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30 Latest Shopify Statistics For 2023 (Revenue, Market Share, And More)



Latest Shopify Statistics

Want to know how much money Shopify merchants have generated in total? Curious how many Shopify stores use a custom theme?

While we don’t know the exact number of Shopify stores or Shopify users there are out in the wild outside of the “millions” Shopify claims there are, we do have a number of additional Shopify statistics in this post, including how Shopify impacts online businesses.

Our categories for Shopify stats include general stats, stats for merchants, and stats on themes and apps.

Let’s get into it.

Editor’s top picks – Shopify statistics

Here are the top five Shopify statistics you need to know:

  • Shopify merchants have accrued more than $650 billion in ecommerce sales. (Shopify1)
  • Shopify generated $5.6 billion in revenue in 2022. (Shopify2)
  • Shopify powers 26% of all ecommerce stores on the web. (BuiltWith)
  • The average revenue per customer for all Shopify stores is $92 per customer. (Littledata)
  • 50% of Shopify Plus merchants saw lower conversions and site traffic in 2022. (Shopify’s Commerce Trends Report for 2023)

General Shopify statistics

1. Shopify sellers have generated more than $650 billion in revenue

According to Shopify’s own data on sales generated from the Shopify platform, Shopify stores have generated more than $650 billion in revenue collectively.

Source: Shopify1

2. Shopify revenue amounted to $5.6 billion in 2022

Shopify revenue increased by 21% in 2022 to a total revenue of $5.6 billion.

This data comes from Shopify’s fourth quarter and full 2022 financial results.

$1.5 billion of that revenue came from Subscription Solutions while $4.1 billion came from Merchant Solutions.

Shopify’s monthly recurring revenue is $109.5 million, according to the report.

The platform’s operating loss amounted to $822.3 million in 2022 while their profits were $2.8 billion.

02 Shopify Total revenue

Source: Shopify2

3. Shopify saw a gross merchandise value of $197.2 billion in 2022

Shopify merchants brought in $197.2 billion in 2022, a 12% increase from 2021.

54%, or $106.1 billion, of Shopify’s gross merchandise volume for 2022 came from Quarter 4 alone.

This is on par with 2021, which saw 49%, or $85.8 billion, of the year’s GMV come from Quarter 4.

03 Gross merchandise

Source: Shopify2

4. 26% of ecommerce stores around the world use Shopify

According to data on more than 24 million ecommerce stores from across the web, 26% of all online stores, which is the majority of all ecommerce stores, use Shopify.

04 Ecommerce usage worldwide

20% use WooCommerce, 14% use Wix, 11% use Squarespace and 6% use Ecwid.

24% of stores use a dozen or so other ecommerce platforms, but they have less than 2% of usage each.

Source: BuiltWith1

5. receives 76.7 million visits per month

According to traffic data collected by Similarweb over a three month period on the domain, Shopify traffic amounts to over 76.7 million visits per month on average.

05 visits

For comparison’s sake, receives 2.8 million visits per month on average, receives 36.2 million and receives 3.5 million visits., which hosts the free WooCommerce plugin, receives 17.7 million visits per month on average.

To be fair, most WooCommerce users have their hosts install WordPress for them. Then, they can install the WooCommerce plugin from the admin section of their stores without ever visiting or, so it makes sense for their numbers to be lower.

Even so, these metrics demonstrate the dominance Shopify has in the global ecommerce market.

The only thing standing in their way from overshadowing other platforms is their ability to acquire new customers and maintain relationships with current Shopify customers.

Source: Similarweb1, Similarweb2, Similarweb3, Similarweb4, Similarweb5

6. 29% of ecommerce stores in the United States use Shopify

BuiltWith also collects data on a country basis.

They found that the majority of ecommerce stores in the United States, or 29%, use Shopify.

06 Ecommerce usage US

18% use WooCommerce, 15% use Wix, 14% use Squarespace and 5% use Ecwid.

19% of stores use other ecommerce platforms.

Source: BuiltWith2

7. 22% of ecommerce stores in the United Kingdom use Shopify

Shopify is nearly neck and neck with WooCommerce in terms of usage in the UK.

While a few thousand more ecommerce stores in the UK use WooCommerce, the number of Shopify stores is nearly the same number at 22%.

07 Ecommerce usage UK

16% use Wix, 12% use Squarespace and 10% use Ecwid.

18% of stores use other ecommerce platforms.

Source: BuiltWith3

8. 19% of the web’s top 10,000 ecommerce stores use Shopify

BuiltWith also arranges its data based on the web’s top 1 million, top 100,000 and top 10,000 ecommerce stores.

This data reveals that the majority, or 19%, of the top 10,000 stores on the web use Shopify.

08 Ecommerce usage top sites

9% use Amplience, 7% use WooCommerce, 7% use Magento and 3% use Squarespace.

55% use a long list of other ecommerce platforms.

And in case you’re curious about the other lists, 21% of the top 1 million stores on the web use Shopify while 5% use Shopify Plus (23% use WooCommerce).

20% of the top 100,000 stores on the web use Shopify while 3% use Shopify Plus.

Source: BuiltWith4

Shopify statistics for merchants to know

9. The average Shopify store revenue is $92 per customer

Littledata, an analytics tool for ecommerce platforms, surveyed 2,261 Shopify stores in September of 2022.

They discovered that Shopify stores have an average revenue per customer of $92.

They also found that if your average revenue per customer is at least $209, you are in the top 20% of all Shopify stores.

A Shopify store owner who sees an average revenue per customer of at least $326 is in the top 10%.

