now I should do something now. Oh, okay. They want me to do something now. I’m going to click the button.” Right?


Laura Dolan:

Exactly. Also, giving them a deadline, too. You have till tonight to save 50% on this or something like that. Kind of also giving them that sense of FOMO as well.

Stephanie Nivinskus:

For sure, for sure. I always like to caution companies, definitely play into the FOMO, but only do it if it’s legitimate. There’s nothing that ticks people off faster than being told, you only have until this much time. And then they find out that deal never really expires. Right?

Laura Dolan:

Right, right.


Stephanie Nivinskus:

They just say that to everybody all the time. It immediately causes a break in their ability to trust you.

Laura Dolan:

Exactly, yes. You’ve got to maintain that trust. ‘Cause then so now you’re facing bad reviews.

Stephanie Nivinskus:

If you’re going to do it, awesome, do it. But make sure that when you say the deal is over, make sure the deal is really over. Another thing I think is so important with CTAs is don’t be afraid to have fun. Depending on your brand voice, you can use all kinds of different things. But kind of going back to this hypothetical example of someone that owns a tax firm, a fun CTA might be, “Show me the money!” Have some fun, add a little personality. Don’t just be like, “Get it now.” I think another thing that works super duper well is making CTAs affirmative. So your CTA button could say something like, “Yes, I want to pay less tax.”


Laura Dolan:

I like that. And then do you have an opinion on whether or not first person versus second person is more effective?

Stephanie Nivinskus:

First person, always. Hands down, it always wins.

Laura Dolan:

So “Give me my discount.”


Stephanie Nivinskus:

Yeah. Absolutely. Because here’s the thing that we need to keep in mind is that we’re marketing to people. People, at the end of the day, people are making the buying decisions. And it doesn’t matter if you’re making a buying decision on behalf of a billion dollar corporation or you’re making a buying decision on behalf of a two person company. At the end of the day, it’s still about what does the person that’s making the decision want, and that person is indeed an I, right?

Laura Dolan:

Exactly. So yeah, I mean, at the end of the day, we’re all in this for ourselves, even though we are doing it on behalf of something, it’s our personal decision in how we’re going to make the best choice. So yeah, definitely.

Stephanie Nivinskus:

And we know that if we are making a decision on behalf of the billion dollar corporation, well that’s part of doing our job well, and we do our job well, and we get more recognition in the company, and then we get more raises, and then we live happily ever after. Right?


Laura Dolan:

Right. That’s the dream.

Stephanie Nivinskus:

Yeah. I think it’s also super important with your call to action to talk about what people really, really want. We have an innate desire as humans to do anything that’s going to save us time, anything that’s going to save us money or address another very common pain point. It’s always good. Always address whatever you really want. When you’re thinking about the product or services that you sell, what is it your customer really, really, really, really wants from you? And making that the call to action button. You’re going to get what you really, really want, so do it.

Laura Dolan:

And giving them the path of least resistance to it.


Stephanie Nivinskus:

The Air Force has a great CTA that I’ve seen that I absolutely love. They actually are quite bold, but I think it absolutely works for who they’re targeting. They have one that just says, “Prove yourself.” Which anyone who’s competitive, anybody who is eager to be a better version of themselves, they’re going to see that and be like, “Oh yeah, game on, let’s go.”

Laura Dolan:

Yep. That’s all I need to hear.

Stephanie Nivinskus:

Yeah. Yeah. I’m not in the military. I’m too old now. I’ll never be in the military, but if, as a competitive person, if I saw something that said prove yourself, I’d be like, “Oh yeah, okay. Let’s go.”


Laura Dolan:

Challenge accepted!

Stephanie Nivinskus:

It’s super important to make sure, this is probably the most important thing I can share, that if people really want to increase conversions, they need to add more CTAs to every page of their website. Most companies do not use nearly enough, and because of that, they’re leaving big, big money on the table. Have more CTAs. You really, really need to give people multiple opportunities to make a decision to go to the next level with you.

Laura Dolan:

Awesome. So any chance you can … Any opportunity to break up your text or just have that button in the middle of your webpage, just put it on there. I mean, what do you have to lose?


Stephanie Nivinskus:

And being mindful of the fact that people make decisions in different ways. People process information in different ways. Some people are going to see that big, bold statement at the very top of your website with the call to action button, and they’re going to be ready to click and make things happen.

