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The Ultimate Guide to Succeeding Alone in Business in 2024



The Ultimate Guide to Succeeding Alone in Business in 2024

What is a solopreneur? And how do you become one?

Well, in this post, we’re diving into the world of solopreneurship to help you get started.

You’ll learn:

  • The difference between a solopreneur and an entrepreneur
  • Pros and cons of solopreneurship
  • A step-by-step guide to becoming a solopreneur
  • Plus, solopreneur business ideas you can start today.

Let’s get started.

What is a Solopreneur?

A solopreneur is a person who starts a business by themself, without a partner, and the need for hiring employees.

What is a Solopreneur?

Merriam-Webster defines it as:

One who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise without the help of a partner : a solo entrepreneur.

They typically bootstrap their business using their own money and manage all aspects of the business needs to make a profit.

This might involve sales, marketing, product development, managing finances, and customer satisfaction.

Solopreneur vs Entrepreneur

Now, you might be asking, “What’s the difference between a solopreneur and an entrepreneur?”

Solopreneur vs EntrepreneurSolopreneur vs Entrepreneur

Here are the key distinctions between the two. Knowing these can also help you choose which one to pursue.


A solopreneur and an entrepreneur have slightly different intentions when launching a business. The solopreneur starts a business so they can work for themselves, make extra money, and work on something they’re passionate about.

Solopreneurs often start a side hustle while working a regular job, hoping their business will take over their salary.

The entrepreneur generally starts a business for growth, scalability, and profit. They may also be driven by having an impact on a market.

Entrepreneurs might start as solopreneurs in the beginning but with an aim to expand. They may also have an exit strategy in mind from the very beginning, whereas solopreneurs rarely start to sell the business.


Solopreneurs don’t hire employees as they aim to manage all aspects of the business themselves. But, they might hire a freelancer, independent contractor, or virtual assistant for specific daily tasks.

The solopreneur doesn’t usually seek investments either, as their startups are self-funded.

Entrepreneurs will build a team of employees and seek investments so they can expand the business quickly.

Most entrepreneurs don’t want to be working in the business but rather focus on their vision and creative direction.


The focus of a solopreneur is primarily to create a lifestyle business. They might also want to achieve financial independence and work on things they love.

Many solopreneurs are simply driven by their interests. For example, an artist might want to spend more time painting, so they research ways to monetize their work.

When their art business makes more money than their job, they can leave and focus on painting full-time. They’ve turned their hobby into a business.

Whereas the entrepreneur might have a passion for growth, innovation, impact, or for business itself. The businesses they start can be varied, and they don’t necessarily have to be passionate about their niche.

Pros and Cons of Solopreneurship

Like any venture, business model, or career choice, there are advantages and disadvantages.

Here’s what you need to know when becoming a solopreneur.

Solopreneurship Pros

  1. The introverts dream. Solopreneurship can be very appealing to introverts or those who like working alone.
  2. Total autonomy. You have complete control over business decisions, projects you work on, and the people you serve.
  3. Flexibility. It provides total freedom regarding the hours you work and your location.
  4. Low startup costs. Many solopreneurs can start with a social media account and free marketing tools like Substack.
  5. Passive income. There’s a lot of potential to earn passive income as a solopreneur. Here are some passive income ideas to look into.

Solopreneurship Cons

  1. Workload. Many roles are required to be a successful solopreneur. These include marketing, sales, accounting, and client satisfaction.
  2. Inconsistent income. Revenue can be slow and inconsistent in the beginning.
  3. Isolation. Running a business alone can get pretty lonely sometimes, even for introverts.
  4. Work-life imbalance. It can be hard to switch between work and play, especially when working from home.
  5. Financial responsibility. Financial management can be quite daunting for some people and may lead to failed startups when not managed well.

How to Become a Solopreneur

Here are 9 steps you can take to make the solopreneur journey a breeze.

1. Evaluate Your Skills

Solopreneurship is all about monetizing a skill or what you know. So, the first step is to know what you’re good at.

This is harder than it seems because what we’re good at often comes naturally to us. Therefore, we don’t recognize our own talents.

It could be fixing your diet, graphic design, writing a novel, or dealing with stress.

