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Google Analytics 4 Now Reports On Performance Max & Smart Shopping



Google Analytics is updating reports for GA4 properties with a segment of data counting traffic from Performance Max and Smart Shopping campaigns.

Data from both campaign types are now listed under a new channel group called “cross-network.”

You can access the data by looking for the cross-network channel grouping in any report that displays traffic acquisition from Google Ads sources.

Cross-network is a new channel group you’ll see listed in reports alongside other sources like Organic Search, Paid Search, Paid Social, Display, and others.

Charles Farina of Adswerve spotted and shared this update to GA4 properties on his LinkedIn page.


Advertisers who use GA4 properties to monitor landing pages can now see exactly how much traffic is attributed to Performance Max and Smart Shopping Campaigns.

Depending on your advertising goals, it may be important to isolate Performance Max and Smart Shopping metrics from other Google Ads data.

You can see the data grouped under cross-network, making it easy to determine how much traffic you’re getting from Google Ads’ newest campaign types.

Google Analytics 4 Channel Groupings For Google Ads

With the addition of cross-network, here’s a complete list of all default channel groupings for Google Ads traffic and what they mean:

  • Paid Search: Google Ads ad network type is “Google Search” or “Google Partners”
  • Paid Video: Google Ads ad network type is “YouTube Search” or “YouTube Videos”
  • Display: Google Ads ad network type is “Google Display Network”
  • Cross-network: Includes Performance Max and Smart Shopping
  • Paid Social: Google Ads ad network type is “Social”

Source: Google Analytics Help

Featured Image: Kaspars Grinvalds/Shutterstock

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