Laura Dolan:


Stephanie Nivinskus:

There’s other people that, they’re processors, right? They’re careful decision makers, they take their time. In fact, they have a personal philosophy that they never make decisions under pressure, and they’re the ones that are going to read and read and read and read, and they might read into the third section of your homepage and be ready to make a decision, but they might not. It might take them to get to the fifth section or the seventh section. So give them opportunities throughout the page to take action so that whenever they’re ready, they don’t have to look real hard for that button to convert. It’s real close to wherever they are in their reading journey, so they can easily just scroll up a tiny bit or a tiny bit down and click that button, convert and make things move forward.


Laura Dolan:

There you go. It’s just giving them that ample opportunity every time. Awesome. Well, being conscious of time, Steph, I’m sorry, Stephanie. I get-

Stephanie Nivinskus:

Steph’s good.

Laura Dolan:

I know you really well now. Is there anything else we didn’t cover that you like to talk about before we wrap up?


Stephanie Nivinskus:

I think so many companies are just leaving so much money on the table by, and if you just make some real simple tweaks to your website, you can absolutely blow up your conversion rate. I have actually something that I think can really, really help your audience increase website conversions immediately. It is “7 Fast & Easy Tweaks” that they can make to their website. These seven tweaks, literally, they’re really fast and easy to make, and when you do, you can see an immediate, an immediate difference in your website conversions. So why would you not want to do them, right?

Laura Dolan:

Exactly. I love that. Yeah, please send that over. I am going to put that in the blog of this podcast. I will make sure the link is dispersed throughout so that our readers can have multiple opportunities to download that, because I want to read that too. I need to know.

Stephanie Nivinskus:

Yeah. Awesome.


Laura Dolan:

Awesome. Well, thank you so much, Stephanie. How can our audience find you?

Stephanie Nivinskus:

You can find me at You can also find me on LinkedIn. My last name is a little bit scary, so you’ll have to look at the show notes for the spelling, but it’s And of course, we’re on Facebook, we’re on Instagram, we’re on all the social media channels, but LinkedIn and my website is the easiest way to track us down.

Laura Dolan:

Okay, perfect. I will make sure to put links to those in the blog as well. And again, path of least resistance, just click on that link and reach out to Stephanie and she will help you out.


Stephanie Nivinskus:

Thank you so much. This has been fun.

Laura Dolan:

Thank you so much, Stephanie. It’s been such a pleasure speaking to you. Thank you for taking the time, and thank you all for taking the time to listen to this episode of the Optimizely Podcast. I am Laura Dolan and I will see you next time.

Laura Dolan:

Thank you for listening to this edition of the Optimizely Podcast. If you’d like to check out more episodes or learn more about how we can take your business to the next level by using our marketing, content, or experimentation tools, please visit our website at, or you can contact us directly using the link at the bottom of this podcast blog to hear more about how our products will help you unlock your digital potential.


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How to create editorial guidelines that are useful + template



How to create editorial guidelines that are useful + template

Before diving in to all things editorial guidelines, a quick introduction. I head up the content team here at Optimizely. I’m responsible for developing our content strategy and ensuring this aligns to our key business goals.

Here I’ll take you through the process we used to create new editorial guidelines; things that worked well and tackle some of the challenges that come with any good multi – stakeholder project, share some examples and leave you with a template you can use to set your own content standards.

What are editorial guidelines?

Editorial guidelines are a set of standards for any/all content contributors, etc. etc. This most often includes guidance on brand, tone of voice, grammar and style, your core content principles and the types of content you want to produce.

Editorial guidelines are a core component of any good content strategy and can help marketers achieve the following in their content creation process:

  • Consistency: All content produced, regardless of who is creating it, maintains a consistent tone of voice and style, helping strengthen brand image and making it easier for your audience to recognize your company’s content  
  • Quality Control: Serves as a ‘North Star’ for content quality, drawing a line in the sand to communicate the standard of content we want to produce 
  • Boosts SEO efforts: Ensures content creation aligns with SEO efforts, improving company visibility and increasing traffic 
  • Efficiency: With clear guidelines in place, content creators – external and internal – can work more efficiently as they have a clear understanding of what is expected of them 

Examples of editorial guidelines

There are some great examples of editorial guidelines out there to help you get started.

Here are a few I used: 

1. Editorial Values and Standards, the BBC


Ah, the Beeb. This really helped me channel my inner journalist and learn from the folks that built the foundation for free quality journalism. 

