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Tips For Top-Performing Brand Awareness Campaigns On Facebook Ads



One of the most underrated aspects of social media marketing is our channel’s ability to make a difference in any part of the funnel.

As a whole, social media is a lot like a marketing multi-tool.

Think about it. We may not be the sharpest conversion “knife” in the drawer, especially compared to brand search.

But what we might lack in performance superiority, we more than make up for in our versatility.

We can offer various tools to get the marketing job done, regardless of the objective.

Now, I’ve spent the better part of my career as a social media performance marketer, and I’ll admit it’s still my default way of operating.

But there is an entire world outside of lead generation and traditional “CPC,” and it’s a world that can significantly impact the bottom funnel and the bottom line.

I’m talking about the top of the funnel.

“Brand awareness” campaigns, where the impression numbers are big, but measurable attribution can be small.

And it’s a world where performance marketers may feel a little uncomfortable due to the lack of tangible results.

But just because top-funnel campaigns don’t always drive leads and sales as efficiently or directly doesn’t mean they aren’t a vital part of any balanced digital marketing strategy.

In this article, we will go “up-funnel” and talk about how brand awareness campaigns work on Facebook, and how you can set them up for optimal results.

The Strategic Role Of Brand Awareness

Before we get into campaign details, it’s essential to understand the role of awareness in an overall marketing strategy.

For “full-funnel” marketers, this might be a bit of review, but it’s critical to understand how to make the most of these campaign types.

First, let’s nail the nomenclature.

These campaigns have different names and terms that I may use interchangeably in this article.

Brand awareness, brand, awareness, top-funnel, upper-funnel, and TOFU are just a few ways marketers refer to these campaigns.

Image created by author, April 2022marketing funnel

In the easiest strategic terms, brand awareness campaigns aim to introduce your target audience to your brand.

This is accomplished by running introductory and memorable creative to a broad audience.

Think of the funnel stages the way you would dating.

You can run conversion campaigns exclusively.

But it’s the marketing equivalent of walking up to someone and asking them to go out with you – no introduction, no discussion, just right in for the sale.

Sure, that can work if you have “high-intent” customers/singles.

But your chances of successfully closing the deal are higher if you introduce yourself and break down some of those initial barriers.

Where conversion or lead generation campaigns at the bottom of the funnel aim to get people to take action, brand awareness campaigns are meant to introduce you, familiarize you, and get you to stick in the minds of your customers.

Seems pretty straightforward, right?

It is, but the measurement is less definitive than campaigns at the bottom of the funnel.

Measuring Brand Awareness Campaigns The Right Way

Measuring a sale or lead in digital marketing is pretty straightforward.

Brand awareness success lies in more “squishy” and less concrete KPIs.

Here are a few that you should keep an eye on as you’re evaluating success:

Impressions and Reach

This one is simple. We want to serve as many impressions and reach as many people as possible.

Frequency (Impressions/Reach)

We can’t always expect our audience to see or absorb our ad’s content on the first impression.

Sometimes it takes two, three, or 10.

Frequency refers to the average number of times a person in your audience has seen an ad over a given period. The higher, the better.

However, high frequencies could signal over-delivery and potential wear out.

CPM (Cost Per 1,000 Impressions)

If the goal of brand awareness is to get in front of your audience and stay there, we’d like to do this for the most efficient cost possible.

A low CPM is vital to maintain efficiency and maximize your ad’s “staying power.”

Video Engagement

If the creative you’re running in your upper-funnel campaign is video, you’ll have access to a host of specialty metrics that will help you better understand how your message is consumed.

We’ll cover these specifically for Facebook below.

Facebook & Upper Funnel Campaigns: Which Objective To Choose?

Facebook gives advertisers several options when executing awareness or upper-funnel campaigns on the platform. In fact, it can be a little confusing.

Not only are there a few campaign types that apply to what we’re trying to accomplish, but they might appear in a different “Consideration” section.

Without getting into a marketing philosophical debate, there is often some grey between awareness and consideration.

For our purposes, “Video Views” are included as an upper-funnel objective.

campaign objectives on facebook ads

campaign objectives on facebook ads

Generally speaking, you can’t go wrong with selecting either Brand Awareness, Reach, or Video Views as an objective for an upper-funnel campaign.

But there will be subtle differences between the three regarding which KPIs are prioritized.