Start by documenting your life and answering these questions:

  • What are you passionate about that you’ll never get bored with?
  • Have you achieved anything significant that came easy to you?
  • What do you spend the most money on?
  • What do your friends come to you for advice about?

Spend some time journalling or brainstorming things that come to you. Just try to keep it simple.

You don’t have to be an expert to be your own boss. Only a desire to help others who are a few steps behind you.

If you’re really stuck, you can choose one of the easiest online businesses to start to get you going.

2. Set Financial Goals

Next up is knowing how much income you want to make.

Solopreneur financial goalsSolopreneur financial goals

Do you want to make a little extra on the side? Or do you want to replace your salary?

There’s no limit to how much you can make when starting an online business as a solopreneur.

But it’s still important to set business goals. Doing so will help you make better decisions and even choose a business model or product to sell.

You’ll want to establish short-term and long-term financial goals. That way, you’ll stay motivated and maintain focus.

3. Choose a Business Model

Your business model is how you deliver your products or services. Establishing one will give you clarity on the direction you can take.

It will also reveal how you’ll generate income, establish risk, and how you might scale if you want to.

We’ll take a deeper dive at specific business ideas later, but these are the main business models to choose from.

  1. Service-based. Things like freelance writing or web design services.
  2. Content creator. Teaching through YouTube, blogs, or online courses.
  3. Coaching. Helping people achieve personal or professional goals.
  4. eCommerce. Selling physical or digital products.
  5. Developer. Launching web or mobile apps.

4. Identify Your Ideal Market

So you have an idea of what you’ll be offering and the business model to deliver it.

But now you need to find an audience who needs it. Skip this step, and you could sell something no one needs.

Market research validates what you have to sell and will help you clarify your offer.

It involves understanding the pain points of your target audience and crafting a compelling solution.

Here are some popular ways to perform market research today:

  1. Forums and communities: Join and engage in niche forums or communities like Facebook groups. Use Google to find these forums or the search feature on Facebook.
  2. Social media: Monitor conversations on social media sites like Twitter and Reddit. Search for niche-related tags to find the right people.
  3. Competitor analysis: Research your competitors to see what pain points they focus on. Analyze the copy on their website and social media channels to gather insights into your audience.
  4. Keyword research: Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMRush to find out what your niche is searching for. This will help you understand what their needs and goals are.
  5. Start a community: Launch a free Facebook Group or community platform like Skool to get to know your audience on a deeper level.

Niching down will always help you find a more passionate audience, so try not to go too broad. You can also read our posts on the best niche markets to get some ideas.

5. Create a Business Plan

According to a study published in Small Business Economics, people who create a business plan are 152% more likely to launch their business .

Develop a business planDevelop a business plan

Another study revealed that companies that plan grow 30% faster than those that don’t plan.

The downfall when planning is that many solopreneurs can get caught up in all the details. However, it doesn’t have to take weeks or months or need to be perfect.

What’s important is getting the fundamentals down on paper.

This notion template is a great place to start, or this Udemy course for a more comprehensive and guided approach.

6. Launch Your Brand

Now, you’ll want to define the identity of your brand. This includes the name, logo, and messaging to attract the right people to your business.

The easiest route is to use your name and start your business as a personal brand.

But if you intend on scaling your business or selling it as an entrepreneur, you might want to start a professional brand instead.

Either way, start by brainstorming ideas and checking for domain availability and social media handles.

You might want to register your business legally at this point, too.

If you have design skills, a simple logo might be sufficient enough. You can also hire a designer on Upwork to design your logo and brand identity professionally.

Lastly, you’ll need to tailor your brand messaging to resonate with your audience. A great book on this subject is Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller.

7. Establish an Online Presence

The next step to solopreneur success is forming a coherent online presence. These will be the places where you market yourself, publish content, and deliver your offerings.

Here are a few things you’ll need to set up:

  1. A website: You can build a simple site using WordPress or Shopify if you sell products.
  2. Social media channels: Sign up and claim your social media handles on the main sites. These include Facebook, X, Instagram, Pinterest, Medium, and YouTube.
  3. Email list: Use ConvertKit or a newsletter service like Substack to start building an email list. The earlier you start this, the better.
  4. Blog: If you like writing, you can also start to publish articles that attract organic visitors through search engines.