How to create editorial guidelines, Pepperland Marketing


After taking a more big picture view I recognized needed more focused guidance on the step by step of creating editorial guidelines.

I really liked the content the good folks at Pepperland Marketing have created, including a free template – thanks guys! – and in part what inspired me to create our own free template as a way of sharing learnings and helping others quickstart the process of creating their own guidelines.



3. Writing guidelines for the role of AI in your newsroom?… Nieman Lab


As well as provide guidance on content quality and the content creation process, I wanted to tackle the thorny topic of AI in our editorial guidelines. Specifically, to give content creators a steer on ‘fair’ use of AI when creating content, to ensure creators get to benefit from the amazing power of these tools, but also that content is not created 100% by AI and help them understand why we feel that contravenes our core content principles of content quality. 

So, to learn more I devoured this fascinating article, sourcing guidance from major media outlets around the world. I know things change very quickly when it comes to AI, but I highly encourage reading this and taking inspiration from how these media outlets are tackling this topic. 

Learn more: The Marketer’s Guide to AI-generated content

Why did we decide to create editorial guidelines?

1. Aligning content creators to a clear vision and process

Optimizely as a business has undergone a huge transformation over the last 3 years, going through rapid acquisition and all the joys and frustrations that can bring. As a content team, we quickly recognized the need to create a set of clear and engaging guidelines that helps content creators understand how and where they can contribute, and gave a clear process to follow when submitting a content idea for consideration. 

2. Reinvigorated approach to brand and content 

As a brand Optimizely is also going through a brand evolution – moving from a more formal, considered tone of voice to one that’s much more approachable, down to earth and not afraid to use humor, different in content and execution. 


See, our latest CMS campaign creative:

Mock ups of Optimizely CMS campaign creative

It’s pretty out there in terms of creative and messaging. It’s an ad campaign that’s designed to capture attention yes, but also – to demonstrate our abilities as a marketing team to create this type of campaign that is normally reserved for other more quote unquote creative industries. 

We wanted to give guidance to fellow content creators outside the team on how they can also create content that embraces this evolved tone of voice, while at the same time ensuring content adheres to our brand guidelines.

3. Streamline content creation process

Like many global enterprises we have many different content creators, working across different time zones and locations. Documenting a set of guidelines and making them easily available helps content creators quickly understand our content goals, the types of content we want to create and why. It would free up content team time spent with individual contributors reviewing and editing submissions, and would ensure creation and optimization aligns to broader content & business goals.

It was also clear that we needed to document a process for submitting content ideas, so we made sure to include this in the guidelines themselves to make it easy and accessible for all contributors. 

4. 2023 retrospective priority 

As a content team we regularly review our content strategy and processes to ensure we’re operating as efficiently as possible.


In our last retrospective. I asked my team ‘what was the one thing I could do as a manager to help them be more impactful in their role?’

Editorial guidelines was the number 1 item on their list. 

So off we went… 

What we did

  • Defined a discrete scope of work for the first version of the editorial guidelines, focusing on the Blog and Resources section of the website. This is where the content team spends most of its time and so has most involvement in the content creation process. Also where the most challenging bottlenecks have been in the past
  • Research. Reviewed what was out there, got my hands on a few free templates and assembled a framework to create a first version for inputs and feedback 
  • Asked content community – I put a few questions out to my network on LinkedIn on the topic of content guidelines and content strategy, seeking to get input and guidance from smart marketers.  


Combining two of my great passions in life – content strategy and Arrested Development – in one LinkedIn post (Feb 2024)

  • Invited feedback: Over the course of a few weekswe invited collaborators to comment in a shared doc as a way of taking iterative feedback, getting ideas for the next scope of work, and also – bringing people on the journey of creating the guidelines. Look at all those reviewers! Doing this within our Content Marketing Platform (CMP) ensured that all that feedback was captured in one place, and that we could manage the process clearly, step by step:


Look at all those collaborators! Thanks guys! And all of those beautiful ticks, so satisfying. So glad I could crop out the total outstanding tasks for this screen grab too (Source – Optimizely CMP) 

  • Updated content workflow: Now we have clear, documented guidance in place, we’ve included this as a step – the first step – in the workflow used for blog post creation: 

Optimizely CMP screenshot of editorial guideline review

Source: Optimizely CMP



It’s early days but we’re already seeing more engagement with the content creation process, especially amongst the teams involved in building the guidelines (which was part of the rationale in the first place :))

Screenshot of teams message editorial guidelines

Source: My Teams chat 

It’s inspired teams to think differently about the types of content we want to produce going forwards – for the blog and beyond.

