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[Hero Academy Video] Targeting the Right Audience in Microsoft Advertising



Search has gone through an evolution. As marketers, we used to be focused on keyword targeting and what someone was searching for at that time. But now the focus has shifted on the people we’re trying to sell to and what we know about them. We’re more focused on how to connect with them and figuring out where they are in our customer journey. With this evolution has come a wide array of targeting options.

In this new, short video on Hero Academy Senior Bing Ads Client Development and Training Specialist, Rachel Rogowin, discusses the variety of targeting now available in Microsoft Advertising and how to use each of them for more effective audience targeting in your paid media campaigns in Microsoft.

If you haven’t heard about it yet, Hero Academy is Hanapin’s newest initiative featuring short and basic how-tos on paid advertising in a variety of platforms. The topics range from the basics of Google & Facebook ads to creating a pivot table in Excel to learning how to set up an ad campaign in Amazon DSP.

Hero Academy is FREE to all marketers. Once you sign-up, you’ll have access to all videos currently in the Academy and all the new ones added thereafter.

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