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Google Juneteenth Search Ranking Algorithm Update?



Google Algorithm Update

I know we had a long Holiday weekend with both Father’s Day and Juneteenth but there were some tremors of note related to a possible Google search ranking algorithm update over the weekend. It might be just normal holiday weekend chatter but some of the tools are also showing volatility that match the chatter.

As a reminder, the Google May 2022 core update began rolling out on May 25, 2022 and was officially pronounced complete on June 9th but we saw big tremors before and after the start and end date of that update. Were those related to this May 2022 core update – only Google knows and Google has not really commented directly about that – outside of old comments that anything that was seen prior or post update are not “broad” core updates. But maybe those were tremors of the update? I don’t know.

In any event, the ongoing WebmasterWorld continues to have SEOs and webmasters reporting on fluctuations and volatility after the core update was completed. Here is some of that chatter on or after June 19th:

Is anyone else seeing a big drop in international traffic today? I’m seeing USA traffic up for the first time in a week, UK is also normal…but Australia is -70% for two days now…Canada -40%, UAE is also -40%. Germany is -20%, France and most of the rest of W. Europe is at 0 visits today…not one visit. Perhaps we are seeing the rollout of new serp layouts to a wide market?

That’s just 1/2 of a Googleday completed for me and traffic at 20% of expected levels. Proportionately the visitor demographics has not changed which is a surprise therefore where has the “volume” gone IF that still exists or is it mostly Google ads now meaning unless you are #1 then you will have to pay for traffic?

Nothing is finished, as far as I can tell.

Yes the official update is completed…. but… as we all know tweaks will still happen to the algo they say nothing about.
I am seeing some of the same that you are Redbar in that pages that were normally in the back of the pack now making it up front. To me it feels as if the algo is reassessing the overall content and with that some wonky things happen.

Traffic here has been steady over the past couple of days but its an interesting mix.

Very low USA traffic today…the day peaked at 6am and declined in a stairstep pattern until 1pm, where it flatlined until 6pm. Interesting how traffic is now performing the opposite of the last 20 years, with traffic highest at midday and lowest at night and early mornings. Google is clearly ratcheting up the ads, or dumping more items on the page on the fly to ensure that all the traffic is skimmed during the best hours.

Monday’s traffic was very low for a weekday at 56% however, at the moment, it is looking more normal and already at 33% and roughly where I’d expect it to be.

Although traffic is down my USA traffic is remaining consistent at its usual proportionate average therefore, for me, it is not the lack of any specific country but the overall volume of traffic which keeps telling me it is something else that is affecting my traffic levels plus it is now very noticeable our lack of incoming realworld business enquiries, which in itself is very unusual at this time of year, suggesting a lack of intended / possible / proposed large national / international projects.

Big drop yesterday, and today seems to keep that big drop trend.

Google is no longer indexing a complete page, even from a high profile site.

I’ve tried searching for specifics and, although it’s on the page, it’s not indexed.

The result is it makes it harder to find stuff, so Google search is failing. What Google did do was to deliver other pages, but they didn’t have the specifics.

To be honest I’ve been waiting to see if anyone else had noticed this, I actually saw for a very recently updated site of mine Google displaying the keyword link from my sitemap!

I’ve never seen that before plus trying to get anything new spidered, unless it’s a substantial news site, is becoming very slow, not hours, not weeks, but months, and I’m also seeing even more older, 7-10 years, double Pinterest links in the top 20.

There is more chatter and all in the past few days…

Google Tracking Tools

Some of the tracking tools are showing changes as well. It is important to note that last week Semrush changed its tracker and adjusted its levels to stop it from always showing such high levels. But the spikes are still there, just not always in the red – which makes sense. Semrush confirmed this on Twitter saying “to improve sensitivity, the sensor was recalibrated to most accurately portray the volatility change over time.” So keep that in mind…


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So it seems we had more tremors – might be related to the past Google core update, might be related to something unrelated to the core update but some other algorithmic shift, might be normal Google shifts, might be holiday traffic or something else.

Have you noticed changes and volatility in the past few days?

Forum discussion at WebmasterWorld.


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Daily Search Forum Recap: July 25, 2024



Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web.

Bing launched its new generative search experience and it does seem to prioritize links to publishers. Reddit blocked Bing Search and other search engines but not Google. Google says again it will test ads within the AI Overviews. Apple Maps launched a beta version of its web version. Google Local Service Ads tests expanding the phone number.

Search Engine Roundtable Stories:

  • Microsoft Now Testing Bing Generative Search Experience

    Microsoft announced yesterday it has begun testing its new Bing generative search experience – so Bing GSE (versus Google SGE). “By combining the power of generative AI and large language models (LLMs) with the search results page, Bing’s generative search creates a bespoke and dynamic response to a user’s query,” Microsoft wrote.

  • Reddit Blocked Bing Search & Others But Not Google

    On July 1, 2024, Reddit updated its robots.txt file to prohibit most search engine and AI crawlers from accessing its content – including blocking Microsoft Bing. Reddit did not block Google Search, which we covered here a few weeks ago.

  • Google Again: We Will Test Ads In AI Overviews Soon

    Google said it again, it will soon test ads within its AI Overviews. Philipp Schindler, senior vice president and chief business officer for Google, said this in the earnings call on Tuesday night. He said, “soon we’ll actually start testing search and shopping ads in AI Overviews for users in the U.S.”