You don’t have to be active on all these channels at once. Just set them up so no one else takes your username, then choose a channel your audience uses most.

As a solopreneur, it’s possible to grow your business by sticking to one channel.

8. Develop a Digital Marketing Strategy

Marketing is how you’ll raise awareness of the problems your niche experiences and how you can help solve them.

Solopreneur marketing strategySolopreneur marketing strategy

To do this effectively, you need a strategy.

You’ll want to decide which platform to spend most of your time on. As a solopreneur, there’s only you, so trying to juggle multiple channels will spread you thin.

The strategy is to publish content at each level of the funnel.

Using the AIDA formula is a good place to start:

A: Grab the audience’s Attention with well-crafted headlines
I: Create Interest by communicating pain points. This will help grow followers or subscribers.
D: Create Desire by emphasizing the desired state for potential customers.
A: Provide a call to Action to drive conversions and sales.

You can check out the 1-Page Marketing Plan for this. It will help you define a comprehensive marketing strategy on a single page.

9. Never Stop Learning

Lastly, you’ll make your journey so much easier when you become a continuous learner and adopt a success mindset.

You can read the best audiobooks for business, take Udemy courses, or even join an online community.

Some great books for solopreneurs include The Lean Startup, Company of One, and Alex Hormozi’s books.

Solopreneur Business Ideas

There are tons of different types of businesses you can start as a solopreneur.

Choosing one will depend on your skills, passions, available resources, and market needs.

Here’s a quick look at some one-person business ideas to give you some inspiration:

  • App developer: Creating mobile or web apps like habit trackers or even games.
  • Blogger: Publishing content on Medium, Quora, Twitter, or a WordPress blog.
  • Paid newsletter subscription: Sharing your insights and knowledge through a platform like Substack or Beehiiv.
  • Copywriter: Offering copywriting as a freelancer on Upwork on your website.
  • Digital products: Sell your knowledge in the form of digital products on Gumroad or Systeme.
  • eCommerce: Sell physical products through Amazon FBA, Etsy, or a Shopify store.
  • YouTuber: Share your knowledge and monetize with YouTube affiliate marketing and ads.
  • Start a community: Create a Skool community and charge a monthly subscription.

Solopreneur in Conclusion

Becoming a solopreneur has many advantages when starting a business. Unlike entrepreneurship, you get to work alone, choose your hours, and only work on things you love.

Don’t expect things to go perfectly, though. Achieving success in any business venture takes time and dedication.

If you want to connect with others on their solopreneur journey, consider joining the Niche Pursuits Community. You’ll get access to weekly calls from successful bloggers, YouTubers, and 7- and 8-figure digital business owners.

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Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang Praises Nuclear Energy to Power AI



Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang Praises Nuclear Energy to Power AI

By 2027, it could require as much energy to power AI per year as it currently does to keep the lights on in Sweden or the Netherlands.

As big tech companies like Meta and Google build out costly AI infrastructure, the CEO of AI chip maker Nvidia, the third-largest company in the world by market cap, says the answer to the world’s energy needs could be nuclear.

Related: Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang’s Biggest Worry Shows that Success Has a Downside

“Nuclear is a wonderful way forward as one of the sources of energy, one of the sources of sustainable energy,” Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang told Bloomberg on Friday. “It won’t be the only one. We’re going to need energy from all sources and balance the availability and the cost of energy as well as the sustainability over time.”

Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang. Photo Credit: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Huang also told reporters that though AI will use more electricity, it will compensate for it with “incredible productivity.”

Huang’s remarks follow the news that Microsoft is reopening Three Mile Island, a nuclear station that has been closed for five years. Other AI leaders, like OpenAI’s Sam Altman, have said that nuclear power is one solution to AI’s energy demands. Altman has even invested $375 million into Helion Energy, a startup working to build the world’s first nuclear fusion power plant.

Related: Will It Take Nuclear Power to Sustain AI? Microsoft Is Betting on It.

