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How To Exclude Results on Google for Better Search Performance



How To Exclude Results on Google for Better Search Performance

You know the feeling. You’re knee-deep in pages of Google Search results, just trying to find that one piece of information.

What if there was a way to hone in on exactly what you’re looking for? To trim away the irrelevant results and bring what you need into focus?

There is, and it’s all about mastering the art of excluding specific keywords or phrases from your Google search. This is your guide on how to exclude results on Google.

Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty details of using advanced Google search operators.

How to Exclude Results on Google TL;DR

Navigating the internet can be tricky. Why? Because there are almost 2 billion websites out there. Plus, Google sifts through over 3.5 billion searches every day.

So, when your search terms are too broad or have many words, it can confuse the search engine, making your results more complicated.

Here’s how to exclude results on Google:

  • First, enter your search term into the Google search bar, like “apple.”
  • Use the “” operator to exclude a specific word or keyword phrase from the results.

For example, if you’re interested in the tech giant Apple Inc. and not so much into fruit facts. You’d type “apple -fruit.”

Real World Examples 

Enhanced search operators are something I find extremely useful, and I think you might too for your future Google searches. Imagine you’re intrigued by smartphones and want to dig deeper. But you’d rather skip the reviews from specific websites.

No worries! Just type “smartphones -review -[website domain name]” into the Google search bar.

Or, let’s say you’re hunting for information on a specific page on SEO tips.

But you find it distracting when the search results are crowded with unrelated news articles—no problem, just input “SEO -news” into Google.

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What if you’re shopping around for a coffee maker, and espresso machines keep popping up? It can get annoying, I know. But there’s a solution.

Enter “coffee makers -espresso,” and those espresso machines vanish from your results.

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Now, let’s say you’re hunting for information on a specific book. But, like me, you find it distracting when the search results are crowded with details about the author’s personal life or unrelated news articles.

No problem – just input “[book title] -author -news” into Google. This way, you can focus solely on the book.

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Niche Subtopics for Excluding Results on Google

Google offers a variety of advanced search operators and filters that can help you narrow down your search results even further. 

In this section, we’ll explore four niche subtopics for excluding results on Google: 

  • Specific websites
  • Related websites
  • Results based on date range
  • Results based on file type

How to Exclude Results from Specific Websites 

Allow me to introduce you to the “-site:” operator.

Picture this – You’re searching for tips on how to grow tomatoes. You’ve read enough articles from big gardening websites, and now you’re looking for homegrown advice from independent bloggers who share their personal experiences. 

But as you type “how to grow tomatoes” into Google, you’re flooded with results from, a site you’ve thoroughly explored.

Here’s where the “-site:” operator saves the day. All you need to do is type your search query followed by “-site:” and then the website you want to exclude.

So your search would look like this: “How to grow tomatoes”

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Google gets the hint, and just like that, the search results are free of, paving the way for fresh perspectives from other sources.

As a tech enthusiast, I frequently visit TechCrunch to stay updated on industry news. But there was a time when I felt like I needed to diversify my sources, so I wanted to find similar sites.

Naturally, I turned to Google and typed “technology websites.” But, oh boy, the number of unrelated results was overwhelming! I wanted a smarter way to search—a method that would help me find similar websites while excluding those off the mark.

Then I discovered the related:” search operator. It was a game-changer.

Simply typing “” into the search bar started pulling up websites similar to TechCrunch, eliminating the unrelated ones.

It was like Google was saying, “Here you go, these are the sites you’re looking for,” while cutting out the clutter.

Now, don’t get me wrong. This “related:” operator can be a bit picky—it works best with more popular websites.

How to Exclude Results Based on Date Range Using Advanced Search Filters

Let’s talk about a common frustration – sifting through outdated information on Google. But you know what? There’s a handy trick to avoid this. Meet Google’s ‘before’ and ‘after’ search operators.

Simply put, these operators let you filter search results based on their published time. Sounds good, right? Here’s how it works.

Let’s say you’re looking for the latest news on electric cars, but you want articles from the last month only. This is when the ‘after‘ operator is your best friend.

Type your query into the Google search bar: “latest electric cars news after:2023-04-19“. Now Google knows to show you articles published after April 19, 2023. It’s as easy as that!

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On the other hand, the ‘before‘ operator can help when you want older information.

For instance, if you’re researching fashion trends from the 90s, you can type: “90s fashion trends before:2000-01-01“. This will get you results published before the year 2000.

How to Exclude Results Based on File Type Using Advanced Search Filters

Have you ever needed to find a specific file type while researching online? 

Let’s say, for example, you’re a student working on a paper and need scholarly articles or research papers in PDF format. 