  • Apple Maps Web Version Launches Beta

    Apple has launched a public beta version of Apple Maps on the web after launching the mobile app back almost 12 years ago on September 19, 2012. “Apple Maps on the web is available in public beta, allowing users around the world to access Maps directly from their browser,” Apple wrote.

  • Google Local Service Ads Shows Phone Number On Hover

    Google Local Service Ads can now show the business’s phone number in the ad unit when you hover over your mouse cursor over the ad. It will then dynamically expand the ad to show the advertiser’s phone number.

  • Tree House & Hippie Van At Google Boulder Office

    We have seen this area at the Google Boulder, Colorado office before, but I have not seen this hippie-looking van with flowers on it and such. This gives off a certain vibe for the office, don’t you think?

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Have feedback on this daily recap; let me know on Twitter @rustybrick or @seroundtable, on Threads, Mastodon and Bluesky and you can follow us on Facebook and on Google News and make sure to subscribe to the YouTube channel, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts or just contact us the old fashion way.

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Daily Search Forum Recap: July 24, 2024



Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web.

We spotted another Google search ranking volatility again around July 23rd. An SEO poll says 54% of SEOs saw positive effects from Google updates. Google Local Service Ads adds new budget options. Google Search is outlining videos in the search results. Google announced earnings and their ad revenue is up again, this time 11%.

Search Engine Roundtable Stories:

  • Google Search Ranking Algorithm Volatility – July 23rd

    I probably should have covered this yesterday but I have been seeing more ranking volatility starting late on Monday, July 22nd, through yesterday, July 23rd and into today July 24th. This may be a continuation from what we saw last week or maybe something new – it is hard to tell.

  • Google Ad Revenue Up 11% – $64.62 Billion In Ad Revenue

    Google / Alphabet reported its Q2 2024 earnings last night, where its ad revenue hit $64.62 billion, up 11% from last year’s quarter of $58.14 billion. Clearly, Google’s advertising business continues to grow despite any economic downturn we may have seen.

  • SEO Poll: 54% Of SEOs Saw Positive Effects From Google Updates

    Aleyda Solis posted the results of a poll she ran, which showed 54% say their sites have seen mostly a positive effect from Google Updates in the last couple of years. John Mueller from Google replied to that poll saying, “While there are exceptions, life as an SEO or when working on the web is not about doom & gloom.”

  • New Google Local Service Ads Budget Options

    Google has added new ad budget options and features to Local Service Ads. You can now set a maximum monthly ad spend limit for the month for some accounts.

  • Google Outlines Videos In Search Results

    Google seems to have changed how it shows large videos in the search results. I am now seeing them show these gray lines, outlining the video box, in the Google Search results.

  • Google Receptionist – The Seattle Seahawks Blitz Mascot

    Here is an old photo I recently found at the Google Kirkland, Seattle office. You can see the Seattle Seahawks mascot, aka the Blitz, sitting at the front desk at the Google office there.

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Have feedback on this daily recap; let me know on Twitter @rustybrick or @seroundtable, on Threads, Mastodon and Bluesky and you can follow us on Facebook and on Google News and make sure to subscribe to the YouTube channel, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts or just contact us the old fashion way.

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Daily Search Forum Recap: July 23, 2024



Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web.

Google will not deprecate third-party cookies in Chrome, after delaying this process numerous times. Google Ads Editor version 2.7 is now out. Google Ads has a new Sitelinks interface. Google is testing larger sitenames and favicons. Google Search is showing video descriptions generated using A Overviews.

Search Engine Roundtable Stories:

  • Google Won’t Deprecate Third-Party Cookies In Chrome

    Google has decided not to deprecate, do away with, third-party cookies in Chrome. This is something Google has been planning and testing for a while, delaying the efforts numerous times, and now ultimately deciding to scrap those efforts.

  • Google Ads Editor Version 2.7 Is Now Out

    Google has released version 2.7 of the Google Ads Editor. This new update brings a number of new features and also deprecates a number of features. New features include AI-generated assets, account level content label exclusions, account-level negative keywords and more.

  • Google Search AI Overviews Video Descriptions

    Google Search is testing using AI Overviews to provide video descriptions in the Google Search results. When you click to expand some videos, Google may overlay the video and its description directly in the search results. And that description may read, “AI overviews are experimental,” which means the description was adapted by Google Gemini.

  • Google Tests Larger Sitename & Favicons

    Google is testing larger sitenames and favicons again. You can see a considerably larger font used for the sitename (the link in the Google search result snippets) and a larger favicon being tested in the search results.

  • New Google Ads Sitelinks Interface

    Google Ads has a new sitelinks interface, and functionality, for Performance Max campaigns. The new recommended sitelinks features are rolling out, plus there is a new numbered layout for the sitelinks.

  • Google Soda

    Here is a photo of two cans of drinks, maybe soda or some other energy drink, that is branded with the Google Innovator logo and name. I found this on Instagram and thought it was unusual enough to share here.

Other Great Search Threads:

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Have feedback on this daily recap; let me know on Twitter @rustybrick or @seroundtable, on Threads, Mastodon and Bluesky and you can follow us on Facebook and on Google News and make sure to subscribe to the YouTube channel, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts or just contact us the old fashion way.

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