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Inspiring Content Personalization Examples For B2B



Inspiring Content Personalization Examples For B2B

Today’s consumers don’t just enjoy content personalization – they expect it.

Yet, far too often, we think adding <firstname> to our email headlines is all it takes to personalize well.

In this article, we’ll look at why personalization matters, and how to get started implementing personalization across your customer journey.

Why Personalize?

Personalization is all about cutting down the noise and delivering exactly what your customer or client needs to hear.

It’s a way to make a deeper and more meaningful connection with the people you’re trying to reach.

From a business perspective, personalization has a huge return on investment (ROI).

Epsilon research found that when companies use personalization in their content, 80% of customers are more likely to make a purchase.

And according to Google research, a highly personalized shopping experience makes customers 40% more likely to spend more than they had originally planned.

If you want to create high-performing content that delights and engages your customers, personalization is key.

Metadata Is The Key To Personalization

The backbone of any personalization strategy is data.

Metadata is simply information about your data. Why is this important?

Well, to personalize content, you need to connect your customers to the correct content, which means you need data about both customers and content.

Once you collect customer data, you can use this information to create custom content.

Tagging Content

The more information you have about our content, the easier it will be to direct it to the right audience.

One way to do this is by tagging your content with information like audience, persona, funnel stage, and campaign.

You can tag content in many CMS (content management systems) like HubSpot.

Email Personalization

Email is a terrific area to begin incorporating some content personalization.

Adding first names to email subjects is a common place to start, but there’s so much more you can do.

Let’s look at some examples.

If a tech company sends out a marketing email to its entire email list promoting a sale, that’s pretty good.

But what would be better is sending out a promotional email to different groups based on their persona. This way you can personalize the content based on interest.

Instead of sending a generic “thank you” email after someone downloads a resource, send them an email suggesting more content related to what they downloaded.

We sent this email to prospective customers who may be interested in this white paper based on their persona.

Screenshot from author, November 2022

Website History

With some basic analytics, you can discover which website pages your potential clients are spending the most time on.

And if they submit an email address for a newsletter or download, you can follow along their exact journey on your website.

Using this data you can create personalized emails that specifically target the information they’re interacting with.

Now, this strategy isn’t scalable, and it would take way too much time to track every single prospect.

But for B2B businesses, it’s worth it to analyze your prospect journeys and make note of any potentially large and in-target customers.

A few well-placed emails to an already interested prospect can make a world of difference.


If your business is international, you can create marketing emails that reflect the local seasons and holidays of your customers.

More important than trying to recognize each holiday on the planet is simply to recognize that your customers don’t all live in the same area.

I would suggest that not sending a “Welcome Summer” email to your Australian customers at the beginning of June is actually a form of personalization.

Instead, make sure any references to holidays, sports, and weather are relevant to the location where you’re sending the email.

This is a great way to show that you understand the global nature of your business.


Instead of offering all of your products or services to customers, help them discover content focused on what they’re already interested in.

This could be as simple as asking which topics they’d like to learn more about on an email sign-up form.

You can also use data about what your customers have already purchased, pages they’ve viewed, and videos they’ve watched to set up an interest-based workflow.

Here’s an example of a marketing email we sent out after a conference. Based on which link the recipient clicked, they were put into a workflow customized to their interests.

email personalization exampleScreenshot from author, November 2022


Personalizing content based on persona is especially important for B2B organizations.

The messaging we use to communicate with C-suite professionals is different than how we present our message to technical writers.

Your different target audiences will have different challenges and pain points.

Hopefully, you’re already keeping this in mind when creating your content and tagging it accordingly.

Once you do this, you can easily pull together content for each persona and create an email sequence that speaks directly to them.

Website Content Personalization

Buyers Journey

Do you know where your potential customers are on the buyer’s journey?

Someone who’s just hearing about your product for the first time is going to want different information than someone who’s deep in the middle of researching potential options.

You need to make sure that you’re creating a variety of content that reaches the top of the funnel prospects all the way to the bottom of the funnel.

Once you have this content created, you can share it with the appropriate audience. One way to do this is by suggesting more articles to read that are for a similar place in the funnel.

CTA Customization

Calls to action (CTAs) offer your potential customers a clear way to respond to your content and help move them down the funnel.

You should be testing out different CTAs and noting which ones work best.

You can use customized CTAs to deliver a highly-personalized action step.

This first example is a basic CTA. It’s good, but it’s very general.

ad personalization exampleImage created by author via Canva, November 2022

This CTA is personalized. We know that Jim is interested specifically in laptops, so we personalize the message for him.

Alternate ad personalization exampleImage created by author via Canva, November 2022

Personalization Tools

Creating customized content can seem overwhelming at first, so it’s best to pick one area and test it until you learn what works well for your organization.

And there are plenty of tools out there to help you enable personalization in your content, such as Keystone, Recombee, and Algolia.

The editorial staff also recommends Piano Analytics + Activation.


Begin by solidifying buyer personas and creating contact lists based on them. From there, you could easily create a segmented email campaign.

Soon you’ll be on your way to cultivating better customer experiences.

And once you begin to see the power of personalization in your content, you’ll never go back.