Similarly, if your average revenue per customer is lower than $53, you’re in the bottom 20% of all Shopify stores.

You’re in the bottom of all Shopify stores if your average revenue per customer is $42 or lower.

Source: Littledata

10. Over 100 million shoppers around the world use Shop Pay

Shop Pay is Shopify’s answer to the ever popular online shopping payment gateways PayPal Checkout and Amazon Pay.

10 shop pay

It’s a payment system buyers can add their credit or debit cards to so they can checkout on Shopify stores in a single click.

According to Shopify’s metrics, more than 100 million online shoppers use Shop Pay.

To be more specific, 43% of Shopify buyers use Shop Pay, and 1 in 5 buyers choose the option at checkout.

Shoppers can even use the payment system at non-Shopify stores that accept Shop Pay.

Source: Shopify3

11. Shopify merchants see a 6.6-times higher return on investment on ad spend when using Shopify Audiences

According to Shopify’s own data on its platform, Shopify Plus stores who use Shopify Audiences see a return on investment on ad spend that’s 6.6 times higher than other ad networks.

Shopify Audiences is a feature available exclusively to Shopify Plus merchants.

It’s a specialized ad network that showcases your products to your chosen target markets on Google, Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook.

In one case study, Shopify explains how luxury apparel store Jonathan Simkhai was able to use Shopify Audiences to increase their conversion rate by 84% and new customer acquisition by 89%.

11 Shopify plus

They also saw a cost per acquisition that was 54% lower.

Source: Shopify1, Shopify4

12. 35% of Shopify Plus merchants are seeing smaller average cart sizes

According to a global survey Shopify conducted on Shopify Plus merchants, 35% of Shopify Plus merchants saw smaller average cart sizes in 2022, meaning when customers placed orders, they weren’t buying as much as they used to.

The survey was conducted in August and September of 2022.

For information’s sake, Shopify Plus is the name of the plan Shopify designates for high-volume ecommerce businesses.

An ecommerce business interested in this plan is looking at a starting rate of $2,000/month, much more than Shopify’s base plan, which costs $39/month, or the Starter plan for selling through a content management system like WordPress or social media apps, which costs $5/month.

Source: Shopify’s Commerce Trends Report for 2023

13. 50% of Shopify Plus merchants saw less site traffic and lower conversions in 2022

Shopify’s survey on Shopify Plus merchants also revealed how 50% of the platform’s high-volume customers saw less traffic on their site in 2022, which means many saw much lower conversions than usual.

In fact, in the second quarter of 2022, Shopify store owners reported seeing spikes in their inventory-to-sales ratios for products priced at over $100.

This is likely the result of consumer response to inflation.

Source: Shopify’s Commerce Trends Report for 2023

14. Higher costs of operation are having a negative impact on 90% of Shopify Plus merchants

While not all Shopify Plus merchants are struggling as far as cart sizes and site traffic go, a large majority, 90% to be exact, say they are being negatively impacted by higher costs.

Source: Shopify’s Commerce Trends Report for 2023

15. Over 50% of Shopify Plus merchants lost sales due to products being out of stock in 2022

Shopify’s survey on Shopify Plus merchants revealed that nearly six out of 10 merchants reported losing Shopify sales due to products being out of stock in 2022.

If you own an online store, this is a great sign to take a look at your current inventory management system to ensure you’re keeping your store’s most popular products in stock.

If you make handmade goods, you may need to hire additional staff to increase your output.

For Shopify Plus merchants, Shopify’s survey revealed that 30% of merchants have found new suppliers to combat supply chain issues.

29% source their products from multiple suppliers in multiple countries while 31% source products and raw materials locally.

Source: Shopify’s Commerce Trends Report for 2023

16. 16% of Amazon sellers also use Shopify

According to data collected by Statista, 16% of sellers who list their products in the Amazon Marketplace also put them up for sale in a Shopify store.

16 Amazon sellers

Unsurprisingly, 24% of these sellers use eBay.

15% use Walmart, 13% use Facebook Marketplace and another 13% use Etsy.

Source: Statista

17. Fashion Nova is the most popular Shopify store

When you look at lists of successful Shopify stores, Fashion Nova is always near the top.

In fact, this store brings in 25.4 million visits per month on average.

The store is one of the most popular women’s fashion shops on the web, though they do have a small men’s section as well.

Source:, Similarweb6

Shopify statistics for Shopify themes

18. There are only 136 themes in the Shopify theme store

Shopify’s app store is huge.

Shopify’s theme store, on the other hand, is quite small.

18 shopify theme store

While there are thousands of free and premium themes that are made for or at least compatible with WordPress’ chosen ecommerce platform WooCommerce, Shopify’s official theme store only has 136.

This is one way in which Shopify does not dominate the ecommerce software market.

To be fair, the themes that are available are well coded and look just fine, but it’d be better if the web’s most popular ecommerce platform offered more variety to users who may not have the funds to have a custom theme developed while they’re just starting out.

Source: Shopify Theme Store

19. Dawn is the most popular Shopify theme

Dawn, a free theme developed by Shopify themselves, is the most popular theme available in the Shopify theme store.

While Shopify doesn’t have download or install statistics readily available, when you filter all themes by popularity, Dawn appears first.

19 shopify popular themes

This is followed by a few additional free themes, specifically Spotlight and Refresh.

However, only 35% of Dawn’s and 14% of Refresh’s reviews are positive.

Spotlight didn’t have any reviews at the time this article was written.

