Google Discover Changes “More Recommendations” Label To “More Products”

In March, I wrote a post about a button labeled “More recommendations” being surfaced in Google Discover. The call to action would show up after researching products in Google Search and would lead to a “Task Dashboard” containing a boatload of content that helps users continue researching products (including articles, video, product comparison functionality, and more). It’s like a Google Shopping Assistant.
In my post I explained how Google was tying Search with Discover from a shopping perspective, and then driving users back to Search to complete their shopping journey via the task dashboard. We know Google has pushed a ton of shopping features in the SERPs recently and the change from “More recommendations” to “More products” is a simple, yet important one in my opinion. It signals that Google is working to become even more of a shopping assistant.
“More products” in Discover: A Google Shopping Assistant
As you can see below in the screenshots, when tapping “More products” in Discover, I’m taken to a task dashboard that first provides updates based on products I’ve been researching (including price drops where applicable). Note, Chrome will be providing price drop functionality soon (but that’s for another post).
First, here is what I see in Discover:
Which takes me to a “task dashboard”. Also notice sharing is disabled (for now)…
Then there’s a section titled “Continue researching” with more product pages in the list. And below that there are “Suggested articles” which should be very interesting for affiliate marketers out there. Many of the pages I see listed there are “best X category” pages that contain product reviews (and affiliate links).
After that, there is a section labeled “Continue browsing”, which contains products I have viewed, along with similar products that Google thinks I would like. Also, you can compare those products right in the task dashboard (which leads to a fresh SERP comparing the products). Yes, a fresh SERP.
And finally there are videos based on the products I was viewing and People Also Ask. Again, your “Task Dashboard” aggregates various types of content and functionality to assist with your shopping journey.
Purchasing via Google: The one step that’s missing (for now)…
With “More products” functionality, Google is providing a ton of information to help users make the most informed shopping decision possible. But, there is something missing – you can’t purchase there (yet). If Google provided purchase functionality right from your task dashboard, it could help with every aspect of the shopping cycle (and not just the research phase). Google Shopping already has the ability to purchase via Google, so it wouldn’t be a stretch to see this added in your task dashboard. Time will tell.
Also, I explained in my post from March that Google could tie Search with Discover (via “More products”), and then combine that with Journeys in Chrome. If Google did that, we could very well see a new SERP feature labeled “More products” that takes you to your task dashboard for researching products (while you are in the search results).
One thing is for sure, Google is driving forward at a fierce pace with shopping features and functionality in the SERPs (and now Discover). I’m eager to see where all of this leads. And I’m sure Amazon is too. 🙂
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