As Facebook marketers know, the platform is very good at optimizing campaigns to get desired results.

Here are the differences:

Objective Description/Optimization KPI
Reach Shown to as many people within the audience as possible CPM / Reach Volume
Brand Awareness Shown to people within the audience most likely to recall the ad Ad Recall Lift
Video Views Shown to people most likely to watch/complete the video Cost per View


  • Run this to show your ads to the widest audience, as cheaply as possible, as often as possible.
  • Measure this by CPM and Impression, Reach Volume.
  • Superpower: Unlike the other two upper-funnel objectives, you can set the average frequency goal for Reach campaigns
  • Watch out for poor engagement and click metrics. These campaigns are designed to be cheap and broad, and you will not see the same amount of clicks or video views/completes as you would if you chose another objective.

Brand Awareness

  • Run this to show your ads efficiently to people who are more likely to recall them.
  • Measure this by CPM and Ad Recall Lift.
  • Superpower: Brand Awareness is the only campaign objective that gives advertisers access to a unique metric called “Estimated ad recall lift (people).” It shows how many people Facebook estimates would remember your ad if asked within two days.
  • Watch out for the Estimated ad recall lift metric and its translatability to other brand awareness metrics across different channels. This is a Facebook-specific metric and may not mean much outside the platform.

In addition to the specialized “Estimated ad recall lift (people)” metric, any Facebook campaign spending at least $30,000 or more over its duration is eligible for a Brand Survey Test.

This Brand Survey Test is available in the “Experiments” section of your ad account’s ads manager and allows you to ask up to two preset questions to help determine the brand lift of your ad campaign.

  • Standard Ad Recall (Required) – Do you recall seeing an ad for [page] online or on a mobile device in the last two days?
  • A Second, Optional Questions

brand survey test second optional question

brand survey test second optional question

Video Views

  • Run this to maximize video engagement and drive the lowest cost per 3-second video view.
  • Measure this by CPM and CPV.
  • Superpower: Video View campaigns will optimize to video performance metrics, showing the ads to people more likely to watch them longer and more often.
  • Watch out for CPMs. Video views tend to be more expensive to run (comparatively) than Reach or Brand Awareness. And if video completion or view counts are not as important to you as Impressions or Reach, you may want to opt for another option.

Facebook Video Performance Metrics

Regardless of whether you’ve chosen a Video View optimization, all campaigns with video have access to special video metrics. Facebook has a lot of them, but here are a few you should focus on.


The number of times your video plays to completion, or for at least 15 seconds.

This is also the closest comparable metric to those used by other ad platforms like Google.

Cost Per ThruPlay

The average cost for each ThruPlay.

This metric is calculated as the total amount spent divided by the number of ThruPlays.

Video Plays at 100% (Completions)

The number of times your video played at 100% of its length, including plays that skipped to this point.

Video Average Play Time

The average amount of time a video was played, including any time spent replaying the video for a single impression.

Retargeting: Adding Value To Brand Awareness Campaigns

By raising your target audience’s awareness of your brand, you should improve their likelihood of converting further down the funnel.

That’s why identification of people within your audience influenced by your brand awareness campaign is important.

These potential hand raisers can be retargeted campaigns to move further down the conversion funnel.

Thankfully, Facebook’s wealth of behavioral retargeting options gives you plenty of ways to segment potential would-be customers.

You can learn more about these retargeting options in this article by Tim Jensen, but here are a few you should focus on.

Video Views

Create an audience of people who have watched a percentage of your campaign’s video. The longer they’ve viewed, the higher their intent could be.

Ad/Post Engagers

Create an audience of people who have interacted with your ads or posts within a given period. This engagement could signal their interest in learning more and moving down the funnel.

Website Visitors (With a Twist)

Create an audience of people who have visited your website within a given period.

More specifically, use the exact landing page URL with UTMs to make sure you’re matching 1:1 with the audience you targeted with your brand awareness campaign.


Brand awareness campaigns are critical to familiarizing your brand to your target audience.

Facebook offers many options for executing upper-funnel goals and providing value for full-funnel marketing campaigns.

Reach, brand awareness, and video views are the main campaign objectives you’ll want to use, but they optimize to different things.

Always remember:

  • If you want cheap impressions and the ability to control frequency, go for reach.
  • If you want to deliver to audiences Facebook believes more likely to remember you, choose brand awareness.
  • If you want to maximize the amount and quality of your video engagement, pick video views.