It’s undeniable that AI takes considerable energy to power. Google’s 2024 environmental report, released in July, showed a nearly 50% jump in emissions. Google attributed the bulk of the increase to energy needed for data centers and its supply chain.

“As we further integrate AI into our products, reducing emissions may be challenging due to increasing energy demands from the greater intensity of AI compute,” Google stated in the report.

Nvidia holds between 70% and 95% of the AI chip market. Its four biggest clients, which comprise over 40% of its revenue, are Meta, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft.

Nvidia’s market cap was $2.953 trillion at the time of writing.

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This Minimalist Lamp Lets You Pick From 16 Million+ Lighting Colors for Maximum Productivity



This Minimalist Lamp Lets You Pick From 16 Million+ Lighting Colors for Maximum Productivity

Disclosure: Our goal is to feature products and services that we think you’ll find interesting and useful. If you purchase them, Entrepreneur may get a small share of the revenue from the sale from our commerce partners.

Did you know that the lighting in your company and home office can affect your productivity as well as your mental health? It’s probably not surprising then that the typically harsh overhead lighting doesn’t do you any favors.

If you want to create a more productive or upbeat work vibe, whether you’re in the office or working from home, this sleek corner floor lamp can help. It arrives with more than 16 million lighting colors, multicolor lighting effects, and a handy remote control for only $59.97 (reg. $149). This offer is only valid until the end of the day.

The easiest upgrade for your office

This floor lamp fits comfortably in the corner of your company office space, living room, and home office, taking up little floor space thanks to its minimalist design. It also arrives in a sleek black metal construction that blends in with the rest of your office or home decor, while its weighted rubber bottom provides a buffer between your floor.

Since it comes with more than 16 million colors to choose from and 300+ multicolor effects, what color will you select for your workday?

It utilizes soft-whtie integrated LEDs for more ambient lighting, but you can choose blue if you’re dealing with numerous administrative tasks and need complete focus. If you’re a solopreneur trying to develop a new business strategy, select yellow to get your creative juices flowing. When you’re ready to change the vibe, the included remote control lets you conveniently shuffle between all options to find the proper lighting for your workday needs.

Improve your daily productivity with a quick change in your lights.

Add this minimalist corner floor lamp with 16+ million light colors to your office for just $59.97. You have until the end of today, September 29 at 11:59 PM Pacific, to scoop up this deal.

StackSocial prices subject to change.

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Tired of Getting Work Calls After Hours? Try This.



Tired of Getting Work Calls After Hours? Try This.

Disclosure: Our goal is to feature products and services that we think you’ll find interesting and useful. If you purchase them, Entrepreneur may get a small share of the revenue from the sale from our commerce partners.

Are you like 62% of Americans who, according to HubSpot, say they check their email outside of working hours? We get it. Whether you’re at the bottom of the corporate ladder trying to climb up or the boss whose job never ends, it can be hard to separate work from your personal life—especially when they both live on your phone.

That’s why some business professionals are getting a second phone for work. Consider this credit-card-size smartphone as a reliable option. It’s way more compact than the new iPhones and far more affordable at only $99.97 (reg. $199.99) for a limited time. And it ships free.

Why get a second phone?

The NanoPhone will help you separate your work and personal lives. Your existing smartphone can be only for your messages, calls, and apps, while the NanoPhone can be a space to download everything you need for work—Gmail, Slack, authenticator apps, and more.

The phone runs on Android 10 OS, so you can download basically any app you need. It also has dual cameras for taking video calls on the go, should you need to do any business correspondence while traveling.

With two separate phones, the odds of refreshing your work email or checking Slack on your day off (or before you go to bed) are far lower. Simply tuck the NanoPhone into your briefcase or purse and try your hardest to forget about it.

Will I need another phone plan?

If you hope to use it independently from your existing phone, yes. You’ll have to purchase a SIM card and a mobile carrier plan.

However, some people use the NanoPhone with their phone’s current SIM card and data plan. This is an excellent option for emergencies, like if you damage your phone and need a backup.

Order your mini smartphone while they’re on sale for $99.97 with free shipping (reg. $199.99). No coupon is needed for this limited-time offer.

StackSocial prices subject to change.

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