I’d also say it’s boosted team morale and collaboration, helping different teams work together on shared goals to produce better quality work.

What’s next?

We’re busy planning wider communication of the editorial guidelines beyond marketing. We’ve kept the original draft and regularly share this with existing and potential collaborators for ongoing commentary, ideas and feedback.

Creating guidelines has also sparked discussion about the types of briefs and templates we want and need to create in CMP to support creating different assets. Finding the right balance between creative approach and using templates to scale content production is key. 


We’ll review these guidelines on a quarterly basis and evolve as needed, adding new formats and channels as we go.

Key takeaways

  • Editorial guidelines are a useful way to guide content creators as part of your overall content strategy
  • Taking the time to do research upfront can help accelerate seemingly complex projects. Don’t be afraid to ask your community for inputs and advice as you create
  • Keep the scope small at first rather than trying to align everything all at once. Test and learn as you go
  • Work with stakeholders to build guidelines from the ground up to ensure you create a framework that is useful, relevant and used

And lastly, here’s that free template we created to help you build or evolve your own editorial guidelines!

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Effective Communication in Business as a Crisis Management Strategy



Effective Communication in Business as a Crisis Management Strategy

Everyday business life is full of challenges. These include data breaches, product recalls, market downturns and public relations conflicts that can erupt at any moment. Such situations pose a significant threat to a company’s financial health, brand image, or even its further existence. However, only 49% of businesses in the US have a crisis communications plan. It is a big mistake, as such a strategy can build trust, minimize damage, and even strengthen the company after it survives the crisis. Let’s discover how communication can transform your crisis and weather the chaos.

The ruining impact of the crisis on business

A crisis can ruin a company. Naturally, it brings losses. But the actual consequences are far worse than lost profits. It is about people behind the business – they feel the weight of uncertainty and fear. Employees start worrying about their jobs, customers might lose faith in the brand they once trusted, and investors could start looking elsewhere. It can affect the brand image and everything you build from the branding, business logo, social media can be ruined. Even after the crisis recovery, the company’s reputation can suffer, and costly efforts might be needed to rebuild trust and regain momentum. So, any sign of a coming crisis should be immediately addressed. Communication is one of the crisis management strategies that can exacerbate the situation.  

The power of effective communication

Even a short-term crisis may have irreversible consequences – a damaged reputation, high employee turnover, and loss of investors. Communication becomes a tool that can efficiently navigate many crisis-caused challenges:

  • Improved trust. Crisis is a synonym for uncertainty. Leaders may communicate trust within the company when the situation gets out of control. Employees feel valued when they get clear responses. The same applies to the customers – they also appreciate transparency and are more likely to continue cooperation when they understand what’s happening. In these times, documenting these moments through event photographers can visually reinforce the company’s messages and enhance trust by showing real, transparent actions.
  • Reputation protection. Crises immediately spiral into gossip and PR nightmares. However, effective communication allows you to proactively address concerns and disseminate true information through the right channels. It minimizes speculation and negative media coverage.
  • Saved business relationships. A crisis can cause unbelievable damage to relationships with employees, customers, and investors. Transparent communication shows the company’s efforts to find solutions and keeps stakeholders informed and engaged, preventing misunderstandings and painful outcomes.
  • Faster recovery. With the help of communication, the company is more likely to receive support and cooperation. This collaborative approach allows you to focus on solutions and resume normal operations as quickly as possible.

It is impossible to predict when a crisis will come. So, a crisis management strategy mitigates potential problems long before they arise.

Tips on crafting an effective crisis communication plan.

To effectively deal with unforeseen critical situations in business, you must have a clear-cut communication action plan. This involves things like messages, FAQs, media posts, and awareness of everyone in the company. This approach saves precious time when the crisis actually hits. It allows you to focus on solving the problem instead of intensifying uncertainty and panic. Here is a step-by-step guide.  

Identify your crisis scenarios.

Being caught off guard is the worst thing. So, do not let it happen. Conduct a risk assessment to pinpoint potential crises specific to your business niche. Consider both internal and external factors that could disrupt normal operations or damage the online reputation of your company. Study industry-specific issues, past incidents, and current trends. How will you communicate in each situation? Knowing your risks helps you prepare targeted communication strategies in advance. Of course, it is impossible to create a perfectly polished strategy, but at least you will build a strong foundation for it.