More resources:

Featured Image: kenary820/Shutterstock


if( typeof sopp !== “undefined” && sopp === ‘yes’ ){
fbq(‘dataProcessingOptions’, [‘LDU’], 1, 1000);
fbq(‘dataProcessingOptions’, []);

fbq(‘init’, ‘1321385257908563’);

fbq(‘track’, ‘PageView’);

fbq(‘trackSingle’, ‘1321385257908563’, ‘ViewContent’, {
content_name: ‘facebook-brand-awareness-ads’,
content_category: ‘facebook paid-media-strategy ‘

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HubSpot Rolls Out AI-Powered Marketing Tools




HubSpot Rolls Out AI-Powered Marketing Tools

HubSpot announced a push into AI this week at its annual Inbound marketing conference, launching “Breeze.”

Breeze is an artificial intelligence layer integrated across the company’s marketing, sales, and customer service software.

According to HubSpot, the goal is to provide marketers with easier, faster, and more unified solutions as digital channels become oversaturated.

Karen Ng, VP of Product at HubSpot, tells Search Engine Journal in an interview:

“We’re trying to create really powerful tools for marketers to rise above the noise that’s happening now with a lot of this AI-generated content. We might help you generate titles or a blog content…but we do expect kind of a human there to be a co-assist in that.”

Breeze AI Covers Copilot, Workflow Agents, Data Enrichment

The Breeze layer includes three main components.

Breeze Copilot

An AI assistant that provides personalized recommendations and suggestions based on data in HubSpot’s CRM.

Ng explained:

“It’s a chat-based AI companion that assists with tasks everywhere – in HubSpot, the browser, and mobile.”

Breeze Agents

A set of four agents that can automate entire workflows like content generation, social media campaigns, prospecting, and customer support without human input.

Ng added the following context:

“Agents allow you to automate a lot of those workflows. But it’s still, you know, we might generate for you a content backlog. But taking a look at that content backlog, and knowing what you publish is still a really important key of it right now.”

Breeze Intelligence

Combines HubSpot customer data with third-party sources to build richer profiles.

Ng stated:

“It’s really important that we’re bringing together data that can be trusted. We know your AI is really only as good as the data that it’s actually trained on.”

Addressing AI Content Quality

While prioritizing AI-driven productivity, Ng acknowledged the need for human oversight of AI content:

“We really do need eyes on it still…We think of that content generation as still human-assisted.”

Marketing Hub Updates

Beyond Breeze, HubSpot is updating Marketing Hub with tools like:

  • Content Remix to repurpose videos into clips, audio, blogs, and more.
  • AI video creation via integration with HeyGen
  • YouTube and Instagram Reels publishing
  • Improved marketing analytics and attribution

The announcements signal HubSpot’s AI-driven vision for unifying customer data.

But as Ng tells us, “We definitely think a lot about the data sources…and then also understand your business.”

HubSpot’s updates are rolling out now, with some in public beta.

Featured Image: Poetra.RH/Shutterstock

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Holistic Marketing Strategies That Drive Revenue [SaaS Case Study]




Holistic Marketing Strategies That Drive Revenue [SaaS Case Study]

Brands are seeing success driving quality pipeline and revenue growth. It’s all about building an intentional customer journey, aligning sales + marketing, plus measuring ROI. 

Check out this executive panel on-demand, as we show you how we do it. 

With Ryann Hogan, senior demand generation manager at CallRail, and our very own Heather Campbell and Jessica Cromwell, we chatted about driving demand, lead gen, revenue, and proper attribution

This B2B leadership forum provided insights you can use in your strategy tomorrow, like:

  • The importance of the customer journey, and the keys to matching content to your ideal personas.
  • How to align marketing and sales efforts to guide leads through an effective journey to conversion.
  • Methods to measure ROI and determine if your strategies are delivering results.

While the case study is SaaS, these strategies are for any brand.

Watch on-demand and be part of the conversation. 

Join Us For Our Next Webinar!

Navigating SERP Complexity: How to Leverage Search Intent for SEO

Join us live as we break down all of these complexities and reveal how to identify valuable opportunities in your space. We’ll show you how to tap into the searcher’s motivation behind each query (and how Google responds to it in kind).