More resources: 

Featured Image: Mix and Match Studio/Shutterstock

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Executive Director Of WordPress Resigns




WordPress Executive Director Josepha Haden Chomphosy resigns,

Josepha Haden Chomphosy, Executive Director of the WordPress Project, officially announced her resignation, ending a nine-year tenure. This comes just two weeks after Matt Mullenweg launched a controversial campaign against a managed WordPress host, which responded by filing a federal lawsuit against him and Automattic.

She posted an upbeat notice on her personal blog, reaffirming her belief in the open source community as  positive economic force as well as the importance of strong opinions that are “loosely  held.”

She wrote:

“This week marks my last as the Executive Director of the WordPress project. My time with WordPress has transformed me, both as a leader and an advocate. There’s still more to do in our shared quest to secure a self-sustaining future of the open source project that we all love, and my belief in our global community of contributors remains unchanged.

…I still believe that open source is an idea that can transform generations. I believe in the power of a good-hearted group of people. I believe in the importance of strong opinions, loosely held. And I believe the world will always need the more equitable opportunities that well-maintained open source can provide: access to knowledge and learning, easy-to-join peer and business networks, the amplification of unheard voices, and a chance to tap into economic opportunity for those who weren’t born into it.”

Turmoil At WordPress

The resignation comes amidst the backdrop of a conflict between WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg and the managed WordPress web host WP Engine, which has brought unprecedented turmoil within the WordPress community, including a federal lawsuit filed by WP Engine accusing Mullenweg of attempted extortion.

Resignation News Was Leaked

The news about the resignation was leaked on October 2nd by the founder of the WordPress news site WP Tavern (now owned by Matt Mullenweg), who tweeted that he had spoken with Josepha that evening, who announced her resignation.

He posted:

“I spoke with Josepha tonight. I can confirm that she’s no longer at Automattic.

She’s working on a statement for the community. She’s in good spirits despite the turmoil.”

Screenshot Of Deleted Tweet

Josepha tweeted the following response the next day:

“Ok, this is not how I expected that news to come to y’all. I apologize that this is the first many of you heard of it. Please don’t speculate about anything.”

Rocky Period For WordPress

While her resignation was somewhat of an open secret it’s still a significant event because of recent events at WordPress, including the resignations of 8.4% of Automattic employees as a result of an offer of a generous severance package to all employees who no longer wished to work  there.

Read the official announcement:

Thank you, WordPress

Featured Image by Shutterstock/Wirestock Creators

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8% Of Automattic Employees Choose To Resign




8% Of Automattic Employees Choose To Resign

WordPress co-founder and Automattic CEO announced today that he offered Automattic employees the chance to resign with a severance pay and a total of 8.4 percent. Mullenweg offered $30,000 or six months of salary, whichever one is higher, with a total of 159 people taking his offer.

Reactions Of Automattic Employees

Given the recent controversies created by Mullenweg, one might be tempted to view the walkout as a vote of no-confidence in Mullenweg. But that would be a mistake because some of the employees announcing their resignations either praised Mullenweg or simply announced their resignation while many others tweeted how happy they are to stay at Automattic.

One former employee tweeted that he was sad about recent developments but also praised Mullenweg and Automattic as an employer.

He shared:

“Today was my last day at Automattic. I spent the last 2 years building large scale ML and generative AI infra and products, and a lot of time on robotics at night and on weekends.

I’m going to spend the next month taking a break, getting married, and visiting family in Australia.

I have some really fun ideas of things to build that I’ve been storing up for a while. Now I get to build them. Get in touch if you’d like to build AI products together.”

Another former employee, Naoko Takano, is a 14 year employee, an organizer of WordCamp conferences in Asia, a full-time WordPress contributor and Open Source Project Manager at Automattic announced on X (formerly Twitter) that today was her last day at Automattic with no additional comment.

She tweeted:

“Today was my last day at Automattic.

I’m actively exploring new career opportunities. If you know of any positions that align with my skills and experience!”

Naoko’s role at at WordPress was working with the global WordPress community to improve contributor experiences through the Five for the Future and Mentorship programs. Five for the Future is an important WordPress program that encourages organizations to donate 5% of their resources back into WordPress. Five for the Future is one of the issues Mullenweg had against WP Engine, asserting that they didn’t donate enough back into the community.

Mullenweg himself was bittersweet to see those employees go, writing in a blog post:

“It was an emotional roller coaster of a week. The day you hire someone you aren’t expecting them to resign or be fired, you’re hoping for a long and mutually beneficial relationship. Every resignation stings a bit.

However now, I feel much lighter. I’m grateful and thankful for all the people who took the offer, and even more excited to work with those who turned down $126M to stay. As the kids say, LFG!”

Read the entire announcement on Mullenweg’s blog:

Automattic Alignment

Featured Image by Shutterstock/sdx15

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YouTube Extends Shorts To 3 Minutes, Adds New Features




YouTube Extends Shorts To 3 Minutes, Adds New Features

YouTube expands Shorts to 3 minutes, adds templates, AI tools, and the option to show fewer Shorts on the homepage.

  • YouTube Shorts will allow 3-minute videos.
  • New features include templates, enhanced remixing, and AI-generated video backgrounds.
  • YouTube is adding a Shorts trends page and comment previews.

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