You’d prefer to avoid seeing results in other file types, like HTML or DOC.

Good news! Google’s got your back with its filetype‘ operator.

Using the ‘filetype‘ operator is as straightforward as it sounds. It narrows down your search to a specific file type – in this case, PDF.

So, if you’re researching, let’s say, renewable energy sources, you would type “renewable energy research filetype:pdf” into the search bar.

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Doing this tells Google, “Hey, I only want PDF files related to renewable energy research.” And just like that, your search results will be brimming with PDF files on the subject.

Now, you’ve zeroed in on the specific file type best suits your needs.

Uncommon Search Operators for Excluding Results on Google

Here are some useful, uncommon search operators that you should consider.

The Wildcard Operator: “*”

Let me share a handy search tip from my toolkit: the wildcard operator “*.” It’s a nifty tool that can help you find what you’re looking for, even when unsure about specific details.

Picture this: I was planning a dinner party and wanted to wow my guests with a delicious strawberry dessert my family prepared for me as a child. However, I needed help remembering the exact name. This is where the wildcard operator “*” came to the rescue.

By simply typing “strawberry * dessert recipe” into the Google search bar, I could use this operator to let Google fill in the blanks.

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Lo and behold, I hit the jackpot of strawberry-based dessert recipes, including classics like strawberry shortcake, cheesecake, and even delightful strawberry mousse.

Combining Operators: Advanced Query Refinement

Here’s the real beauty of these advanced search operators: their ability to join forces.

For example, if you’re an adventurous traveler planning a trip to a beautiful beach destination, you can combine operators to avoid irrelevant pages and better refine your search results. 

Try this: “best beach destinations +coastal towns.” With these search parameters, you are excluding words from the popular travel website TripAdvisor. 

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By using the “” operator followed by “,” you’re excluding results from the specific website TripAdvisor, allowing you to discover alternative sources of information.

Additionally, the “+” Google search operator ensures the inclusion of results mentioning coastal towns.

Exclude Results On Google – Final Thoughts

In your hands, you now have the keys to a world of refined Google searches.

I challenge you: give these techniques a spin the next time you’re on a Google hunt. Can you make your search faster, more efficient?

And here’s a thought: What undiscovered treasures might you find online when you sharpen your search skills? Something to mull over, right?

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What to Do When Personal Values Clash With Business Decisions



What to Do When Personal Values Clash With Business Decisions

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Do you remember the times you were at a crossroads, debating with yourself about a choice that challenged your personal values and your business objectives? You’re not alone. Most entrepreneurs experience this kind of strife, but not every entrepreneur will verbalize all of the conflicts.

It is a sophisticated battleground with the lines between correct and wrong so fuzzy, and the choices you make can shape your history. In this article, I’ll share a few valuable tips you can use to navigate these situations.

Related: How to Become the Leader You Envision Without Sacrificing Your Values

1. Establish your core values

Determining your core values is a prerequisite in facing ethical obstacles. As a leader, values like integrity, transparency and sustainability can be your guiding principles, which you set not only for yourself but also for your company. When these values are clear and communicated correctly, they become a beacon, helping decision-making processes to be simpler and well-managed. The unambiguousness of those values serves as a yardstick to which all company actions are compared, and thus, everybody in the organization knows what is expected of them.

2. Understand the baggage right away

One of the most important skills for any leader is to be able to tell when his/her personal beliefs are at odds with business decisions. A lot of times, the first indication of an ethical challenge is a feeling of discomfort. This unease is not just a matter of emotion; it is a sign of your conscience, which is telling you that your values are being compromised. Acknowledging it early on is a must for you because it gives you the time to analyze the situation carefully, and you won’t make any rash decisions. It gives you an opportunity to form a strategy that is in line with your moral values.

3. Seek multiple perspectives

Ethical problems frequently do not yield simple responses, and what looks right one way around may not appear to be so from another point of view. Therefore, seeking several points of view is necessary. Connect with mentors, friends or any group with different perceptions to have more diverse opinions. Such a process can disclose new insights and may even bring in solutions that you would have never thought of. Another key advantage is that it makes sure the decision-making process is not only based on one set of experiences and backgrounds, which helps prevent the risk of bias.

4. Evaluate long-term impact

It may be tempting for a moment, but these shortcuts have long-term effects. When faced with a decision, it’s important to ask yourself about the long-term impacts: What is the consequence of this choice on my business in the next five, ten and twenty years? Would it hurt my reputation or my relationship with other people? Such aspects are crucial because they facilitate the drive toward sustainable growth and the observance of ethical standards, which are usually the pillars of longevity.