Source: Shopify Theme Store – By Popularity (All Themes)

20. Impulse is the most popular paid theme for Shopify

Impulse, a sleek theme for fashion shops from Archetype Themes, is the most popular paid theme in the Shopify theme store.

At least, that’s the cause when you view only paid themes and filter the view by popularity.

20 shopify popular themes paid

In second and third places are Prestige and Impact.

All three themes cost $350 each.

95% of Impulse’s, 91% of Prestige’s and 94% of Impact’s reviews are positive.

Source: Shopify Theme Store – By Popularity (Paid Themes)

21. 26.61% of Shopify stores in the United States use a custom theme

According to BuiltWith’s data on Shopify themes, 26.61% of Shopify stores based in the U.S. use custom-made themes.

These are themes made personally by developers as opposed to ready-made themes you can install in just a few clicks.

26.64% of stores use Dawn while 12.39% use the ever popular Debut theme.

1.2% use the Impulse theme.

Source: BuiltWith5

Shopify statistics for Shopify apps

22. There are more than 8,000 apps in the Shopify app store

According to Shopify’s own data on its app store, there are more than 8,000 first and third-party apps in the platform’s official app store.

22 shopify app store

The platform explains how each app is vetted properly by a 100-checkpoint system.

Source: Shopify App Store

23. Privy is one of the most popular Shopify apps with over 24,000 reviews

Privy is one of the most popular apps in the Shopify app store.

It has a 4.6-star rating out of over 24,800 reviews, making it one of the most reviewed apps in the store.

23 privy shopify app

This also makes it one of the most popular apps for lead generation as it features a drag-and-drop email opt-in form builder and includes support for popups.

With no download or install statistics, the only way we can determine the popularity of an app is by using its review count.

Source: Shopify App Store – Privy

24. is the most popular app for product reviews with over 15,000 reviews is one of the most popular apps in the Shopify app store.

It has a 5-star rating out of over 15,200 reviews.

24 judgeme shopify app

It’s primarily used to collect and display product reviews on shop pages, but it has a handful of additional features that make it quite powerful.

They include the ability to share reviews on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, rich snippets and Google Shopping, among other things.

Source: Shopify App Store –

25. Booster SEO is the most popular app for SEO with more than 4,000 reviews

Booster SEO is one of the most popular apps for SEO in the Shopify app store.

It has a 4.9-star rating out of over 4,700 reviews.

25 booster seo shopif app

This app has key SEO tools that optimize your images to improve page speed, find and fix SEO issues based on rules you customize, and fix broken links with redirects.

Source: Shopify App Store – Booster SEO

26. Hextom is the most popular app for increasing conversions with over 7,000 reviews

Hextom is one of the popular apps for boosting online sales for a Shopify store.

It has a 4.8-star rating out of over 7,600 user reviews.

26 hextom shopify app

This app combines over 30 tools in a single app, but it’s mostly known for its countdown timer and trust badge functionalities.

Source: Shopify App Store – Hextom

27. PageFly is the most popular landing page builder for Shopify with over 7,000 reviews

There are a few different landing page apps available for Shopify, but PageFly is the most popular by far.

It has a 4.9-star rating out of over 7,600 reviews in the app store.

27 pagefly shopify app

The app has prebuilt landing page templates you can add to your store, but it also has a drag-and-drop builder you can use to create your own designs.

Source: Shopify App Store – PageFly

28. DSers is the most popular app for dropshipping with over 15,000 reviews

DSers, which allows you to connect your Shopify store to the AliExpress dropshipping system, is the most popular dropshipping app available for Shopify.

28 dsers shopify app

While already popular at the time, it rose in popularity when fellow dropshipping app Oberlo got shut down.

DSers has a 5-star rating out of over 15,500 reviews.

Source: Shopify App Store – DSers

29. Order Printer Templates is the most popular app for order fulfillment with more than 1,000 reviews

Order Printer Templates has the most reviews out of every order fulfillment app available for Shopify.

It has a 4.9-star rating out of over 1,100 reviews.

29 order printer templates shopify app

It lets you customize invoice, packing slip, return form and gift receipt templates.

It’s even compatible with Shopify’s Order Printer apps.

Source: Shopify App Store – Order Printer Templates

30. Recart is the most popular Shopify app for abandoned cart recovery with over 5,000 reviews

Recart is the most popular app in the Shopify app store for abandoned cart recovery purposes.

It has a 4.8-star rating out of over 5,500 reviews.

30 recart shopify app

It’s an SMS marketing app with a special focus on recovering abandoned carts by capturing text and email-based leads through custom popups.

You can even use it to automate the abandoned cart recovery process.

Source: Shopify App Store – Recart

Shopify statistics sources

Final thoughts

That concludes our list of Shopify statistics.

We learned how dominant the Shopify platform is in the greater ecommerce platform market, especially how it’s starting to overtake WooCommerce.

We also learned that although Shopify’s revenue greatly increased in 2022, Shopify merchants, especially Shopify’s most successful merchants, are starting to see the effects of inflation in the form of lower conversions and site traffic.

Lastly, we learned quite a bit about Shopify’s top themes and apps as well as how a great portion of Shopify stores use custom themes.

For additional reading:

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Automattic sends WP Engine its own cease-and-desist over WordPress trademark infringement




Automattic sends WP Engine its own cease-and-desist over WordPress trademark infringement

The brouhaha in the WordPress community looks likely to escalate into a legal battle around trademarks.

Just a day after WordPress hosting service WP Engine sent a cease-and-desist notice to Automattic asking its CEO to stop publicly trashing WP Engine, now Automattic has sent its own cease-and-desist letter to WP Engine, saying the latter has infringed several trademarks like WordPress and WooCommerce.

