PC Game Pass has teamed up with Razer and the blockbuster new HBO Original Series “House of the Dragon,” to create an exclusive, custom gaming throne...
Xbox has teamed up with HBO’s blockbuster new series, “House of the Dragon,” to create an exclusive, custom Xbox Series S console inspired by one of...
Imagine digital transformation in the enterprise as like rebuilding your house. You can do it yourself, assuming you have the necessary time and skills, or you...
Yes, I know that you were burned by the final season of Game of Thrones, in which your favorite character did something so inexplicable that it...
I feel like summer is always a busy season when it comes to the gaming industry – it’s no different in our company, so I wasn’t...
After opening its Effects House AR creation tool to selected developers last August, TikTok is now expanding beta access to all creators, which will help the...
If Meta really wants to re-connect with the youth, and boost its appeal to younger audiences, partnering with Rolling Stone could be one way of going...