5. Create ethical safeguards

To avoid ethical conflicts and have your decisions a posteriori, that is, consistent with your business ethics, put in place robust ethical safeguards in your business operations. This could be a part of the process of creating an ethics committee or establishing a decision framework that focuses on your core values. This way, ethical principles are practically accessible to everyone through the organization’s hierarchy, and every decision is subjected to ethical scrutiny.

Related: Holding True to Your Values Is an Essential Decision-Making Metric

6. Be honest and open with your team

Transparency forms the basis for the establishment and strengthening of trust among team members. When an ethical crisis emerges, admitting the difficulties and how they might affect both personal and business values establishes a precedent of transparency and openness. Such honesty and openness will become a criterion for your enterprise culture. This is not just about trust building but also helping to develop a more engaged and ethically aware employee.

7. Integrate ethics into your brand

Nowadays, consumers are more and more inclined to buy from companies that have a code of ethics. Incorporating ethics into your brand’s storyline will make your business stand out and increase consumer confidence. This synergy builds a deeper connection with the audience because they believe that they are interacting with a brand that reflects their virtues.

8. Get ready to make tough decisions

Balancing personal ethics with business decisions sometimes demands making tough decisions. This might imply declining attractive chances or dissolving cooperation with efficient associates. These decisions are always hard, but they usually have to be done to preserve one’s integrity. The respect and loyalty gained from customers and employees in making these decisions can often far exceed the costs involved.

9. Consider and memorize every decision

Every decision is a learning experience. Analyzing the effectiveness of your choices — what worked, what didn’t and how you can improve — contributes to enhanced decision-making skills. Such a learning process is of utmost importance for more successful and confident dealings with future ethical issues.

10. Lead by example

Leadership is more about walking the talk than giving orders. Through constant decision-making that supports your ethical principles, you become an effective role model for your team. This leadership style not only cultivates an ethical positive climate but also inspires your team to uphold these standards in their own decision-making.

Related: Here’s Why Values Matter So Much in Business

It is not easy to navigate the dangerous waters where personal values and business decisions come together. Nonetheless, when you remain true to your core values, look for different opinions and consider making tough decisions, you can be assured that your business not only prospers but also contributes positively to the world around you.

Do not forget that the purpose of your business is not only to be successful but also to create a business that will speak for your values. This approach does not merely resolve clashes; it turns them into opportunities for growth. Rely on your ethics, and you will build a better business world with more ethical and prosperous firms.

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5 Effective Strategies for Building a High-Performing Global Team



5 Effective Strategies for Building a High-Performing Global Team

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Global expansion is a huge move for your business that can complicate matters when you want to increase the size of your team. Hiring qualified employees from abroad can be complicated. Many things have to be considered, including new rules or regulations in different countries that need to be followed and cultural differences that may also arise.

In the ever-changing global business environment, the use of appropriate technologies and strategies can set apart successful firms from average or struggling ones.

In light of this, how do you then put together an amazing global team? Through my own experience, I’ve discovered 5 key strategies that can set you and your team up for success.

1. Support workplace diversity and Inclusivity

If you establish an inclusive and efficient system culture across your globally expanding enterprise, then performance will increase immediately. However, one should also bear in mind that cultural disparities exist among team members from diverse backgrounds. You will need to create a workplace that respects and recognizes each person’s culture while also fostering an understanding of various traditions and opinions.

There’s a need for companies to consider various holidays people celebrate in different countries so as not to be seen as ignorant or insensitive by their own employees who come from other places. Common concerns revolve around non-verbal communication like gestures at work, dress codes in offices and how we relate with one another socially . One way out is by employing experts who specialize in diversity issues across cultures, such as customs or traditions, to ensure a safe and respectful work culture.

Related: Life’s Too Short to Work With Incompatible People — Follow These 3 Secrets To Building High-Performing Teams

2. Leverage EOR Service

If you are expanding your business globally, it may really help to hire an Employment of Record (EOR) service provider. An Employment of Record legally employs your team members in their local country on your behalf. It enables you to access the best skills from anywhere around the world without necessarily having to go through the lengthy procedure of first establishing foreign legal entities yourself.

When you partner with a good EOR, you get a bunch of sweet benefits:

  • Faster access to global talent: You can start building your team abroad as soon as possible instead of waiting months for all the legal paperwork to go through.
  • Less worry about compliance: EORs take care of handling all those local employment laws and HR requirements that give you headaches.
  • Cost savings: EORs have the expertise to help minimize your operational costs when hiring globally.
  • Flexibility: You can easily scale your global team up or down as your business needs change.
  • Specialized expertise: EORs have tons of experience helping companies expand globally the right way.