This comes after Matt Mullenweg, the CEO of Automattic and co-creator of WordPress, last week criticized WP Engine for profiteering off the open source WordPress project, calling it a “cancer to WordPress,” and accused the company of contributing very little to the community.

In its letter dated Monday, Automattic alleged that WP Engine has built a business of over $400 million in revenue based on unauthorized use of its WordPress trademark, which Automattic claims it has the exclusive commercial rights for from the WordPress Foundation. Automattic also said WP Engine has misled consumers into believing that there is a direct affiliation between the two companies.

“Your unauthorized use of our Client’s trademarks infringes on their rights and dilutes their famous and well-known marks. Negative reviews and comments regarding WP Engine and its offerings are imputed to our Client, thereby tarnishing our Client’s brands, harming their reputation, and damaging the goodwill our Client has established in its marks,” the letter read.

“Your unauthorized use of our Client’s intellectual property has enabled WP Engine to compete with our Client unfairly, and has led to unjust enrichment and undue profits,” it added.

Automattic is also demanding compensation for the profits made by WP Engine by using its trademarks and said that if WP Engine doesn’t amicably resolve the matter, the company has the right to file a civil injunction case.

For context, here’s a good summary of the WordPress community by my colleague Paul Sawers:

WordPress powers more than 40% of the web, and while any individual or company is free to take the open source project and run a website themselves, a number of businesses have sprung up to sell hosting services and technical expertise off the back of it. These include Automattic, which Mullenweg set up in 2005 to monetize the project he’d created two years earlier; and WP Engine, a managed WordPress hosting provider that has raised nearly $300 million in funding over its 14-year history, the bulk of which came via a $250 million investment from private equity firm Silver Lake in 2018.

In the cease-and-desist letter WP Engine sent to Automattic on Monday, the company defended its right to use the “WordPress” trademark under fair use laws. The company added that Automattic has “a profound misunderstanding of both trademark law and WordPress Foundation’s trademark policy.”

It also said Mullenweg demanded WP Engine pay Automattic “a significant percentage of its gross revenues — tens of millions of dollars in fact — on an ongoing basis” for a license to use trademarks like “WordPress.”

“When his outrageous financial demands were not met, Mr. Mullenweg carried out his threats by making repeated false claims disparaging WP Engine to its employees, its customers, and the world,” WP Engine’s letter said.

Notably, Automattic’s letter doesn’t mention Mullenweg’s remarks about WP Engine.

In the last week, Mullenweg has accused WP Engine of not contributing enough to the community and offering “a cheap knock-off” version of WordPress. WP Engine pushed back against this characterization and called out Mullenweg for launching a smear campaign against the company, saying it has already affected some of its business.

This might be the start of a long legal tussle between the two entities. A lot of folks also pointed out that this battle might be harmful for providers offering specialized WordPress hosting.

Earlier today, WordPress Foundation changed its Trademark Policy page, and it now calls out WP Engine, alleging the hosting service has confused users.

“The abbreviation ‘WP’ is not covered by the WordPress trademarks, but please don’t use it in a way that confuses people. For example, many people think WP Engine is “WordPress Engine” and officially associated with WordPress, which it’s not. They have never once even donated to the WordPress Foundation, despite making billions of revenue on top of WordPress,” the updated page reads.

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New Themes for September 2024 – News




New Themes for September 2024 – News

Four of our favorite new themes.

The team is always working on new design ideas to bring your website to life. Check out the latest themes in our library, including great options for brats, foodies, and beauty bloggers. Take a look below.

Tap into your brat summer vibes all year round with our brand new Partygurl theme. Inspired by the now-iconic bright green and simple typography from Charli XCX’s Brat album, this styling will immediately identify you as someone who’s done with the “clean and polished” aesthetic of sameness that you see across the web.

Click here to view a demo of this theme.

RecipeBook theme homepage and blog post page.

RecipeBook is a warm, vibrant theme made for foodie content creators who want their recipes to shine. Inspired by the charm of old-school cookbooks, RecipeBook pairs eye-catching colors with bold typography. The homepage invites discovery with a handy category list and flexible Query Loop block, making it easy to showcase your culinary creations. Whether you’re sharing recipes or creating food collections, RecipeBook offers a playful yet functional design to help you dish out your passion for cooking.

Click here to view a demo of this theme.

Goodskin theme homepage.

Goodskin is a great theme for beauty bloggers and skincare enthusiasts. With its light, calming aesthetic and clean layout, Goodskin provides an elegant space for sharing your routines, product reviews, and more. The theme includes thoughtful features like a sidebar for easy navigation and a product rating pattern to highlight your favorite finds. Available in three soothing color variations—Jojoba, Blush, and Eyeshadow—Goodskin offers a serene, sophisticated platform that allows your content to glow.

Click here to view a demo of this theme.

Luxus theme homepage, in three style variations.

Luxus is the perfect look for beauty salons wanting to make a sleek, no-fuss impression. Designed with simplicity in mind, Luxus gives the essentials—services, location, hours, and contact information—right away on the homepage, making it easy for clients to find what they need.

Optimized for mobile right out of the box with a clean, single-column layout, Luxus offers a seamless experience for your busy, on-the-go clientele. With the luxurious Ojuju font for headings and the classic Hanken Grotesk for body text, this theme exudes elegance while keeping the focus on what matters most.

Click here to view a demo of this theme.

To install any of the above themes, click the name of the theme you like, which brings you right to the installation page. Then click the “Activate this design” button. You can also click “Open live demo,” which brings up a clickable, scrollable version of the theme for you to preview.

