Telegram has said a Brazilian bill aimed at stemming disinformation online constitutes an ‘attack’ on democracy – Copyright AFP Christophe ARCHAMBAULT Messaging app Telegram warned Tuesday...
Brazil is suspending the Telegram messaging service throughout the country after the company failed to provide authorities with requested data about neo-Nazi groups that operate on...
Did you know that the Google office in Belo Horizonte, Brazil has a room that looks to me designed to look like planet Mars? I could...
The upcoming Brazilian presidential election has seeped into everyday realms, including dating on apps such as Tinder and Bumble – Copyright AFP Natalia KOLESNIKOVA Lujan Scarpinelli...
Fake news is a major concern in the run-up to presidential elections in Brazil in October 2022 – Copyright AFP Frederic J. BROWN Eugenia LOGIURATTO In...
I saw this photo on Instagram, used Google Lens to figure out who this cartoon character is and discovered his name is Mundo Bita. They were...
Former Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva is working to boost his social media presence ahead of a presidential election in four months for help...
Digital indigenous activist Samela Awia, of the Satere Mawe Amazonian tribe, makes a video of herself to post on her social media, at the Terra Livre...
A voting machine in a polling station in Igarape Miri, Para state, Brazil in November 2020’s municipal election: far-right President Jair Bolsonaro has claimed without evidence...
Telegram deliberately spreads its encryption keys and chat data on disparate servers around the world so governments cannot “intrude on people’s privacy and freedom of expression,”...