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What Marketers Need to Learn From Hunter S. Thompson



What Marketers Need to Learn From Hunter S. Thompson

We’ve passed the high-water mark of content marketing—at least, content marketing in its current form.

After thirteen years in content marketing, I think it’s fair to say that most of the content on company blogs was created by people with zero firsthand experience of their subject matter. We have built a profession of armchair commentators, a class of marketers who exist almost entirely in a world of theory and abstraction.

I count myself among their number. I have hundreds of bylines about subfloor moisture management, information security, SaaS pricing models, agency resource management. I am an expert in none of these topics.

This has been the happy reality of content marketing for over a decade, a natural consequence of the incentives created by early Google Search. Historically, being a great content marketer required precisely no subject matter expertise. It was enough to read widely and write quickly.

Mountains of organic traffic have been built on the backs of armchair commentators like myself. Time spent doing deep, detailed research was, generally speaking, wasted, because 80% of the returns came from simply shuffling other people’s ideas around and slapping a few keyword-targeted H2s in the right places.

But this doesn’t work today.

For all of its flaws, generative AI is an excellent, truly world-class armchair commentator. If the job-to-be-done is reading a dozen articles and how-to’s and turning them into something semi-original and fairly coherent, AI really is the best tool for the job. Humans cannot out-copycat generative AI.

Put another way, the role of the content marketer as a curator has been rendered obsolete. So where do we go from here?

“The only way to write honestly about the scene is to be part of it.”
—Hunter S. Thompson, Hell’s Angels“The only way to write honestly about the scene is to be part of it.”
—Hunter S. Thompson, Hell’s Angels

Hunter S. Thompson popularised the idea of gonzo journalism, “a style of journalism that is written without claims of objectivity, often including the reporter as part of the story using a first-person narrative.”

In other words, Hunter was the story.

When asked to cover the rising phenomenon of the Hell’s Angels, he became a Hell’s Angel. During his coverage of the ‘72 presidential campaign, he openly supported his preferred candidate, George McGovern, and actively disparaged Richard Nixon. His chronicle of the Kentucky Derby focused almost entirely on his own debauchery and chaos-making—a story that has outlasted any factual account of the race itself.

In the same vein, content marketers today need to become their stories.

It’s a content marketing truism that it’s unreasonable to expect writers to become experts. There’s a superficial level of truth to that claim—no content marketer can acquire a decade’s worth of experience in a few days or weeks—but there are great benefits awaiting any company willing to challenge that truism very, very seriously.

As Thompson proved, short, intense periods of firsthand experience can yield incredible insights and stories. So what would happen if you radically reduced your content output and dedicated half of your content team’s time to research and experimentation? If their job was doing things worth writing about, instead of just writing? If skin-in-the-game, no matter how small, was a prerequisite of the role?

We’re already seeing this shift.

“The closest analogy to the ideal would be a film director/producer who writes his own scripts, does his own camera work and somehow manages to film himself in action, as the protagonist or at least a main character.”
—Hunter S. Thompson, The Great Shark Hunt“The closest analogy to the ideal would be a film director/producer who writes his own scripts, does his own camera work and somehow manages to film himself in action, as the protagonist or at least a main character.”
—Hunter S. Thompson, The Great Shark Hunt

Every week, I see more companies hiring marketers who are true, bonafide subject matter experts (I include the Ahrefs content team here—for the majority of our team, “writing” is a skill secondary to a decade of hands-on search and marketing experience). They are expensive, hard to find, and in the era of AI, worth every cent.

I see a growing expectation that marketers will document their experiences and experiments on social media, creating meta-content that often outperforms the “real” content. I see more companies willing to share subjective experiences and stories, and avoid competing solely on the sharing of objective, factual information. I see companies spending money to promote the personal brands of in-house creators, actively encouraging parasocial relationships as their corporate brand accounts lay dormant.

These are ideas that made no sense in the old model of content marketing, but they make much more sense today. This level of effort is fast becoming the only way to gain any kind of moat, creating material that doesn’t already exist on a dozen other company blogs.

In the era of information abundance, our need for information is relatively easy to sate; but we have a near-limitless hunger for entertainment, and personal interaction, and weird, pattern-interrupting experiences.

Gonzo content marketing can deliver.

“But what was the story? Nobody had bothered to say. So we would have to drum it up on our own.”
—Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas“But what was the story? Nobody had bothered to say. So we would have to drum it up on our own.”
—Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas


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