Premium themes are available to use at no extra charge for customers on the Personal plan or above. Partner themes are third-party products that can be purchased for $99/year each on the Business plan and above.

You can explore all of our themes by navigating to the “Themes” page, which is found under “Appearance” in the left-side menu of your dashboard. Or you can click below:

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9 Best Astra Theme Alternatives for Faster Loading (2024)




Astra Theme Alternatives

Finding the perfect theme for your WordPress website is crucial.

While Astra has long been a favorite among users, it has some limitations. Hence, you must explore alternatives that best fit your needs.


Based on my extensive experience over the past years, Kadence WP is the best WordPress theme. I’ve been with Kadence for the past three years, and it is for all my sites due to its smooth WP blocks, superior performance, ease of use, and advanced customization features.

Its lightweight structure ensures fast load times, while its robust design tools offer unparalleled flexibility, making it an ideal choice for many website projects.

I discuss the top Astra theme alternatives in this article, each offering unique strengths and capabilities.

Join me as I explore Kadence WP and other notable themes, such as GeneratePress, OceanWP, and Elementor Hello, to help you make an informed decision about your next website build.

9 Best Astra Theme Alternatives

Best Astra Theme Alternatives

1. Kadence WP Theme (Overall Best Alternative)

If you are looking for an Astra Theme alternative that offers a great user experience, Kadence WP Theme is an excellent choice. It is a multipurpose WordPress theme that is perfect for creating any website.

Kadence WP Theme is known for its flexibility, customization options, and user-friendly interface.

Kadence WP Theme Key Features

  • Lightweight and Fast: The Kadence WP Theme is lightweight and loads quickly, making it perfect for creating fast-loading websites.
  • Page Builder Compatibility: Kadence WP Theme is compatible with popular page builders like Elementor, Beaver Builder, and Gutenberg.
  • Customizable Header and Footer: Kadence WP Theme allows you to easily customize your website’s header and footer.
  • Advanced Typography: Kadence WP Theme offers advanced typography options, allowing you to choose from over 800 Google fonts.
  • WooCommerce Integration: Kadence WP Theme integrates seamlessly with WooCommerce, making it perfect for creating online stores.
  • Starter Templates: Kadence WP Theme comes with various starter templates that you can use to create your website quickly.

Kadence WP Theme Pros and Cons

Here are the pros and cons of using the Kadence WP Theme:


  • Lightweight and fast-loading.
  • Easy to use and customize.
  • Compatible with popular page builders.
  • Offers advanced typography options.
  • Comes with a variety of starter templates.
  • Integrates seamlessly with WooCommerce.


  • The free version of the Kadence WP Theme has limited features.
  • The pricing plans are a bit expensive compared to other themes.

Kadence WP Theme Pricing

  • Free Plan: This plan is free and excellent for website creators wanting to start.
  • Essentials Plan: This plan costs $149/year and gives you all the essentials, like the pro versions of the Kadence theme and starter templates.
  • Full Plan: This plan costs $219/year and gives you full access to all the tools to help you sell.
  • Lifetime Plan: With this plan, you get every product in its complete bundle, lifetime support, updates, and all future products for a one-time payment of $799/lifetime.

2. GeneratePress


If you’re looking for a lightweight and flexible WordPress theme that can be easily customized, GeneratePress is an excellent alternative to Astra. It is a popular theme among developers and users known for its speed, security, and ease of use.

GeneratePress Theme Key Features

  • Lightweight and Fast: GeneratePress is one of the most lightweight themes available, which means it loads faster than most other themes. This is great for improving your website’s speed and overall user experience.
  • Customizable: GeneratePress offers many customization options, including typography, colors, layouts, and more. You can easily customize your website’s appearance without any coding skills.
  • Accessibility Ready: GeneratePress is designed to be accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities. It meets the WCAG 2.0 standards, so your website will be accessible to a broader audience.
  • SEO Friendly: GeneratePress is built with clean and optimized code, which makes it SEO-friendly. Your website will rank higher in search engines and get more organic traffic.
  • Developer Friendly: GeneratePress is designed to be developer-friendly, making it easy to customize and extend. It’s built with clean code and follows WordPress coding standards.
  • Great Support: GeneratePress has an excellent support team that is always ready to help you with any issues or questions.

GeneratePress Pros and Cons

Here are some pros and cons of GeneratePress to help you decide if it’s the right choice for you:


  • GeneratePress is one of the fastest-loading WordPress themes available.
  • GeneratePress offers various customization options, including color schemes, typography, layout, and more.
  • GeneratePress is optimized for search engines, which can help improve your website’s visibility and rankings.
  • GeneratePress is designed with accessibility in mind, which means it meets the highest standards for web accessibility.
  • GeneratePress is fully compatible with WooCommerce, making creating an online store and selling products easy.


  • Limited free version
  • Not as many pre-built templates

GeneratePress Pricing

  • Free Plan: This plan is forever free to use.
  • Yearly Plan: This plan costs $59/year and grants one year of access to the site library, all features, and one year of updates.
  • Lifetime Plan: This plan costs a one-time fee of $249. It grants lifetime access to the site library, updates, and all features.

3. OceanWP Theme

OceanWP Theme

If you are looking for a powerful and flexible alternative to the Astra Theme, the OceanWP Theme is the perfect solution. It is a lightweight and highly customizable WordPress theme that offers a wide range of features and functionalities to help you easily create stunning websites.

