Google Says Thin Content Issues Are Site Specific, Not Page Specific

Google’s John Mueller was asked about thin content issues on the last webmaster hangout and John explained this generally applies to the site as a while and not a page by page basis. So it seems a site in general can be labeled as having thin content but not because of single pages here or there?
John said at the 17:59 mark “usually that applies more to to the overall website,” when asked about thin content issues. “So it’s not so much that one page doesn’t have enough content. It’s more that the website overall is very light on actual information.”
So it seems like thin content issues are site-wide versus page by page basis. But this may be specific to the Google Search Console manual actions? You can listen for yourself in this video below:
He later spoke about the obsession over word count in the SEO space. He said “so I wouldn’t like use the word count as a way to recognize that. I think sometimes the word count is useful for you to look at a larger website overall and to try to find areas where maybe you could be doing better. But I wouldn’t use it as a metric to guide kind of like the specific things that you do on the website. ”
Forum discussion at YouTube Community.
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