Form a crisis response team.

The next step is assembling a core team. It will manage communication during a crisis and should include top executives like the CEO, CFO, and CMO, and representatives from key departments like public relations and marketing. Select a confident spokesperson who will be the face of your company during the crisis. Define roles and responsibilities for each team member and establish communication channels they will work with, such as email, telephone, and live chat. Remember, everyone in your crisis response team must be media-savvy and know how to deliver difficult messages to the stakeholders.

Prepare communication templates.

When a crisis hits, things happen fast. That means communication needs to be quick, too. That’s why it is wise to have ready-to-go messages prepared for different types of crises your company may face. These messages can be adjusted to a particular situation when needed and shared on the company’s social media, website, and other platforms right away. These templates should include frequently asked questions and outline the company’s general responses. Make sure to approve these messages with your legal team for accuracy and compliance.

Establish communication protocols.

A crisis is always chaotic, so clear communication protocols are a must-have. Define trigger points – specific events that would launch the crisis communication plan. Establish a clear hierarchy for messages to avoid conflicting information. Determine the most suitable forms and channels, like press releases or social media, to reach different audiences. Here is an example of how you can structure a communication protocol:

  • Immediate alert. A company crisis response team is notified about a problem.  
  • Internal briefing.  The crisis team discusses the situation and decides on the next steps.  
  • External communication. A spokesperson reaches the media, customers, and suppliers.
  • Social media updates. A trained social media team outlines the situation to the company audience and monitors these channels for misinformation or negative comments.
  • Stakeholder notification. The crisis team reaches out to customers and partners to inform them of the incident and its risks. They also provide details on the company’s response efforts and measures.
  • Ongoing updates. Regular updates guarantee transparency and trust and let stakeholders see the crisis development and its recovery.

Practice and improve.

Do not wait for the real crisis to test your plan. Conduct regular crisis communication drills to allow your team to use theoretical protocols in practice. Simulate different crisis scenarios and see how your people respond to these. It will immediately demonstrate the strong and weak points of your strategy. Remember, your crisis communication plan is not a static document. New technologies and evolving media platforms necessitate regular adjustments. So, you must continuously review and update it to reflect changes in your business and industry.

Wrapping up

The ability to handle communication well during tough times gives companies a chance to really connect with the people who matter most—stakeholders. And that connection is a foundation for long-term success. Trust is key, and it grows when companies speak honestly, openly, and clearly. When customers and investors trust the company, they are more likely to stay with it and even support it. So, when a crisis hits, smart communication not only helps overcome it but also allows you to do it with minimal losses to your reputation and profits.

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Should Your Brand Shout Its AI and Marketing Plan to the World?



Should Your Brand Shout Its AI and Marketing Plan to the World?

To use AI or not to use AI, that is the question.

Let’s hope things work out better for you than they did for Shakespeare’s mad Danish prince with daddy issues.

But let’s add a twist to that existential question.

CMI’s chief strategy officer, Robert Rose, shares what marketers should really contemplate. Watch the video or read on to discover what he says:


Should you not use AI and be proud of not using it? Dove Beauty did that last week.

Should you use it but keep it a secret? Sports Illustrated did that last year.

Should you use AI and be vocal about using it? Agency giant Brandtech Group picked up the all-in vibe.

Should you not use it but tell everybody you are? The new term “AI washing” is hitting everywhere.

What’s the best option? Let’s explore.

Dove tells all it won’t use AI

Last week, Dove, the beauty brand celebrating 20 years of its Campaign for Real Beauty, pledged it would NEVER use AI in visual communication to portray real people.


In the announcement, they said they will create “Real Beauty Prompt Guidelines” that people can use to create images representing all types of physical beauty through popular generative AI programs. The prompt they picked for the launch video? “The most beautiful woman in the world, according to Dove.”

I applaud them for the powerful ad. But I’m perplexed by Dove issuing a statement saying it won’t use AI for images of real beauty and then sharing a branded prompt for doing exactly that. Isn’t it like me saying, “Don’t think of a parrot eating pizza. Don’t think about a parrot eating pizza,” and you can’t help but think about a parrot eating pizza right now?

Brandtech Group says it’s all in on AI

Now, Brandtech Group, a conglomerate ad agency, is going the other way. It’s going all-in on AI and telling everybody.