OceanWP Theme Key Features

Here are some of the features of OceanWP Theme that make it stand out from other WordPress themes:

  • Multiple Demos: OceanWP Theme has over 130 pre-built demos you can import with just one click. These demos cover many niches, including business, portfolio, eCommerce, and more.
  • Fast Loading: OceanWP Theme is optimized for speed and performance, ensuring your website loads quickly and smoothly.
  • WooCommerce Ready: It is fully compatible with WooCommerce and has many eCommerce-specific features.
  • SEO Friendly: OceanWP Theme is designed with SEO in mind, ensuring your website ranks well in search engine results pages.
  • Translation Ready: If you want to create a multilingual website, OceanWP Theme is your solution. It is fully compatible with translation plugins like WPML and Polylang.
  • Elementor Integration: OceanWP Theme is fully compatible with the Elementor page builder, allowing you to quickly create custom layouts and designs.

OceanWP Theme Pros and Cons

Here are some of the pros and cons of using OceanWP Theme:


  • Lightweight and fast-loading
  • Highly customizable with a wide range of options
  • It comes with over 130 pre-built demos.
  • Fully compatible with WooCommerce and other popular plugins
  • SEO-friendly design
  • Translation ready


  • Some features are only available in the paid version
  • Some users may find the interface a bit overwhelming

OceanWP Pricing

OceanWP offers both a free and a paid version of the theme. The free version has basic features and limited support, while the paid version unlocks additional features and premium support.

Here’s a breakdown of the pricing for OceanWP:

  • Free version: This is free to use
  • Starter Plan: This plan costs $35 per year and has a lifetime subscription of $141. It can be used for one website.
  • Personal plan: It costs $43 per year to use for three websites. A lifetime subscription is available for a one-time payment of $178.
  • Business plan costs $71 per year for up to ten websites. A lifetime subscription is available for a one-time payment of $285.
  • Agency plan: This plan costs $127 per year and can be used on up to 300 websites. A lifetime subscription is also available for a one-time payment of $509.

4. Divi Theme

Divi Theme

Divi Theme is a popular option if you’re looking for an Astra Theme competitor. It is a multipurpose WordPress theme with a powerful page builder that makes it easy to create custom designs without any coding knowledge.

Divi Theme Key Features

  • Visual Page Builder: Divi’s drag-and-drop page builder is one of its most popular features. It allows users to create custom layouts and design elements without coding knowledge.
  • Responsive Design: Divi works on all devices, so your website will look great on desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
  • Customization Options: With Divi, you can customize your website’s colors, fonts, and layout. You can also use pre-made templates to get started.
  • Marketing Integrations: Divi integrates with popular marketing tools like Mailchimp, Aweber, and Google Analytics.
  • WooCommerce Support: Divi has built-in support for WooCommerce if you’re selling products online.
  • Support and Updates: Divi comes with a lifetime license, which means you’ll get access to updates and support if you use the theme.

Divi Theme Pros and Cons

Here are the pros and cons of Divi Theme:


  • Divi’s drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to create custom designs without coding knowledge.
  • Divi offers a wide range of customization options to create a unique website.
  • Divi integrates with popular marketing tools to quickly add email opt-ins and track your website’s performance.
  • Divi has built-in support for WooCommerce, making it easy to sell products online.


  • While Divi is easy to use, learning its features takes time.
  • Some users have reported that Divi’s code can be bloated, slowing website performance.
  • While Divi offers a wide range of customization options, some users may find the design options limited compared to other themes.

Divi Pricing

Divi is a premium WordPress theme, so you must pay for it. Here are the pricing options for Divi:

  • Divi: This costs $89 per year and has a lifetime subscription of $249. It includes access to all of Elegant Themes’ themes and plugins, updates, and support.
  • Divi Pro: This plan costs $277 yearly and has a lifetime subscription of $297. It includes access to everything in the Divi plan plus Divi AI, Divi Cloud, and Divi Teams.

5. Blocksy


If you are looking for a substitute for the Astra Theme, Blocksy is an excellent option. It is a lightweight and fast WordPress theme that offers a range of customization options, making it a popular choice for beginners and advanced users.

Blocksy Key Features

  • Fast Loading: Blocksy is optimized for speed, so your website will load quickly and provide a better user experience.
  • Customizable Header and Footer: Blocksy offers a range of customization options for your header and footer, allowing you to create a unique look for your website.
  • WooCommerce Integration: Blocksy seamlessly integrates with WooCommerce, making it an excellent choice for creating an online store.
  • Gutenberg Compatible: Blocksy is fully compatible with the Gutenberg editor, making creating custom layouts and designs accessible.
  • Responsive Design: Blocksy is designed to be fully responsive, ensuring your website looks great on all devices.
  • SEO Friendly: Blocksy is optimized for search engines, helping your website rank higher in search results.

Blocksy Pros and Cons

Here are the pros and cons of using Blocksy:


  • Easy to use and customize
  • Fast loading speed
  • WooCommerce integration
  • Responsive design
  • SEO friendly


  • Limited free version features
  • No pre-built templates
  • No drag-and-drop page builder
  • Limited third-party plugin integration

Blocksy Pricing

Blocksy offers both a free version and a premium version of the theme. Here’s a breakdown of the pricing:

  • Blocksy Free: The free version of Blocksy includes basic features and customization options. It’s a good choice for users who are just starting and don’t need advanced functionality.
  • Blocksy Premium: Blocksy Premium is available in three pricing tiers:
    • Personal: This plan is priced at $69 per year and includes a lifetime subscription of $199. It provides access to all premium features on one website.
    • Professional: Priced at $99/year and a lifetime subscription of $299. This plan is ideal for online businesses and can be used on ten websites.
    • Agency: Priced at $149 per year and a lifetime subscription of $499. The Agency plan includes access to all premium features for unlimited websites, making it a cost-effective choice for developers and agencies.

