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Google Search Has A New Boss: Prabhakar Raghavan Steps Down



Google Search Has A New Boss: Prabhakar Raghavan Steps Down

Google has announced that Prabhakar Raghavan, the executive overseeing the company’s search engine and advertising products, will be stepping down from his current role.

The news came on Thursday in a memo from CEO Sundar Pichai to staff.

Nick Fox To Lead Search & Ads

Taking over Raghavan’s responsibilities will be Nick Fox, a longtime Google executive with experience across various departments.

Fox will now lead the Knowledge & Information team, which includes Google’s Search, Ads, Geo, and Commerce products.

Pichai expressed confidence in Fox’s ability to lead these crucial divisions, noting:

“Throughout his career, Nick has demonstrated leadership across nearly every facet of Knowledge & Information, from Product and Design in Search and Assistant, to our Shopping, Travel, and Payments products.”

Raghavan’s New Role

Raghavan will transition to the newly created position of Chief Technologist.

He will work closely with Pichai and other Google leaders in this role to provide technical direction.

Pichai praised Raghavan’s contributions, stating:

“Prabhakar’s leadership journey at Google has been remarkable, spanning Research, Workspace, Ads, and Knowledge & Information. He led the Gmail team in launching Smart Reply and Smart Compose as early examples of using AI to improve products, and took Gmail and Drive past 1 billion users.”

Past Criticisms

This recent announcement from Google comes in the wake of earlier criticisms leveled at the company’s search division.

In April, an opinion piece from Ed Zitron highlighted concerns about the direction of Google Search under Raghavan’s leadership.

The article cited industry analysts who claimed that Raghavan’s background in advertising, rather than search technology, had led to decisions prioritizing revenue over search quality.

Critics alleged that under Raghavan’s tenure, Google had rolled back key quality improvements to boost engagement metrics and ad revenue.

Internal emails from 2019 were referenced. They described a “Code Yellow” emergency response to lagging search revenues when Raghavan was head of Ads. This reportedly resulted in boosting sites previously downranked for using spam tactics.

Google has disputed many of these claims, maintaining that its advertising systems do not influence organic search results.

More Restructuring

As part of Google’s restructuring:

  1. The Gemini app team, led by Sissie Hsiao, will join Google DeepMind under CEO Demis Hassabis.
  2. Google Assistant teams focused on devices and home experiences will move to the Platforms & Devices division.

Looking Ahead

Fox’s takeover from Raghavan could shake things up at Google.

We may see faster AI rollouts in search and ads, plus more frequent updates. Fox might revisit core search quality, addressing recent criticisms.

Fox might push for quicker adoption of new tech to fend off competitors, especially in AI. He’s also likely to be more savvy about regulatory issues.

It’s important to note that these potential changes are speculative based on the limited information available.

The actual changes in leadership style and priorities will become clearer as Fox settles into his new role.

Featured Image: One Artist/Shutterstock

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Bing Webmaster Tools Update: More Data, Recommendations, Copilot




Bing Webmaster Tools Update: More Data, Recommendations, Copilot

Microsoft upgrades Bing Webmaster Tools with extended data access, new recommendations system, and AI assistant in limited testing phase.

  • Bing Webmaster Tools extends historical data to 16 months.
  • “Insights” becomes “Recommendations” with enhanced features.
  • AI-powered “Copilot” assistant enters limited testing.

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What Is Click-Through Rate & Why CTR Is Important




What Is Click-Through Rate & Why CTR Is Important

Search engines place a high premium on a good click-through rate (CTR).

After all, in the pay-per-click model, the more someone clicks, the more money that search engine makes.

But CTR is important to advertisers, too. CTR tells you how well your message aligns with the people seeing it and whether you capture their interest.

When a user turns to a search engine, they have a question and are looking for an answer. They are expressing a need or want.

What makes Search so great is users are telling you exactly what they are looking for! They’ve already decided they need something and are now trying to find it.

Creating a relevant paid search ad is your first step as an advertiser in fulfilling that need. And CTR is one way of knowing whether you are fulfilling that need for searchers when they see your ads.

This guide will explain what click-through rate is, what a good CTR is, how it impacts your Ad Rank and Quality Score, and when a low CTR is considered OK.

What Is Click-Through Rate (CTR)?

Put simply, a click-through rate is the percentage of impressions that result in a click.

If your PPC ad had 1,000 impressions and one click, that’s a 0.1% CTR.

As a metric, CTR tells you how relevant searchers are finding your ad to be.

If you have a:

  • High CTR: Users are finding your ad to be highly relevant.
  • Low CTR: Users are finding your ad to be less relevant.

The ultimate goal of any PPC campaign is to get qualified users to come to your website and perform a desired action (e.g., make a purchase, fill out a lead or contact form, download a spec sheet).

CTR is the first step in the process of improving your ad’s relevancy and generating those desired actions.

What Is A Good CTR?

So, what’s a good click-through rate? Clients ask me this all the time.

The answer, as with many things in PPC, is “it depends.”

CTR is relative to:

  • Your industry.
  • The set of keywords you’re bidding on.
  • Individual campaigns within a PPC account.

It isn’t unusual to see double-digit CTR on branded keywords when someone is searching for your brand name or the name of your branded or trademarked product.

It also isn’t unusual to see CTRs of less than 1% on broad, non-branded keywords.

