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LinkedIn Publishes New Guide on the Importance of Employer Branding in the Post-COVID Landscape



LinkedIn Publishes New Guide on the Importance of Employer Branding in the Post-COVID Landscape

LinkedIn has published a new guide on effective employer branding, which could become even more important than ever in the post COVID landscape as employees seek out more meaning and increased job satisfaction.

As explained by LinkedIn:

“The pandemic has muddled both economic and social norms and changed people’s expectations of the brands they work for and buy from. These blurring lines mean candidates, employees and customers are evaluating companies more holistically than ever. To build trust and compete for the best candidates in this new organizational reality, brands must show up and communicate consistently across all audiences and stakeholders.”

A key part of this, LinkedIn says, is effective employer branding, and its new, 11-page pocket guide provides a range of tips on this front.

The guide looks at what potential employees are looking for from employers, which LinkedIn says is similar to what potential customers are also seeking.


There’s also an overview of the prospective employee journey, which shines more light on the various touchpoints that people come across as they assess your business.

LinkedIn Employer Branding Guide

The guide also looks at ‘brand DNA’, and how it can additionally contribute to your employer branding, while there are also tips on how to use newer technologies to enhance your business presence in this respect.

It’s a brief, but interesting guide, which could help you formulate a more effective approach for potential employees – or at the least, get you thinking about what your content, and overall online presence, communicates about your employer brand.

You can download the full ‘How to Build a Unified Brand’ guide book here.

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