6. Neve Theme

Neve Themes

If you are looking for a lightweight, fast, and easily customizable theme, Neve Theme is a great option. It was developed by Themeisle, a popular WordPress theme and plugin development company. Neve Theme is known for its simplicity, speed, and flexibility.

Neve Theme Key Features

  • Lightweight and Fast-Loading Design: Neve is designed to be lightweight, ensuring quick load times and efficient performance, which improves user experience and can boost SEO.
  • Fully Customizable with a Drag-and-Drop Page Builder: Neve is compatible with popular page builders like Elementor, Beaver Builder, and Gutenberg, allowing you to easily customize your site’s layout and design using drag-and-drop functionality.
  • Optimized for SEO and Mobile Devices: The theme follows best SEO practices, helping your site rank better in search engine results. Neve is fully responsive, ensuring your site looks great and functions well on all devices.
  • Compatible with Popular WordPress Plugins: Neve works seamlessly with a wide range of popular WordPress plugins, such as WooCommerce, Yoast SEO, and Contact Form 7, allowing you to extend your site’s functionality easily.
  • Ready-to-Import Starter Sites for Various Niches: This lets you quickly set up a professional-looking website by importing a pre-built template and customizing it to fit your needs.
  • Built-in WooCommerce Integration: Neve includes built-in support for WooCommerce, making it easy to create and customize an online store with features like product pages, shopping carts, and checkout pages seamlessly integrated into your site’s design.

Neve Theme Pros and Cons


  • Lightweight and fast
  • Easy to customize
  • Compatible with popular page builders
  • SEO optimized
  • WooCommerce ready


  • Limited free version features
  • Some features require paid add-ons
  • Limited design options

Neve Theme Pricing

  • Free: This is free to use.
  • Personal: This costs $69/year. This plan is great for users just getting started with their websites.
  • Business: This plan costs $149/year and is best for online shops.
  • Agency: This plan is excellent for freelancers and agencies, costing $259/per year.

7. Elementor Hello Theme


The Elementor Hello Theme is a great substitute for the Astra Theme. It is an excellent choice if you are looking for a lightweight, fast, and highly customizable theme that works seamlessly with the Elementor page builder.

Elementor Hello Theme Key Features

  • Drag and Drop Page Builder: This allows you to create and customize website pages by simply dragging and dropping elements into place, providing a highly intuitive design experience without needing coding knowledge.
  • Customizable Templates and Widgets: These pre-designed elements can be easily tailored to fit your website’s specific needs, making it quick and easy to build professional-looking pages.
  • Mobile Responsive Design: This means your site will look great and function well on desktops, tablets, and smartphones, providing an optimal user experience across all platforms.
  • WooCommerce Compatibility: The Hello Theme is fully compatible with WooCommerce. You can use Elementor’s design capabilities to build product pages, shopping carts, and checkout pages, ensuring a cohesive and visually appealing e-commerce site.
  • SEO Optimization: The Hello Theme is lightweight and optimized for speed, which is crucial for SEO. Faster load times improve user experience and can lead to better search engine rankings. Additionally, the theme works well with popular SEO plugins like Yoast SEO, enabling further optimization of your site’s content and structure.
  • Multi-language Support: It is compatible with translation plugins like WPML and Polylang, allowing you to offer your content in multiple languages and reach a wider audience.

Elementor Hello Theme Pros and Cons

Here are the pros and cons of using the Elementor Hello Theme:


  • Easy to use
  • Flexible and customizable
  • Mobile responsive design
  • WooCommerce compatibility
  • Free to use


  • Some features require additional plugins
  • It can be slow on some hosting providers

Elementor Hello Theme Pricing

Elementor Hello Theme is forever free to use.

8. Avada Theme

Avada Theme

If you’re looking for a versatile and feature-rich WordPress theme, Avada Theme is a great option. It has been around since 2012 and is continuously updated to keep up with the latest design trends and technology.

Avada Theme Key Features

  • Easy-to-use: A drag-and-drop page builder that makes it easy to create custom layouts
  • Pre-built Templates: There are over 70 pre-built website designs to choose from
  • Compatibility: Compatibility with popular WordPress plugins like WooCommerce and Gravity Forms
  • Responsive Design: A responsive design that looks great on all devices
  • Highly Customizable: Customizable headers and footers
  • SEO Options: Avada has built-in SEO optimization tools to ensure your pages are search engine optimized.

Avada Theme Pros and Cons

Like any WordPress theme, Avada Theme has its pros and cons. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of using Avada Theme:


  • A wide range of features and customization options
  • A powerful page builder that makes it easy to create custom layouts
  • Built-in support for WooCommerce and other popular plugins
  • Regularly updated to keep up with the latest WordPress trends and technology
  • Excellent documentation and support


  • It can be overwhelming for beginners due to the wide range of options and features.
  • The page builder can be slow to load on some sites
  • Some users have reported issues with compatibility with specific plugins.

Avada Pricing

Avada is a premium WordPress theme, which means it has a price tag. A regular license costs $69, which includes lifetime updates and six months of support. You can purchase an extended support package for an additional fee if you need more support.

9. Genesis Framework

Genesis Framework

Genesis Framework is a popular WordPress theme framework that offers a wide range of features and customization options. It is a great alternative to the Astra theme.