Lean on EOR specialists so you can focus less on annoying HR logistics and more on finding superstar talent around the world.

3. Invest in management training

To succeed globally, you need awesome managers across the board. That’s why strategy number three is to invest heavily in management training.

Make sure your managers are pros at leading global teams. A quality manager in a distributed team excels at nurturing career growth, making the most of their unique talents, ensuring smooth conflict resolution, and guiding through change and uncertainty. They build adaptability and psychological safety, encouraging open communication.

Additionally, the ability to encourage and inspire individuals as a manager will create an environment in which every team member feels welcomed and encouraged. Each one’s unique strengths can be recognized and leveraged for the success and cohesion of the team.

In fact, managers account for 70% of the variability in team engagement. Well-trained managers unite your global workforce and amplify your culture anywhere.

4. Focus on building trust

When your team is distributed worldwide, success depends a ton on trusting relationships. That’s why strategy number four is to focus on building trust and connections, even from afar.

Building trust in a global team requires participation in a variety of activities that promote bonding and camaraderie. Icebreaker games during meetings and setting up Slack channels for casual talk all help team members bond. Hosting virtual coffee talks or happy hours provides for socialization outside of work, whereas annual in-person offsite gatherings provide valuable face-to-face interactions.

Furthermore, it is critical to tailor communication techniques to each direct report, publicly acknowledge wins and progress, and listen deeply to understand different perspectives. These actions make team members feel appreciated, heard, and connected, ultimately building trust within the team.

When managers invest in relationships, their teams perform better. Trust accelerates team cohesion, collaboration and results.

Related: 10 Simple Steps to Build an Exceptional and Efficient Team

5. Set up clear communication channels

When organizing a clear communication protocol, time zone differences could become a major, even impactful, issue. Face-to-face meetings between team members may be nearly impossible when they work from different areas of the world. That’s where video conferences can ensure fast and efficient dialogue.

A number of video conferencing tools recently achieved global use as remote work grew in popularity. Tools like Zoom and Google Meet help businesses hold on-the-spot presentations, webinars, and team meetings with accurate, real-time visuals. They also give team managers the ability to arrange one-on-one check-in sessions with employees, allowing them to discuss workload and other relevant concerns.

Expanding your business globally does not always mean success. However, you can achieve this goal through careful planning, effective communication, and an all-inclusive corporate culture. Above all, using local collaborators in the form of an Employer of Record exponentially increases the chances of building a winning team.

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Apple: iPhone X, HomePod, AirPods ‘Vintage,’ Soon ‘Obsolete’



Apple: iPhone X, HomePod, AirPods 'Vintage,' Soon 'Obsolete'

Three groundbreaking Apple devices — the iPhone X, HomePod, and original AirPods — are now considered vintage. And the clock is ticking on how long they will be eligible for repairs.

Apple added the three to its vintage product list on Monday, meaning that it stopped selling the products more than five, and less than seven, years ago.

Apple customers who use these devices are now facing a limited window when it comes to repairs. Apple Stores and authorized repair shops will only offer service for the iPhone X, HomePod, and original AirPods for up to two more years max, depending on the parts available.

Related: Will Apple AI Convince You to Upgrade Your Old iPhone?

The three products are all instantly recognizable as a major shift or addition to Apple’s product lineup.

The $999 iPhone X was the first Apple phone to switch from TouchID to FaceID, allowing users to unlock the iPhone X with a glance and swapping out a home button for an entirely touch-activated screen. Apple assured customers that it kept its facial scans out of the cloud to make the feature more secure.

Apple now has the majority of smartphone market share in the U.S., with about 53% of the market.

Apple CEO Tim Cook speaks during the launch of the iPhone X on September 17, 2017. (Photo by Qi Heng/Visual China Group via Getty Images)

The $349 HomePod was Apple’s first smart speaker; some users have called it a “significant and risky investment.” Apple sold an estimated three million HomePods in the U.S. by 2018, according to a Consumer Intelligence Research Partners report.

Since the original HomePod’s release, Apple has expanded the product line with the 2020 HomePod mini and the 2023 HomePod 2nd Generation.

Related: What’s Next for Apple After Vision Pro? Home Robots: Report

The $159 original AirPods were Apple’s way of “reinventing” wireless headphones, per the company’s 2016 press release.

Apple introduced an “innovative” charging case and a double-tap feature that allowed users to tap their AirPods to access Siri.

Devices on the vintage list end up in Apple’s “obsolete” category after they pass the seven-year mark. At that point, Apple withdraws hardware service and service stores can no longer order replacement parts.

Related: Apple iPhone 7 Settlement: How to Make a Claim By Deadline

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