This week, Ad Age featured a press release — oops, I mean an article (subscription required) — with the details of how Brandtech is leaning into the takeaway from OpenAI’s Sam Altman, who says 95% of marketing work today can be done by AI.

A Brandtech representative talked about how they pitch big brands with two people instead of 20. They boast about how proud they are that its lean 7,000 staffers compete with 100,000-person teams. (To be clear, showing up to a pitch with 20 people has never been a good thing, but I digress.)


OK, that’s a differentiated approach. They’re all in. Ad Age certainly seemed to like it enough to promote it. Oops, I mean report about it.

False claims of using AI and not using AI

Offshoots of the all-in and never-will approaches also exist.

The term “AI washing” is de rigueur to describe companies claiming to use AI for something that really isn’t AI.  The US Securities and Exchange Commission just fined two companies for using misleading statements about their use of AI in their business model. I know one startup technology organization faced so much pressure from their board and investors to “do something with AI” that they put a simple chatbot on their website — a glorified search engine — while they figured out what they wanted to do.

Lastly and perhaps most interestingly, companies have and will use AI for much of what they create but remain quiet about it or desire to keep it a secret. A recent notable example is the deepfake ad of a woman in a car professing the need for people to use a particular body wipe to get rid of body odor. It was purported to be real, but sharp-eyed viewers suspected the fake and called out the company, which then admitted it. Or was that the brand’s intent all along — the AI-use outrage would bring more attention?

To yell or not to yell about your brand’s AI decision

Should a brand yell from a mountaintop that they use AI to differentiate themselves a la Brandtech? Or should a brand yell they’re never going to use AI to differentiate themselves a la Dove? Or should a brand use it and not yell anything? (I think it’s clear that a brand should not use AI and lie and say it is. That’s the worst of all choices.)

I lean far into not-yelling-from-mountaintop camp.

When I see a CEO proudly exclaim that they laid off 90% of their support workforce because of AI, I’m not surprised a little later when the value of their service is reduced, and the business is failing.

I’m not surprised when I hear “AI made us do it” to rationalize the latest big tech company latest rounds of layoffs. Or when a big consulting firm announces it’s going all-in on using AI to replace its creative and strategic resources.

I see all those things as desperate attempts for short-term attention or a distraction from the real challenge. They may get responses like, “Of course, you had to lay all those people off; AI is so disruptive,” or “Amazing. You’re so out in front of the rest of the pack by leveraging AI to create efficiency, let me cover your story.” Perhaps they get this response, “Your company deserves a bump in stock price because you’re already using this fancy new technology.”


But what happens if the AI doesn’t deliver as promoted? What happens the next time you need to lay off people? What happens the next time you need to prove your technologically forward-leaning?

Yelling out that you’re all in on a disruptive innovation, especially one the public doesn’t yet trust a lot is (at best) a business sugar high. That short-term burst of attention may or may not foul your long-term brand value.

Interestingly, the same scenarios can manifest when your brand proclaims loudly it is all out of AI, as Dove did. The sugar high may not last and now Dove has itself into a messaging box. One slip could cause distrust among its customers. And what if AI gets good at demonstrating diversity in beauty?

I tried Dove’s instructions and prompted ChatGPT for a picture of “the most beautiful woman in the world according to the Dove Real Beauty ad.”

It gave me this. Then this. And this. And finally, this.

She’s absolutely beautiful, but she doesn’t capture the many facets of diversity Dove has demonstrated in its Real Beauty campaigns. To be clear, Dove doesn’t have any control over generating the image. Maybe the prompt worked well for Dove, but it didn’t for me. Neither Dove nor you can know how the AI tool will behave.


To use AI or not to use AI?

When brands grab a microphone to answer that question, they work from an existential fear about the disruption’s meaning. They do not exhibit the confidence in their actions to deal with it.

Let’s return to Hamlet’s soliloquy:

Thus conscience doth make cowards of us all;

And thus the native hue of resolution

Is sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought,

And enterprises of great pith and moment


With this regard their currents turn awry

And lose the name of action.

In other words, Hamlet says everybody is afraid to take real action because they fear the unknown outcome. You could act to mitigate or solve some challenges, but you don’t because you don’t trust yourself.

If I’m a brand marketer for any business (and I am), I’m going to take action on AI for my business. But until I see how I’m going to generate value with AI, I’m going to be circumspect about yelling or proselytizing how my business’ future is better.

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Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute


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