Genesis Framework Key Features

  • SEO optimized: Genesis Framework is designed with SEO in mind, making optimizing your website for search engines easy.
  • Mobile responsive: The theme is mobile responsive, ensuring your website looks great on all devices.
  • Customizable: Genesis Framework offers customization options, including custom widgets, page templates, and theme options.
  • Fast loading: The theme is optimized for speed, ensuring your website loads quickly.
  • Secure: Genesis Framework is built with security in mind, making it a safe and secure option for your website.
  • Developer-friendly: The theme is designed to be developer-friendly, with a wide range of hooks and filters for customization.

Genesis Framework Pros and Cons


  • Wide range of customization options
  • SEO optimized
  • Mobile responsive
  • Fast loading
  • Secure
  • Developer-friendly


  • Limited free child themes
  • The steep learning curve for beginners

Genesis Framework Pricing

Genesis Framework is free when you host on WP Engine or Flywheel. You can subscribe to Genesis Pro for more advanced features, which costs $360 yearly.

Why Should You Consider an Alternative to Astra Theme?

Astra is a popular theme that offers various customization options and is known for its speed and performance.

While the Astra theme is highly regarded for its flexibility, speed, and extensive customization options, it does have some limitations.

Firstly, Astra’s advanced features and customization options are only available through the Astra Pro plugin or additional add-ons. While Astra is compatible with many popular plugins, achieving certain functionalities may require third-party plugins.

Although Astra offers customization options for headers and footers, it lacks the advanced drag-and-drop builder in themes like Kadence WP. Users looking for highly intricate header and footer designs might find Astra’s capabilities somewhat restrictive.

While extensive, Astra’s pre-built templates and design options can sometimes feel limiting if you want to create a unique or unconventional website design.

Although Astra is user-friendly, beginners might find the extensive customization options overwhelming.

Some users might find that feature updates and new additions are slower than those of other rapidly evolving themes. While Astra is regularly updated for compatibility and security, significant new features might not be introduced as frequently.

Another limitation of Astra is that it might not suit everyone’s needs. Astra is a lightweight theme designed to work well with page builders like Elementor and Beaver Builder. If you are not using a page builder, you might not be able to take advantage of Astra’s features.

Choosing the Right Platform

Several factors must be considered when choosing the right platform for your website.

Here are some key considerations to keep in mind:

1. Your Website Goals

Before you choose a platform, it’s crucial to determine your website goals. Are you looking to create a blog, an online store, a portfolio, or a corporate website?

Different platforms offer different features and functionality, so choosing a platform that aligns with your goals is essential.

2. Ease of Use

Another essential factor to consider is ease of use. If you’re new to website building, you’ll want a platform that is easy to navigate and use. Look for platforms with intuitive interfaces and drag-and-drop functionality.

3. Customization Options

Customization options are also important. You’ll want a platform to customize your website to suit your brand and aesthetic. Look for platforms with various themes and templates and customization options for fonts, colors, and layouts.

4. SEO Friendliness

Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for driving traffic to your website. Look for SEO-friendly platforms with features such as customizable meta tags, clean code, and fast load times.

5. Support and Community

Finally, consider the support and community offered by the platform. Look for platforms with active communities, support forums, and responsive customer support. This can be especially important if you run into technical issues or have questions about using the platform.

Final Thoughts on Astra Theme Alternatives

While the Astra theme remains popular for many WordPress users, exploring its alternatives can provide unique advantages depending on your specific requirements.

Kadence WP is the best alternative due to its advanced header and footer builder, dynamic content options, and built-in performance enhancements. It is an excellent choice for those seeking flexibility and speed.

Developed by Elegant Themes, Divi Theme is a highly versatile and popular WordPress theme that caters to a wide range of website needs. Known for its powerful drag-and-drop page builder and extensive customization options, Divi makes it easy for users of all skill levels to create stunning and functional websites without needing any coding knowledge.

Finally, the Elementor Hello Theme offers a minimalist, blank canvas that pairs perfectly with the Elementor page builder, giving users unparalleled design freedom and performance optimization.

By considering these alternatives, you can find a theme that aligns with your vision and enhances your WordPress experience, ensuring you build a website that meets your goals efficiently and effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions on Astra Theme Alternatives

What are some free alternatives to the Astra WordPress theme?

Some popular free themes are Kadence WP, Elementor Hello Theme, GeneratePress, and OceanWP. These themes offer a range of features and customization options that can help you create a professional-looking website without spending a dime.

Which WordPress themes are considered the best competitors to Astra?

These themes include the Kadence WP Theme, Elementor Hello Theme, GeneratePress, and OceanWP. These themes offer similar features and customization options and are known for their high performance and ease of use.

How does the Kadence WP theme compare to Astra in terms of features and performance?

Both Kadence WP and Astra excel in features and performance, making them top choices for WordPress users. But Kadence WP stands out with its advanced header and footer builder, dynamic content options, and built-in performance enhancements.

Can GeneratePress be a suitable replacement for the Astra theme for professional websites?

GeneratePress is a lightweight WordPress theme often considered a suitable replacement for the Astra theme. It offers a range of customization options and is known for its fast loading times and optimized code. It also has a built-in page builder and supports WooCommerce integration, making it an excellent choice for professional websites.

In terms of customization and ease of use, how does the Neve theme stand up against Astra?

Neve is a lightweight WordPress theme known for its ease of use. It has a built-in page builder and supports WooCommerce integration. It also has a range of pre-built demos and templates to help you get started quickly. Regarding customization, Neve offers a range of easy-to-use options, making it an excellent option for beginners.

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