How CTR Impacts Ad Rank

CTR is not just an indication of how relevant your ads are to searchers. CTR also contributes to your ad rank in the search engines.

Ad Rank determines the position of your ad on the search results page.

That’s right – PPC isn’t a pure auction.

The top position doesn’t go to the highest bidder. It goes to the advertiser with the highest Ad Rank – and CTR is a huge factor in the Ad Rank formula.

But Ad Rank is even more complicated than that. Google measures your actual CTR against an expected CTR at the time of the auction.

So, if you’ve run a lot of ads with a low CTR, Google will assume that any new ads you add to your Google Ads account are also going to have a low CTR, and may rank them lower on the page.

This is why it’s so important to understand the CTR of your ads and to try to improve it as much as possible.

A poor CTR can lead to low ad positions, no matter how much you bid.

How CTR Impacts Quality Score

Quality Score is a measure of an advertiser’s relevance as it relates to keywords, ad copy, and landing pages.

The more relevant your ads and landing pages are to the user, the more likely it is that you’ll see higher Quality Scores.

Quality Score is calculated by the engines’ measurements of expected click-through rate, ad relevance, and landing page experience.

A good CTR will help you earn higher Quality Scores.

While Quality Score is not a factor in the ad auction, it is an indicator of expected performance and will impact your CPCs.

Use Quality Score to diagnose how your ads will show, and to improve your ad copy and landing pages.

When A Low CTR Is OK

Since CTR is so important, should you optimize all of your ads for CTR, and forget about other metrics, like conversion rate?

Absolutely not!

Success in PPC is not about Ad Rank and CTR.

I could write an ad that says “Free iPhones!” that would get a great CTR. But unless giving away iPhones is the measure of business success for me, such an ad won’t help my business become profitable.

Always focus on business metrics first, and CTR second.

If your goal is to sell as many products as possible at the lowest possible cost, you should optimize your PPC campaigns for cost per sale.

If your goal is to generate leads below a certain cost per lead, then optimize for cost per lead.

Unless your business goal is to drive lots of PPC traffic, CTR should not be your main KPI.

In fact, there are times when a low CTR is OK – and maybe even a good thing.

One of those times is when dealing with ambiguous keywords.

Ambiguity is a necessary evil in any PPC program. People may search for your product or service using broad keywords that mean different things to different people.

Here’s an example: “Security.”

Let’s say you run a company that sells physical security solutions to businesses to protect them from break-ins.

Your company wants to bid on the term “security” to capture users who are just beginning to think about their security needs. It sounds like a great strategy, and it can be.

But “security” can mean a lot of different things. People might be looking for:

  • Credit card security.
  • Financial security.
  • Data security.
  • Home security.
  • Security guard jobs.

And that’s only five examples I thought of in a few seconds. See how disparate those are?

Let’s say you decide to bid on “business security,” since it’s more relevant.

It’s still a broad term – and your CTR might not be great. But let’s also say you get a lot of leads from that keyword – at a good cost.

Should you pause that term because of a low CTR?

Of course not!

Always let performance be your guide.

Low CTR is perfectly fine, as long as your keywords and ads are performing well based on your business objectives.

This screenshot is a perfect example of a keyword with a relatively low CTR but a lower cost per lead than the high CTR keyword.

Screenshot from author, September 2024

When A High CTR Isn’t OK

High CTRs may not be ok, either.

If you have a high CTR but a low conversion rate, that indicates a problem.

Either your keywords are not a good match for your landing page, or your landing page isn’t converting well.

campaigns listed have a strong CTR and lots of clicks, but few conversionsScreenshot from author, September 2024

In this case, the campaigns listed have a strong CTR (the average for this account is just over 6%) and lots of clicks, but few to no conversions.

We found that our keywords were triggering a significant number of irrelevant search queries, bringing unqualified users to the site.

CTR should never be viewed in a vacuum. It’s one of many key metrics to review when assessing the success or failure of a PPC campaign.


CTR is an important metric for PPC managers to understand and monitor.

Optimizing for CTR, while also optimizing for business metrics, will lead to successful PPC campaigns.

More resources: 

Featured Image: eamesBot/Shutterstock

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Why Building a Brand is Key to SEO




Why Building a Brand is Key to SEO

For better or worse, brands dominate Google search results. As more results are generated by AI and machines start to understand the offline and online world, big brands are only going to get more powerful. 

Watch on-demand as we tackle the challenge of competing with dominant brands in Google search results. We explained why big brands lead the rankings and how to measure your own brand’s impact against these competitors.

We even shared actionable strategies for improving your visibility by weaving your brand into your SEO.

You’ll learn:

  • Why brands dominate Google (and will continue to do so).
  • How to measure your brand’s impact on search, and what you should focus on.
  • Ways to weave your brand’s identity into your content.

With Dr. Pete Meyers, we explored why brand marketing is vital to search marketing, and how to incorporate your brand into your everyday content and SEO efforts.

If you’re looking to have your brand stand out in a sea of competition, you won’t want to miss this.

View the slides below, or check out the full presentation for all the details.


Join Us For Our Next Webinar!

Optimizing For Google’s New Landscape And The Future Of Search

Join us as we dive deep into the evolution reshaping Google’s search rankings in 2024 and beyond. We’ll show you actionable insights to help you navigate the disruption and emerge with a winning SEO strategy.

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